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I. Bibliographies.

I. BERG, ALFRED. Die wichtigste geographische Litteratur. Ein praktischer Wegweiser. Halle, 1902. pp. 75.

2. GEIKIE, SIR A. In "The teaching of geography." (See No. 48.)

3. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. Geography 2-3


4. MILL, HUGH ROBERT. Hints to teachers on the choice of geographical books for reference and reading. London, Longmans, 1897.

5. MONROE, WILL S. Bibliography of education. New York, Appleton & Co. 1897.



Index to the literature of geography. London,

Contains a list of five thousand books and pamphlets on geography.

7. PLATT, MARY I. Better books in school geography. Journal of Geography, Vol. 2, pp. 181-191.

8. RUGE, SOPHUS. Die Litteratur zur Geschichte der Erdkunde vom Mittelalter an. Geographisches Jahrbuch, Band 23, p. 173.

II. History of Methods of Teaching Geography.

8a. CHAMBERLAIN, A. F. The Child in Folk-Thought. New York, 1896, pp. 464. See section on Geography, pp. 202-204.

9. GEISTBECK, MICHAEL. Geschichte der Methodik geographischen Unterrichtes. In Kehr's Geschichte der Methodik, Bd. 2.

pp. 1-43.

This is the best short discussion. It contains an extensive bibliography on the subject. 10.

GRUBER, CHRISTIAN. Die Entwickelung der geographischen
Lehrmethoden im 18 und 19 Jahrhunderten. München, 1900.
Pp. 254.

This is the best general discussion of the history of the methods of teaching geography.



FAURE, CHARLES. Les progrès de l'enseignement de la géographie en Angleterre. Genève, 1899.

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Les progrès de l'enseignement de la géographie en France. Neuchâtel, 1891.

13. FREDERICO, PAUL. De l'enseignement supérieur de l'histoire et de la géographie en Holland. Gand, 1899. pp. 24.

14. LOT, FERDINAND. L'enseignement supérieur en France. Paris, 1892. Géographie, pp. 87-89.

15. MEHIDINTI, CARLO. La géographie comparée d'aprés Ritter et Peschel. Année Geographique, Paris. 1901, Vol. 10. pp, 1-9. 16. MARKHAM, C. R. Major James Rennell and the rise of English geography. New York, 1901. pp. 232.

17. POTTER, JEFFERSON R. History of the methods of instruction in Geography. Pedagogical Seminary, Dec., 1891, Vol. I. p.


One of the best reviews in English.

18. Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education.


Recent developments in the teaching of geography in Europe. 1892-3. Vol. I, p. 279.

b. Modern methods and devices. 1892-3, Vol. I, p. 28-9.

These are excellent reviews.

19. WAGNER, HERMANN. Die Lage des geographischen Unterrichts an den höheren Schulen Preussens in der Jahrhundertwende. Hanover, 1900. pp. 68.

Gives an account with criticisms of the present condition of geographical instruction in the secondary schools of Germany. (See also 89 a.)


III. The Methods of Teaching Geography.

ANDRE, A. E. L'Oeuvre des voyages scolaires. Revue Pédagogique, July, 1902, Vol. 41, pp. 23-42.

An account of the school excursion movement in France.

21. ALLEN, LYMAN R. Map drawing. Jour. of Geography, Oct., 1905, Vol. 4, p. 330-336.


ARMSTRONG, T. H. Relation of geography to the other studies in the elementary course of study. Education, 1903, Vol. 23, PP. 331-336.

23. BABER, ZONIA. Field-work in the elementary schools. Jour. of Geography, Jan., 1905, p. 18.

24. BALLIET, THOMAS M. Notes on the teaching of geography. New York Teachers' Monographs, June, 1899, Vol. 2, pp. 48-51.

Emphasizes children's interests, and the use of the psychological rather than the conventional order of development. 25. Barnard's Journal. Basedow, Vol. V., p. 487; Rousseau, Vol. V, p. 478; Pestalozzi, Vol. VIII, III; Locke, Vol. XIV, pp. 323; Geography in German Schools, Vol. XIV, p. 390. Also many articles on instruction in various European countries.

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26. BARNETT, P. A. Common sense in education and teaching. New York, 1899. Chap. 10, p. 245.

27. BASEDOW, JOHANN B. A Review of his Life and Teachings. Barnard's Journal, 1858, Vol. 5, p. 487-520.

28. BROOKS, EDWARD. Teaching Geography. In his Normal methods of teaching. Phila., 1889. p. 460.

Gives also a short sketch of the development of geographical text-books in America. 29. BUCHNER, EDWARD F. Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant. New York, 1904. pp. 256.

30. COCHBURN, SIR JOHN. Geography as a correlating centre. Educational Foundations, Nov., 1904, pp. 193.

31. COMENIUS, JOHN AMOS. In his Great Didactic, Trans. by Keating. a. Geography in the infant school, p. 412; b. In the vernacular school, p. 421. London, 1896. pp. 468.

32. BRYCE, JAMES. The importance of geography in education. Geographical Teacher, Feb., 1902, Vol. I, pp. 49-61.

33. Committee of fifteen. Report of the special committee on geography. New York, 1895. pp. 235.

34. Committee of ten. Report. New York, 1894. pp. 204. DAVIS, W. M. The rational element in geography. National Geographical Magazine, Vol. 10.



37. 38.


pp. 1-5.

Home geography. Jour. of Geog., Jan., 1905, Vol. 4,

Need of geography in the university. Educational Review, 1895, Vol 10, p. 22-41.

A scheme of geography. Geographical Journal, 1900, Vol. 22, p. 413.

Teaching of geography. Educational Review, 1892, Vol. 3, pp. 417-426; Vol. 4, pp. 6-15.

39a. DEGUIMPS, ROGER-Pestalozzi. His life and his work. New

York, 1893.


DEWEY, JOHN. School and society. Chicago, 1899. pp. 125. 41. DODGE, R. E. Notes on geographical education. Bulletin of Amer. Geog. Soc., Vol. 22, p. 143.

42. EMERSON, PHILIP. The training of teachers for the study of home geography. Jour. of Geog., 1902, Vol. 1, p. 391.

43. FISCHER, HEINRICH. Geographische Spaziergänge. Zeits. für Päd. Psy., Path., und Hygiene. Berlin, 1902. Vol. 4, pp. 442-452.

44. FISCHER, THEOBALD. Die Fortschritte und die Entwickelung der geographischen Wissenschaft in den letzten fünfzig Jahren. Frankfort, 1886. pp. 313.

45. FITCH, J. S. Lectures on teaching, New York, 1889. Geography and the learning of facts, p. 313.

45a. FROEBEL, F. W. A. Autobiography. Trans. by Michaelis and Moore. Syracuse, 1889. pp. 167. See especially p. 55.

46. PAUL, FREDERICO. De L'Enseignement superieur de l'histoire et de la geographie en Hollande. Gand, 1889.


47. FRYE, A. E. How to teach primary geography. Boston, 1896. 48. GEIKIE, SIR A. The teaching of geography. New York, 1902. GEISTBECK, M. Geschichte der Methodik des geographischen Unterrichts. Bd. 2, In C. Kehr's Geschichte der Methodik des deutschen Volkschulunterrichts, S., 25.

50. GRANT, JAMES. History of the burgh schools in Scotland. London, 1876. pp. 394.

51. GRUBER, CHRISTIAN. Die Entwickelung der geographischen Lehr-Methoden im 18. und 19. Jahrhunderten. München, 1900. pp. 254.

52. GUYOT, ARNOLD. The earth and man. New York, 1890. pp. 334. 53. HALL, G. STANLEY. Love and study of nature. Worcester His

torical Society Pamphlet, 1898, pp. 20.

54. HARRIS, W. T. The place of geography in the elementary schools. Forum, Vol. 32, p. 539.


JEFFERSON, M. S. W. Out-of-door work in geography. Proc.
N. E. A., 1904, pp. 583-588.

56. KANT, IMMANUEL. Schriften zur physischen géographie. Edited by F. W. Schubert, Leipzig, 1839.

57. KEHR, C. Die Praxis der Volkschule, Gotha, 1889. Die Geographische Unterricht, p. 314,

An excellent discussion of the principles of teaching geography.


P. I.

Geographie. In his Geschichte der Methodik, Bd. 2,

An excellent historical outline and discussion.


59. KELTIE, J. S. Geography. Encyclopedia Britannica. The teaching of geography with special reference to commerce and industry. Educational Times, London, 1890,



Vol. 43, pp. 279-283.


Educational reports. Royal Geographical Society,

62. KENYON, WALTER J. A consideration of geographical texts. Elementary School Teacher, October, 1905, Vol. 6, pp. 97-107. 63. KLEMM, L. R. Recent developments of geography in Central Europe. Report of Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C., 1892-3, Vol. 1, p. 279.

64. LOCKE, JOHN. Some thoughts concerning education. Ed. by R. H. Quick, London, 1889. pp. 156.

65. MAKINDER, H. J. Development of geography out of nature study. Educational Foundations, Nov., 1904, Vol. 16, p. 194.

66. MARBUT, C. F. Geography in the university. Jour. of Geog., Jan., 1905, p. 23.

67. MARKHAM, SIR C. R. The field of geography. Geographical Journal, January, 1898, Vol. II, p. I.

68. MCMURRY, C. A. Excursions and lessons in home geography. New York, 1904. pp. 152.



Type studies for the geography of the United States. New York, 1904.



Pp. 288.

Special method in geography. New York, 1904. pp.

71. MILL, HUGH ROBERT. Geography in the European universities. Educational Review, Dec., 1893, Vol. 6, pp. 417-430. Research in geographical science. Geographical Journal, 1901, Vol. 18, pp. 407.




Journal of

On the teaching of geography in Russia.
Manchester Geographical Society, October, 1890.
MONROE, WILL S. ed. Comenius's "The school of infancy."

Boston, 1896. pp. 99.

75. PARKER, F. W. How to study geography. New York, 1894. 76. POTTER, J. R. History of methods of instruction in geography. Ped. Sem., Dec., 1891, Vol. I, p. 415-424.

77. PICHARD, A. E. Nouveau code de l'instruction primaire. Treizieme ed. Paris, 1890.

78. POWELL, W. B. Geographical instruction in the public schools. National Geog., Mag., Vol. V, p. 137.

78a. QUICK, ROBERT H. Essays on educational reformers. New York, 1903. pp. 568.


Geschichte der Pädagogik. Gütersloh, 1897, Vol. 3, pp. 257-258.

80. RAVENSTEIN, E. G. The aims and methods of geographical education. Proc. of the Royal Geog. Soc., London, 1886, p. 163. 81. REDWAY, J. W. New basis of geography. New York, 1904. 82. RITTER, CARL. Geographical studies. Trans. by W. L. Gage. New York, 1861. pp. 356.

83. SHALER, NATHANIEL S. Nature and man in America. New York, 1904. pp. 290.


SMITH, MARGARET K. Text-books in geography. New York
Teachers' Association. Proceedings. Dec. 28, 1903. New

York Bulletin, No. 25.

85. STRABO. The Geography of Strabo. Trans. by Hamilton and

Falconer. London, 1854. 3v.

86. STRECKY, R. Lectures on geography. London, 1888.

87. TROTTO, PIETRO. Appunti critici sull' insegnamento della geografia nelle scuole elementari. Padova, 1905.

88. WAGNER, HERMANN. Geographie. Chap. 1o, in "Der Unterrichts im deutschen Reichr. Bd. I, S. 225.



Die Lage geographischen Unterrichts an den höheren Schulen Preussens im die Jahrhundertwende. Hannover, 1900. pp. 68.

Lehrbuch der Geographie. Spz., 1906. Vol. 1, p. 16.

Gives an excellent review of methods.


90. BUCKLEE, ANNA. erican Primary


Proc. N. E. A.,

Children's Interests.

Geographical interests and child study. Am-
Teacher, Dec., 1896.

Choice of reading for early adolescent years.
1898, p. 1011-1014.

92. HALL, G. STANLEY and SMITH, T. L. Curiosity and interest. Ped. Sem., 1903, Vol. 10, pp. 315-358.

93. HANCOCK, JOHN A. Children's ability to reason.

Review, Oct., 1898, Vol. 12, pp. 261.

94. JEGI, JOHN J. Children's ambitions.


Trans. of the Illinois

Child Study Soc., Oct., 1898, Vol. 3, p. 131-144.

95. YOUNG, SARAH. Children's travel interests. Barnes's Studies, 1902, Vol. 2, p. 338-351.

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