The report of the sub-committee on grants to elementary schools was submitted. It recommended: 1st. That such sum be deducted from the gross sum now distributed to Protestant elementary schools as would make the total amount available for grants to poor municipalities equal to $5,000 per annum, and that this sum be used for the assistance of the poorer Protestant schools of the province. 2nd. That the sum of five thousand dollars be in like manner deducted from the general fund and be used (a) for bonuses to successful teachers, taking cognizance both of the quality of their work and the circumstances under which it is performed, and (b) for bonuses to municipalities which maintain schools in such a state of efficiency in regard to salaries and diplomas of teachers, buildings and apparatus, as to merit such special grants. 3rd. That, with a view to carrying out the above proposals, the Legislative grant for elementary schools be, at the outset, divided between Roman Catholics and Protestants according to population, as in the case of the grant for superior education, and that the portion assigned to the Protestants be at the disposal of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Public Instruction with a view to distribution under plan above outlined. 4th. That the joint committee on legislation take into consideration the proposal implied in the above, viz., that each committee of the Council of Public Instruction have discretionary power in the administration of its share of the elementary school fund with a view specially to strengthening the weaker schools, the whole of the above plan to be subject to regulations approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. Further details for working out the scheme were submitted in the report and were held over for consideration after the legislative action that is required. Moved by Dr. Hemming, seconded by Dr. Shaw, "That the committee, while approving of the principles set forth in the report of the sub-committee, think it advisable, before the adoption thereof, that the committee should receive full power from the Legislature to distribute the common school fund coming to the schools under their jurisdiction as they may think advisable, subject of course to the sanction of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council." Carried. Moved by Dr. Hemming, seconded by Dr. Shaw, "That the sub-committee on legislation be instructed to endeavor to have the law that refers to the distribution of the common school fund by the Superintendent so changed that, instead of it being (distributed according to the respective population of the different municipalities, the Superintendent be required to distribute the same in accordance with the recommendation of the committee of the Council of Public Instruction that may have the control of the schools interested. Dr. Heneker reported progress for the sub-committee on legislation and stated the sub-committee had been in session for three days with the members of the Roman Catholic_sub-committee. The work had been considerably advanced. It had been agreed to meet again in April to complete the work, if possible. Some important questions had arisen, a part of which the Roman Catholic members wished to submit to their committee before final action. The sub-committee expected to be in a position to report in May, and was continued. FINANCIAL STATEMENT PROTESTANT COMMITTEE. 1895. RECEIPTS. Nov. 27.-Balance in hand......................... Special deposit for prize book fund.......... Nov. 30.-Inspector of Superior Schools, salary........ $ 125 00 1896. Salary of Secretary.... 62 50 40 00 ....... 40 00 150 00 expenses...... 40 00 39 Forwarding examination papers 49 23 Express ..... Special attendance on sub-committee meetings in Montreal..) 28. Cash on hand as per pass book..... 6 20 30 00 3,495 85 $4,038 78 Contingent debit balance.... $1,569 79 Examined and found correct. R. W. H. The report of the sessional examinations of McGill Normal School, with a copy of the examination questions, was laid on the table. The Secretary read a report to show the position of business that had arisen in previous meetings. He announced that the Government had ordered the payment of arrears due Inspector McQuat, to bring his salary to the amount of one thousand dollars per annum from the date of his appointment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned till May the 20th. GEO. W. PARMELEE, Secretary. NOTICES FROM THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE. His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased, by order in council dated the 9th of December, 1895, to appoint Aaron Luther Gilman, of Cowansville, inspector of Protestant schools for the counties of Ottawa and Pontiac. Jan. 3rd, 1896.-To appoint Mr. Frederick England, school commissioner for the municipality of the village of Knowlton, county of Brome, in place of Mr. John J. Williams, who has left the municipality. Jan. 4th. To appoint Mr. John McFarlane, school commissioner for the municipality of "Upper Litchfield," county of Pontiac, to replace Dr. Robert H. Klock, who has left the limits of the municipality. Jan. 15th. To make the following appointments, to wit: School commissioners. County of Kamouraska, Saint Louis.-The Revd. N. H. Leclerc, priest, and Mr. Xavier Landry, the former to replace the late Napoléon Lapointe, and the latter to replace Mr. Horace Dumais, absent. County of Kamouraska, Saint Philippe de Néri.-Mr. Théodore Jean, to replace Mr. Pierre Dionne, deceased. Jan. 16th.-1st. To detach from the municipality of Saint Canut No. 1, county of Two Mountains, the cadastral lots Nos. 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 and 150, and to annex them, for school purposes, to the municipality of Sainte Monique, same county. 2nd To detach from the municipality of Saint Colomban, county of Two Mountains, the cadastral lots Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, and to annex them, for school purposes, to the municipality of Saint Canut No. 1, in the same county. These annexations to take effect on the 1st of July, 1896. Jan. 25th.-To appoint Mr. Emile Morin, school commissioner for the municipality of Saint Maurice, county of Champlain, to replace Mr. Maxime Dugas, who has left the locality. Feb. 4th.-To appoint Mr. Elzéar Lanouette, school commissioner for the municipality of the "village" of Sainte Anne de la Pérade, county of Champlain, to replace Mr. Honoré Godin, absent. Feb. 22nd. To appoint Mr. Joseph O. Kelley, school commissioner for the municipality of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, to replace Mr. John A. Cameron, absent. Feb. 26th.-To detach from the school municipality of the town of Longueuil, county of Chambly, the following lots of the official cadastre of the parish of Saint Antoine de Longueuil, in the said county, to wit: Nos. 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 and 160, and to erect them into a distinct school municipality, for Roman Catholics only, by the name of "Saint Jean Baptiste de Montréal Sud", county of Chambly. This erection to take effect on the first of July next, 1896. THE PROTESTANT CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINERS. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, QUEBEC, 10th March, 1896. The next examination of candidates for teachers' diplomas will open Tuesday, 23rd of June, at 9 a. m. The local centres, deputy-examiners and places of meeting are as follows:Place of Meeting. Local Centres. 1. Aylmer..... 2. Cowansville.. 3. Gaspé Village. 4. Huntingdon. 5. Inverness. 6. Lachute 7. Montreal... 8. New Carlisle.... 9. Quebec..... 10. Richmond.. 11. Shawville.. 12. Sherbrooke.... Deputy-Examiners. .Inspector Hewton......St. Francis College. ...Rev. Wm. Shearer......Boys' Academy. 13. Stanstead..... ....Inspector Thompson.... Wesleyan College. 14. Waterloo.. Rev. J. Garland........Academy. Candidates for elementary and model school diplomas may present themselves at any of these centres, but candidates for academy diplomas are required to present themselves at Montreal, Quebec, or Sherbrooke. They are required to make application for admission to examination to the Secretary of the Board (Geo. W. Parmelee, Quebec,) on or before the first of June next. The regulation requires only fifteen days' notice, and candidates giving such notice will, of course, be admitted. But, as it is almost impossible to make all the preparations necessary in fifteen days, candidates are earnestly requested to file their applications before the first of June. Candidates will please note that no applications will be received after the time prescribed by law, namely, the 8th of June. The applications of the candidates should be in the following form : I........(a)........ residing at.......(b)......county of......(c)...... professing the........(d). . . . . . faith, have the honor to inform you that I intend to present myself at..... .(e)........for the examination for ..... (f)..... diploma in June next. I enclose herewith (1) A certificate that I was born at...........county of.......... 18.. (2) A certificate of moral character according to the authorized form. (3) The sum of........dollars for examination fees. It is absolutely necessary that candidates follow closely this form of application. The special attention of candidates is therefore called to the following points in reference to the form: In the space marked (a) the candidate's name should be written legibly and in full; much trouble and confusion is caused by neglect of this simple point --some candidates give their initials-some give a shortened form of their real names-some give one name in the application and a different name in the certificate of baptism. Insert in the space marked (a) the true name in full, just as it appears in the certificate of baptism or birth, and in any subsequent correspondence or documents connected with educational matters in the Province give the same name in full as your signature. In the spaces marked (b) (c) give the post office address to which you wish your correspondence, card of admission, diploma, etc., mailed. In the space marked (d) insert "Protestant" or "Roman Catholic;" at (e) insert the local centre; at (ƒ) the grade of diploma. Three things are to be enclosed with the application : (1) A certificate of baptism or birth, giving the place and the exact date of birth. Note that the mere statement in the application is not sufficient unless you have already sent a certificate when applying for another diploma. In such a case refer to the year in which the certificate was sent, or mention the date of your diploma. An extract from the register of baptism, or, when this cannot be obtained, a certificate |