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3rd. That two new numbers have been added to Gage's Practical System of Vertical Writing, that double head-lines have been provided in the lower numbers, but that the revision is not sufficiently advanced to warrant the sub-committee in recommending that the series be yet submitted for authorization.

4th. That in answer to the demand of the sub-committee, the publishers of Calkin's Introductory Geography have definitely agreed to make all necessary corrections to the book, in the second edition, and to issue sheets of such corrigenda for the first edition.

5th. That several books have been informally handed to the sub-committee for examination and recommendation, but the sub-committee, in view of their instructions, wait the action of the Protestant Committee thereon.

6th. That repeated complaints have been made to individual members of the sub-committee regarding the impossibility of obtaining Calkin's Introductory Geography from the publishers and dealers throughout the province; hence the sub-committee recommend that such representations be made to the publishers, as will secure a constant supply of that book, that a former resolution of the Protestant Committee, upon this subject, be in future rigidly adhered to and the publishers be so notified. See report of meeting of this Committee, September 25th, 1889. The whole respectfully submitted

(Signed,) A. W. KNEELAND,


Moved by Mr. H. B. Ames, seconded by Dr. Cameron' "That the previous resolution of this Committee regarding text-books, passed on 25th September, 1889, and now cited in the report of the text-book committee, be henceforth enforced as rigidly as circumstances will admit."-Carried.

Moved by Mr. N. T. Truell, seconded by Dean Norman, "That the text-book committee be requested to inspect the revised edition of Calkin's Geography, Hyde's Practical Lessons in English, Tarr's Physical Geography, Chamber's Logarithms, Hyde's Grammar, High School History of Greece and Rome, and Prang's Use of Models, and to report to this Committee at the next meeting."-Carried.

Moved by Principal Peterson, seconded by the Dean of Quebec, "That inasmuch as the text-book committee has been unable, in its negotiations with the Educational Book Company, to fulfil the obligations imposed on it by the date specified in the minute of 28th of February, 1896, (viz 1st September, 1896,) the text-book committee be now requested to consider the propriety of recommending other textbooks to be considered as alternatives to the series now in course of preparation by the Educational Book Company." -Carried.

The Reverend Mr. Rexford reported progress for the subcommittee on professional training and asked leave to sit again, granted, Dr. Robins and Professor Kneeland dissenting.

The following report on the relation of the city schools to the regulations of the Protestant Committee, was submitted: The sub-committee on distribution of grants to whom this question was referred, beg to report that they have carefully considered, in consultation with the Inspector of Superior Schools, the question referred to them, and beg to recommend that with a view to the proper recognition of the high schools of the cities as a part of the provincial school system, the following article be added to the regulations of the Protestant Committee, to be known as 84a.




Course of Study.

The Protestant Committee may authorize the High Schools of Montreal and Quebec, and other superior schools not receiving grants under the regulations of the Protestant Committee, to modify the course of study in order to meet their special conditions, provided that the modified course is at least equivalent in all respects to the course prescribed by the Protestant Committee.

2nd. Examinations.

It shall be competent for the Protestant Committee to accept a local system of annual written examinations in such schools instead of the examinations prescribed by these regulations.

3rd. Inspection.

It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Superior Schools, or of the District Inspector, when so ordered by the Protestant Committee, to inspect such schools and to report thereon to the Protestant Committee. Such inspection shall not include examination, and shall be conducted so as not to interfere with the regular work of the school.

4th. Medals.

It shall be competent for the Protestant Committee to grant to each of such schools as shall be classed satisfactory in the inspector's report, a medal to be competed for by the pupils in accordance with such conditions as the school authorities may prescribe.



on behalf of the sub-committee.

On motion of Dr. Shaw and Mr. Rexford the report was adopted.

The following report was submitted:

The sub-committee to enquire into the advisability of adopting the suggestion made by the universities that in future one book of Homer be required from students of the third grade academy, and to suggest any amendment to the course of study necessitated by the adoption of the suggestion made by the universities, report as follows:

1st. We recommend the adoption of the suggestion referred to, and the amendment of the course of study as follows-Greek grade two academy as at present with the following addition: Easy reading based upon a suitable text-book to be selected.

Greek grade three academy as at present with the addition of Homer's Iliad, book four.

2nd. The sub-committee would also recommend (1) that the study of physiology and hygiene be made optional in grades one and two academy.

3rd. That the universities be requested to amend section one of the regulations for university school examinations by substituting the word two for the word four in the last clause of the section.

[blocks in formation]

Moved by Rev. Dr. Shaw, seconded by Reverend Dean Norman, and resolved, "That clauses one and two be adopted, and that clause three be referred for further consideration and conference with the university examiners to a committee consisting of the mover, and Messrs. Rexford and Truell."




May 19-Balance on hand........
June 26-From Superintendent for deputy ex-
aminers, June examinations .........
Interest on Jesuits' Estate, compensa-

$3,176 10

200 00

[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

May 21-Inspector of Superior Schools on salary.

[ocr errors]

Inspector of superior schools, travel

$125 00

62 50

ing expenses.......

150 00

June 6-T. J. Moore, Co., printing June ex

amination papers.........................

120 17

Assistant examiners for June examin


240 00

Inspector of superior schools, allow-
ance for office expenses, 1895-96...

June 26-Superintendent of Public Instruction,
interest on Jesuits' Estate, compen-
sation grant .......

Ou Marriage License Fund................

July 20-John J. Foote, printing minutes of

Protestant Committee........

Aug. 25-Secretary Central B. of Examination...
T. J. Moore & Co., June exam, cuts...

100 00

2,518 44

1,400 00

11 25 300 00

6 00

[blocks in formation]

Aug. 26-Treasurer of Montreal, received....... $1,000 00

Per contra.

Aug. 29-Principal Robins.......

NOTE. Contingent debit balance......

$1,000 00

$1,656 49

Dr. Heneker reported progress for the sub-committee on legislation. Mr. H. B. Ames was appointed to replace Dr. Hemming, resigned, as member of the sub-committee.

Upon the report of the Inspector of Superior Schools, it was decided to award the prizes for best kept school grounds as follows:

1st. Stanstead Wesleyan College;

2nd. Valleyfield Model School;

3rd. Frelighsburg Model School.


Moved by Mr. N. T. Truell, seconded by Reverend Mr. Love, That the resolution regarding the prizes for best kept school grounds be amended so as to read as follows: No school winning first prize shall compete again until after the lapse of three years No school winning second prize shall compete until after the lapse of three years, and no school winning third prize shall compete until after the lapse of one year.

The Secretary of the Central Board of Examiners submitted an application from Mr. C. S. Halliday for the marks taken by his pupils at the last examination, for which he offered to pay the cost of copying.

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