139. PARTRIDGE, GEORGE E. Blushing. Ped. Sem., Apr., 1897, Vol. 4, pp. 387-394. 140. Experiments upon the Control of the Reflex Wink. Am. Jour. of Psy., Jan., 1900, Vol. 11, pp. 244-250. 141. 142. Reverie. Ped. Sem., Apr., 1898, Vol. 5, pp. 445-474. 1902, Vol. 9, pp. 436-440. 一。 143. See also LINDLEY and PARTRIDGE. PUFFER, J. ADAMS. Boys Gangs. Ped. Sem., June, 1905, Vol. 12, pp. 175-212. 1898, Vol. 9, pp. 449-506. 144. QUANTZ, J. O. Dendro-Psychoses. Amer. Jour. of Psy., July, 145. *RICCI, CORRADO. (Condensed translation by Mrs. Louise Maitland.) The Art of Little Children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895, Vol. 3, pp. 302-307. 146. *RUSSELL, E. HARLOW. The Study of Children at the State Normal School, Worcester, Mass. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893, Vol. 2, pp. 343-357 147. SAUNDERS, FREDERICK H., and HALL, G. STANLEY. Pity. Am. Jour. of Psy., July, 1900, Vol. 11, pp. 534-591. 148. SEARS, CHARLES H. Home and School Punishments. Ped. 149. Sem., March, 1899, Vol. 6, pp. 159-187. 150. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1894, Vol. 3, pp. 87-96. A Study of Children's Rights as Seen by Themselves. 151. SHAW, JOHN C. A Test of Memory in School Children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1896, Vol. 4, pp. 61-78. 152. SHELDON, HENRY D. Institutional Activities of American Children. Am. Jour. of Psy., July, 1898, Vol. 9, pp. 425-448. 153. SLAUGHTER, JOHN WILLIS. The Moon in Childhood and FolkLore. Am. Iour. of Psy., Apr., 1902, Vol. 13, pp. 294-318. 154. SMALL, MAURICE H. Methods of Manifesting the Instinct of Certainty. Ped. Sem., Jan., 1898, Vol. 5, pp. 313-380. The Suggestibility of Children. Ped. Sem., Dec., 155. 1896, Vol. 4, pp. 176-220. 156. SMITH, THEODATE L. Child Study at Clark University. Ped. SMITH Obstinacy and Obedience: A Study in the Psychology and Pedagogy of the Will. Ped. Sem., March, 1905, Vol. 12, pp. 27-54 158. Oct., 1904, Vol. 15, pp. 465-498. The Psychology of Day Dreams. Am. Jour. of Psy. Reprinted in Aspects of Child Life and Education. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1907. Report of the Berlin Child Study Congress. Ped. Types of Adolescent Affection. Ped. Sem., June, 162. *STEVENS, KATE. Child Study in Great Britain. Ped. Sem., STALKER, GERTRUDE A. A New Feature in Manual Training. 164. STREET, JAMES RICHARD. A Genetic Study of Immortality. Ped. Sem., Sept., 1899, Vol. 6, pp. 267-313. 165. STREET, JAMES RICHARD. A Study in Moral Education. Ped. Sem., July, 1897, Vol. 5, pp. 5-40. 166. Supt. of Sioux City (Iowa) Schools. A Bit of Child Study. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895, Vol. 3, pp, 314-316. 167. SWIFT, EDGAR JAMES. Eye Defects in Students and Children. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1897, Vol. 5, pp. 202-220. 168. Some Animal Tendencies of Boyhood: A Study in Adolescence. Ped. Sem., March, 1901, Vol. 8, pp. 65-91. 169. *Szvc, ANGELICA (translated from the Polish by Madame Anna Grudzinska). Flowers. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1906, Vol. 13, pp. 502-508. * 170. TANNER, AMY E. Contributions from the Child Study Department of Wilson College: Children's Ideas of Honor; Children's Religious Ideas. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1906, Vol. 13, pp. 509-513. 171. *TAYLOR, JOSEPH S. Some Practical Aspects of Interest. Ped. Sem., Apr., 1898, Vol. 5, pp. 497-511. 172. TERMAN, LEWIS M. Genius and Stupidity. Ped. Sem., Sept., 1906, Vol. 13, pp. 307-373 173. 一. 174. A Preliminary Study in the Psychology and Pedagogy of Leadership. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1904, Vol. 11, pp. 413-451. A Study in Precocity and Maturation. Am. Jour. of Psy., Apr., 1905, Vol. 16, pp. 145-183. 175. THAYER, ALICE. A Study of Children's Interest in Flowers. Ped. Sem., June, 1905, Vol. 12, pp. 107-140. 176. TRACY, FREDERICK. The Language of Childhood. Am. Jour. of Psy., Oct., 1893, Vol. 6, pp. 107-138. 177. TRETTIEN, AUGUSTUS W. Creeping and Walking. Am. Jour. of Psy., Oct., 1900, Vol. 12, pp. 1-57. 178. Psychology of the Language Interest. Ped. Sem., June, 1904, Vol. 11, pp. 113-177. 179. TRIPLETT, NORMAN. Pedagogical Arrests and Peculiarities. Ped. Sem., June, 1905, Vol. 12, pp. 141-157. 180. The Psychology of Conjuring Deceptions. Am. Jour. A Study of the Faults of Children. Ped. Sem., June, 1903, Vol. 10, pp. 200-238. 182. VAN LIEW, C. C. Fourth Congress of Illinois Society for Child Study. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1897, Vol. 5, pp. 293-299. 183. *VOSTROVSKY, CLARA. A Study of Children's Reading Tastes. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1899, Vol. 6, pp. 523-535 184. WEST, GERALD M. Eye Tests in Children. Am. Jour. of Psy., Aug., 1892, Vol. 4, pp. 595-596. 185. *WILLIAMS, LILLIE A. Children's Interest in Words. Ped. How to Collect Data for Studies in Genetic Psy Sem., Sept., 1902, Vol. 9, pp. 274-295. 186. chology. Ped. Sem., June, 1896, Vol. 3, pp. 419-423. 187. WILSON, LOUIS N. Bibliography of Child Study. Ped. Sem., April, 1898, Vol. 5, pp. 541-589. 188. Bibliography of Child Study for the year 1898, Ped. Bibliography of Child Study for the year 1899. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1900, Vol. 7, pp. 526-556. Bibliography of Child Study for the year 1900. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1901, Vol. 8, pp. 515-537 Bibliography of Child Study for 1901. Ped. Sem., Bibliography of Child Study for the year 1902. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1903, Vol. 10, pp. 514-536. 193. WILSON, LOUIS N. Bibliography of Child Study for the year 1903. Ped. Sem., Sept., 1904, Vol. 11, pp. 292-327. 194. Bibliography of Child Study for the year 1904. Ped. Sem., Sept., 1906, Vol. 13, pp. 374-397 195. 196. WISSLER, CLARK. The Interests of Children in the Reading Work of the Elementary Schools. Ped. Sem., April, 1898, Vol. 5, pp. 523-540. 197. *WILTSE, SARA E. A Preliminary Sketch of Child Study in America. Ped. Sem., Oct., 1895, Vol. 3, pp. 189-212. 198. A Preliminary Sketch of the History of Child Study for the year ending Sept., 1896, Ped. Sem., Oct., 1896, Vol. 4, pp. 111-125. 1901, Vol., 8 pp. 482-494. 199. *WYCKOFF, ADELAIDE. Children's Ideals. Ped. Sem., Dec., Constitutional Bad Spellers. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893, Vol. 2, pp. 448-451. 200. 201. WYCKOFF, ADELAIDE. Infant Study in the Class Room. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1893, Vol. 2, pp. 454-455 202. WYLIE, ARTHUR R. T. Psychology and Pedagogy of the Blind. Ped. Sem., June, 1902, Vol. 9, pp. 127-160. 203. YODER, ALBERT H. The Story of the Boyhood of Great Men. 4 Ped. Sem., Oct., 1894, Vol. 3, pp. 134-156. BOOKS ON CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE PUBLISHED BY THOSE CONNECTED WITH CLARK UNIVERSITY. CHAMBERLAIN, ALEXANDER FRANCIS. The Child and Childhood in Folk Thought. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1896. 464 р. 一. The Child: a Study in the Evolution of Man. W. Scott, Ltd., London, 1903. 498 р. COLEGROVE, FREDERICK W. Memory: an Inductive Study. H. Holt & Co., New York, 1900. 369 р. HALL, G. STANLEY. Adolescence. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1904. 2 vols., 589-784 р. Aspects of Child Life and Education. Ginn & Co., Boston, 1907. 326 р. Youth, its Education, Regimen and Hygiene. D. Apple ton & Co., New York, 1906. 379 p. HASLETT, SAMUEL B. The Pedagogical Bible School: a Scientific Study of the Sunday School with Chief Reference to the Curriculum. F. H. Revell Co., New York, 1903. 383 p. SHELDON, HENRY DAVIDSON. The History and Pedagogy of American Student Societies. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1901. 366 р. STARBUCK, EDWIN DILLER. The Psychology of Religion: an Empirical Study of the Growth of Religious Phenomena. Chas. Scribner's Sons, New York, 1901. 423 р. TRACY, FREDERICK. Psychology of Childhood. D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, 1893. 170 p. SUBJECT INDEX. Anthropological Measurements, Fatigue, 107, 125. 12, 29, 49. Also in 65. Adolescence, 41, 114, 120, 168. Also in 87, 99, 160. Blindness, 202. Blushing, 139. Children's Reactions to Animals, 26, 96. Children's Reactions to Nature, 16, 66, 88, 89, 97, 99, 101, 122, 144, 153, 169, 175. Child Study, reports and general, Faults, 30, 82, 116, 181. Also in 14, 15, 157. Feeble Mindedness, 110, 119. Hearing, 56. Also in 98. Health, 85. Also in 14, 15, 32. Hygiene, 2, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 85, 113, 114. Hypnagogic Images, 51. Also in 109. Ideals of Children, 4, 53, 78, 199. Child Study, bibliography, 187-195. Imagination, 36, 45, 58, 121, 141, / 24, 37, 40, 46, 47, 48, 50, 83, 102, 130, 134, 136, 146, 156, 159, 160, 162, 166, 182, 186, 197, 198, 201. 155. Also in 15, 89, 99, 122, 147, 153, 158. Imitation, 73, 105. Infancy, 91, 92, 138, 201. Inhibition, 62. Also in 157. Certainty, 154. _ Manual Training, 163. Morals, 64, 65, 86, 87, 115, 135, 165, 168. Also in 154, 170. Motor Ability, correlation with Mental Ability, 3, 76, 172. Motor Automatisms, 123. |