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Gentleman's Magazine:

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Printed by EDW. CAVE, jun. at St. Jo HN's GATE..

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On his VOLUME for 1739.

HO' hard the Talk, each different Tafte to please,
'Tis yours that Labour to perform with Eafe ;
Party itself impartial to difplay,

And charm alike the Serious and the Gay.
Whoever, anxious for Britannia's Fate,
Turns his Reflexions on Affairs of State,

May here the wily Statefman's Mazes wind,
And, Secrets veil'd from vulgar Readers, find;
With Lilliputian Senators debate,
And in their Contefts view the British State.
Is there who controverfial Depths wou'd try?
Or to th' amazing Heights of Myft'ry fy?
Their different Lines, lo! Martin, Walker, bring,
And Whitefield, Wesley, freely lend their Wing.
Here Tales, with Pleasure and Inftruction fraught,
Or fhrewd Enigmas, lure the Gay to Thought;
There Sage Philofophy deep-mufing tries

T explore the Secrets of Earth, Air and Skies,
With Skill the Geographick Plans difplay
Lend to Hiftoric Page their friendly Aid.
And here, if Lyricks are the Reader's Choice,
Apt Words inftruct the Mind, apt Notes the Voice.
While Poefy, divinely-born, prepares
To footh our Paffions with her pow'rful Airs,
Or the fair Forms difplays, in Sky-dipt Teints,
Which Nature, or which Virtue ftrongly paints.


Thefe, URBAN, thy enamel'd Garden fhow, Where Flow'rs of ev'ry Tribe and Climate grow. Whate'er for Scent, for Beauty, or for Ufe, Claim moft Efteem, thy rich Parterres produce.




There fair Exotics, nurs'd with Coft and Toil
Delightful Mixture! charm the curious Sight,
And all the Beauties of the World unite.
Hither refort, ye Virtuous, Learn'd and Fair,
Crop the sweet Blooins, and breathe the fragrant Air.
But, timely warn'd, a near Inclofure fly,
Whofe outward Semblance cheats the heedlefs Eye.
There choaking Weeds exile the blufhing Rose,
The Poppy there its fleepy Influence shows;
The deadly Nightshade breathes Infection round,
And faplefs Stalks o'erfpread the tainted Ground.


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HILE you, with Skill, each Ornament difpofe
A lafting Bloom the Monthly Nofegay fhows.
From chofen Flowers the mingling Odours rife,
And varied Beauty charins the wond'ring Eyes!
In thy Collection GRECIAN Bloffoms blow,
With vivid Blush ANACREON's Refes glow;
The ROMAN Myrtle ever-verdant blooms,
Fair GALLIC Lillies waft their rich perfumes;
In native Sweets the BRITISH Woodbine (miles
And LILLIPUTIAN Laurels grace thy Toils!

But all the Care, the Judgment, you bestow,
Crown'd with Succefs, provok'd the Rival Foe.
Hopeless to mend, he copied the Defign;
Yet boafts his Merit more than equals thine.
To him, nor Art, nor Elegance are known,
But Ignorance and Dulnefs are his own.
Unfkill'd the Floweret's drooping Head to raife,,
Or prune the Shoot that too luxuriant plays;
Weeds intermix'd the cheated Eye confound,
Deform the Scene, and breathe Pollution round.
Treat then his Slanders with deferv'd Difdain,
For vain his Views, bis bafe Endeavours vain.
Envy muft yield to Worth's fuperior Sway,
As Fogs are banifli'd by the Solar Ray.

The Gentleman's Magazine:



Craftsman ::

Daily Dosts
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D. Gazetteer
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Com. Sense

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For JANUARY, 1739.


/Moze in Quantity, and greater Bariery, than anp Book of the Litb and Dilce/

1. LETTERS to Author on various and entertaining Subjects. The Slighted Mother; Character of Milton, Gay, Congreve, &c. Cafe of the Teft argu'd; State of the Colony in Georgia, Dipping the antient Baptifm, Of the Nature of Motion, Fire, Soand; Questions propofed, II. CURIOUS Pieces: To the Writer on Country Wakes; Account of Lapland concluded; Of a Bill for revifing and amending the Ten Commandments Life of Dr Boerhaave. From a Letter to a Member of Parliament, on the prefent Situation of Affairs.


III. FROM the Public Papers: Account of
the Death of the Hon. Fr. Nt;
O. Cromwell's Letter to the French King;
Sampfon Mainmaft to Common Sense;.
Letter to the Gentlemen at Salters Hall;
Effay on Riots, their Caufe and Cure.
IV. SELECT Pieces of Poetry: On the
Nuptials of the Prince and Princefs of

Wales, by J. Spence Profeffor of Poetry, Oxon, Ireland's Bleffing on her hopeful Squires; New Years's Ode, by Cibber; Specimen of Coke upon Lyttleton; Addreis to SLEP, by Nic. Rowe, Efq; iet to Müfick; On the Birth of a Male Infant.- Univerfal Thanksgiving. V. HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. Dreadful Hurricane.

VI. LIST of Births, Deaths, Marriages. Contributors to Mrs Stephens's Medicines.

VII. FOREIGN Advices; The Affair of Steinhorft and Hanover; Sarey Bey Oglu, the Turkish Rebel.

VIII. AN Exact Map of the Crim, and little Tatary, the Sea of Afoph, and the adjacent Country of the Cuban Tartars, thewing the March of the Ruffian Armies in their Expedition against the Tartars.

IX STOCKS, Regifter of Books:


LONDON: Printed by E. CAVE, jun. at St JOHN'S GATE, and Sold by the Bookfellers of Town and Country of whom may be had any former Month, alfo complete Sets on Royal or common Paper, beginning with the Year 1731

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