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Charles V. Emp. his Anfwer to Confifcation, Law of
his Cortes
145 Corge, his Character
Chatham Workmen fight So Conftitution, publick
Cheljea Penfioners ferviceable ib. CONVENTION 68. Purchas'd
Chemistry, not productive of
at the Price of agreeing to

Branard, Hurgolet, his Speech
438. Answer to the Prime
Minister's Brother 524, 559
Bread regulated
Bremen, of what Advantage 35
Brennus treats with Romans 581
Bridge at Westminster 46,214
Britons frike bome plaid before
the King
Brobdingnagians afferted
Brooke, Mr, his Play recommen-


Broton, from his Travels 147
Bruftath, Hurgo, his Speech on

the Iberian Proteft. 506, 084
Brutus an Example of publick
2. Spirit
Buenos Ayres, taking it the.
Way to humble Spain 653
Bugenbagius, his Story 11, 113
Building and Gardening 640
Bully, his Behaviour 365
Bullies of Mankind odious 628
Burleigh, the whe 255,669
Burnet, Bp, against the Poor Act
#233. His Remark on Ld
Danby 313. Publisher of the
Life of God, &c. 526, his Re-
mark on the Civil Lift 542.
Of the Kentif Petition 649
Byrg, Admiral, Preamble to
his Patent
Cibal, the Name, its Rife




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Chunefe, their Character 537
Work for 2d a Day 236
Chifrick Structure a Pattern 640
Chitfong, Petition to 538
Choczim the Ruhans take 499
Christian K. of Denmark, his


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[ocr errors]


the Proteft 92, 567. Ridi-

cul'd 86, 368. Remark there-
on 91. Objected agajnit 118.
344. What it is mor 337. Pre..
cedes a definitive Treaty
: 340. A Prelude to exorbi
tant Demands 346. The fame
difproved 350. Praifed 401,
406, 576. Has no Parallel
411, Objections to it anfwer'd
413. Prefented to the Hur-
goes 448. Varies from their
Refolutions 456. But a Pre-
liminary 466. Preamble to
it $75. Negotiators to be de-
liver'd up 583, Inexcufable632.
A Blefufcadian Measure 633-
Debated in Parliament 159.
Conferences thereon 275, 336.
Lift of Commons for and a-
gainst it 304. Animadverfi-
ons on the foregoing 320, 667
Convention indicated, a Pam-

Law concerning Baptifm 113
Cicero, his Qualifications of a
Traveller 55 His Minuti
Philofophi 297 His Opinion
of the Roman Hiftory 584.
Saying of his 588, 589, 597
Civil Law the Study of North
Civil Lift, Caution against its
Increafe 34. Difcourfe there.
on 313. Hiftory of it 317,.,



[ocr errors]

Clarendon quoted
Clergy, degenerate 372, 415.
One got a Wife by a Text 375 t
Clerk of the Peace, his Share
for licenfing Alehoufes
Clewmro, 634, 065, 688 Cordwell, Mr, charg'd with a
Clinabs, their Honour &c. 401 Combination..!
Clothiers opprefs'd by their Fac-Carnelius Arvina, his Speech to
tors 89. Falfly charg'd with

in Point

Oppreflion 124, 205. A Cafe
Coalition of Parties, wished 637
Coals, Price of, raifed 270
Coblers, two moft Chriftian 296
Cocoa Nuts the Growth of the
Lilliputian Colonies 612. Dif-
ferent from the Iberian 626
Coin, compar'd


Cadmus, a King of Thebes 470
Calvarifis, an Order of Nuns 51
Galvinim 76. In the 39 Art. 417
Canary Birds, their Dilcourte 230
Carles, Don, his Introduction
sinto Italy unpolitic 483
Cartes, his Opinion of Brutes
-Cafaubon's Senfe of
Of Dipping
Caftile, itsLiberties how deftroy-
ed 142.
Caftroflet, Hurgo, his Speech,
for an Amendment 357, 391.
On the Manner of hearing a Commandments, Propofal for
Petition 456. His Speech on-
the Convention
Cat compar'd with Diogenes 195.
With Homer's Heroes 231
Cato's Saying of the Romans 538
Caufes celebr. &c. intended to be,
167, 168

528 Cold, Effects of..
11 Collects favouring Methodism
372, 419
Colonies, their Commerce 32,
392, Act for fupporting 367.
Caufes of their Decay 455
Comedy, what

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the Samnites


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ci 583
Corruption in Parliaments de-
claim'd against 314 Form of
an Act against it
Corfica, Affairs of 51, 163, 219.
Cortes, a corrupt one
Cotton Manufact, improv'd 479
Cottonian Manufcript, Ext. 589
Counsel allow'd in Matters of
Property: 暑
Country Common Senfe 10
Country and Minifter the proper
200, 424
Country Party justified 142, 422
Country, its Interest. 320
COURTS, at S. Sea Company
45, 158, 382,659. At
Guildball 103, 104, 160, 214,
271, 325, 361, 382, 494.
Bank 160, 213, 494, AE.
India Company 2 4. Of A-
frica Company 437. Of Ad-
270,437, 602.
Court, new, in which Metho-
difts prefide
Cooley's Centure of Milton 75.
His Virtue and Wit 285
Craftsman prevaricates 36. Re-
maks on him 78, 89, 82,
89, 112, 434, 538. Bor-
rows of the Gent, Magazine
24, 79, 588. From himself
89. Allows a Standing Force
80. Steals from Authors 82.
In Confederacy with Common
Senfe 112. His Apprehenti-
ons from the Intermarriages
of France and Spain 142. Vin

Cecrops King of Allens 470
Centors public in China 537 Common Senfe reproved 36, 112,
Certainty in Phyfics not
129, 249, 375. Exults over
- Certificates counterfeited. 104 the M- 129. His Charac-
Champion, Sir George, fet afide ter 140. His Defence 185.
being Ld Mayor 495 The Waves the Charge 204. Mi-,
Realons of it 334 His Letter takes his Adverfury: 250.
to the Liverymen - (594- Replies to the Gazetiger 251.
368 In Want of Matter 489.
Charity Schools meet
La Charles I. Caules of his Mi Commons addrefs the King on:
fortunes 84x 313, 429
the Convention
Charles II. his Civil Lut 317 Commotion popular defined 139
Addrefies to him
648 Companies, Milton's cenfured 6


[blocks in formation]


Index general to the Magazine,

Indians, See Story
Infants, all in the fame Relati
on to God
Inspiration afferted in the Col-
don to their Reprefentatives
548. Of New Sarum, &c.
638. Of Nottingham 650
Inftructions to Reprefentatives
the Right of the People 647
Infurances on account of Fo-
reigners a National Benefit 480
Intereft low, a Proof of the lu-
creafe of Trade
Intereft never lies
Inteftine Divifions deny'd 639
Invafion not to be dreaded 394,
529. Remarks thereon 540
Inundation at Oporto 662
Jockey poifons 3 Children 659
Jomon's Catiline reprefents a
defperate Traitor
Teleph, Hiftory of, 285
St Jofeph Prize 553, 602, 659
Journalists exploded
Joy, of Laughter
Ireland, Number of Papifts and



79, 112

Proteftants there 274. Pro-
ceedings of the Parliam. 553
Juftice, in Ged, defined



KAmpobel, Urg; moves for an



Keene, Knee], Mr ftyl'd Don
Benjamin 86. Cenfur'd 335,
370, 485, 507. Juftify'd
568. Agent and Plenipoten-
tiary 567, 569. His Dacia-
ration at Madrid 386, 410
Kem, Bp, a devout Prehte 251
Kennet, Bafil, his Danger 25
Kennet, White, Reflections on

his Letter
Kemifp Petition


King, his Speeches to the Par-
Jiament 101, 326, 602.


Metlage to the Parliam.


King, Mrs, fentenced


Kings of the Sea


King fin, Alizes


Knights of the Induilty
Knight of the Ear



Kuh Kan demands Fabylon $1.
His Declaration and Succ
in dia 237, 442, 409. 555.
His Cruity 607, Various

counts of him

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

On the Nature of Fire; by
W. K. 12, 64, 652. From
Prudentia Matherly complain
ing of a bad Husband 13. S.
K State of the Teft 15.
Against the Teft; by a Con
Jiffent Dijenter 18. The He
brows erected the firft Tem
ples; from a Curate of Salop
23. On a Paffage in Dr Wa
terland; by Anonymus 63
From Mr Walker with a fur-
prizing Account 75. On the
Infufficiency of the Teft-Act
to exclude Papifts ib. From
7. 0. in Vindication of his
Reafons against pushing for a
Repeal 76. On the Debates
of a Political Club 92. On
Dipping; from J. L. 113.
From a Confiflent Diffenter in
anfwer to . 0. 116, Mr
Martin's Anfwer to Mr Wal
ker 117. Letters on the Na-
ture of Honefty; by 7. H.
&c. 117, 170, 232, 2978
359, 417. S. K. in Defence
of the Teft-A&t 122. With
an Extract from Brown's Tra-
vels 147. With a Bill for
Lottery for diftrefs'd Virgins
149. Of Mr Urban's Ad-
veriaries; from R. H 150.
R. T's Remarks on Mr Ken-
net's Letter 177. From Cleo-
menes on the State of Infants
after Death ib. A. B. of
David's Inftructions to Solo-
mon concerning Shimei 190,
Againft abfolute Reprobation
191. From Con, Prot, on the
Teft Act 192. Exceptions to
the Virgin's Lottery; by De-
mocritus 193. Tycha Wing's
Defence of Eafter 201.
O's Reply to Con. Prst. 204,
Remarks on Con. Prot, 224.
Mr Walker's Reply to Mr
Martin 258. From Jen-
ny Bickerfaff with a Love
Affair 281. T. S's Reafon
for Eve's liftening to the Ser
pent 297. Milton borrow'd
from the Heathen Poets; by
F. T. 359. On the Poetical
Pieces of October 601, 653.
Lettyltro, Urg; his Answer to

Lee, Poet,
Lee, River, Petition folv'd 271
Lentulus, his Speech 582
Letters of Marque and Reprifal
381. Iffued 382. Why not
LETTERS. From Georgia 22.
From 0. Cromwell to the
Fremb King 24. From the
E. of Sunderland to the Eng-
jh Envoy at Florence 25.
Sampfon Mainmaft to Commen
Senje 29. Unknoton to the
Gentlemen at Salters ball 30.
On the Woollen Manufacture
84. Remarks on Popular
Prejudices 120. Will Fore-
maft to Common Sense 179. Of
a new Sort of Excifemen in
Scotland 180. An Elector to
a Member of Parliament on
the Spanish Depredations 32.
Mr Amber to Mr Strutt 204.
R. H. to T. A. 224. Craftf-
man's Reply concerning Am-
bur's Letter 249. To the
Translator of the fervi Let-
ters; by Philo-Chriftus 281.
Anfwerd 365. Of civilizing
the Scot Highlanders; by
Pbilo Britannus 286. Mr
Seaward to his Brother 371.
An Apology for Mr Wite-
field; by Philagathus 415.
To the Revd Mr Seagrave;
by J. L. 13. Mr Well to
My Whitefield 427. Mi Yate
to Mr J. L. 476. Sir Geo.
Champion to the Livery $94.
On the Death of 7.C.Eqhclyd, fatal
LETTERS to the Author viz.
On Periodical Wilters 3.
From Taph defending his
Animadverkers on Alter 5.
From Merv, on Baptifin 10.

[blocks in formation]

Lilliput trufts in two Things 393
In no Banger of a Defcent 394
Lilliputian Court contemptible
abroad 346, 512. Why 350
Lilliputian Company 271
Lilliputians a Lafus Nature 56
Limbus Infantum
Limina Vita, what 477
Linnens, c. British, Confide-

rations on 94. increafed 479
LISTS. Of Sheriffs 48. Of
Mrs Stephens's Contributors.
49. Of Workers on a Pack
of Wool 85. Of Protefting
Lords 279. Of Members for
and against the Convention
304. Of the Committee of
Common Council 361. Of
Spanish Men of War at Ca-
dz 442. Of the Court of
Aldermen 495. Of Men of
War in Commiffion 660
Luy's fpeaking Ox 59. His
Remark on the Roman Hifto-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

95 lith the Life of Cicero 218
662 Mildendo, petitions against the
480 Convention



the Prince of Wales
Malta, threaten'd
Manchester Increase of
Mandane, Mother of Cyrus 374
Manifefto of Spain 437, 472
Manes afferted twoPrinciples 476
Mankind originally perfect 64
Manners, a Satire, voted fcanda-
lous 104. Debate thereon 460
Manfion-Houfe agreed to 103.
Proceedings 270, 382, 551.
Corner Stone laid
Manufacturers increased
MAPS. Of the Crimea 3. Of
the Frontiers of Ruffia and
Turky 112. Of the Course of
the Affogues 443. Letter con-
cerning Maps
Marines eftablish'd' 659
Marlborough, Dutchefs, of Qu.
Anne's Frugality
Marmor Norfolcienfe
Marque Letters of
Marriage, Notion of 420.
ing of a wife Man
Marriage, fecond, illegal, how
affecting the Iffue 226.
Whimsical 194. Unhappy 247
Marriages double between France
and Spain declared 105. Onc




Militia, their Bravery 81. How
to regulate
Militia Officers a kind of mixte


Milk-Diet advifed
Milton, why negligent of the
Numeroufness of his Verfe 5.
His Encomium and Apotheo-
fis 20, 73. Cenfur'd 74.
Borrows from Heathen 359
Minifter of State, accountable, a
Maxim in Politics 504. Ab-
bufed 512. Minister Weak
or Wicked to be deferted 132.
Single, dangerous 587. Ju-
ftify'd 188. Oblig'd to take
Shame to himself 318. boafts
of the Convention 369. 406,
484. Answers for all Mea-
fures 409. Directs Placemen
429. His Saying to the Mer-
chants 541, 543. Calls the
Sinking Fund his own Claid
549. His Power inconfiftent
with a Free Government 543
Miniftry, of neither Skill nor
Courage 303. Heads unequal
to the Peoples Hearts 339-
Cenfur'd 345, 354. Account-
able for what 31, 513, 576.
Praifed 353, Trufted with
extraordinary Power 509. Ju-
Minorca Catechifm
Miracle proves abortive 235
Mifraim (Menes) the firft King
of Egyp
Mebammed Almal, his criel
297 Monks, their Pretence for eat-
170 ing Fowls



Marfeilles, the Plague there
raifed the Price of Wool 94
Martin, See Letters to Author
Martin Guerre, Cafe of
Maiquerade, an extraordinary 103
Mathematicians fail of difcover-
ing the N. Eaft Paffage 219
Matrimony, a Pamphlet 382
Mechanics, their Ufe in Phyfic,
an Oration of Boerhaave 115
Medea's Video Meliora, &c. ad-
Medianoche, what
Memorials heal no Wounds 621
Men of War, Lift 437, 660
Merchants threaten'd 88. Their
Demands on Spain reduced
135, 336, 574, 613. Re-
dress difficult 391, 612. Their
Proceedings $34. Petitien
for Convoys 551. Abufes in
the W. Idnian Trade
Mercury and the Carpenter 118
Metal, Manufacture
Metallurgy propofed to be pub-


Meteors, beautiful ones 14
Metaphyficians Corrupters of the
Christian Doctrine 38
Methodists Ipiritual Empirics
128. The Evil Nature and
Tendency of their Doctrines
255, 428. Religious Smug-
lers 257. Apology for them
362. Prefide in a Court 481.
Their Expences 482
Middlesex compar'd with Corn-

Middleton, Dr, proposes to pub-



Monkifh Annals partial
Monro, Dr, famous for curing
423, 478
Moon Aftronomical and Eccle-


[blocks in formation]

INDEX to the

Narda, Secretary, his Speech Debates, Effays, Differtations


for an Address 339. On the Pacific Company why fo





called 570. Of their Con-

Iberian Proteft 41, 453.
Acknowledges a Proteft 459 cerns $67
Nafcby, of the Battle there 81,84 Painting and Poetry have the
Nation, how to put in a Pofture
fame Admirers
of Defence
Pamphlets on the Convention 370
National Stock increafed Papers relating to a depending
Nature following, what
Negociation not to call for, a
Navy victualled
Rule of Senate 469. Not fo 519
Navigation free, what 474 Paper Manufacture improved 479
Naviget Anticyram, a Prov. 477 Parents, firft, finned the Day
Neal, Mr. Pallages from his they were created 297
77 Parliament prorogued 46, 376,
Negotiation depending requires 382, 437. Their Sitting ap-
Secrecy 466, 593, 559. Fo- pointed 494, 551. Meet 602.
reign, requires Men of high Addrefs the King against a
Rank and Eminence
Nepenthe, Plant, infpires Joy 477 Parliament corrupted by Purg-
Neuperg, Count, arrefted 555 ing or Paifoning 314 When
New Birth explained 296., Al- Independency given up 319.
ferted in Collects
Formerly annual 532. Some
Newmarket, State of
Things they cannot do 533.
Newton, Dr, Envoy at Florence 25 Bound by their own Laws 539.
Nicene Council ignorant 202 Paid by the People b.
Nicholfon, Bo, his Obfervation of Parfon caft in Law for obftruct-
an antique Font
ing a Burial 438. Degraded for
Nimrod the fame with Belus 470 marrying without Licenfe ib.
Ninas a King of Allyria 471 Party defin'd
Nonconformist Laity firft dif- Party-Names, the leaft invidious
fented, why
Norton, Rib, Elg; Tryal on Peace-making the Right of the
his Will
270 Crown ,349, 465, 514
Norwich Bill of Mortality 102 Penal Laws burdenfome 421,
No Search, the only Foundation Penalty too great, deadens the
of Peace
613,300 Execution of the Law 422
Nothing, various Names for 13 Penfion-Bill paffed
N- , Hon. Elq; Narta- Penfioner of great Authority in
tive of his Death 25, 59. Re-
marks thereon 127. His An-
fwer to an Atheistical Letter 60

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Occafional Conformity 133
Occupations unneceflary 481
Officer broke for his Bravery 633
Oglethorpe, Gen, arrives in Geor-
gia 22. His Life attempted 48
Old Man




People, in what Cafes Judges
349, 396, 518, 538, 594.
Their Right of inftructing
their Reprefentatives 647.
Change the Conftitution 69
Peripatetic Notion of Brutes 428
Petition of London against the



Petitioners not to force Juftice
456. Heard at the Senate 460
Petraborauch, H his Saying 632
Pbilofopher and Thieves, 189
Phrafes Proverbial 290
Pigeons, fpeaking
Pufel Fellow of a Minister 314
Place-Bill, Reafons for 197
423 Seafonable 593, 637
Placemen obnoxious 72, 144,
315, 423, 539- Their Song
89. In the Oppofition 477
Their Revenue 536. Dan-
gerous Reprefentatives $88,
Their Difmiflion with'd 639
Places govern the Oppofition
429, 576

Oligarchy abfolute
Oparto, Inundation there 662
Oppian, of Achiles's Hole 59
Oppofition and National Party,
by what produced 318. Place
men in the Oppofition 477.
Advantages of Oppofition 629
Oppreffion in divers Shapes 124
Oran, Garrifan of, diftrefs'd 662
Orange, Prince, his Affaire 331.
Princes Stadtholders of Hol-
land 532. Princes brought to
Over-Arming a Mark of Cow
Oravay's Orphan reprefents the Placeman Builder
Guards, Venice preferad the Plagiarism, what
Penfionary Parli, of Cha11247 Plato's Beauty of Virtue 176
Or speaks
C 39 Piemalm, rg; his Specch as
Oxford, Bp, Extract of his Ser- gainft addrefling for Papers

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[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

J. Bropard Hurgol afwer co
Prime Minifter's Brother, his
Speech against addreffing
Principles unknown
Prince born 159. Baptized 1214-
Printing, its Ufe and Abuse 463
Printers feldom fuffer when the
Author is known
Privateers not to be fear'd 394
Prompt Payment, Deduction for-
578, 613
Property Deeds, Bill for regifter
ing poftpon
Proteft of the Lords against the
Convention 118. On the State
of the Nation
Proteft of the K. of Spain [be
[a] 71. Sufpected to clog the

Convention 448. Has nothing
to do with it 453, 484 Or
ther wife underflood by the F-
berians 473, 71, 615. Laid
before the Hurgoes 566, 784
Proteftants and Papifts, their
Disproportion in Ireland 274
Providence, Concurrence of, a
Principle of all Religion 296.
Regulated, by what ar64
Pruffian Envoy cuts his Throat
2x 001b33

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Lilliput trufts in two Things 393
In no Banger of a Defcent 394
Lilliputian Court contemptible
abroad 346, 512. Why 350
Lilliputian Company 271
Lilliputiansa Lufus Nature 56
Limbas Infantum
Limina Vita, what 477
Linnens, &c. Britif, Confide-
rations on 94. increafed 479
LISTS. Of Sheriffs 48. Of
Mrs Stephens's Contributors
49. Of Workers on a Pack
of Wool 85. Of Protefting
Lords 279. Of Members for
and against the Convention
304. Of the Committee of
Common Council 361. Of
Spanish Men of War at Ca-
dz 442. Of the Court of
Aldermen 495. Of Men of
War in Commiffion 660 Marmor Norfolcienfe
Luy's fpeaking Ox 59. His
Remark on the Roman Hifto-

the Prince of Wales
Malta, threaten'd
Manchester Increafe of
Mandane, Mother of Cyrus 374
Manifefto of Spain 437, 472
Manes afferted two Principles 476
Mankind originally perfect 64
Manners, a Satire, voted fcanda-
lous 104. Debate thereon 460
Manfion-Houfe agreed to 103.
Proceedings 270, 382, 551.
Corner Stone laid
Manufacturers increafed
MAPS. Of the Crimea 3. Of
the Frontiers of Ruffia and
Turky 112. Of the Courfe of
the Affogues 443. Letter con-
cerning Maps
Marines eftablish'd
Marlborough, Dutchefs, of Qu.
Anne's Frugality

Locke, his Obfervations of the
Dutch 235. Of the Clothi-
ers 236. Of Enthusiasm 527.
Of Parliaments
Lambe, Sir Thomas Reward 47
London, Encomium on 534
London Apprentices, their Bra-



London Magaziners, their Charge
against Mr Urban 79. Some
of their Blunders 92. 70,000
of their Books unfold 111.
Ignorant of the Alphabet 148.
Their Poftfcript 233
Long Bow, Ule of, forbidden to
Lords Proteft againft addreffing
on the Convention 118. On
the State of the Nation 279
Lottery for diftrefs'd Virgins 149
Lottery Blanks and Prizes 329
Lover, worthy, not to be kept


in fufpenfe
Lubec, Dipping in Ufe there 12
Lucas, Dr, his Opinion of Ab-
folute Reprobation 127
Lunations Ecclefiaftical and A-
Lutber, of Baptifm 11
Luxury not prevalent in the
Country 483. Propofed to be




[blocks in formation]


[ocr errors]



95 lith the Life of Cicero
662 Mildendo, petitions against the
Militia, their Bravery 81. How
to regulate
Militia Officers a kind of mixt
Milk-Diet advifed
Milten, why negligent of the
Numeroufiefs of his Verfe 5.
His Encomium and Apotheo-
fis 20, 73. Cenfur'd 74.
Borrows from Heathen 359
Minifter of State, accountable, a
Maxim in Politics 504. Ab-
bufed 512. Minister Weak
or Wicked to be deferted 132.
Single, dangerous 587. Ju-
ftify'd 183. Oblig'd to take
Shame to himself 318. boafts
of the Convention 369. 406,
484. Answers for all Mea-
fures 409. Directs Placemen
429. His Saying to the Mer-
chants 541, 543. Calls the
Sinking Fund his cron Chid
549. His Power inconfiftent
with a Free Government 543
Miniftry, of neither Skill nor
Courage 303. Heads unequal
to the Peoples Hearts 339-
Cenfur'd 345, 354. Account-
able for what 31, 513, 576.
Praifed 353, Trufted with
extraordinary Power 509. Ju-
624, 628
Minorca Catechifm
Miracle proves abortive 215
Mifraim (Menes) the firft King
of Egypt
Mobammed Almalt, his
Monks, their Pretence for eat-
ing Fowls
Monkifh Annals partial 585
Monro, Dr, famous for curing
4232 478

Marque Letters of
Marriage, Notion of 420. Say-
ing of a wife Man
Marriage, fecond, illegal, how


affecting the Iffue 226.
Whimsical 194. Unhappy 247
Marriages double between France
and Spain declared 105. Onc

Marfeilles, the Plague there


raifed the Price of Wool 94
Martin, See Letters to Author
Martin Guerre, Cafe of
Malquerade, an extraordinary 103
Mathematicians fail of difcover-
ing the N. Eaft Paffage 219
Matrimony, a Pamphlet 382
Mechanics, their Ufe in Phyfic,
an Oration of Boerbaave 115
Medea's Video Meliora, &c. ad-
Medianoche, what
Memorials heal no Wounds 621
Men of War, Lift 437, 660
Merchants threaten'd 88. Their
Demands on Spain reduced
135, 336, 574, 613. Re-
drefs difficult 391, 612. Their
Procecedings 534. Petitien
for Convoys 551. Abufes in
the W. Idnian Trade 516
Mercury and the Carpenter 118
Metal, Manufacture
Metallurgy propofed to be pub-


Meteors, beautiful ones 14
Metaphyficians Corrupters of the
Chriftian Doctrine 38
Methodists 1piritual Empirics
128. The Evil Nature and
Tendency of their Doctrines
255, 428. Religious Smug-
lers 257. Apology for them
362. Prefide in a Court 481.
Their Expences


Mandlebars, Marquis de, fubdues Middlefex compar'd with Corn-

the Corficam

339, 386 all


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Muller, Mr, his Dedication to Maddieten, Dr, propofes to pul NA Deign of 13. of

Parties invented 313

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