Billeder på siden

Being the Committee appointed by Order of the
Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of this
City, in Common-Council aflembled, to erect
this Fabrick for a Manfion-House for the Ufe of
the Lord Mayor of this City, for the Time be- A

George Heathcote, Efq; 2 Aldermen, being
Sir John Lequefne, Knt. S

George Dance, Architect.

SATURDAY 27, His Majefty removed to St. James's from Kensington, and at Night went to the Play-houfe with the Duke and Prin B ceffes; where the Tune of Britons Strike Home, &c. being play'd for a Dance, the House feconded it with a loud and long Huzza.


At a Court of Aldermen the City Regalia were delivered to Sir John Salter, Knt. Lord Mayor Elect; and two Smaug C lers, who were in Newgate for 9,000%. having efcaped, the Court agreed to indemnify the Sheriffs in fuch Cafes, for the future.


Sir John Salter, the new Lord Mayor was Sworn at the Exchequer Bar, Wet minster, then returned to Guildhall, D where was a grand Entertainment, and a Ball, at which were prefent feveral great Officers of State, and Perfons of Distinction. It is remarkable that all the Companies, who attended the Proceffion as ufual, ordered their Mulic to play Britous ftrike Home.

Captain Ambrofe in his Majefty's Ship, E the Greyhound, meeting a Genoefe Ship from St. Andere, obliged her to bring to, and on fearching her found-23 Chefts of Silver (each 3080 Pieces of Eight) confign'd to fome Merchants at Cadiz, and fuppofed part of the Affogues Treasure; he took them on Board the King's Ship as a Place of greater Security, but paid F the Mafter the Freight, and gave him a Receipt in full.

TUESDAY 30,Being his Majefty's Birth-day, the Bells rang, the Guns were difcharg'd, &c. as ufual.

Came Advice from Carolina, by a Ship arrived at Amfterdam, that St Augufline was taken from the Spaniards. This is the Town where G they made Preparations to attack Georgia, but Gen. Oglethorpe, we fuppofe, fcorn'd to wait for them. However, the King having 36 Ships of Force, and many other biave Officers in the Weft Indies, they will not be now inactive.


The Parliament of Ireland met at Dublin on the 9th, and the Duke of Devonbire (Ld. Lieut.) recommended to their Confideration the taking Measures to make effectual the Act paffed here for taking off, after May 1, 1740, the Subfidies on Woollen, Bay, or Yarn, imported into Great Britain, &c. by preventing the Clandeftine and 7

illegal Exportation of thofe Commodities, which mult in the End prove detrimental, both to Great Britain and Ireland, whofe true Interefts are infeparable. His Grace acquainted them that as his Majesty was exerting his Power Abroad, for the Protection of Trade, it would become them to fhew their utmost Zeal at Home, for the Support of his Majefty's Government, and the Proteftant Religion against all that dare difturb our prefent Peace and Tranquillity, and afked only the ufual Supplies; all which the Commons by their Address dutifully promised."

Since our laft the Spaniards have taken about a dozen Ships; among them is the St. Jofeph, Capt. White, worth 30,000l. at the Bar of Faro, in Portugal, with the Pilot on Board, in reach of Cannon Shot of the Portuguese Fort. Complaint has been made to the K. of Portugal of this Violation of the Neutrality of his Port, in order for him to demand Reftitution. On the other Hand, Admiral Haddock, befides leffer Prizes, has intercepted two rich Ships from the Carraccas, having on Board 2,000,000 Pieces of Eight, one of which of 800 Tun is arrived at Spithead worth above 150,000l. with the Crew, being 76 Spaniards. Two Spanish Captains alfo, with 17 Sailors, were taken out of two Veffels in the Port of London, and committed to the Marthalica as Prifoners of War; but instead of being robbed and plundered they were allowed to take their Beds, and what elfe was theirs, along Some Spaniards were alfo feized in a Ship at Exeter. And fince the above, Admiral Haddock has taken 20 Prizes, 2 Privateers, and a rich Ship from Buens Ayres.

with them.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Tho. Cofer, Efq; Member for Briftol. (See P. 545.)

Lieut. Lambert, Lieut, of Greenwich Hospital. 5. Capt. Chilcot, at Woolwich.

Jofeph Baynton, Elq; of the Register's Office. Sir Richard Mufgrave, at Hayton, Cumberland. 8. Francis Fuzuler, Efq; at Barebam, Suffex. 9. Mr Edw. Umfreville, Senior, Clerk in A the Exchequer.

10. Sir Philip Sydenham, of Brimpton, Somerfet, Bart. formerly Member for Ilchester, and twice for Somerset hire, a Batchelor, the Title extinct.

Col. Charles Kennedy, eldest Son of the Earl of Caftles, in Scotland.

14. Mofes Mendez de Cola, a very rich Je


Capt. Milner, of the 2d Reg of Foot Guards. 16. Hon. John Lumley, Efq; Brother to the Earl of Scarborough, Member for Arundel, Groom of the Bed-Chamber to the Prince of Wales, and Col. of a Company in the ad Reg. of Foot-Guards, much lamented.

17. John Jephson, Eiq; in Great Ruffel freet. Sir John Erskine, of the Ifle of Man, Bart. James Ibbet fon, of Leeds, Efq; vaitly rich. 21. William Duke of Manchester, Lord-Lieut. and Cuftos Rotulorum of Huntingdorfhire, Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and Knight of the Bath, and Collector of the Cuftoms outward in the Port of London. He marry'd the Lady Ifabella, Daughter to the Duke of Montagu, by whom leaving no Iffue, he is fucceeded in Honour and Estate by his Brother, Lord Robt. Montagu, Member for Huntingdon.

Sir John Askew, of Lyddiard, Wilts, Knt. Sir John Laufen, of Brough, near Richmond, Yorkshire, Bart.

Dr Inglis, Rector of Lewisham, Kent, a Living of 350 1. per Annum,


William Lifter, Efq;

Landwaiter, in

room of Edward Williams, Efq; who refigned. George Bodens, Efq; Gentleman Usher

Quarter-Waiter to the King, in room of his Father, who refigned in his Favour.

John Audley, Efq; Dr of the Civil Law, appointed Advocate-General of the Court of Chivalry, in room of late Dr Henchman.

Hon. Mr Mafoam, Son to Lord Mafbam,·

a Groom of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Waks, in room of Col. Lumley, deceas'd. John Paterfon, Efq; Affociate to Lord Chief Juftice Willes, Sollicitor for the City of London, in room of Charles Stracey, Efq; who refigned.

the Port of London, in the room of his Brother D. of Manchester, Collector outwards in

the Duke, deceas'd.

Jofeph Stanb pe, of Norwich, Efq; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber.


Earl of Flex, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, in rooni of the D. of Manchester, decd. Mr Pinfon, Commander of the Louifa Man of War, in room of Capt. Hallet, removed to the C George. Capt. of the Sea-Horse,


22. Wilitam Gore, of Tring, Eq; Member E for Cricklade.

Sir William Murray, of Auchterre, at Edin bargb.

23. Francis Shepheard, Efq; Brother to the Member for Cambridgfhire, worth above 100,000!..

24. Francis Manle, Efq; at Ilington. Peter Seleguard, Efq; Capt. of the Berwick of 70 Guns.

26. Mr Dunford, an eminent Pinmaker on London Bridge, worth 30,000l.

27. Sir William Thompson, Baron of the Exchequer, and Recorder of London, at the Bath. 29. Mr Harris, an eminent Weaver in Spittle-fields, worth 30,000 7.

ALIST of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1739. Ewis Blondeau appointed a Gentleman Ufher to the King, a Place of 500l. per Annum. William Wrightfon, Efq; formerly Member for Newcastle on Tyne, firft Secondary in the Pipe-Office, in room of late Charles Hornby, Efq; the Place 800 l. per Annum.

Julius Cæfar, Elq;

Customs in Lynn.

Robert Hammond, Efq;

Port of London,



Searcher of the H

[blocks in formation]

Capt. Cleland, of 20 Guns.

Lord Harrington,


[ocr errors][merged small]

Forces, in room of the late Earl of Peterborough.
Lieut. Berkeley,
Lieut. of Greenwich


Francis Godolphin, Efq; Lieut. Governor of Scilly, Capt. of two independent Companies

in those Iflands."

Earl of Pemfret,

Governor of the Isle of Guernsey, in room of the late Marquis de Montandre.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Chriftned & Males
Femal. 6535



[blocks in formation]

Monthly BILL of Mortality, from Sept. 25, to O. 23.


S. S. Stock no Price.
--- Annu. 106
New Annu. 106

3 per C. Ant. 97.

Pank 115


[ocr errors]


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

935 Femal. 1022


Without the walls
In Mid. and Surry 850


City and Sub. Well. 402

[blocks in formation]



Mil. Bank 112

Between 5 and 10


India no Price.

Between 10 and

[blocks in formation]

Weekly Burials.

OFF. 2.- 493

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]



[ocr errors]



9. 432

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Lot. Tickets 51.6s.


Coals 36 s. per Chaldron.


Petersburg. The Perfian Minifter has

Advice from Ipahan of July the 3d, that Kouli Kan had defeated the Grand Mogul in s pitch'd Battles, in the last of which, near Janapore, he entirely ruin'd the Eremy's Army of 300,000 Men, and took a vaft Booty in Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Pearls, and o ther Treasure, which was carry'd on the Backs of 4030 Elephants: That the Conqueror had hereupon discharged his own Subjects of ali Taxes for 3 Years, and had fent 14,000 Gentlemen into Perfia, with 26,000 Camels, and 7000 Elephants, to make their triumphant Entry into Ipahan.

The Preliminaries of Peace between the Ruffians and Turks were figned foon after the Treaty with (the Emperor and the Grand Signor, in the Turkish Camp before Belgrade, but the Articles are va riously talk'd of. Count Munich had pur fued his Conquefts in Moldavia, the Capital of which Place, Jay, receiv'd him in Triumph, after which Bender furren dering without Resistance, Bialogred, and the Budziack Tartars fubmitted."

War being thus at an End on that Side, we are to look where it will spread next, and whether our Rupture with Spain will draw in other Powers. Our Politicians have been muftering the Friends of his Catholick Majefty, and the Forces they can raife, which have been mounted up to 500,000 Men, thus: France, they fay, by the Addition of Lorrain, can maintain 300,000 Men, and fit out 60 ftout Men of War; Spain as many Ships of War, befides 100,000 Land Forces actually on foot; and for the Kings of Sardinia, the


Two Sicilies, Sweden, and the Elector Palatine, who are all attach'd to the Houfe of Bourbon by the Tyes of Blood or near Allyance, they reckon no less than 100,000 more; in all 500,000 Men. and 120 Ships of the Line of Battle. gainft all thefe, the British Fleet, as to Difputes at Sea, will be a fufficient Match; and if the Enemy reckons on France's interpofing with her Allies, the Dutch cannot keep out of the Quarrel, to whom we may add Pruffia, on account of her King being oppofed by France as to the Succeffion of Juliers and Berg, Denmark, our firm Ally, Portugal, whom we lately fupported, and Raffia, which will be provoked by the Swedes, who have already fent 15,000 Foot, 9,000 Horfe, and 6,000 Militia into Finland; but the Rufian Envoy has told them, 'twould have been better they had not made that Motion with their Troops. The Emperor too must not be neutral, if he expects the Enjoyment of Flanders, at least he will be engaged in defending it, and Forces are already marching thither.

An Antwer to the King of Spain's Manifefto, &c. has been published at the Hague in Dutch, which will ferve for our next Month's Entertainment.

Vienna. The Emperor is highly diffatisfied with the Peace hastily ftruck up by Count Neuperg with the Turks, and as rafhly executed by Count Wallis, both of whom he has put under Arreft, and written a Letter in Juftification of himself to the Czarina, and her Anfwer fhews that the good Understanding between them is like to continue.



Tho. Cofer, Efq; Member for Briftol. (See
P. 545.)

Lieut. Lambert, Lieut, of Greenwich Hofpital.
5. Capt. Chilcot, at Woolwich.

Jofeph Baynton, Etq; of the Register's Office.
Sir Richard Mufgrave, at Hayton, Cumberland.
8. Francis Fowler, Efq; at Barebam, Suflex.
9. Mr Edw. Umfreville, Senior, Clerk in A
the Exchequer.

10. Sir Philip Sydenham, of Brimpton, Som-
erfet, Bart. formerly Member for Ilchester, and
twice for Somerset hire, a Batchelor, the Title

Col. Charles Kennedy, eldest Son of the Earl of Caftles, in Scotland.

14. Mofes Mendez de Cofta, a very rich few B Merchant.

Capt. Milner, of the 2d Reg of Foot Guards.

16. Hon. John Lumley, Efq; Brother to the Earl of Scarborough, Member for Arundel, Groom of the Bed-Chamber to the Prince of. Wales, and Col. of a Company in the ad Reg. of Foot-Guards, much lamented.

17. John Hepbfon, Eiq; in Great Ruffel-freet. Sir John Erskine, of the Ifle of Man, Bart. James Ibbet fon, of Leeds, Efq; vaftly rich. 21. William Duke of Manchester, Lord-Lieut. and Cuftos Rotulorum of Huntingdorfhire, Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and Knight of the Bath, and Collector of the Cuftoms outward in the Port of London. He marry'd the Lady Ifabelia, Daughter to the Duke of Montagu, by whom leaving no Iffue, he is fucceeded in Honour and Eftate by his Brother, Lord Rebt. Montagu, Member for Huntingden.

Sir John Askew, of Lyddiard, Wilts, Knt. Sir John Lawfon, of Brough, near Richmond, Yorkshire, Bart.

Dr Inglis, Rector of Lewisham, Kent, a Living of 3501. per Annum:


22. William Gore, of Tring, Eq; Member E for Cricklade.

Sir William Murray, of Auchterre, at Edinbergb.

23. Francis Shepheard, Elq; Brother to the Member for Cambridg fire, worth 100,000 1.


24. Francis Manle, Efq; at Ilington. Peter Soleguard, Efq; Capt. of the Berwick of 70 Guns.

26. Mr Dunford, an eminent Pinmaker on London Bridge, worth 30,000.

27. Sir William Thompson, Baron of the Exchequer, and Recorder of London, at the Bath. 29. Mr Harris, an eminent Weaver in Spittle-fields, worth 30,000 1.

ALIST of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1739. LEwis Blondeau appointed a Gentleman Ufher to the King, a Place of 500l. per Annum. William Wrightfon, Efq; formerly Member for Newcastle on Tyne, the Pipe-Office, in room of late Charles Hornby, firft Secondary in Efq; the Place 800 l. per Annum.

Cuitoms in Lynn.



William Lifter, Efq;

Landwaiter, in

room of Edward Williams, Efq; who refigned.
George Bodens, Efq;
Quarter-Waiter to the King, in room of his Fa-
Gentleman Uther
ther, who refigned in his Favour.

pointed Advocate-General of the Court of Chi-
John Audley, Efq; Dr of the Civil Law, ap-
valry, in room of late Dr Henchman.

Hon. Mr Mafoam, Son to Lord Mafham,

a Groom of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, in room of Col. Lumley, deceas'd. John Paterfon, Efq; Affociate to Lord Chief Juftice Willes, Sollicitor for the City of London, in room of Charles Stracey, Efq; who refigned.

D. of Manchester, Collector outwards in the Port of London, in the room of his Brother the Duke, deceas'd.

Jofeph Stanhope, of Norwich, Efq;
Gentleman of the Privy Chamber.

Earl of Fex, Captain of the Yeomen of the
Guard, in roon of the D. of Manchester, decd.
Mr Pinfon, Commander of the Louifa Man
of War, in room of Capt. Hallet, removed to the
Capt. of the Sea-Horse,

Capt. Cleland, of 20 Guns.

Lord Harrrington,

General of the Marine

Forces, in room of the late Earl of Peterborough.
Lieut. Berkeley,
Lieut. of Greenwich


Francis Godolphin, Efq; Lieut. Governor of Scilly, Capt. of two independent Companies in thofe Iflands.

Earl of Pomfret,

Governor of the Isle of Guernsey, in room of the late Marquis de Montandre.


Brig. General Folliot, Governor of Carlifle, in room of the late Earl of Carlifle. 70 Gun Ship, in room of Capt. Davers, Capt. Hilder fley, Capt. of the Grafton, a Capt. of the Buckingham, in room of Capt. Piercy, who refigned.



Capt. of the Rippon,

Mr Edgecombe, Son to the Member,
of the Superb
Capt. Pocklin
in room of Capt. Orme.
Bomb-Keteb, in room
Capt. Waring,
Lord Byron,

90 Guns.


of Capt. Mitchell, who Capt. of the Terrible

Lieut. of the Namur, of

[blocks in formation]

Monthly BILL of Mortality, from Sept. 25, to O8. 23.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Chriftned Males 6552 Within the walls


Femal. 6535
Males 9353

Femal. 1022 3

[ocr errors]



177 10--- 64

Died under 2 Years old --- 780
Between 2 and 5
Between 5 and
Between 10 and
Between 20 and
Between 30

Between 40 and



[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

44 160




Without the walls
In Mid, and Surry 850
City and Sub. Well. 402

[blocks in formation]

104 Peck Loaf, Wheat.- 2 S.






[blocks in formation]



7 p.C. Em.Loan 108.

Between 60 and


5p. C. Ditto 92

[blocks in formation]

Eng. Cop. 31 6s. 6 d.

[blocks in formation]

Wheat 271. per Quar.
Hay per load 425.

Welsh ditto 15 s.
Lot. Tickets 51. 6 s.



Best Hops 3/. 154.

Coals 36 s. per Chaldron.


Petersburg. THe Perfian Minifter has Advice from Ipahan of July the 3d, that Kouli Kan had "defeated the Grand Mogul in s pitch'd Battles, in the laft of which, near Janapore, he entirely ruin'd the Eremy's Army of 300,000 Men, and took a vaft Booty in Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Pearls, and other Treasure, which was carry'd on the Backs of 4000 Elephants: That the Conqueror had hereupon discharged his own Subjects of ali Taxes for 3 Years, and had fent 14,000 Gentlemen into Perfia, with 26,000 Camels, and 7000 Elephants, to make their triumphant Entry into Ipahan.

The Preliminaries of Peace between the Ruffians and Turks were figned foon after the Treaty with the Emperor and the Grand Signor, in the Turkish Camp before Belgrade, but the Articles are va rioufly talk'd of. Count Munich had pur fued his Conquefts in Moldavia, the Capital of which Place, Jafly, receiv'd him in Triumph, after which Bender furren dering without Refiftance, Bialogred, and the Budziack Tartars fubmitted."

War being thus at an End on that Side, we are to look where it will fpread next, and whether our Rupture with Spain will draw in other Powers. Our Politicians have been muftering the Friends of his Catholick Majefty, and the Forces they can raife, which have been mounted up to 500,000 Men, thus: France, they fay, by the Addition of Lorrain, can maintain 300,000 Men, and fit out 60 ftout Men of War; Spain as many Ships of War, befides 100,000 Land Forces actually on foot; and for the Kings of Sardinia, the



Two Sicilies, Sweden, and the Elector
Palatine, who are all attach'd to the
Houfe of Bourbon by the Tyes of Blood
or near Allyance, they reckon no lefs
than 100,000 more; in all 500,000 Men.
and 120 Ships of the Line of Battle.
gainst all thefe, the British Fleet, as to
Difputes at Sea, will be a fufficient Match;
and if the Enemy reckons on France's
interpofing with her Allies, the Dutch
cannot keep out of the Quarrel, to whom
we may add Pruffia, on account of her
King being oppofed by France as to the
Succeffion of Juliers and Berg, Denmark,
our firm Ally, Portugal, whom we lately
fupported, and Ruffia, which will be pro-
voked by the Swedes, who have already
fent 15,000 Foot, 9,000 Horse, and 6,000
Militia into Finland; but the Rufian En-
voy has told them, 'twould have been
better they had not made that Motion
with their Troops. The Emperor too
must not be neutral, if he expects the
Enjoyment of Flanders, at least he will
be engaged in defending it, and Forces
are already marching thither.

An Antwer to the King of Spain's Manifefto, &c. has been publifhed at the Hague in Dutch, which will ferve for our next Month's Entertainment.

Vienna. The Emperor is highly diffatisfied with the Peace haftily ftruck up by Count Neuperg with the Turks, and as rafhly executed by Count Wallis, both of whom he has put under Arrest, and writ ten a Letter in Juftification of himself to the Czarina, and her Anfwer fhews that the good Understanding between them is like to continue.

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