Hiftorical Chronicle. N the 30th paft, in Halifax, Earthquake, the move- WEDNESDAY, January 3. A Wardmote was held at Guild-Hall, for electing an Alderman for Cheap-Ward, in room of Sir Robert Cater deceased, and the Number of Votes ftood, for Sir Fofeth Eyles 137, for Richard Hoare, Elg, 136, whereupon a Scrutiny was demanded and granted; towards the Clofe of the Poll, Turkies and Quarters of Lamb, were fold in a neighbouring Market for above two Guineas a Pound. THURSDAY, 4. B In the Morning was a meft violent Storm E January 1739. lodg'd in the Houfe; but on Monday after the Doctor was admitted to Bail. Was held a Wardmote for the Election of an Alderman for Baffifhaw Ward, in Room of Sir Tho. Lambe decd, and Candidates were Wm Baker, Efq; and Ellifton, Efq; when the Votes were, for the former 50, for the latter 32; on which Mr Baker was declared duly elected. SUNDAY, 14. Happen'd at Edinburgh a dreadful Hurricane of Wind, which continued with great Fury from one to four in the Morning, whereby the high-built Houfes of that City receiv'd confiderable Damage, the Leads which cover'd the Stately Buildings in the Parliament Clofe were carry'd off the Roofs, fome upwards of 40 Feet in Dimenfion; the Canon-Gate Church fuffer'd extremely, and its Portico almoft demolifhed; the Buildings in the Cattle were very much damaged, their fine Lead Coverings carry'd of, and thrown upon the Rocks, and the Magazine ruin'd. At Glasgow feveral Ships drove afhore, and are very much damag'd, and two were caft away; the North Coaft betwixt Rofeneth and Glasgow, is full of Gabarts and imall Boats drove up among the Corn Land. In the Merfe few Houfes are left undestroy'd, feveral Churches are blown down, Numbers fmother'd in the Ruins, and an univerfal Havock made amongst their Sheep and Cattle; at Dumfries, the fine new Church was unroofed, and the high Steeple much damag'd; at Dyfart a Woman in Labour, attended by the Midwife and Neighbours were all killed by the falling in of the House. At Londonderry Storm was obferv'd to begin and end with the Eclipfe of the Moon, raging with the fame Violence and doing a valt deal of Damage to the Houles; Fat Dublin, it threw down 3 Chimnies belonging to the Ld Chief Justice Reynolds, blew down a Corner of the Deanery Houfe belonging to Chrift Church, the Front of a Houfe in Francis-freet, and almoft innumerable Chimnics. Street and the Cellars were filled with Water. The Lead on a Church by a Guft of Wind wos rolled up from the Eves to the Top, and the Building fo fhaken, as to make it unfafe to affemble therein; the Floods alfo fet a new-built Houfe on fire, by falling in among fome Sacks of Stone Lime. In moft Parts of the Kingdom the Waters overflow'd the Roads, fo as to make them unpaffable. The fame Storm was felt at Paris, where G the Lightning beat down the Steeple of a Church, in he burnt a Cottage. Dr. Beaumont, a French Oculift in St. Martin's Lane, was taken into Cuftody of the King's-Meflengers, and all his Papers deized, as were thefe of a Gentleman that WEDNESDAY, 17. Was held a General Court of South-Sev next. THURSDAY, 18. The Parliament met, and was prorogued to the first of February next. SATURDAY, 20. Ended the Seffions at the Old-Baily, when 9 Perfons receiv'dSentence of Death, viz. Two Women for affaulting and ftripping a Woman in the Street, a Man for committing a Rape on an Infant of Years old, another for a Rape on his own Daugher of 13 Years of Age, and giving her the Foul Difeafe. A Man for a Street Robbery, 2 other for picking a Pocket; and two for the Highway. MONDAY, 29. The firft Stone of Westminster Bridge was laid, by Means of a Machine in which the firft Pier is to be built. Upon a Scrutiny for Alderman of CheapWard, Sir Jofeph Eyles had 125 good Votes, and Mr Hoare i 16; the former was accordingly declared duly elected, and is to take Place of Alderman Baker, as fucceeding from the Death of Alder. Cater. WEDNESDAY, 31. A Pardon was promis'd to any Perfon concern'd in rescuing James Buchanan, (See p. 659, Vol. VIII.) except the Perfon who cut him down, who fhall difcover his Accomplices, fo as they may be convicted; and the Admiralty have publish'd a Reward of 100l. for taking the Man that cut him down, sol. for each of the others concerned therein, and 200 l. for taking the faid Buchanan. A_Patent is pafs'd the Great Seal, for the Term of 14 Years, to John Barton of Batterfea, Surrey, Watchmaker, for his new-invented Inftrument (which he calls a Universal Aftron mical Quadrant) by which the Altitude of the Sun may be taken to a Minute, without any Shade thereof; and alfo Obfervations made in the Night from the Moon or fixed Stars, and the Latitude of the Place be thereby exactly known. A LIST of BIRTHS for the Year, 1739. Dec. 31. Silter to the D. of Kingston, Lady of Philip Meadows, Efq; delivered of a Son. Jan. 1. Lady Cornwallis- of a Son. 7. Lady of Wm Conolly, Daughter to the Earl of Strafford-of a Daughter. 18. Lady of Vifcount Harcourt - of a Daughter. 24. Lady of James Cocks, Efq; Member for Rygate, and Daughter of Lord Berkley of Stratton, of a Sun and Heir. Lady of T. Archer, Efq; Memb. for Warwick, and Cohcirefs of the late Earl of Oxford--of a Daughter. 26. Dutchels of Marlborough- of a Son and Heir. ALIST of MARRIAGES for the Year 1739. R. Foulks, Canon of Chrift Dec. 27. DChurch Oxford, marry'd to Widow Hollwell, Daughter to the late Bp Blackall of Exeter. Dec. 30. Mr Devall, Son to the King's Plumber, -to Mifs Mift, Daughter to the late Mift, King's Paviour, and Foundation-digger, with 5000 l - Jan. 1. Sir Roger Burgoigne, Bart. Member for Bedfordshire, to Lady Frances Montagu, eldest Daughter to the Earl of Halifax. Rev. Dr Stedman to Mifs Butts, Daughter to the Bp of Ely. Hon. Charles Bentinck, Elq; Son to the Countels of Portland, to the Lady Margaret Cadogan, Daughter to the late Earl, and Sifter to the Dutchefs of Richmond. 11. Sir Th. Prenderg aft-to Mifs Williams Maid of Honour to her late Majefty. John Needham, Efq; Brother to Viscount Kilmurry to the Relict of Peter Shackerly Efq; of Chefter. Mr Beard, a celebrated Comedian, and Singer at Drury Lane Theatre—to Lady Henrietta Herbert, Relict of Lord Edward Herbert 2d Son of the Marquis of Powis, and Daughter to the Earl of Waldegrave, with 800l. per An. Jointure. 16. Moreton, Efq; of 1500 l. per An to Mifs Brook of Staffordshire. -- 17. Juliers Beckford, Efq; eldest Son of Mr Beckford poflefs'd of a large Eftate in Jamaica to Mifs Abley, Daughter of Solomon Afley, Efq; Member for Bridport, with 25000 l. 22. Ayres, of Northampton, Efq; -to the only Daughter of John Sampfon, of Leicestershire with 10,cool. Hon. - Murray, Efq; of a good Fftate in Wiltshire to the Relic of Simon Wicks, Efq; with 1200l. and 400 l. per An. 23. Wm Mordant, Efq; -to the Relict of Charles Moore of Grantham, Efq; with 12000 l. Mr How, principal Game-Keeper of Windfor-Foreft. 30. William Green, Efq; near Enfield. 31. Sir Francis Clavering, Bart. Sir Robert Cater, Alderman of Cheap Ward, who chang'd his Name from Kendal to inherit the Eftate of John Cater, Efq; of Bedfordshire. January 1. M Horne, a Banker, and King's Chief Lamp Lighter, a Place of 600l. per Ann. Mr Romain, Steward to the Duke of St Albans, worth 10,000 l. 2. Mr D'Ayrolles, many Years Resident of Great Britain at the Hague. than Wright, formerly Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal, 16. Rev. Mr Humphreys, Chancellor and Canon of Wells. 18. Lady of Viscount Dillon, of Ireland. 21. William Lawson, L. L. D. and King's Advocate for Nova Scotia. 25. Jofeph Sorrell, Efq; of a large Eftate in Norfolk. 26. John Gardener, Efq; aged 96, poffefs'd of 600l. per Ann. in Wilts. 27. Dr Bundy, Vicar of St Brides, and Prebendary of Westminster, ALIST of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1739 2. Jacob Martin, Efq; in Grosvenor DUKE of Marlborough, appointed 3. Sir Thomas Lombe, Alderman of Ballifbaw Ward, worth 120,000l. By an Act paffed, 1732, he had 14,000l. or. der'd him, as a Reward for introducing the Art of making and working the three capital Engines for making Organzine and Thrown Silks; and a further Term of 14 Years was granted him. Sir Roger Meredith, Bart. Member for Kent in the last Parliament. Mr Farmer, Steward of Guy's Hospital. Rev. Sir Lewis Beaumont, Bart. Prebendary of Chichefter: Dying without Iffue, the Title and Eftate defcend to his Coufin, now Sir William Beaumont, Bart. 5. Lady Glynn, Mother to Sir John Glynn, Bart. 6. Sir John Turner, Collector of the Port of Lynn, Bart. who fucceeded Sir Charles Turner, is fucceeded by his Son Sir John Turner, Bart, of the Temple. 7. Mr Pinfold, Chief Clerk of the Annuity-Office. Rev. Mr Wilson, Vicar of Rye 40 Years. 8. Dr Fogg, Prebendary of Chefter. 9. William Greenwood, Efq; formerly Director of the s. S. Company. William Peeling, Efq; a French WineMerchant. 10. Lady St John, Relict of Sir Andrew Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, in room of the Earl of Godolphin; and of Bucks, in room of Viscount Cobham Dr Hulfe, made a Baronet, and appointed King's Phyfician in Ordinary, in room of Dr Goodman, deceas'd. Dr Teiffer, Phylician to the Houfhold, Phylician in Ordinary. William Manley, Efq; Clerk of the Western Port, in room of John Manley, Efq; who refign'd. Mr Erith,- Infpector of the Cuftoms, in the Port of London, in room of Mr Snow, who refigned. Mr Goodwin, Pilot to his Majefty, in the Storm, when he came laft from Hanover. Mafter Attendant of Deptford Yard. Lord Lemfter, Son of the Earl of Pomfret, made a Lieutenant in Gen. Pearce's Royal Regiment of Horfe, in room of Lord Howard, Captain in the 2d Troop of Horfe-Grenadier Guards. Auguftus Keppel, second Son of the Earl of Albemarl, Lieutenant of the Gloucester. -Colonel of the D. of Marlborough, ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. R Mawfon, Mafter of Corpus Chrift St Jolm, Bart. and Brother to the Lord College, Cambridge, appointed BiBolingbroke. Hon. Peter Wentworth, Efq; Brother to the E. of Strafford,-fuddenly, as he was playing at Quadrille. Mr William Exeter, at Eastbourn, Suffex, worth 10,000l. which goes to an only Daughter. Lady of George Treby, Efq; Lady of Sir Tho. Windfor Hunlake, Bart. Mrs Whitfield, Relict of Dr Whitfield, Vicar of St Giles, Cripplegate and Aunt to the E. of Middleton. 13. Henshaw Haljey, Efq, of Gaddefden, Hertfordshire. Capt. Sun, Malter Attendant of Deptford-Tard. a Place of 300l. per Ann. Mils Wright, Grandaughter to Sir Na fhop of Llandaff, in room of Dr Harris, deceas'd. Rev. Mr Offory Medlicot, prefented to the Living of Tifeherft, Kent. Mr John Potter, eldest Son of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Rectory of Elme cum Emnethen, in the Ifle of Ely. Mr Bland, to that of Pycomb, Suflex, in room of Sir L. Beaumont. Dr Pritchard, inducted into Chrift. Church, Spittle-fields. Mr Tho. Edwards, -Re&or of Palafham, Pembrokeshire. 300l. per Ann. Mr David Lloyd, of Landefatheu, Brecknockshire.- -Prebendary of St Davi a Monthly BILL of Mortality, from Dec. 26. to Jan. 23. Chriftned Males Buried 5 Males 6953 Femal. 1120 S 2127 Died under 2 Years old- --- --- 159 186 222 188 50 60 70 80 147 118 90 --- 60 SOUTH-WALES. Brecon Carmarthen Cardigan Glamorgan Pembroke Jenkin Williams, of Velin Wm Philips, of Kilfaint, Efq; Berks Bedford Bucks Cheshire Cornwall Radnor Cumberland Derby Strelly Pegg, Efq; Devon Arthur Tremayne, Efq; Anglefea Dorfet Carnarvon Effex Thomas Bowes, of Upton, Efq; Gloucefter William Giles, Efq; Hereford John Skinner, of Bickerton, Efq; Denbigb Hertford Kent Leicester Lincoln Monmouth Norfolk, William Benn, of Weltmill, Efq; Robert Lacy, of Elmes, Efq; John Turner, E Thomas Burrell, Esq; Paul Morgan,of Thornwell, Efq; Northampton Charles Edwin, Efq; William Errington, of Walwicke Nottingham John Gilbert Cooper, Efq; Oxford Rutland Shropshire Somerfet Edmund Thomas Williamfon, of Rich. Davenport, of Ellafton, Efq; Bart. Flint Merioneth Montgomery From Georgia, That General Oglethorpe had like to have been affaffinated. Some Ruffians of the last raised Recruits in England went up to him in a bold and defperate Manner, and demanded the Allowance they pretended he had promifed them; but being deny'd, one of them offer'd to tab him, but he parry'd it off, and an Officer who happen'd to be near run the Fellow throw with his Sword, and killed him on the Spot; upon which the Rest ran away, but were foon after taken and laid in Irons. f Some Letters from Smyrna, affirm, that Bey Oglou defeated an Army of 30000 Men, fent against him by the Grand Signior, near that City, and killed all the Balhaws. I Mrs Sabine 50 0 Rev. Mr Woodford 5 Mrs Pendarves ALIST of the Contributions for making Mrs STEPHENS's Medicines BofGlaucefler 10 10 10 Richard Coke, Elis 20 Bp Countess of Deloraine 5 Mrs Le Neve Earl of Godolphin Stephen Poyntz, Efq: 50 Spencer Cowper, Efq; 1 aRev. Mr Richard Eyre 1 o Jofeph Burroughs, Elq; I Dr Wbite Mrs Barbour O o | Sir Wm Wynne Robert Andrews, Efq; 11 Edward Hooper, Efq; I 1 I I I O O IO 6 Mrs Afbe I John Windham, Efq; Mrs Windham I I o Mr Graves I I o Rev. Dr Leigh I Rev. Mr Serwen O IO Mr John Crow, Staymaker I 7 Capt. Kellet 5 5 Lady Grey Col. Weft Mrs Killigrew Į I Rev. Mr Walton o James Harris, Efq; - Rev. Dr Gilbert Mi Hodfon 116 o Mr Clutton I I Mrs Herbert Richard Arundel, Efq; 25 Lady Margaret Herbert 1 Mrs Toronfend 5 5 William Wardour, Efq; I oBishop of Salisbury of WiliamWollafton, Esq; 20 25 o Mr Hickford. I I o o General Churchill O I O Mr John Trott Col. Read 10 10 o Counte's of Huntington 10 10 Mr Maboon O 10 Lord Cadogan 2 2 o Col. Ferrers Mrs Anne Baker i I Mr Samuel Dunn Mrs Pitt I I o ooon Pedley, Efq; Rev. Dr Alured Clarke 5 5 Mrs Annabella Newman Lady Anne Colleton o 10 6 Mrs Laplace 2 2 I I o Unknown Hand 3 Col. Fuller I Lady Sarah Couper 5 5o Mr Edward Bennett Col. Lowther Unknown Hands 2 12 6 Brigadier Armstrong Mrs De la Bere I I Col. Pulteney Mrs Diana Smith O 5 Col. Wardour C. G. Col. Earle Mrs Greenville 10 10 Mr Bacon Capt. Forth Major Elliot Capt. Matthews Ralph Allen, Efq; I Wm. Fauquier, Efq; o Ch. Longueville, Efq; Mrs Hartchiff Hon. Mrs Frances o Rev. Dr Nic. Carter o Mr John Kelly Sir Tho. Lowther, Bart. II I I 5 5 5 5 I o Mr James Sturgeon I Col. Oglethorpe Mrs Moore OM. A. 10 Capt. Noel I 1 c Mrs Cannon 6 Capt. Mead 2 2 Lord Robert Manners Mrs Selvin 5 5 Mr Hyde Edward Conyers, Efq; 10 10 of Sir Edw. Smith, Bart. 10 10 I 60 Capt. Francis Townshend Mr John White Edward Wefton, Efq; Mrs Whetham Earl of Scarborough Unknown Hand 21 Robert Herbert, Efq; 10 Mrs Crayle Rev. Mr Tho. Pocock Bishop of Bath and Wells, Wynn Mr Usborne Mr Le Nove Tho. Winnington, Efq; 5 5 Dixie Windfor, Efq; 10 10 James Falkener, Efq: 2 2 Peter Shaw, M. D. 5 5 o Duke of Richmond 30 O I I o David Hartley, M. A. 5 5 Mr Stark 2 2 Lord Cornquallis 20 o Rev. Mr Lifter Ο ΙΟ John Merril, Efq; 5 5 of Mr Gave 2 2 52 10 Mr Robert Raikes O 50 0 Col. John Schwin } Mr John Cay 2 2 5 5 0 Dutchels of Portland 21 John Milner, Efq; 5 5 O Earl of Clarendon 25 0 Duke of Leeds Lord Lymington Lord Gallaway Ditto for feveral I I oSimon Patrick, Efq; 550 James Burrow, Efq; 26 5 21 10 10 Ifaac-Hawkins o Cal. Hardinge, M. D. 5 o Rev. Dr Sykes 55 2 I I Ο ΙΟ 50 Wm. Wright, Efq; Rev. Mr Swinton Total 21 I 1356 3 0 Thofe Perfons who are difpofed to contribute, are defired to fend their CONTRIBUTIONS to S |