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miffion, and prefent the fame to his Majefty at this Board authorizing the faid Commil fioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, to Will and Require the High Court of Admiralty of Great Britain, aud the Lieutenant and Fudge of the faid Court, as also the feveral Courts of Admiralty within his Majeffy's Dominions, to take Cognizance of, and judicially proceed upon all and all Manner of Captures, Seizures, Prizes, and Reprisals of all Ships and Goods that are or shall be taken, and to hear and determine the fame, and according to the Courfe of Admiralty, and the Laws of Nations, to adjudge and condemn all fuch Ships, Veffels and Goods as shall be long to Spain, or the Vaffals and Subjects of the King of Spain, or to any others inha biting within any of his Countries, Territories, and Dominions; and that fuch Powers and Claufes be inferted in the faid Commiffion as have been ufual, and are according to former Precedents: And they are like wife to prepare and lay before his Majefty at this Board, a Draught of fuch Inftructions as may be proper to be sent to the Courts of Admiralty in his Majefty's Foreign Governments and Plantations for their Gui dance herein; as also another Draught of D Inftructions for fuch Ships as fhall be commiffionated for the Purposes afore mentioned. From the Council Chamber at Whitehall, the Tenth Day of July, 1739. -Jo. Cant' Lan. Ebor' Wilmington, P.

Holles Newcastle. Cholmondeley.


Godolphine, C. P. S. Ar. Onflow. Dorfet.


Counsellor Morley moved the Court of King's Bench for an Information against the Printer of a Pamphlet, intitled Matrimeny, or, Good Advice to the Ladies to keep fingle. The Court, after hearing the Afidavit of the Complainant, rejected the Motion.

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to the Duke of Montrofe, riding near Farnham, attended by a Servant on Horfes back, was attacked in a Bye-Lane by two Highwaymen, one of which laying hold of his Bridle, and bidding him deliver, his Lordship drew a Piftol and fhot him thro' the Head. The other feeing his Com panion drop, fnap'd a Pistol at the Marquis, then rode away, but being purfued by the Marquis and his Servant, quitted his Horfe, ran into a Wood, and efcaped. MONDAY, 16.

Came up to Woolwich five E. India
Company's Ships from China and Fort St
George. Part of their Corgoes are 1,461,000l.
of Bohea Tea, 417,000l. of Singlo Tea,
79,300l. of Hylon Tea, 17,300l. of Senchon
Tea, 133 Parcels of Gold, &c. 307,000lb.
of Saltpetre.

Chen Perfons were condemn'd, viz.
Ended the Seffions at the Old Bailey,




Was held a Court of Common Cutin-
cil, when it was referred to the Commit-
tee for building the Manfron-Houfe to
contract with Mefl Townshend, Horfenail, H
Taylor, Dunn and Devall, to compleat the
Mafon's Work and Carving, not to ex
und 17,000l. (See p. 361.)

The Marquis of Graham, Son and Heir

Tho. Bridge for the Murder of his Wife, David Roberts for High Treafon in diminishing the Coin, Francis Trumball, a Quaker, and George Broderick for Highway, and Sarah Kingman for picking a Pocket. SATURDAY, 21.

Notice was given by the Lords of the Admiralty, that in purfuance of his Majefty's Commiffion under the Great Seal, Letters of Marque or General Reprifals against the Ships, Goods and Subjects of the K. of Spain, were ready to be iffued.


Portsmouth His R. Highness Prince William, Duke of Cumberland, arrived from Southampton in the Commiffioners Yacht at this Port, on which the Men of War at Spithead gave a Royal Salute of 21 Guns each; he landed at the Dock, and having thoroughly viewed it, went with Admiaal Cavendish in his Barge to the Gun Wharf, and faw all the Military Stores; thence he walked into the Garri fon, and took a Tour round the Ramparts; next Day he returned on board the Yacht and having the fame Honours paid him, Sailed, in Company with the Admiral and Captains back to Southampton. WEDNESDAY, 25.

Five Letters of Marque, to take, burn, fink or destroy all Ships belonging to Stain were granted to several Merchants of London, among them two very eminent Jews: Thefe Letters are exactly after the Form of thofe granted by Q. Anne. THURSDAY, 26.

The Parliament was further prorogu'd from the 9th of August next to October the 18th following.

An Order of King and Council was fent

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The Prince and Princess of Wales who

arrived the 10th at Tunbridge, to the great c
Joy of the Inhabitants who fhew'd it by
Fireworks, c. left that Place the
14th; on the 25th his R. Highness went
to vifit Lord Cobham at Stow,and return'd
to his Seat at Cliefden on the 28th.

Sir Robert Walpole fet out for his Seat in Norfolk the 7th and return'd the 25th.

Vice Admiral Vernon fail'd the 20th for D. the Weft Indies with 9 Men of War, and a Sloop.

Admiral Haddock, 'twas reported, had taken a Spanish Ship richly laden; but we are told, that her Cargo confifted only of Difpatches.

ALIST of BIRTHS for the YEAR 1739.
ADY Ann Strode, Sifter to the

July 6. E. of Salisbury deliver❜d of a


7. Wife of George Wrighte, Efq; Member for Leicefter, -of a Son.

8. Wife of Gerard Napier,-of a Son and Heir.

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9. Legh Mafter, Efq; Member for New-G ton, to a Coheirefs of Charles Smith, of Ifleworth, Efq; 15,000%.

Mr Shipfay, Brifiol Merchant,-to Mifs Boughton of Eltham, 6,cool.

13. Mr Dimfdale, a Quaker Surgeon, -to a Daughter of Nath. Braffey, Elq; Member for Hertford.

14. Lieut. Harrison, of the Greenwich, -to a Daughter of Mr Winter, of the Pipe-Office, 5,000l.

N. S. Prince Anthony Ulric of Wolfen


buttle, to Princess Anne of Mecklenbourg; 15. Lieut. Bateman, of the Reg: of Welch Fufiliers,-to Mifs Tomlin, of Darking, Surrey, an Heirefs with 20,000 /.

16. Wm Chittenden, of Derbyshire, Efq; -to Widow Brooks, 16,000l.

17. John Nourse, of Woodeaton, Oxfordhire, Efq; to the eldest Daughter of Paul Jodrell, of Chancery-lane, Efq; 5,000 l. A LIST of DEATHS for the Year 1739.



R Hatchinfon, Bp of Down and Connor in Ireland, formerly Minifter of Bury, Suffolk.

Sr Fr. Vyoyan, Br, H.Sheriff of Cornwall. Sir Jonathan Jenkinson, Bt, of Walton, Derbyshire; dying without Heir Male the Title is extinct.

29. Rev. Mr Wright, Left. of Stepney. July 2. Lady of Stephen Biffe, Esq; Member for N. Rumney.

Mrs Sandys, a Maiden Lady in HattonGarden, worth 60,000l.

Lady Jane Compton, eldest Daughter to the E. of Northampton.

3. Ld Afton, Nephew to the D. of Narfolk, of the Small-Pox, at Paris. His Title and soool. per Ann. defcend to his Brother.

John Lanfdell, Efq; formerly Member for Leskard.

6. Sir Philip Aftley, of Melton Confiable, Norfolk, Br.

MrGoode, 30 Years aMaster of Eaton Col. 7. Hon.George Monfon, Bro. to LdMonfon. Chriftiana Davis, who feveral Years ferved with great Valour as a Dragoon in the Inniskilling Regiment, but receiving a Wound in the Battle of Aghrim was dif covered. She was afterwards in Flanders, and was very useful in a Battle or Siege to fupply the Soldiers with Water and other Neceffaries, even to the Mouth of a Can


For her gallant Behaviour, fhe obtained the late King's Letter for an Allowance, of s. per Day out of Chelsea College during Life. She was interred, as fhe defired, in the Penfioners Burying Ground, and three grand Vollies fir'd over her Grave.

10. Col. Oliver Brooke, of the Guards. 11. Dr Baron, Dean of Narwich. 14. Capt. Hay, of Armfrong's Reg. 15. Charles Perrott, Elq; of Northleigh, Oxfordshire.

John Frampton, Efq; one of the Chief Clerks in the Annuity Office.

Sir John Rudd, Bt, of Carmarthen; the Title is extinct, but his Eftate of 1200 l per Ann. goes to Rich. Gwynne, Efq; who marry'd his only Sifter.

David Foxley, Efq; at Hampead.
19. Edw.Heddon Efq,of Sydenham, Kent.


Anne Deacon, who begg'd at Church
Dors. In her Room were found 100
Guineas, 351. in Silver, and a Bond of
150 l. on a confiderable Tradefman.

Rich. Clayton, Efq; of Wakefield, Yorksh.
23. Malter Meyers, Son and Heir to Sir
Peter Meyers.

25. James Auften, Efq; at Enfield.
26. Paul Heufch, Efq; Juftice of Peaco
in Spittlefields.

Seymour Cholmondeley, Efq; Brother
to the Member for Cheshire.

ALIST of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1739.

IR Win Yonge, Bt, appointed Cultos
Rotor for Carnarvonshire.

Robt Dale, L. L. D.-Advocate in the
Court of Admiralty.

John Sealy, Efg-Collector of Cuftoms
in Bridgwater.

Tape, Efq-one of the Chief
Clerks in the Annuity Office.

Mark Batt, of Medfon Ham, Cornwall,
Efq;-Gentleman of the Privy Chamber,
in room of Crew Offley, Efq; decd.

Henry Hamilton, Efq;-Surveyor General of Excife in Dublin, in room of Patrick Aylmer, Efq; decd,

Pierce A Court, Member for Hytesbury, Wilts-King's Equerry, in room of Henry Pulteney, Elq; made Col. of a Reg.

Rich Hammond, Efq; Nephew to Sir Rob Walpole, Collector of Cuftoms at Lynn, in room of Mr Keene, decd.

George Jackfon, Efa, Conful at Genoa, in room of John Bagshaw, Efq; dec. Conway Whitchorn, Efq;-Regifter of the Charterhouse, in room of Wm Hempfon, Efg: decd.

Meff Waldo and Wells,-Under-Sheriffs of London and Middlefex.

Mrs Grofvenor,Houfekeeper of Somerfer Houfe, in room of Mrs Campbell, now Lady Bruce.

MrEvans,-Page extra. to P. of Wales. Mr Ritzau,his Library-keeper, in room of P. Mercier, Efq;

Robt Byng, Efq;-Capt. Gen. and Governor of Barbadoes, and the Caribbe Ilands to the Windward of Guardaloupe. Falpar Clayton, Efqs- Commander of

the Forces in N. Britain, in room of

George Wade, Efq;-Commander of the Forces in South Britain.

George Churchill, Efq;-2d Major of the 2d Regiment of Footguards, in room of John Husk, Efq;-firft Major, in room of Henry Pulteney, Efq; firft Major of the Coldstream Reg.-Col, of late Brig. Middieton's Reg of Foot (not, as in our laft).

E. of Crawford,-Adjutant General. John Burnaby, Efq;-his Majefty's Se "ary to the K. of Sweden.

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Marq de Mont andre.

Lord Vilc. Shannon

Generals of the Foot. Sir Char. Wills Tho. Whethem, Jofeph Sabine.

Generals of Horfe. Wm Evans, George Wude.

Lieut. Generals. George Prefion, Albert Borgard, Francis Columbine, Kich Franks, Charles Ghurchill, Wm Barrell, Jalpar Clayton, Pieren Kirke, Gervais Parker, James Tyrrell. Edm. Fielding, John Peter Desbordes, W Kerr, Earl of Hertford, Sir Robert Rich, David Montollen Baron de St Hyppolite Earl of Dunmore, Bark of Scarborough, D. of Montagu, Ld Molef worth, Ld Harrington.

Majors General. John Cavalier, Balthazar de Folffac, Sir Daniel Carroll, James Campbell, James Douglas, Clement Nevill, Sir John Arnot, Wm Hargrave, Henry Cornwall, Henry Harrison, Tho Howard, John Cope, John Ligoniere, Peter Campbell, John Orfeur, James Scott, John Jones, Richard Philips, Roger Handafyd, Henry Hawley, John Armstrong, Lord Tyrawley, Fofbua Gueft, Ld Cathcart, Charles Otway, Phineas Bowles, Ld Cadogan, Philip Anftruther.

Brigadiers-General. John Folliet, Adam Williamson, James St Clair, Thomas Wentworth, D. of Richmond, John Guife, E. of Albemarle, George Reade, Stephen Cornwallis, Archibald Hamilton, Earl of Kathes, E. of Effingham, Thomas Paget.


Ed. Vernon, Eq Vice Adm of the Blue.
SrChaloner Ogle Rear-Adm. of fame.
Sir Tancred Robinson,-Admiral of the
White, in room of John Hager, Efq;

Mr Carrol,-Cornet in the royal Reg
of Horfeguards, Blue, in room of
Capt. Fairfax, Brother to Ld Fairfax,
-Exempt in the firft Troop of H.

Mr Stanhope, Lieut. in 2d Rards.


Francis Godolphin, Efq;-Lieut. Gover nor of the Scilly Islands, in room' of George Bennet, Efq; decd.


REV. Dr Wynn, elected Canon Refir dentiary of Saran.

Dr Pearce, Vicar of St Martin's in the Fields, made Dean of Winchester. And Dr Stebbing-Chancellor of Sarum, in room of Dr Naylor, decd.

Mr Evanson, Prebendary of Chichester. Mr Cookfey of St Antholin's-Rector of Wimbledon, Surrey

Mr Cuppidge, elected by the Irish Socie
ty Minifter of Coleraine in Ireland, worth
200 l. per Anm.

Mr Farwell, Rector of Ba's Lediard,

STOCK 3. S. S. Stock 94 -Annu. 108 New Annu. 106

3 per C. Ann. 98

Bank 137

Circul 3.5 s. Pr.

Monthly BILL of Mortality, from June 26. 10 July 24.

Chriftned $ Males
Femal. 555


Within the walls

Buried Males 766

Femal. 7881554

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Died under 2 Years old -


[blocks in formation]

Mil. Bank: 115

[blocks in formation]

India 153

Between 10 and



-Bonds 27. 10L

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7p.C. Em.Loan 1051

5p. C. Ditto 89 English Cop. 31, 55.

Well ditto 15 s.
Lot. Tickets 54 55.

Between 50 and
Between 60 and
Between 70 and
Between 80 and
Between 9 and 100




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[ocr errors]

57 Peck Loaf, Wheat.-25. od. Wheat 271. per Quar.



Hay per load 425.

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[ocr errors][merged small]



Beft Hops 3. 15s.

Coals 35. per Chaldron, on
Accouut of the Embargo and
Impress for Seamen


THE following Aftronomical Obfervations were taken by I. B. M. D. with very accurate Inftruments, and therefore the Certainty of them may be depended upon.

Yours, &c.

Obfervation of the Moon's Appulfe to Aldebaran, July the 19th 1739, in the Morning, at Sto Newington; the Latitude of this Obfervatory being 51° 33' 30" very nearly, and its Longitude weft of the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, 20" of Time.

Apparent Time. July 18. 14h. 077 48" 13' 02"

The Star's nearest distance from the Moon's neareft Limb, meafur'd with a Micrometer in the Focus of a ten foot Telescope, was 5' 51", and the Moon's diameter, taken juft before, was 29' 52".

The Star in the Line of the Moon's Cufps.

Aldebaran on the Meridian, his apparent Altitude, taken by

19h. 51' 05"

the great mural Quadrent being

54° 21' 317

20h. 01' 02"

The Moon's confequent Limb on the Meridian; the apparent
Altitude of her fuperior Limb

55° 44' 26"

N. B. The nearest Appulfe, computed from Dr Halley's Tables, was

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Obfervation of the Sun's Eclipfe, July 24, 1739. at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich.

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N. B. This Eclipfe was computed by Dr Halley's Tables, for London (where it fhould happen about half a Minute fooner than at Greenwich) and inferted in Parker's Ephemeris, thus,

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Note, We have a Letter from J. B. S. dated Oxon, July 6. to ask Pardon for an Error In his computing the Moon's Appulfe to Aldebaran, p. 298. by his taking out the Moon's Latitude too great by about 2 Minutes and a half.

N: B. Our Mathematical Correfpondents having been fo long disappointed for want of Room, we are advised to prisit next Quarter a Pamphlet entirely of that kind, and if we meet with the Encouragement fome of them have given as Reason to expect, we hail make a regular Publication four times a Tear. We hope therefore for the Contributions of the Lovers of that Science, fince the Undertaking is attempted purely to oblige them.

MADRID, June 23. Mr Keene, Mini

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Care that Trade fhall not fuffer: In fter Plenipotentiary from the K. of fine, he will behave in fuch a manner, Great Britain, has deliver'd the followi g as will fhew the two Powers the Purity Declaration to the Marquis de Villarias, of his Intentions.' [No doubt by Trade Secretary of State: "That fetting afide not fuffering, his Majesty of France means the Affairs relating to the S. Sea Company only that of his own Subjects, that if we and the Affiento Treaty, his Britannic fhould be too hard for the Spaniards, he will Majesty infifts upon the King's executing, A interpofe to prevent their granting us any without further Delay, the Engagements advantageous Terms; and how far we may he enter'd into by the Convention fign'd rely on the Purity of the French King's Inat the Parde the 14th of laft January; tentions the following Extract of a Letter that his Majefty fhall renounce the Right from Paris will tell us.] "Orders have he pretends of vifiting the Britif Ships been fent down to all the Sea-Ports for in the West Indian Seas; that this Renun- repairing the King's Ships; feveral Men ciation fhall be inferted in the new Treaty of War are fitting up at Toulon, defigned to be made between the Courts; that the to join the Spanish Squadron at Cadiz. At King fhall acknowledge the Juftice of the, Cape St Francis, on the Coaft of St DoRight by which the English poflefs their mingo, one of the King's Ships, with a Etablishments on the Confines of Georgia Merchantman, have Troups on board, and Carolina; All which Conditions his which they are to transport to Mississippi, Britannic Majefty thinks he has the more in order to be employed in an Expedition Right to in upon, in as much as the against the Chikefaws, Indians who borPayment of the 95,000 l. bears fo great a C der on the English Colonies, and who Dilproportion with the Expence Great make frequent Incurfions upon the French Britain has been put to in arming herself Territories, and fix Men of War lately in the prefent Juncture, and that if thefe built at Quebec, in Canada, are destined to Gonditions are not accepted, he (Mr alfit the Spaniards in the West-Indies, in Kiene) and Me Cafres will be obliged to cafe of Need. Alfo Orders are sent to break off the Negotiations and retire." fill the Magazines at Lisle, and all the ForJuly 7. Mr Keene, on receiving Dispatches p trefies of French Flanders; and the Colonels from London, declared to the Miniftry that whofe Regiments are quartered in the confidering the Pofture of Affairs between conquer'd Countries, are to repair to Court the two Nations, his Britannic Majefty for Instructions. could not difpenfe with himself from granting his Subjects Liberty to make reprifals on the Spaniards. It is not known what Anfwer was returned, but this Declaration occafion'd fending new Orders E into all the Ports of this Kingdom, the Fortifications are repairing, and all the Men of War that are fit for Service are Arming, and the Troops are order'd to be in a Readiness to March; there are near the Groyne 15,000 Men, among them feveral Irijh Regiments. -By the Alli ance on foot between this Court and that of France, the Queen of Spain hopes in due time to recover her Patrimonial Estate in Italy, by which the Emperor will be a great Lofer; by Virtue hereof France alfo will reap the Benefit of the Affiento Contract, and all others enjoyed by the British S. Sea Company in America.



Paris. The E. of Waldegrave having defired the French Ministry to explain, themselves concerning the Part which the King their Mafter is difpofed to take, in cafe Great Britain and Spain thould come to a Rupture, received for Aufwer, That the King will behave on that Occafion H "with his wonted Prudence; he will confalt the Treaties, to fee what they require of him, he will take particular

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Hague, Jaly 24. N. S. The Marquis de Fenelon the French Ambaffador has told fome Members of our Regency, that his Court having learned that the Court of Great Britain had fent an Ambaflador to the Hague, to engage the Republick to make a common Caufe with it against Spain, the most Christian King hopes that the States General would not fuffer themfelves to be perfuaded to enter into a War, at a time when he was labouring to give Peace to all Europe, and in pursuance of that Syftem had offer'd his Mediation to Great Britain and Spain. But, if it should happen, that the States General, in Op. polition to his molt Chriftian Majesty's Scheme, fhould think fit to concur with the K. of Great Britain, he, the Marquis had Inftructions to acquaint them, that they would in a very short time fee an Army of 80 or 100,000 French Troops at the Gates of Breda. Their High Mightinefles, being a little recovered from the Shock which this bullying Declaration had given them, gave for Answer, "That they were delighted with the pacific Sentiments of his moft Chriftian Majesty, and with his bein, inclined to stifle the Broils with which Furope was threaten'd, that their High Mightinees would always


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