Ty'd him; fince which the King died, and Mr Barrington fucceeded him by unanimous Confent of the People. A Tenant of the Lord Lovat's in the Scotch Highlands lately died aged 126; he retained his Senfes to the laft, fo as to give diftinct Orders relating to his Funeral. Jofeph Love, Efq; a very eminent Englifh Merchant at Oporto in Portugal, as he was going from thence to his Country Seat, was robb'd and murdered. Dublin. A very fine Picture, at full Prefentes tibi maturos largimur Honores, A B 22. John Wolfe, Efq; Register to the Dutchy Court of Lancaster,-to Widow Allen of Hatton Garden, with 5000l. A LIST of DEATHS for the Year 1739. Mar. 29.0 SIR Edw. Goodyere, Bt. at Burghope, Herefordh. He ferved in feveral Parliaments for Evesham, and Hereford/h. and marry'd the fole Heiress of Sir Edw. Dineley. His Eftate and Title devolve to his Son, now Sir John Dineley; Apr. 1. Samuel Weftall, Efq; Lieut. Col. and Mufter-Mafter General of the Train'd Bands of London. Henry Fane, Efq; related to the E. of Weftmoreland. 2. Francis Clarke, Efq; eldeft Son and Heir of Sir Francis Clarke, Br. 3. Wm Harvey, Efq; at Womer fley, Yorksh. 4. Benj. Haskyns Styles, Eiq; of MoorPark, Hertford. Member in faft Parlia C ment for Caln. An original Picture of the fame wor thy Dean is alfo put up in the Publick Gallery of the University at Oxford, being the Gift of John Barber, Efq; Alderman of the City of London, and received with D great Refpect and Thanks by the ViceChancellor, who in a polite Letter to the Alderman, was pleafed to exprefs the higheft Satisfaction in Behalf of himself and his Brethren, the Heads of Houfes, for fo valuable a Present. 6 ALIST of BIRTHS for the YEAR 1739. Apr. 8. LADY of Sir Robert Hildyard, deliver'd of a Son, at York. 12. Lady of Ld Vere Beauclerc,--of a Son (fince dead.) ALIST of MARRIAGES for the Year 1739. Apr. 5.Mker, Tobacconist, marry'd * 6. Duckerrell, Efq; of Rotterdam, Holland, -to Mifs Hamilton, Niece to the Hon, Col. Hamilton. My Ogilvy of Rothemay,-to Lady Betty Maitland, Daughter to the E. of Lauderdale, at Edinburgh. 12. Wm Waine, Efq; of Somerfetfh.-to Mils Fleming, Daughter to the Lieut. Gen. of the Leeward Illands, 20,000 l, E F G Mr Strutton, Dealer in Hops,-to the Relict of Sir Rich. Anderson, Bt. Dealer H in Husbands, this being her 4th, tho' fhe is not much above thirty. 16. Jacob Elton, Efq; Brother of Sir Abrakam,-to Widow Briages, at Bristol. Edw. Stanhope, Efq; of Grimfton, YorkЛh. 5. Edw. Tacker, Efq; Surveyor of the King's Stone Quarries in the Island of Portland. He reprefented the Borough of Melcomb in feveral Parliament.. MrWoodford Fellow of QueensCol.Camb. 6. Mr Vincent Bacon, Surgeon, F. K. S. Thomeur, Efq, an eminent Spanish Merchant. 9. Edw. Snagg, Efq; of Ampthill, Bedfordshire. E. of Deloraine, Son of Henry late E. of Deloraine, who was Son of James D. of Monmouth, by the Lady Anne Scott, Dutchefs of Buccleugh in her own Right. 10. Geor. Overman of Lincolns Inn, Efq; Lady Lechmere, Relict of Ld Lechmere, Wife of Sir Thomas Robinson, Bt. at the Bath. She was eldest Daughter to Charles late E. of Carlisle, by Elizabeth Capel, only furviving Daughter to Arthur late E. of Effex, and Sifter to the prefent E. of Carlife. By her Death a confiderable Fortune came to Edmund Lechmere, Efq; Member for Worcestershire. 11. Rev. Mr Stephens, Vicar of Malden near Kingston, and Prebend. of Winchester, 14. Wm Levefon Gower, eldest Son and Heir of the Ld Gower, and Brother to the Putchefs of Bedford. The The Viscountess Antrim, in Ireland. 15. The Hon. Edw. Carteret, Elq; one of the Commiflioners for executing the Office of Postmaster General; he was 3d Son of Sir Philip Carteret, younger Brother to Sir George Carteret, Bt. created Ld Carteret, and Uncle to the prefent Ld Carteret. He ferved in feveral Parliaments, and in 1721 was appointed Poftmaster General with Galfridus Walpole, Efq,-His Body being open'd, there were found in his Bladder two white smooth Stones of the Size of Chefnuts; the Bladder itself and the Kidneys were in a found State. 16. Mr Robert Todd, Coal-Merchant at Westminster, worth 40,000l. John Campbell, Efq; Member in the last Parliament for Edinburgh. Mafter D'Aeth, Grandfon of Sir Thomas D'Aeth, Bart. Francis Fane, Member for Taunton, and Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, Knighted. Mr Baker of Kingfireet, made Surgeon of St Thomas's Hospital, in room of Mr Whiteing, decd. John Tucker, Efq; Member for Melcomb A Regis,Surveyor of the Stone Quarries in Portland, in room of his Father, dccd, a Place of 500l. per Ann. B Mr John Hornsby, remarkable for his SC Judgment in Horfes, and Skill in Racing; he was, by his own defire, bury'd in his Shoes and Stockings, Silk Riding-Suit, Jockey-Cap, and his Whip in his Hand. George Riggs, Efq; at Ilington. 17. Rev. Mr Berkley, Nephew to the Bp of Cloyne, at Chelsea. John Vele, Efq; formerly Secretary to the S. Sea Company. A Son of George Venables Vernon, Efq; Member for Litchfield. 18. Samuel Boyle, Efq; a near Relation of the E of Glasgow. Sir John Eyles, Bt,-Poftmaster General in room of the Hon. Edw. Carteret, Elq; Dr Tyfon,-Treasurer of the College of Phyficians, in room of Dr Wharton, dec. Lieut. Col. Philips,-Mufter-Master of London. John Couraud and Andrew Stone, Efqrs -Deputy-Secretaries of State for Scotland. in room of George Tiljon, Efq; decd, and Charles Delafaye, Efq, who reigned. Mr Jenings-Surveyor in the Brandy Mefi. Napier and Gordon,-Chief Burgeffes of Westminster, for the Year enfuing. Ld Vifc. Duncannon, made a Commiffioner of the Irish Revenue, in room of Hon. Henry Boyle, Efq;-Chancellor of Exchequer, in room of Dr Coghill, dec. E. of Findlater,-High Commillioner to the General Assembly of the Church D of Scotland. Ε MrDennet,an eminent Florist, at Lambeth. 12. Rich. Oldfield, Efq; of a dead Paify; E he was Candidate for Windfor at the last Election. 20. Dr Saunder fon, Profeffor of Mathematics at Cambridge. He was blind from two Years old, yet attained to be one of the greatest Mathematicians of the Age, 22. Tho. Rand, Efq; of Meffing, Effex. Merchant. F Capt. Trevor, appointed Capt. of the Augusta, a 4th Rate, in room of Capt. Byng, removed to the Portland. Capt. Durel,-Capt. of the Strafford, a 4th Rate Guardship. Brig. Cope, Col. of the Reg. of Horse late General Pearfe's in Ireland. Ld Cathcart, Governor of London. derry, in room of late General Wynne. ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. RE EV. Mr Fountaine, Fellow of Cathabendary of Sarum, in room of Dr Eyre, dec. rine Hall, Cambridge, made a PreMrYork, Vicar of Oundle, Northamton h Mr Le Marchant, Fellow of Exeter ColGarrison of Guernsey, in room of Mr Bolege, Oxford,-Chaplain to the Illand and namy, dec. Mr Friend, Rector of Witney, Oxfordsh. G in room of his Father Dr Friend, who refigned. Baptift May, Efq;King's Carriages, in room of Lampen H. Maybank, Efq; Wm Myddelton, Efq;-Receiver of the Revenue in North Wales, in room of Edward Barton, Efq; Mr Clark,-Rect of Hempstead, Norfolk. Mr Hotchkis,-Rector of Bretenham, Suffolk. NEW MEMBERS. Fofcoh Taylor, Efq; chofen for Ashburton in Devonshire. Ld Vic. Bulkeley,-for Beaumar's room of his Brother, decd. ST Buried. Monthly BILL of Mortality, from March 27. to Apr. 20: Christned Males 6582 6581262 2 Femal. 6045 Buried Males 1037} Died under 2 Years old Between 2 and and Between 10 and Between zo and Between 30 Between 40 and Between 50 and Between 60 and --- 2081 764 5 185 30 68 20 --14 61 164 186 184 183 133 Peck Loaf, Wheat.-15. 1od. African 131⁄2 Royal Aff. 102 Lon. ditto 13 1⁄2 70 Wheat 271. per Quar. Hay per load 425. Beft Hops 31. 155. Coals 255. per Chaldron as fet by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, pursuant to the new Act. LITERARY The learned JOHN HENRY HAMPE, Physician to her ROYAL HIGHNESS the PRINCESS of WALES, Member of the Imperial Academy, N. C. and F. R. S. and PETER SHAW, M. D. propofe to publish by Subfcription, The Practice of Metallurgy in all its Branches: Containing the belt Methods of difcovering and working of Mines, judging and trying of Minerals; preparing and fmetting Ores; feparating and refining of Metals, &c, all in the large Way of Bufinefs; with the entire Art of afflaying, as applied to Ores, mix'd Metals, and Coins. The whole illuftrated by a Sett of Copper-Plates done to a Scale. Tranflated from a Treatise of METALLURGY lately publish'd in Germany, by M. ANDREW SCHLUTER, Super-intendant of the King of Great Britain's Mines at Hartz. To which will be added, 1. A Natural Hiftory of Minerals. 2. The Ways of difcovering, finking, draining and working of Mines. With occafional Notes from the best Metallurgical Writers. They compute the Work at about 150 Sheets and Plates, wil make two Volumes in Folio, and will be delivered by Midsummer 1740. The Specinen for Paper and Letter is beautiful; the Price three Guineas, two to be paid upon fubfcribing, and the other upon delivering a perfect Copy in Sheets: Subferiptions are taken in by the Editors and their Friends. Dr Midalton's Scheme comprehends ARTICLE. not only the Life of Cicero, but a genera Account of all the Affairs of Rome, thro a Period of 64 Years, the most memora ble and interciting of any in the Roman Hiftory; in which, after many Revoluti ons and Convulfive Struggles for Liberty, the Republick itfelf was finally opprefs'd. The Grounds of all the great Events are opened and explained from the moft authentic Teltimonies, efpecially from Cicero's Letters, and other Writings and the Characters of all the principal Actors in them are diftinctly drawn; viz. of Mari us, Sylla, Pomey, Craffus, Cafar, Pijo, Ga. binius, Clodius, Marcellus, Sulpicius, Cato, Antony, Curio, Brutus, Caffius, D. Brutus, Trebonius, Lepidus, Octavius, Hirtius, Panfa, &c. To the end of the History will be annexed a particular Review of Cicero's Life and Character; a Defcription of his Villa's, Eltates, and manner of Living, a Judgement on his feveral Writings; an Explication of his Philofophy and Opinions; a general Scheme of his Politics Together with the belt Account that can be collected of his Son, and a Character of Atticus. Occafionally are inferted particular Explanations of all the Offices, Laws, Cuffoms, Ceremonies, Titles, proper to illuftrate the Constitution of the Republick and the Manners of the Roman People. Errat. In fome Books at the Clofe of p. 192. for prefent Tence be pricked down, read Fence be kicked down. Etersburgh. A Body of Tartars hav- is charged with Propofitions relating to Ping undertaken to make an Incurlithis Affair. A on into the Ukraine, were defeated, and many of them killed and taken Prifoners in the Action, in which they also loft two Pair of Colours, a large Quantity of Bows and Arrows, and 1300 Horfes. The reft fled towards Poland, where they plunder'd and burnt several Towns and Villages, and carry'd away 3900 Poles into Slavery, which the Sultan of Bialegrod has fince order'd to be fet at Liberty, and promised to make good all the Damages. The Turks have entirely repair'd the Fortifications of Oc- B zakow and Kinburn, which laft they intend to make a Fortrefs of Confequence. Moscow. The Mathematicians fent fome time ago to Kernt schuska, (See Vol. VIII. p. 278.) in order, if pollible, to make their Way from thence to the Extremities of Afia, to discover whether that Part of the World join by Land to America, as many have afferted, have mifcarry'd for want of neceffary Affiftance from the Governors of the Frontier Places, tho' they had pofitive Orders from the Court to affift them. Conftantinople. According to the Plan of Operations for the enfuing Campaign, the Grand Vizir, accompany'd by Maho met's Standard, will march directly to Temefwaer with the grand Army, which will be very formidable; at the fame time the Seraskier who took Orfova will undertake the Siege of Belgrade. When thefe Places are reduced, the Armies will unite in order to feize on Tranfylvania. D E F Corfica. The Marquis de Maillebois arrived at Calvi in this Ifland the 7th paft O. S. and has fince ufed his utmoft Endeavours to perfuade the Malecontents to fubmit, having to that purpose made feveral advantageous Propofals, and offer'd them a general Amnesty; but as he requires them to deliver up their Arms into his Hands as a Preliminary Article, the Corficans have declared afresh that they will never accept any fuch Condition. Stockholm. The States of Sweden have under Debate two Subjects of equal Importance. The firft is an Enquiry into the Peace of Newftad, and the Renewal of that Treaty [By this Peace Sweden yield ed to Rullia in the Time of Peter the Great the Provinces of Livonia, Ingria and a good part of Finland.] This occafioned the Difgrace and Difmillion of five of their Members, who negotiated and figned the Renewal of that fhameful and difadvantageous Peace, having been corrupted with Money to engage in the Intercit of Ruffia. The other Subject is, the Nomi- G nation of a Succeffor to the Crown, which feems at this time the more neceffary, as the King's ill State of Health does not permit him to intermedle in the Government, and, 'tis likely, never will. The Duke of Holftein's Party has confiderably ftrengthen'd itself, and to all appearance has the Superiority. 'Tis fuppofed that Sweden will lay hold of the prefent favourable Time and Circumtances to recover her loft Dominions, and her Ambassador at the Porte, 'tis faid, Rome. There was lately burnt here with great Solemnity, by order of the Inquifition, a Piece in French wrote by the Chevalier Ramsay (Author of the Travels of Cyrus, &c.) entitled an Apologetical and Hiftorical Relation of the Secret of the Free Mafons, printed at Dublin by Patric Odonoko. This was published at Paris, in anfwer to a pretended Catechifm printed there by Order of the Lieutenant de Police, (See Vol. VIII. p. 54.) much like Pritchard's in English. Hanover. The Convention between the Kings of Great Britain and Denmark, concerning the Lordship of Steinhorst,confifts of 5 Articles, in Substance as follows; 1. His Britannic Majefty declares that what pafs'd at the feizing the Caftle of Steinhorst (See p. 51.) was confider'd by his Officers but as an indifpenfable Means for maintaining his lawful Right, fince there was no Intention to injure his Danish Majefty on this Occafion. 2. His Britannic Majefty promifes that immediately after the Execution of this Accommodation Steinhorst shall be evacuated, the new Retrenchments demolifhed, and all things restored to their former State, till the Afair be decided. 3. His Britannic Majesty affures, that he has not enter'd into any Engagement with the Ducal House of Hol ftein, and that he has no Intention to engage with it hereafter in any Money Negotiation, that may prejudice either the Supreme Domaine of the K of Denmark, his Right of eventual Succeffion, or his other Prerogatives. 4. His Britannic Majelty declares that during this Difpute no new Works have been added to the Fortifications of Ratzburg. 5. His Danith Majefty promifes on his Part that as foon as the 2d and 4th Articles abovementi n'd are fully executed, his Troops fhall likewife withdraw, and that if the Affair cannot be concluded by Plenipotentiaries, the Parties fhall either cftablish a Commiflion, or leave the Matter to the Judg ment of Umpires, or, hitly, refer it to a Decision of Law, but his Danth Majefty is to name the Tribunal to whofe Sentinel he will acquiefce. "A LETTER from an abfented Member: Printed for J. Standen. pr. 6 d. 2. An Appeal to the Unprejudic'd. Printed for T. Cooper, pr. 6 d. 3. The Cafe of King Jehoshaphat and the Church of England, parallell'd. Printed for J. Vokes. pr. Is. 4. The Country Correfpondent. Sold by T. Cooper. pr. 6 d. 5. Libiafis Anglicana; or, the Nature and Origin of the Stone and Gravel in human Bodies. By H. Bracken, M. D. pr. 1s.. Cooper. 6. A Philofophical Account of the Works of Nature. By R. Bradley, F. R. S. The Second Edition, 8vo. enlarg'd. pr. 6 s., J. Hodges. 7. A Syllabus and Compendium of Anatomy. By G. Thomson, M.D. pr. 15, 6d. 8. The Hiftory of England, during the Reformation. By Mr Oldmix. Sold by T. Cox and R. Hett. Folio. 1/. pr. 55. 9. The Lives and Works of the most celebrated Spanish Painters. pr. 2s. 6d. S. Harding. 10. A Differtation on the Stone in the Bladder. By W. Schaw, M.D. pr. 15. R. Goling. 11. A short critical Review of the political Life of Oliver Cromwell. Sold by J. James. Svo. pr. 45. 12. Philofophical Experiments By Dr St Hales. Printed for W. Innys and T. Woodward. Suo. pr. 2s. 6d. 13. Political Reflections upon the Finances of France. Printed for A. Millar. pr. 45. 6d. 14. A farther Reply to Mr Shepheard's Advertisement. By J. Wynter, M. D. Printed for the Author. pr. I s. 15. The Miferies of the Miferable, in regard to the Woollen Trade. Sold by A. Dedd. pr. 3 d. 16, The Hiftory of Gustavus Vafa, Printed for J. Roberts. pr. 6 d. 17. An Efay towards the Character of the late Chimpanzee. Printed for L. Gulliver. pr. 6 d. 18. A Journal of the Squadron under Admiral Haddock. By the Rev. Mr Lumley. Sold by M. Dodd. pr. 1s. 19. The Timber-Tree improv'd. Ellis. Printed for J. Fox. pr. 2s. 20. The Trial of Richard Turpin. for Ward and Chandler. pr. 6 d. By W. Printed 21. A Philofophical Amufement upon the Language of Beafts. Printed for T. Cooper. pr. 1 s. [See p. 194, 5, 6.] 22. Modern Hiftory. By Mr Salmon. Printed for A. Bettefworth, c. 3 Vols 4to. pr. 37. 35. 23. The Hiftory of English Baptifts. By Tho. Crosby. 2 Vols 8vo. Seld by A. Ward. pr. 10s. 24. Lyfe Orationes & Fragmenta Graece & Latine. Deliver'd to Subfcribers by W. Bowyer. 25. Chronologia Enucleata. By C. Young, A. M. Printed for the Author. 12mo. pr. 2s. 6d. 26. Obfervations on the. Remarks of Mr Whitefield's Journal. pr. 6 d. Roberts. 27. The Hiftory of Prince Edward and EleoCooper. nora. pr. 6 d. 28. Persepolis Illuftrata; or, a Defcription of 30. Grobianus; or, the compleat Booby. Sold by T. Cooper. 8vo. pr. 45. 31. The Tragedy of King Saul. Sold by F Piefly. pr. 6d. 32. The Lucky Miftake; or, Lady furpriz'd. Printed for J. Standing. pr. 6 d. 33. Tafte, an Effay. Sold by A. Dodd. pr. 1 s. 34. An Epistle in Imitation of the fecond Epiftle of Horace. pr. 13. Robisfen. 35. A Vindication of a Defence of InfantBaptifm. Printed for 7. and P. Knapton. pr. 25. 36. The Genealogies of Jefus Chrift. By Ed. Yardley, B. D. Sold by J. Mechell. 8vo. pr. 55% 37. An Examination of Mr Chubb's True Gofpel. By L. Jackson, B. D. Printed for 7. Clarke 8vo. pr. 4s. 6d. 38. An Answer to the Examination of Mt Hutchinfon's Remarks. By D. Gettins, L. L. B. Printed for J. Roberts. pr. Is. 39. A View of the Neceffitarian Scheme. Printed for T. Cooper. pr. 6 d. IS. 40. Remarks on Mr Chubb's Vindication of his True Gofpel. By C. Fleming. Printed for D. Farmer. pr. 6 d.. 41. The erroneous Tranlations of the Scrip ture. By John Lookup, Efq; Printed for 7. Roberts. pr. Is. 42. Sacred Mirth; or, the pious Soul's daily Delight. By W. Tanfur. pr. 2s. J. Hodges. 43. A Difcourfe on Confirmation. Sold by A. Dodd. pr. 15. 44. Numb. XXXIX of the Defcription of China, an entire Tranflation from P. Du Halde, (in two Vols Folio) Printed for E. Cave. pr. 1 s. 45. The Chriftian Family Prayer-Book. By S. Bourn. Printed for 7. Hodges. pr. 25. 46. A Letter to Mr Chubb, on Occafion of his true Gofpel. By R. P. pr. 15. Stagg 47. A Dialogue between a Baptift and a Churchman. Part II. pr. 1 s. 6 d. Roberts. 48. Nineteen Letters of Dr Hammond. By Fr. Peck, M. A. pr. 1 s. Cooper. Cooper. 49. The Divine Legation of Mofes, demonftrated, against Mr Warburton. pr. 6d. 50. Marmor Norfolciense; or, a prophetical Infcription in monkith Rhime. pr. I s. Brett. 51. A Sermon to the religious Societies. By W. Berryman, D. D. Printed for J. Carter. pr. 64. 52. His before the Trustees of Georgia. pr. 6 d. 53. before the Societies for Reformation of Manners. By S. Smith, L. L. B. Sold by M. Downing. pr. 6 d. 54. at Whitechapel, on the Marks of the new Birth. By G. Whitefield. pr. 4 d. J. Hutton. 55. before the University of Cambridge. By W. Wefien, M. A. pr. Is. Cooper. 56. in Goodman's-Fields. By John Gill, Printed for A. Ward, pr. 6 d. ADVERTISEMENT. Apr. 30. Next Week will be publish`d, in 2 Vols. IR ISAAC NEWTON's PHI1.OSOPHY, explain'd, for the Ufe of the LADIES. In Six Dialogues on Light and Co the antient and reyal Palace of Perfid Printed S for S. Harding. pr. 7 s. 6d. 29. The Statues; or, the Trial of Conftancy. lours. Tranflated from the Italian of Sig. Algarotti. Printed for T. Cooper. pr. 11. Printed for ED w. CAVE, at St John's Gate. |