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right with right foot, performing this exercise alternately (8 times).

7TH EXERCISE.-Arms in position used at the commencement.

1st movement. Twist the hands and fore-arms inwards and thrust down to sides, twist them outwards and back to position (4 times).

2nd movement. The same muscular movement, this time thrusting them out in front of the body (4 times).

3rd movement.

down at sides.

Same as before, this time thrusting them

4th movement. Twisting arms as before, this time thrusting them above the head (4 times).

5th movement. Same exercises alternately, 1st out to sides, 2nd out to front, 3rd down to sides, 4th up above the head (twice.)

This exercise is particularly for the muscles, therefore care should be taken that the muscles do the work, otherwise the end in view will not be reached.

8TH EXERCISE. -Hands clasped behind.

1st movement. Rise on tips of toes.

2nd movement. Stand firmly on the foot. Repeat first and second movements alternately (8 times.)

9TH EXERCISE-Hands hanging at sides.

1st movement. Raise them till arms form one straight horizontal line out at sides, hands falling as if lifeless towards front. Shake hands from wrist, so as to imitate the flight of a bird (16 times).

2nd movement. Same movement with arms parallel in front, hands towards each other (16 times).

3rd movement. Arms down at sides, hands moving towards and from the floor (16 times).

4th movement. Arms raised parallel to each other at sides of head, hands shaking towards each other (16 times). 5th movement. One shake of hands each way, that is changing position of arms, out to sides, out to front, down, up (4 times).

10TH EXERCISE. -Hands clasped behind.

1st movement. Let head drop lifelessly to left and right alternately (4 times).

2nd movement. Let head drop as if lifeless to front and back (4 times).

3rd movement. Let head drop left, back, right and up, then right, back, left, up (twice).

11TH EXERCISE-Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. Charge to left-front corner of the room as in exercise 2, at the same time making a graceful curve with the left arm until the middle finger touches the top of the head, then back to erect position, making outward curve with the arm until it is back, hanging at side (4 times).

2nd movement. Charge to right-front, making a graceful curve with the right arm until middle finger touches the top of head, and back to erect position (4 times). 3rd movement. Charge to left-back corner of the room, forming curve with left arm as in first movement (4 times). 4th movement. Charge to right-back corner of the room, forming curve with right arm as in second movement (4 times).

5th movement.

Same alternately, left-front, right-front, left-back, right-back (4 times).

12TH EXERCISE.-Hands on hips. Bow gracefully forward, bending at the waist (8 times).

13TH EXERCISE. -Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. With middle finger of left hand touch alternately top of head, shoulder, hip, knee (4 times).

2nd movement. With middle finger of right hand touch alternately top of head, shoulder, hip, knee (4 times).

3rd movement. Same alternately, touching top of head first with left hand, then right, same shoulder, hip and knee (twice).

4th movement. Both hands working together touching top of head, shoulders, hips and knees (4 times).

14TH EXERCISE.-Hands clasped behind.

1st movement. Step out with left foot, toe well pointed, until left foot is directly in front of right (4 times).

2nd movement. Step out in like manner with right foot, placing it directly in front of left (4 times).

3rd movement. Repeat alternately with left and right (4 times).

15TH EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. Raise arms till they form one horizontal straight line.

2nd movement. Raise them till hands are parallel over head and backs of hands almost touching.

3rd movement. Lower arms to position of the second movement.

4th movement. Drop arms at sides. Repeat movements 1, 2, 3, 4 alternately (4 times).

16TH EXERCISE.-Hands clasped behind. Glance to left, then to right, without lowering the chin (8 times).

17TH EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides. Raise arms, move them towards each other till palms of hands are almost touching, then draw them apart till arms form a horizontal straight line (8 times).

18TH EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides

1st movement. Move hands towards each other till they are almost touching, without raising the arms, then back to sides.

2nd movement. Raise arms and move them towards each other till hands are parallel, palms towards each other in front of the chest.

3rd movement. Raise arms till hands are parallel, palms towards each other above the head, then back to sides. Repeat these three movements alternately (4 times).

19TH EXERCISE-Hands on hips.

1st movement. With feet as pivot turn the body until the face is turned to the left wall of the room.

2nd movement. In same way with one movement turn till facing the back of the room.

3rd movement.

With one movement turn till facing the

right wall of the room.

4th movement. With one movement turn till facing front of room, that is, to be in position at starting. Repeat movements 1, 2, 3, 4 (twice). Reverse the direction of movement, lest it should have a tendency to cause dizziness. 5th movement. Face right wall of the room.

6th movement.

Face back of the room.

7th movement. Face left wall of the room.

8th movement. Face front of the room. Repeat movements 5, 6, 7, 8 (twice).

20TH EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. Raise arms, clapping hands above the head.

2nd movement. Drop arms down to sides. Repeat movements 1, 2 (8 times). Be careful in this existence or to bend the arms.

21ST EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. Charge to left-front corner of the room, at the same time making a graceful curve with the left arm until the fingers of the left hand lightly touch the lips. Step back to position, at the same time gracefully moving the arm and hand outwards and slightly upwards (4 times).

2nd movement. Charge to the right-front corner of the room, making like motion to that described in first movement with right hand (4 times).

3rd movement. Charge to left-back corner of the room, repeating motion with left hand (4 times).

4th movement. Charge to right-back corner of the room, repeating motion with right hand (4 times).

5th movement. Charge alternately to left-front, rightfront, left-back, right-back, each time making motion with left and right hands alternately as if kissing hand to a person in each corner (twice). Be careful in all charging exercises to look in the direction towards which charge is made.

22ND EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. Raise and curve left arm until the middle finger of the left hand touches the top of the head (4 times). 2nd movement. Raise and curve right arm until the middle finger of the right hand touches the top of head (4 times).

3rd movement. Repeat this movement of left and right arm alternately (4 times).

4th movement. Same as third movement, except that whereas in third movement the motions succeeded each other, they now take place at the same time-right arm being raised whilst the left is being lowered (4 times).

5th movement. Same motion, with both arms being raised and lowered simultaneously (4 times). In this exercise great care must be taken to have graceful curves.

23RD EXERCISE.-Hands on hips. Make a smiling bow to front without bending the body (8 times).

24TH EXERCISE.-1st movement. Placing the fore-arms in front of the chest, perform an in-and-out movement, the fore-arms passing alternately over and under each other (16 times).

2nd movement. Repeat the same movement with the hands above the head.

25TH EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. Charge to left-front as in the second exercise, at the same time throwing up the arms so that hands are parallel above the head (4 times).

2nd movement. Charge to right-front, repeating motion with arms (4 times).

3rd movement. Charge to left-back, repeating motion with the arms (4 times).

4th movement. Charge to right-back, repeating motion with the arms (4 times).

5th movement. Charge alternately to left-front, rightfront, left-back, right-back, each time repeating motion of movements 1, 2, 3, 4 with the arms (twice).

26TH EXERCISE.-Arms hanging at sides.

1st movement. Swing arms up to the chest, at the same time crossing them till left hand touches right shoulder and right hand left shoulder.

2nd movement. Drop arms to sides. Repeat these two motions (8 times).

27TH EXERCISE.-Hands on hips.

1st movement. Jump from the floor, at the same time crossing left foot over right.

2nd movement. With feet crossed drop back to floor, body let drop, knees bent.

3rd movement. Jump from the floor, this time crossing right foot over the left.

4th movement. Drop to floor in descending, lowering the body as much as possible. Repeat movements 1, 2, 3, 4 (8 times).

28TH EXERCISE.-1st movement. Stretch arms out at sides in a horizontal line, open and shut hands to music (8 times).

2nd movement. With arms stretched out to front, open and shut hands, keeping time with the music (8 times).

3rd movement. With arms stretched down at sides, open and shut hands, keeping time with music (8 times). 4th movement. With arms stretched above the head, open and shut hands as before (8 times).

29TH EXERCISE.-Hands clasped behind.

1st movement. Take three steps forward, commencing with the left foot, and on the fourth beat of the music give the right foot a little graceful swing forward.

2nd movement. Take four steps backward, beginning with the right foot.

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