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30. Beebe, Katherine Baby play.

Vol. 17, pp. 67-72.

Shows importance of play in child's life.

Kindergarten Rev., 1906.

31. Beede, F. H. The problem of the incorrigible boy. Jour. of Ed., 1906. Vol. 63, p. 335.

32. Berger, Heinrich Kreisarzt und Schulhygiene. L. Voss, Hamburg, 1902. pp. 88.


Die Schularztfrage für höhere Lehranstalten. L. Voss, Hamburg, 1904. pp. 162.

34. Berninger, Johannes Pädagogik und Hygiene; Schul-und Volksgesundheitspflege in der praktischen Berufstätigkeit des Lehrers. L. Voss, Hamburg, 1904. pp. 79.


Schul-und Volkshygiene; eine notwendige Forderung unserer Zeit. L. Voss, Hamburg, 1903. PP. 71.

36. Biesalski,

Was können uie Schulärzte zur Behandlung der skoliotischen Volksschulkinder tun? Zeits. fur Schulgesundheitspflege, 1906. Vol. 19, pp. 545-550; 610-627.

37. Binet, Alfred and Simon, Th. La misère physiologique et la misère sociale. L'Année Psy., 1906. Vol. 12, pp. 1-24.

A study of growth in height and weight of school children. Correlated with mental development, nutrition and social condition.

38. Binet, Alfred and others Recherches de pédagogie scientifique. L'Année Psy., 1906. Vol. 12, pp. 232-274.

Discusses the laboratory school of pedagogy of la rue Grange, aux Bells, and the measure of visual acuity in school children, pedagogic and medical methods, measure of auditory acuity, correct position for writing, better methods of estimating intelligence, the aesthetic sense, etc.

39. Binswanger, O. Ueber den moralischen Schwachsinn, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der kindlichen Altersstufe. Samml. v. Abh. a. d. Geb. d. päd. Psy. u. Physiol., 1906. Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 36.

40. Blanchard, E. F. Child-study. Education, 1906. Vol. 27. pp. 209-215.

41. Boodin, John E. Mind as instinct. Psy. Rev., 1906. Vol. 13, PP. 121-139.

42. Borgquist, Alvin Crying. Am. Jour. of Psy., Apr., 1906. Vol. 17, pp. 149-205.

A classification of crying states, analysis and effects and theories, but not wholly devoted to child study.

43. Boulanger,

[ocr errors]

and Hermant, Paul Association des idées chez les idiots et les imbéciles. A. Vanderhaegen, Ghent, 1906. pp. 137.

44. Bourneville,

and Royer,

Imbécillité prononcée con

génitale. Arch. de Neurol., 1906. Vol. 22, pp. 425-456.

45. Bowne, J. T. Classified bibliography of boy life, and organized work with boys. Internat. Comm. of Y. M. C. A., N. Y. 1906. pp. 36.

√ 46. Boyd, William Changes in handwriting during adolescence. Paidologist, 1906. Vol. 8, pp. 106-109.

47. Bradley, Rose M. The children of Florence. 19th Cent., 1906. Vol. 60, pp. 618-631.


Soft Siena and her children. 19th Cent., 1906. Vol. 60, pp. 57-69.

An interesting article on child life in Siena.

49. Burbank, Luther Cultivate children like flowers. Elem. School Teacher, 1906. Vol. 6, pp. 457-460.

50. Burgerstein, Leo Schulhygiene, B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1906. pp. 138.

51. Burnham, William H. The spelling. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1906.



hygiene and psychology of Vol. 13, pp. 474-501.

The hygiene of the teeth. Ped. Sem., Sept., 1906. Vol. 13, pp. 293-306.

Report of the committee on school hygiene of the Worcester public education association. Ped. Sem., June, 1906. Vol. 13, pp. 230-244.

54. Burnite, Caroline Beginnings of literature for children. Lib. Jour., 1906. Vol. 31, pp. 107-112.


Good and bad books for children. Pub. Lib., 1906. Vol. II, pp. 360-362.

56. Burr, Hanford M. Studies in adolescent boyhood. Seminar, 1906. Vol. 15, pp. 5-16; 45-61; 85-97.


57. Büttner, Georg Beobachtungen über körperliche Rückständigkeit bei geistiger Schwäche. Die Gesundh. der Schule, 1905. Vol. 3, pp. 243-247.




A comparative study of mental weakness and imperfect physical develop


Kurs der medizinischen Psychologie in Giessen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der angebornenen Schwachsinnigen. Die Gesundh. der Schule, 1906. Vol. 4, pp. 139-145.

An account of the course at Giessen in medical psychology, which gives special attention to treatment and education of children who are weak minded from birth..

Ueber das Hilfsschulwesen. Die Gesundh. der Schule, 1906. Vol. 4, pp. 249-256; 276-289.

Contribution to pedagogical pathology, emphasizing the need of special classes for defective children.

Verschiedene Ursachen psychopathischer Erscheinungen bei Kindern. Die Gesundh. der Schule, 1905. Vol. 3, pp. 12-18.

61. Byett, A. S. Reform in infant schools. Paidologist, 1906. Vol. 8, pp. 77-90.

62. Cannons, Harvey G. C. comp. Descriptive handbook to juvenile literature. T. Bean & Son, London, 1906. pp. 312.

63. Cantile, James Physical efficiency; a review of the deleterious effects of town life upon the population of Great Britain, with suggestions for their arrest. G. P. Putnam's Sons, N. Y., 1906. pp. 216.

64. Carus, Paul Childhood and education in China. Open Court, 1906. Vol. 20, pp. 668-684.



First steps. Open Court, 1906. Vol. 20, pp. 495-499. Our children; hints from practical experience for parents and teachers. Open Court Pub. Co., Chic., 1906. 67. Chamberlain, Alexander Francis Acquisition of written language of primitive peoples. Am. Jour. of Psy., Jan., 1906. Vol. 17, pp. 69-80.




Points out the ease with which North American Indian children learn to read and write their native tongues by means of syllabaries, special alphabets, etc.

Preterite forms, etc., in the language of English-speaking children. Mod. Lang. Notes, 1906. Vol. 21, pp. 42-44.

Some recent child-study and educational literature in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. Psy. Bull., 1906. Vol. 3, pp. 371-383.

Variation in early human culture. Jour. Am. FolkLore, 1906. Vol. 19, pp. 177-190.

Treats among other things, of variation (due to environment) in nurseryrhymes, ideas of father and mother, etc.

71. Chamberlain, Alexander Francis and Isabel C. Hypnagogic images and bi-vision in early childhood. Am. Jour. of Psy., Apr., 1906. Vol. 17, pp. 272-273.

72. Chambers, Will Grant Memory types of Colorado pupils. Jour. of Philos. Psy. and Sci. Methods, 1906. Vol. 3, pp. 231234.


The significance of motor activity in primary education. Jour. of Ped., 1906. Vol. 18, pp. 166-184.

74. Claparede, Ed. Psychologie du juge. L'Année Psy., 1906. Vol. 12, pp. 277-302.

A contribution to legal psychology considered under the two heads of judicial and criminal psychology.

75. Colvin, Stephen S. The child's world of imagination. Elem. School Teacher, 1906. Vol. 6, pp. 327-342.

76. Colvin, Stephen S. and Meyer, I. F. Imaginative element in the written work of children. Ped. Sem., March, 1906. Vol. 13, pp. 84-93.

77. Compayré, Gabriel La psychologie de l'adolescence. Rev. Philos., 1906. Vol. 61, pp. 345-377; 569-598.

78. Cooke, Ebenezer The method of nature is the archetype of all method. Paidologist, 1906. Vol. 8, pp. 28-35.

How to adapt drawing to the child's nature.

Continued from Vol. 7.

79. Cramer, Ehrenfried Ergebnisse der durch die ganze Schulzeit fortgesetzen augenärztlichen Beobachtung eines Klassenjahrganges des Gymnasiums in Cottbus. Zeits. für Schulgesundheitspflege, 1906. Vol. 19, pp. 305-317.

80. Cromwell, A. D. Practical child study. W. M. Welch Co., Chic., 1906.

81. Croswell, T. R. Self-government among children. Jour. of Ed., 1906. Vol. 63, pp. 451-452; 479-480.

82. Dearborn, Walter Fenno The psychology of reading. Science Press, N. Y., 1906. pp. 134. Also in Columbia Univ. Contrib. to Philos. and Psy. Vol. 14, No. 1.

83. Decroly, O. Les tests de Binet et Simon pour la mesure de l'intelligence. Arch. de Psy., 1906. Vol. 6, pp. 27-130.

84. Delaporte, P. V. Les petits enfants de cinq ans et au-dessous. A. Dewit., Bruxelles, 1906. pp. 326.

85. Denyer, C. H. Feeding of school children at public expense; summary of official reports. Econ. Jour., 1906. Vol. 16, pp. 617-622.

86. Dexter, Edwin Grant The effects of weather upon the child. Paidologist, 1906. Vol. 8, pp. 11-17.

87. Dorsey, G. A. Caddo customs of childhood. Jour. of Am. Folk-Lore, 1905. Vol. 18, pp. 226-228.

Treats of customs to protect new-born children and the infant up to two years.

✓ 88. Drawbridge, C. L. Religious education, how to improve it. Longmans, Green & Co., N. Y., 1906. pp. 222.

89. Drouot, E. Les troubles de la parole à l'école primaire. Rev. Ped., 1906. N. S., Vol. 49, pp. 374-386.

90. Dumont, Albert Essai sur l'éphébie attique. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Leipzig, 1875-1876. 2 v.

91. Edson, Andrew W. The problem of the backward pupil. School Jour., 1906. Vol. 73, pp. 60-62.

States reasons for backwardness.

92. Elliott, C. A. The cantines scolaires of Paris. 19th Cent., 1906. Vol. 59, pp. 834-841.

93. Ellis, Havelock The psychology of yellow. Pop. Sci. Mo., 1906. Vol. 68, pp. 456-463.

See pages 456-458. Explanation and reason of child's interest in yellow. 94. Enderlin, Max Das Spielzeug in seiner Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des Kindes. Kinderfehler, 1906. Vol. 12, pp. 8-16; 65-71.

95. Ernst, Lucy Hoesch and Meumann, Ernst Das Schulkind in seiner körperlichen und geistigen Entwicklung. O. Nemnich, Leipzig, 1906. Pt. 1, pp. 165.

96. Faggiani, I. Il senso del tempo nei bambini. Atti del 5 Cong. Internat. di Psicologia, tenuto in Roma. Roma, 1905. p. 664.


This is a mere note, based upon considerable observational data, which states the theory that time sense in children is based upon the intervals between eating, that physiological stimulus which is referable to the digestive apparatus, which conduces to the development of this notion in both normal and defective children and even in animals. In normal children the habitual experience of these purely physiological sensations with the progress of mental development becomes transformed into a fact of the intelligence.

La memoria nei bambi ninormali e nei deficienti. Atti del 5 Cong. Internat. di Psicologia, tenuto in Roma. Roma, 1905. p. 609.

A brief account of memory tests made on 230 normal and deficient children of both sexes. The children were divided into three groups according to age, namely, 4-5 yrs., 5-6 yrs., and 7-13 yrs., and both quantitative and qualitative results were noted.

98. Feltgen, Ernst Schulhygienische Mitteilungen vom internationalen Tuberkulosekongress, Paris, 1905. Gesunde Jugend, 1905-6. Vol. 5, pp. 149-169.

99. Fiebig, M. Über Vorsorge und Fürsorge für die intellektuellschwache und sittlich gefährdete Jugend. Kinderfehler, 1906. Vol. 11, pp. 321-341; 353-376.

Fitz, George Wells See Fitz, Rachel Kent and Fitz,
G. W.

100. Fitz, Rachel Kent and Fitz, G. W. Problems of babyhood. H. Holt & Co., N. Y., 1906. pp. 127.


Förster, Wilhelm Heilung und Vorbeugung jugendlicher Kriminalität. Zeits., für Schulgesundheitspflege, 1906. Vol. 19, pp. 246-251.

102. Fraenkel, Arthur

Tuberkulose und Schule. Zeits. für

Schulgesundheitspflege, 1906. Vol. 19, pp. 389-409.

A valuable statistical study.

103. Frankenberg, H. von

Der Alkoholgenuss der Schulkinder. Zeits. für Schulgesundheitspflege, 1906. Vol. 19, pp. 695-707. 104. French, William Child-labor, compulsory education, and race suicide. Arena, 1906. Vol. 36, pp. 35-37.




Fries, Theophil Eine Lücke im Arbeitsfelde der empirischen Kinderpsychologie. Kinderfehler, 1906. Vol. II, pp. 109-116.

Gesell, Arnold Jealousy. Am. Jour of Psy., Oct., 1906. Vol. 17, PP. 437-495.

A summary of jealousy during infancy, adolescence and adulthood, also its development and scope.

Gheorgov, I. A. Einiges über die grammatische Entwicklung der Kindersprache. Atti del 5 Cong. Intern. di Psicologia tenuto in Roma. Roma, 1905. pp. 203-210.

A study of the development of the different parts of speech in the language of children up to the age of three years.

108. Goddard, Henry H. Ped. Sem., June, 1906.

Ideals of a group of German children.
Vol. 13, pp. 208-220.

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