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aged in thy Chriftian Course, whatfoever
it be thou haft to do or fuffer; knowing
that as we receive Good from the Hand
of God, we ought in reafon to receive
Evil; not render Evil for Evil, or Rail-
ing for Railing; I may not be terrified
by any Adverfaries, nor afraid of their
Threats, neither be afraid. Sanctify thee
the Lord God in my Heart.


The Affair of the Convention being to come under Confideration, above a 100 Members were at the H. of Commons before 7 in the Morning, and 480 at Prayers before ten; which was never B known before. The P. of Wales was in the Gallery till twelve at Night to hear the Debates, and had his Dinner fent to him. The House refolved on an Addrefs to the like Effect as the Lords, (which fee p. 118.) but the Majority was no more than 28. On this Proceeding feveral the C most zealous in the Minority thought fit to leave the Houfe, and were called Abfenters or Seceders. We fpeak of this Event in this Place with the fame Brevity and Indifference as an Annalist would 100 Years hence; but the Reader will find we have not omitted the Allufions made

to the Roman Hiftory, and the Difputes enter'd into by the Political Writers on this Occafion. (See p. 135, 140.)

Was fhewn before the Royal Society a Stone taken out of the Bladder of Mr Underwood Keeper of the White-Lyon Tavern, White Chapel. It appeared very much wafted, the Shell mostly destroyed, and much of the internal Substance eaten into, fo as in fome measure to refemble a carious Bone; the Bladder was in a healthy State without any Pieces of Stone in it, tho' he had voided feveral during the Ufe of Mrs Stephens's Medicines, which he had taken about 6 Months, and then left 'em off for about three, when a Loofnefs coming upon a Fit of the Stone carry'd him off.-Mrs Stephens's Medicine will be purchased by Parliament.


A dreadful Fire broke out at Finedon near Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, which confumed about 16 Houses.


The H. of Commons waited on his Majefty with their Address of Thanks elating to the Convention, and receiv'd the following moft gracious Answer,



About two in the Afternoon the Prin cefs of Wales was fafely deliver'd of a Prince at Norfolk-House, St James's Square. When her Royal Highnefs fell in Labour, the Prince fent a Meffage, by the Lord of the Bedchamber in waiting, to his Majefty to acquaint him therewith; upon which his Majefty fe: t a Meflage to the H. of Lords, whereupon the House immediately adjourned, and the Lord High Chancellor, the D. of Dorfet, and other Peers of the Privy Council, with fome of the Bishops, repair'd to Norfolk-Houfe, to be prefent at the Birth.-His Majefty order'd the Tower Guns to be fir'd on this Occafion.

Eleven Malefactors, condemn'd the two Jaft Seffions, were executed at Tyburn, viz. Johm Marfland, and John Adamson, (See p. 46.) James James, James Lawlor, and James Leonard for Street Robberies, Thomas Eafter, Wm Udall, and Peregrine Audley for the Highway, Henry Johnson and Abby Johnson for Burglaries, and Samuel Piper for picking a Pocker of a Watch: Thomas Davis concern'd with Piper, Edward Campbell for a Burglary, and the two Women (See p. 46.) were reD priev'd for Tranfportation, and Wm Child a Highway-man refpited.



The Members of the H. of Commons that were of the Privy Council waited on the King with a congratulatory Addrefs on the Birth of the Prince, and received the following Anfwer.

Gentlemen, I return you my Thanks for your further Inftance of Affection to me.

The H. of Commons alfo waited on the P. of Wales at Norfolk-House with their congratulatory Addrefs on the fame Occafion, and received from his R. Highnefs the following Answer: 'Gentlemen, F 'I return you my Thanks for this Mark of Duty to the King, and Regard to me.'


Give you my Thanks for this dutiful Ad-H drefs, and the Confidence you repofe in me. You may be affured I will be wanting in nothing that may be neceffary to maintain the Just Rights of my Subjects, and the Honour of my Crown and Kingdom.

Thus in the fame Seffion of Parliament his Majefty has received two Congratu latory Addreffes on the Birth of two Sons of a Prince of Wales.

His Majefty went to the H. of Lords, and paffed the A&t against Mutiny and Defertion, and for better Payment of the Army and their Quarters; and two Naturalization Bills.

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on the P. of Wales to congratulate his Royal Highnets on the Birth of the faid Prince, to which his Highness returned a molt gracious Answer.

The Lord Mayor, with 11 Aldermen, the Recorder, and Sheriffs addrefs'd his Majefty on the foregoing happyOccasion; the Recorder made their Compliment as follows:

May it please your Majefty,




A Foot Race for 100 l. was run by the famous Pinwire and an Irish Footman, from Highgate to Barnet and back again (13 Miles) and won by the latter performing it in 1 Hour 19 Minutes and half.

other Houses, three whereof were found guilty of Felony, (Death); against the other was a fpecial Verdict; ten were try'd for a Riot and Misdemeanor, in attacking the Houfe, and deftroying the Goods of the faid Gentleman, nine of whom were convicted, and fined 40 Shillings each, to be imprifon'd 12 Months, and to find Security for their good Behaviour 3 Years afterward; Indictments 3 were found against two others for FeloHE Lord-Mayor and Court of Alderny, and against nine for the faid Riot, men of the City of London most who are filed.—Rowd, one of the Perfons humbly beg Leave to congratulate your condemned for the Riot, is a Brickmaker, Majefty on the fafe Delivery of her Royal B and never was employ'd in the woollen Highnefs the Princess of Wales, and the Trade. (See Vol. VIII. p. 658.) Birth of another Prince.-They rejoice, Sir, at every fortunate Event in your Royal Family which gives them an Opportunity of paying their Duty to your Majefty, and to exprefs that grateful Senfe of the many Blettings they enjoy under your Majesty's mild and gracious Government, directed in all Inftances by the Laws of the Land.As your Majely's true Concern for the publick Welfare and Profperity induced your Majesty to approve of the happy Marriage which yields this moft defirable Increase of your Royal Family, thefe your Majesty's moft faithful Subjects beg Leave to render their humble Acknowledgements to your Majesty upon this additional Profpect of the Continuance of their Felicity, of the Prefervation of their Religious and Civil Rights, and of their remaining a free and happy People.They prefume to take this Occafion to repeat their Affurances to your Majefty of their most duti ful and affectionate Regard to your Royal Perfon, and their Zeal for the Support of your Government, and of their fincere and fteady Attachment to the Proteftant Succeffion in your Royal Family.

His Majefty was pleased to anfwer, Thank you for this Loyal Addrefs, and for the Satisfaction you express upon the Increase of my Family.

They all had the Honour to kiss his Majesty's Hand.



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Was held a Court of Aldermen and Common Council at Guild hall, when a Committee was appointed to draw up a Congratulatory Address to his Majesty on the Birth of a Prince. (Which was pres fented the next Day, and his Majefty received them very gracioufly, and they had the Honour to kifs his Hand.)-The Manfion-Houfe Committee acquainted the Court that the Ground at Stocks Market was not fit for a Foundation with out being first pii'd and planked, which, on a moderate Computation, will come to about 1400. Whereupon the Com mittee was impower'd to receive Propo fals from Workmen, and to lay them be fore the next Court


Was held a General Court of the Bank of England, when a Dividend of 2 3 4ths per Cent. was declar'd for Intereft and Profits for the Half Year ending the 25th Inftant, the Warrants to be ready on the 13th of April next.

ALIST of BIRTHS for the YEAR 1739.
ADY of Hon. Benj. Batburf, Efq;
Member for Gloucefter, delivered

Mar. 1.

of a Son.


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March 6.

Cooley, Efqs of Hertfordfb. to the Daughter and fole Heirefs of late Sir Fiber Trench, of Low-Layton, Bart.

Rev. Dr Lewin,- -to Mifs Williams, Niece to the Bp of Rockefter, with 30,000!.

Thomas Garrard, Efq; Common Serjeant of London, ---to Mifs Gay, Daughter of late Robt. Gay, Efq; Member for Bath, and Treasurer of Cbrifts Hofpital, 20,000!.

14. Chriftopher Wyvil, Efq; Comptroller of Cafh in the Excife-Office,- -to Mifs Afty of Northaw, with 12,000l.

25. Mr Kitchen, Apothecary of Westminster, ---to a Sifter of Sir Samuel Newman, Bt, 3000l.

ALIST of DEATHS for the YEAR 1739. Feb. 21. TADY Chetwynd, Mother to Vifc. Chetwynd.

23. Rev. Dr Deyman, 40 Years Mafter of Uffculm School in Devonshire.

26. Relict of Sir Henry Bendifh of Steeple Bumficad, Effex.

27. Mrs Bradford, Relict of the late Bp of Rochefter.

Wm Curtis, Efq; of a large Estate in Ireland. Rev. Dr Barker, Prebendary of Westminster. 28. Lady Sophia Cecil, nearly related to the Earl of Sal foury.

(Lately) Sir Thomas Dereham of Dercham Abbey, Norfk, Bart, at Rome, and bury'd in the Church of St Thomas belonging to the English Nation. He was Son of Sir Rich. Dereham, by Lady Villers eldeft Daughter of Vifc. Purbeck, and was educated at the Court of the late great Duke of Tuscany. Befides a fine Picture to the Chevalier de St George and other Legacies, he left confiderable to the College de propaganda fide, for two English Students to go as Miffionaries to England.

Mr Lyddall (lately) against whom a Verdict was formerly given of 10,000l. for criminal Converfation at Bruffels.

March 2. Job Hanmer, Efq; of Lincoln's Inn. 4. Sir John Shaw, Bt,of Eltham, Kent, of the Gout in his Stomach,


Brydges, Elq; Father to the Speaker's

ton, E. of Rutherglen, his younger Brother, and his Perfonal Eftate, near 100,000l goes among Relations.--awyers Fees deducted.


15. Vilc. Bulkeley of Ireland, Member for Beaumaris; dying without Male Iffue, he is fucceeded in Honour and Eftate by his Brother.

18. Lady of Sir Wm Fouler, Bart, at Shrewfbury, in Childbed.

20. Mrs Mary Hanger, Daughter and Coheir of John Hanger, Efq; Her Fortune of 30,000!, goes to her two Sifters, Lady Colerain, and Elizabeth Hanrer.

21. Dr Wharton, an eminent Phyfician in Fenchurcb-ftr. of a Mortification in his Bowels. 23. Mr Bowman, of Drury-Lane Theatre, aged 87.

16. Georce Tuckfield, Efq; Member for Afb. burton, Devonshire.

27. Mr Whiting Surgeon to St Thomas's Hofpi Lady of Ld Bruce, Sifter to the E. of Burlington ALIST of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1739. Charles Clarke, Elas of Lincoln's Inn, appointed

of the King's Counfel learned in the Law. E. of Berkley,--Ld of theBedchamber in extra: Mr Gyles, Chief Clerk of the New Annuity Office chofen Chief Clerk of the Old Annuity Office likewife, in room of Mr Pinfold, decd.

Mr Nath. Stevens, made Deputy Comptroller of the Cuftoms in Bristol, in room of John Elbridge, Efq; decd. who left 8000 /. to the Infirmary and Girls Hofpital at Bristol. and near 60,000l. among his Relations and Acquaintance.

John Blacket, Elq;-Sheriff of Nortbumberland, in room of Wm Errington, Efq; decd. Wm Myddleton, Efq; -Receiver of North Wales, in room of Ed Burton, Efq;

The Wife of Mr Murray, Porter to Norfolk Houfe, Wet Nurfe to the new-born Prince.. Edward Montagu, Son of the late General, appointed Major of Cornwallis's Reg. of Foot. Duncan Urqubart, Efq; Member for Stafford,

Capt. of a Company in the 2d R. of Footg.
Major Whitney,--Lieut. Colonel, and
Lieut. Weft,---Capt. in Harley's Dragoons.

R St

5. Bartbolomer Tipping, Efq; at Oxford. Hon. Wm Farmer, Efq; Brother to the E. of Pomfret.

8. Lady of Charles Pelham, Efq; Member for Beverly.

9. Capt. Hafket, formerly a Sea Commander. James Jennings, Efq; formerly Member for Abingdon.

10. Mifs Rachel M›rgan, eldest Daughter of the late Sir William Mor an.

11. Ralph Gulfton, Elq; Turkey Merchant. Mrs Cores, Mother of Dr Cotes, Member for Tamworth.

Marmaduke Coghill, Efq; Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland.

12. Jbn Eyres, Efq; of Berry's Hall, Norfolk, a Roman Catholick of 40001. per Ann.

Samuel Harding, Efq; formerly High Sheriff for Bucks, aged 97.

13. Charles Hamilton, E. of Selkirk, aged 76, Lord of the Bedchamber, one of the 16 Peers, and Lord Clerk Regifter of Scotland. He is fucceeded in Honour and Eftate by Jikn Hamil

Brides, in room of Dr Bundy, decd. Mr Gifford (not Mr Boycot, as in our last)---Rector of Clebidon, Devenfbire,

Mr Boncar,---Rector of St Stephen's, Brifto!. Mr Batbo,---Rector of Heveningham, and Vicar of Wenbafon, both in Suffolk.

Mr Waterland, ---Prebendary of Bristol, in room of Dr Harcourt, decd.

Mr Eyre, Son of the late Chief Justice,--Rector of Broughton, Hants, 300 per Ann. Mr Ratcliffe, Mafter of Pembroke College, Oxon,---Prebendary of Gloucefter.

Mr Burton,---Vicar of Tuefton, Yorkshire. Mr Burchett, Chaplain to theH. of Commons ---Prebendary of Westminster, in room of Dr Thistlethwait degraded for a benious Crime.

Mr Whitlock,---Rector of Mankton, Somerfet, 300l. per Ann.

New MEMBER of PARY Brook Fofter, Efq; (not Wm) Our Brethren bad this and ano their New Members laft Monik

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Montbly BILL of Mortality, from Feb. 20. to March 27.


S Males 8502

Christned Femal. 827 S
Males 13187
{ Femal. 1302
Died under 2 Years old-
Between 2 and
Between 5 and
Between 10 and
Between 20 and

Between 30 and
Between 40 and
Between 50 and
Between 60 and
Between 70 and
Between 80 and
Between 90 and

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1729 843 1731 877 1136 938 854 1732 933 1011 1733 937 981 1734 955 1104 1735 807 885 1736 896 896 1737 889 1405 1738 996 1078 At Wells in Somerfetfhire, a Woman was deliver'd this Month of tour Sons and a Daughter at a Birth, they were all chriftened, and likely to live. false.

931 823 865 1114 1728 774 1417

At the Clofe of laft Month was brought from Pinner in Middlesex, to be interr'd at Harrow on the Hill, the Corpfe of a young Gentlewoman of 12,00 %. Fortune. Her only Sitter, on her taking Coach, was obferv'd to put fomething into her Mouth; and being come to Harrow was very ill, and ask'd for foine Water: She drank near a Pint, and then faid, Well, now my Bufinefs is done, I have taken Arfenick, bury me with my Sifter: She died after 30 Hours mifery, all Remedies apply'd being fruitless.

At Derby Affizes Mr James Loton, a Man of Subftance, was fentenced to be hung in Chains for the Murder of a Male Baftard Child; the Mother, Frances Coult



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Beft Hops 31. 155.

Coals 255. per Chaldron as fet by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, pursuant to the new Act.

fon, turning Evidence, was acquitted. Bristol. The Rev. Mr Whitefield, who fet out from London the 7th pait for the Weft in order to preach, and collect Money for an Orphan-Houfe and Infirmary in Georgia, has been wonderfully labori ous and fuccefsful, efpecially among the poor Prifoners in Newgate, and the rude Colliers of Kingswood, preaching every Day to large Audiences, vifiting, and On expounding to religious Societies. Saturday the 18th Inftant he preach'd at Hannum Mount to s or 6000 Perfons, amongst them many Colliers. In the Evening he removed to the Common, about half a Mile further, where 3 Mounts and the Plain round were crowded with fo great a Multitude of Coaches, Foot, and Horsemen, that they cover'd 3 Acres and were computed at 20,000 People, and at both Places he collected 141. 10s. for the Orphan-Houfe of Georgia. The 19th and 20th he preached in a Field near Bath to 4 or 5000 each Day; on Wednesday on a Mount at Keinfham to 2 or 3000; on Thursday to about the fame Number at Baptift Mills, and on Friday among the Colliers at the Fishponds.

Dublin, March 11. Pafled the Great Seal a Commiffion appointing Thomas Wyndham Efq; Ld High Cha cellor, to be Lord High Steward, for trying Henry Barry, Ld Baron of Santry, for killing a Man; for this End the Peers are fummon'd to meet on April the 27th next at the Parliament Houfe.



HE French Ambassador having made fresh Inftances with the Grand Sig. nior to conclude a Peace with the Emperor and Ruffia, was answered, That it was in vain to negotiate on that Head, unless the Court of Vienna would yield up Imperial Walachia, Orfova with its Dependencies, and the Part of Servia between the Morava and Timock; and unless Ruffia would restore Afoph, and fulfil the freaty of Pruth: The abandon. ing of Oczakow was look'd on as Nothing, fince the Ruffians wou'd not have retir'd from that Place, if they had thought themfelves able to keep it. The Ottoman Ar- B mies defign'd to act against the Imperialifts and Ruffians are to confift of above 200,000 Men, and the Grand Vizir, who has taken off the Head of Weli Baffa Seraskier of Bender, is to carry with him Mahomet's great Standard, which has not been taken out of St Sophia's Church (now a Mofque) these laft hundred Years, and flatters himself that he shall make great Conquefts. But if the Perfians have again declared War against the Porte, he muft content himself, as last Campaign, with acting chiefly on the defenfive Part. This is certain, they compel Men by Force, to enter into their Armies, which D is contrary to their Law, and they are to ufe for the future Bayonets, which is contrary to their former Practice. Add to this, five Baffas who commanded, three of them in Hungary and two on the Dniefter, were fent for to the Seraglio, their Conduct cenfur'd, the Bowstring adminiftred, Ƒ and their Bodies thrown into the Sea.So that the Turks feem refolved to act with equal Severity against their own Officers, as Refolution against the Enemy.

As to his Imperial Majefty, not a Day paffes but a Grand Council is held in his Prefence; and he feems much embarrafied at the prefent Situation of Affairs. The Conditions infifted on by the Turks, he knows neither how to grant or refufe. The two laft Campaigns were fo unfavou rable, that he much fears a third, efpecially as he cannot have the Alfiftance of the Ruffian Army, which, how much foever he wants Money, would have been more eligible, because the raw Recruits that he can bring into Hungary, either for fear of the Plague or the Enemy, defert as faft almoft as they arrive, or die of the Fatigue; and his Veterans have been extremely leffen'd by the Sword, the Peftilence, or other Cafualties.

The Dutch are not a little alarmed at Reconciliation and ftri&t Alliance of France and Spain by the double Marriage, which will, 'tis apprehended, make the Eant Don Philip a Compliment of the

Dutchies of Parma and Placentia and the Kingdom of Corfica, nay, thofe may be thought too inconfiderable for a Prince who has married the eldest Daughter of France, and as Manthan' and the Milanefe lie fo expofed, how can the Emperor help himfelt? And if the Duke (late of Lorrain now) of Tuscany, would not have the Op pofition of thefe Great Powers, when he comes to fucceed to the Imperial Throne, can he expect to hold that grear Dutchy?

The French, by their great Preparati ons, feem refolved to reduce Corfica by Force. The Marquis de Maillebois, who is to go with a third Convoy of Troops, is to have the Honour of riveting their Chains. But the Corficans are ftrengthening themselves, determin'd to facrifice all rather than return under the Dominion of their old Masters the Genoefe.-Thefe People (fays Miffon) make ftout Soldiers, and have a Rage in their C Valour, which may be used to good purpose. They have now taken Occafion to difplay their Courage against the Fighters for Slavery; for by the freshest Advices we learn that a regular Body of 3000 French having attack'd an important Poft in the Province of Balagna, were fet upon by 6ooo Peafants, and, after a very obftinate Engagement, put to flight.


Florence. An Edict was publifh'd here the 16th ult. N.S. forbidding the Importation of any Foreign Woollen Manufactures into Tuscany; but Leghorn, being a Free Port, is excepted in the Prohibition.— Our Grand Dutchefs is with Child.

The Emprefs of Ruffia in regard to the Tranquillity of Poland, which wou'd have been disturbed by fending thro' its Territories the 30,000 Troops, the promised the Emperor of Germany, has determined to fend his Majefty an Equivalent in Money; tho' if the Campaign proves fuccefsFful, fhe has not relinquith'd the Scheme of joining her Troops with the Imperialifts. This will depend on Count Munick's palling the Dniefter, where he is again to command, and which laft Year was his Ne plus ultra. General Lafci is to make another Expedition into the Crimea, with G Defign to poffefs himself of the important Port of Caffa; the Conqueft of which would not only give him firm footing in the Crim, but much interrupt the Communication of the Tartars with Conftantinople: But this is an Undertaking he will fearce be able to accomplish while the Turks with their Sultana's and large Ships ride Masters of the Black Sea. The Ruffian Prahmes and mall Veffels which come down the Mass Hile: Servic WALDEN




from Afoph, will


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