Plenipotentiaries, why appoint ed instead of Commiffaries 357. Their Proceedings te dious and expenfive 391. Not to difcufs fettled Points 398. Ty'd down by Treaties 570 Plutarch, his Praife of Paulus Emilius 92. A Supplement to his Lives Poacher, an Offender against the Game Laws 82 Poets. See Milton's Apotheofis Political Writers, two forts of 4 Political Reflections, &c. Re- marks on 643 Poltrand, Nardac, his Speech 300 Pontifical Annals 387 Poor, English 208, 234. Fo- reign 235 Pope, Author of the Dying
Nardac, Secretary, his Speech" for an Address 339. On the Pacific Company, why fo Iberian Proteft 461, 453. f called 570. Of their Con- Acknowledges a Proteft 459 cerns 567. Nafcby, of the Battle there 81,84 Painting and Poetry have the Nation, how to put in a Pofture fame Admirers of Defence 9 Pamphlets on the Convention 370 National Stock increafed 480 Papers relating to a depending Nature following, what. 67 Negociation not to call for, a Navy victualled Rule of Senate 469. Not fo 519 Navigation free, what 474 Paper Manufacture improved 479 Naviget Anticyram, a Prov. 477 Parents, firft, finned the Day Neal, Mr. Pallages from his they were created 297 Hiftory 77 Parliament prorogued 46, 376, Negotiation depending requires 382, 437. Their Sitting ap Secrecy 466, 593, 959. Fo- pointed 494, 551. Meet 602. reign, requires Men of high Addrefs the King against a Rank and Eminence 485 Peace Nepenthe, Plant, infpires Joy 477 Parliament corrupted by Purg- Neuperg, Count, arrefted 555 ing or Paifoning 314. When New Birth explained 296., Af- Independency given up 319. ferted in Collets Formerly annual 532. Some Newmarket, State of Things they cannot do 533. Newton, Dr, Envoy at Florence 25 Bound by their own Laws 539. Nicene Council ignorant Paid by the People b. Nicholfen, Bo, his Obfervation of Parfon caft in Law for obstruct- an antique Font ing a Burial 438. Degraded for Nimrod the fame with Belus 470 marrying without Licenfe ib. Ninus a King of Affyria 471 Party defin'd Nonconformit, Laity, firft dif- Party-Names, the leaft invidious 313 fented, why 424 Norton, Rich, Elg; Tryal on Peace-making the Right of the his will 270 Crown Norwich Bill of Mortality 102 Penal Laws burdenfome 349, 465, 514 421, No Search, the only Foundation Penalty too great, deadens the Execution of the Law 422 Nothing, various Names for 13 Penfion-Bill paffed 311
-t, Hon. Elq, Narra- Penfioner of great Authority in tive of his Death 25, 59, Re- Holland marks thereon 127. His An- People, in what Cafes Judges fwer to an Atheistical Letter 60,349, 396, 518, 538, 594.
Their Right of inftructing their Reprefentatives 647. Change the Conftitution 69 Peripatetic Notion of Brutes 428 Petition of London against the Convention Petitioners not to force Juftice 456. Heard at the Senate 460 Petraborauch, Hhis Saying 632 Philofopher and Thieves.. 189 Phrafes Proverbial Pigeons, fpeaking 290 Puful Fellow of a Minister 314 Place-Bill, Reafons for 197,
423 Seafonable 593, 637 Placemen obnoxious 72, 144, 315, 423, 539. Their Song 89. In the Oppofition 477 Their Revenue 536. Dan- gerous Reprefentatives 588, Their Difmillion with'd 639 Places govern the Oppofition 429, 576 641 226 176
Placeman Builder Plagiarism, what Plato's Beauty of Virtue Pimalm, Lirg; his Speech as gainst addrefling for Papers
Chriflian to bis Sout 285 Poppaa, Nero's wife, deify'd 430 Popular Prejudices, Animadver- fions on 120, 130 Pofibumus's Speech 582. Re- flections on his Behaviour 588 Preliminaries, the Nature of 469 Prefs, Licentioufnels of 365 Pretender, Defence against 489. Remarks thereon 540 Pretty Fellow, his Drefs 28 Pride Spiritual, the worst 201 Prime Minifter, his remarkable Speech 400. His Answer to Branard Hurgolet $62 Prime Minifter's Brother, his Speech against addreffing for Papers 522 Prince born 159. Baptized 1214 Principles unknown. 5 Printing, its Use and Abuse 463 Printers feldom fuffer when the Author is known 462 Privateers not to be fear'd 394 Prompt Payment, Deduction for- 578,613 Property Deeds, Bill for regifter ing poftpon'd 308 Proteft of the Lords against the Convention 118. On the State . of the Nation 279 Proteft of the K. of Spain [be ria] 71. Sufpected to clog the Convention 448. Has nothing to do with it 453, 484 Or ther wife understood by the I berians 473, 71, 615. Laid before the Hurgoes 566, 784 Proteftants and Papists, their Disproportion in Ireland, 274" Proverbs i Providence, Concurrence of, a 3437 Principle of all Religion 296. Regulated, by what yea Pruffian Envoy cuts his Throat 33
Pukub, Wimgul, Efq; his Sperch on addreling for Papers - 519. Pulteney, Elg, his Saying of the Treaty of Secale oud) 435
Punk and State alike Purgatory Political 338 Pygmies, Account of 56 Pyrrbus's Saying of a Victory 91 Pythagoras's Answer to an im- portant Queftion
364 Romans, their Judgment of Shadwell's, Old Man Cuckoldom 530. Their ig- Shaftsbury, E. talks of the in- nominious Convention with nate Beauty of Virtue 176 the Sammites. 582 Shakespear animated his Coun Rome, whence its Grandeur 581 trymen Round of Couriers and Expref- Sheriffs, Lift of 48. Of London fes ravni 326, 381, 494 Rotee, Poet, His Character 20. Ships taken by the Spaniards 495. His Tamerlane a Panegyric on Ships taken K. W. 246. Speaks of War Shipwreck
Bufocky QQuadra, Marquis de,
Ruffians, their Scheme for the Sidney, Algernon, of mercenary Campaign 163. Rout the Tar- Soldiers 91. Of instructing Reprefentatives
tars 219, Make Peace with
Furn'd Methodist 482 Quadrert, Hurgo, his Speech a as a defperate Means 254 Sholmlug, Hurgo, his Answer to gainst an Addrefs344. On a Rowe, Mrs. her Life 261, 282 Hurgo Quadrere 347. His certain Proteft 448, 450, 452, Rowe, Mr. Account of 282 Speech in favour of the Con- 453. On a Libel 462. A- Rule in Penal Laws 574 gainst the Convention 611 Quakers like the Methodifts 241 ESTIONS. On the Teft- Act 15. Of the Caufe of Thunder and Lightning 21. Of an Anachronism in Scrip- ture ib. Propos'd to the Grand Queftionist 181. To Common Serife 251. In the Craftsman 257. About the Light within 242, On the Lift of Mem- bers for and against the Con- vention 340. On the Proceed- ings of the Common Council 361. To the Liverymen 550 Quincy, Dr. his Obfervation of Iron 478
the Turks 555. See Munich. Silk Manufacture Ruffian Envoy has Audience 494. Sinclaira Favourite Confpirators executed 663 Singer, Mr, an Account of 261 Slavery religious includes civil
ter 26 For the Gout 258, Seamen, their Hardships 29,179. fons for it 485. Ow'd a Mil-
lion by the Spaniards 336. Directors 103. See Pacific Spain, King of, reduces his Ex pence 482. Commiffions Pri- vateers 495. His Manifera 437, 472
Mrs Stephens's 298. Number voted ros. Procla- For the Dropfy 299. For the mation for 383 Their In- Murrain 438 crease 478 Rectus in Curia 59 Sebfule, Treaty, Remarks on 355. Reflections on private, not pub- Not definitive fic, Characters, punishable 460 Seceffion, its ancient Meaning Reformation, Doctrines of 415 4 197. Expofed 139, 427. Spain the Way to humble 653 Regeneration defcribed 296 Occafion of it 159. Defended Spaniards, their Claims refuted Religion of Nature defcribed 362 186. Juftified 196, 319, 432, 32. Difpute with them 33. Remonftrance to the H. of Com- Of indemnifying them for de- mons 312 ftroying their Fleet 36, 87, Injuries 130 336. Over-paid 336 Difpute Spanish Men of War 442. Prizes
Specie of the Nation Speech from the Throne dicta- ted by the Minifter 203, 343. Not lefs to be regarded a 408 477 Spiders, Way of Converse 229 Sentiments of a Church of England Spinoff imputed to Borbar 3 557 Spirit poured forta,, wling! Series of Wisdom and Policy, a Standing Army dangerous Pamphlet 881 90, 489, 530. Uteful 33, Selhions at the Old Baily 46,105, Stebbing, Dr, for Mulets 45 270, 325, 32, 494, 551, 659 Steele, Sir Rich, of the H. of Seville, Treaty of 180. Inftru- Commons
étions relating to it 336. Of S, Commisary an Addrefs thereon 342 Steinborst acquir'd by the Kof Seward, Wm. his Letter to his Rev. Brother
Great Britain 35, 51, 219 371 Stephens, Mrs, her Subfcriber
49. Her Medicines 159, 298 Stepney, Mr, Character of 74 Stone in the Bladder 159 Stordraff, Hurgo, his Speech for reading the Contenitor 453′′ Storm 45, 27, 494 STORY, OF Mr Bafil Ken net. 25. Of a hitprifing Vaice 75. Of Mr D'Aubigny 198. Of two Tribunes 43 Of William the Conqueror 384. Of a Doctor of Oxford 200. Of one who undertook to teach an Afs Greek 91. Of a French Surgeon 588. - Of a Hobnail 592. Of Capt. Fen- nings 121. Of fome Indians ib. Of a Convert to Metho» difm 256. Of a Tradefman 232 Strutt's Atheistical Letter 198 Subftance, only two Sorts 529 Subftantial Forms exploded $28 Succefs, Ship, Cafe of, 620, 631 Sumra, Flamen, his Speech for the Convention Sunday, how to spend Sunderland E. his Letter Sun's Eclipfe 385 Sweden, Affairs 219, 875, 330 Swift, Dean, his Picture 216 Switzers their Militia go 331 Sydenham, Dr, praised by Bier-
Boerbadded U
Sylvia, her Amours
Torneo a frightful Scene 14 afparation on Ens alings Trade fubverts Order 87, 407. Ulyffes, a Saying of him 4421 Its Increase 478, 515 Unanimons, Nationally 352 Trading Companies, Care of 566-Uniformity, Beauty of 18 Tragedy a Looking-Glass 245 Voice extraordinary heard 75 Trapp Dr preaches against the Volenti non fit injuria 1 đố
Metbodifts 271, 181. Pallage Vox Populi not Vor Der SR129 from Mr Whitefield concern-Urban Mr profecuted for ab- Ing himlen 32948 1ftracting from Dr. Trapp 543 Traveller, Duty of 250 2955) Utrecht, a most infamous Peace Treasure, facred 1 I $43-96129. Defended mili592 TREATIES, between the Em-
100,000l. a year 35. Con- gratulated on the Birth of a Prince 102, 103. Against the Convention 158. Has no Share in Council 303, 337. Princess deliver à 159 Walker. See Letters Wallis, Gen his Speech A 975 Engages the Tarks 441. Put under Arrelt 555 Wle, Sir Robert, Speaks in
peror and France 331 France and Spain ib. Great Britain W Ages lower'd, Advan- 4tages of spars 234 and Denmark 275, 271 The Wales, Prince of, intitled to Emperor and Turks 437. Turks and Ruffians 607. "Of Chorlo II. 1627 Treaty, ignominious, worfe than lofing many Battles 581, 485. Definitive Treaty-making Trees, to preferve 224 Trenchard, Mr, of the Army 91 622 Tribunes, Hiftory of 140, 431 289 Truck condemn'd 125. Defend 25 ed favour of Penfions 312 260 Truth, Political, important 3 Wle, Galfridus, lofes an TRYALS. Between a Vicar Arm in a Sea-fight 387 and Commiffioners of the War against Spain, Dec'xtation Sewers 103. Upon fpirituous of 551. Enter'd into with Liquors 160 Of the Wiltshire one Voice 677, 646. Man- Rioters ib. For Murder 162. nere of conducting at 642. Of Arnold du Tilb 168. Of Ways to fupport it1535. De- Hanna for Perjury 270. On clar'd by Spain against G. the Will of Richd Norton Efq; Britain 662. A b. On the Will of Richd War without Friends, Money Powlett, Efq;271. Between or Allies 188, 336. Prepa- the King and Merchants 325 rations for 327. Fruitless Tucker, Rev. Mr, his Queries to Mr Whitefield 242. Reply 294 338. Moft happy Effects of 343. Diffuaded 401, 411 Tunbridge entertains the Prince Water, its Nature, 65, 652 470 and Princess of Wales 383 Waterland, Dra Paige in Turks 163, 219. See Wallis Turpin executed
Acitus, quoted 183, 422, 581, 290. Tar-Water, its Virtue 36
Taste of the Public
Taxes, prefent Tea-Tables, Plea for 67 Temple, Sir Wai of the Dutch 235, 532, and Treaties 414 Temples firft erected Ten Comm. amended 17, 65 Terab an Idol-maker z 471 Terefa, a Spanish Prize 70, 336 Teft-Act, its Defign 15, 122. Reafons for and against 19, 75, 76, 116. Of a new one 192 Theocritus imitated 586 Theological Queftion by Boer- baarve Thief, a religious one Tholofe, Parliament Thrafea Patus, his Story 430, Throckmorton, Cecil's Foe 589
Thunder. See Questions
his Book of the Sacrament 213 · 63. Refutes Barbegraci 281 Tycho Wing, of Eafter 201 Weaver, Mr. See Letters to Tyranny legal 184. Of the the Author. Multitude
316 Weavers, their Advantage 205 Husbandmen $206
Ernon, Admiral, fails for the Wedlock undone, a Vifion
W. Indies 72 Vertot, Abbe, Author Vices, popular, increafe the 169 publick Revenue
Tigellinut, a wicked Minifter to Nero 431,477
Timoleon, his Generolity
Tindal converfes with the Devil
140 Well, Rev. His Charge against Mr. Whitfield 427 against the Convention 105 Weft-India Merchants petition Wesileys, Rev. Ringleaders of the Methadifts an Pray their Hearers into Fits 295. Mr. J. Westley charged with a Contradiction- 358 Weymouth, Ld, or Men 201 149 Whales caught
Villarias, Marquis de, his Speech to Mr. Keene 330. Antwer Virgil, his Defcription of Poly- phens 58. His refin'd Senfe 477. Paces Betrayers in the Towelt Part of Hell 314 Virgins Lottery
Title, good, receives Advantage Virine and Honour, their Tem- Whigs caution'd
by Examination Tabies Hiftory of, illuftrates Virtusfi in Flies, their annual
Honefty Toblar, Hurgo, his Speech on a Vifion of Old Common Benje Libel
Tome cburti in Georgia Tovie, their Conduct
1450 Vomarrying T370 24. Vific and Search, Mhan0634
Whitefield, Rev. Mr bours and Succefs 16
291. Methol of Comfellion for Women 238. His Con- edad 239, Queries & him -242.Answer drzi. Vin-
183 Ulmalt Treaty w Redicated 358, 41550H St.
327 Bulkeley 161, 217, 496, 661
INDEX of the Names to the Marriages, Births, Deaths, Promotions, &c.
Albemarle, Ctfs. Baldwyn 660 Biffe
Aldercron 661 Barclay
Aldridge 273 Barker 106, ib 660
Allen 106, 216, Barnard
273 439 Baron 2:272 Barrell
Ancram, Ctfs. 553 Barrett Anderfon 216, 327 Batt
Andover, Vis. 272 Bateman Andrew 433, 496 Bathurft
438 Bullock 272 Bundy 327, 383 Burchett 161, 1273 Burdon 161 Burgh
Churchman 438 Clarke 107, 161, 47 216, 275.439,
216 Clavering 47 272 Clayton 384, 606
496 Blagrave 660, 661 Burgoigne 495, 46 Cleland 554, 66%
1384 Clements 496, 660
47 Burton 106, 616, Cockran 661
383 Bodens 328, 554 Busby
383 Bonfoy
160, 495 Booth
217 Bayley 106, 107 Bowater
48 Bayntun
b Beauclerc 216, 46 496, 661 384, Beauford
.553 Beaumont 384 Beard
661 Beckford
554 Bowes 327, Bowman
Bowmont 606 Boycott
Ashburnham 160, Bedford, D.. 496 Brankereth
32. Ca adogan 384 Cole
48, 106 Calverly 543
1384 Campbell 107,327, Columbine
48, 496 Carew
161 Carleton
327 Carrington 107 Carroll
495 Brandenburgh 106 Catherwood
Bentinck 46, 161 Berkley 46, Atkins 106, 660 217, 327 $54 Bertie
Auten 384, 661 Befchefer
161 Bridges 48 Bridgman 106 Brockholes 543 Brooks: 388 161, Broome 328, Broughton 327-438, 661 661 Bruce Brufby
273 661 60s Chapman 495 Charlewood 495 Chetwood 328, Chichefter Chilcott
161 327 Chittenden
161 Cox 272, 438, 660
554 Crawford 328, 384,
496 Crefpigny 273, 660
Creswick. 606.
438 Chamberlayne 606, Covile
439 Cholmondeley 384 Cremer
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