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530 16

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B2000 2

2100 2

2200 3 23004 B:2400 3

2500 4

2600 5

2700 5

B2800 5

2900 6 3000 6 3100 7 B3200 7

3300 7 3400 8

3500 9 B3600 8

3700 9 3800 10 3900 10

B 4000 10 4100 11 4200 12 14300 12 B4400 12 4500 13

4600 13



O find the Month and Days of the Month to which the 5500 17 Golden Numbers ought to be B5600 17 prefixed in the Calendar in any 5700 18 given Year of our Lord, con5800 18 sisting of entire Hundred Years, and in all the intermediate 5900 19 Years, betwixt that and the B6000 19 next Hundredth Year follow6100 19 ing, look in the second Column 6200 20 of Table 11. for the given Year, 6300 21 consisting of entire Hundreds; and note the Number or Cypher which stands against it in the third Column; then in Table

B6400 20

650 21

6600 III. look for the same Number 670023 in the Column under any given B6800 22 Golden Number, which when 6900 23 you have found, guide your Eye sideways to the Left Hand, and 7000 2 in the first Column you will find 7100 24 the Month and Day to which B7200 24 that Golden Number ought to 73002 be prefixed in the Calendar, 740 25 during that period of one hun

dred Years.

7500 26 The Letter B prefixed to cerB7600 26 tain Hundredth Years in Table 7700 26 II. denotes those Years which 7800 27 are still to be accounted Bissex7900 28 tile or Leap Years in the New Calendar; whereas all the other B 8000 27 Hundredth Years are to be ac8100 28 counted only common Years.

8200 29

8300 29

4700 14

B4800 14

B 8400 29

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Sunday Letter. CDEFG





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

819 01122 3.14.25

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71829 10 21

213 24 51627 819 0

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18 C 71829 10 21 2 13 24 516278 (19) 01122 31425


The MINISTER shall begin the MORNING PRAYER, by reading one or more of the following Sentences of Scripture.

THE HE Lord is in his holy kindness, and repenteth him temple; let all the earth of the evil. Joel ii. 13. keep silence before him. Hab. To the Lord our God beii. 20. long mercies and forgivenesFrom the rising of the sune-ses, though we have rebelled ven unto the going down of the against him; neither have same, my name shall be great we obeyed the voice of the among the Gentiles; and in Lord our God, to walk in his every place incense shall be of-laws which he set before us. fered unto my name, and a Dan. ix. 9. 10. pure offering: for my name O Lord, correct me, but shall be great among the hea-with judgment; not in thine then, saith the Lord of hosts anger, lest thou bring me to Mal. i 11. nothing. Jer. x. 24. Psal. vi. 1.

Let the words of my mouth, Repent ye; for the kingand the meditation of my dom of heaven is at hand. St. heart, be always acceptable Mat. iii. 2.

in thy sight, O Lord, my I will arise and go to my strength and my Redeemer father, and will say unto him; Peal. xix. 14. Father, I have sinned against

When the wicked man heaven, and before thee, and turneth away from his wick-amno more worthy to be called edness that he hath commit-thy son. St. Luke xv. 18, 19. ted. and doeth that which is Enter not into judgment lawful and right, he shall save with thy servant, O Lord; for his soul alive. Ezek. xviii. 27. in thy sight shall no man liv

I acknowledge my trans-ing be justified. Psal. cxliii. 2. gressions; and my sin is ever If we say that we have no Lefore me. Psal. li. 3. sin, we deceive ourselves,

Hide thy face from my and the truth is not in us; sins; and blot out all mine but if we confess our sins, iniquities. Psal. li. 9. God is faithful and just to for

The sacrifices of God aregive us our sins, and to a broken spirit; a broken and cleanse us from all unrightea contrite heart, O God, thoujousness. I St. John i. 8, 9. wilt not despise Psal. li. 17. Then the Minister shall say, Rend your heart and not EARLY beloved brethren, your garments, and turn un- the scripture moveth us to the Lord your God; for hein sundry places, to acknowis gracious and merciful, ledge and confess our manislow to anger, and of great fold sins and wickedness, and



The Declaration of Absolu-
tion, or the Remission of
Sins; to be made by the
PRIEST alone, standing; the
People still knecling.

that we should not dissemble Lord, have mercy upon us, nor cloak them before the miserable offenders. Spare face of Almighty God, our thou those, O God, who conheavenly Father, but confess fess their faults. Restore thou them with an humble, lowly, those who are penitent; Acpenitent, and obedient heart; cording to thy promises deto the end that we may obtain clared unto mankind, in Christ forgiveness of the same by Jesus our Lord. And grant, his infinite goodness and mer-O most merciful Father, for cy. And although we ought, his sake; That we may hereat all times, humbly to ac-after live a godly, righteous, knowledge our sins before and sober life; To the glory God; yet ought we chiefly so of thy holy name. Amen. to do, when we assemble and meet together, to render thanks for the great benefits that we have received at his hands, to set forth his most worthy praise, to hear his most holy word, and to ask A those things which are requisite and necessary, as well Christ, who desireth not the for the body as the soul. death of a sinner, but rather Wherefore, I pray and be-that he may turn from his seech you, as many as are wickedness and live, hath givhere present, to accompany en power and commandment me, with a pure heart and to his Ministers to declare humble voice, unto the throne and pronounce to his people, of the heavenly grace, saying: being penitent, the AbsoluA general confession to be tion and Remission of their said by the whole Congrega-sins. He pardoneth and abtion after the Minister, all solveth all those who truly rekneeling. pent, and unfeignedly believe


LMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus

LMIGHTY and most his holy Gospel. Wherefore, merciful Father; We let us beseech him to grant have erred and strayed from us true repentance, and his thy ways like lost sheep. We Holy Spirit; that those things have followed too much the may please him which we do devices and desires of our at this present, and that the own hearts. We have of- rest of our life hereafter may fended against thy holy laws. be pure and holy; so that at We have left undone those the last we may come to his things which we ought to eternal joy, through Jesus have done; And we have done Christ our Lord.

those things which we ought not to have done: And there is na health in us. But thou, O'

The People shall answer here, and at the end of every Prayer, Amen.

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Or this. LMIGHTY God, heavenly Father, who of his great mercy, hath promised Forgiveness of Sins to all those who, with hearty Repentance and true Faith, turn unto him; have mercy upon you, pardon and deliver you from all your sins, confirm and strengthen you in all goodness, and bring you to

Min. Praise ye the Lord. Ans. The Lord's name be praised.

Then shall be said or sung the following ANTHEM; except on those days for which other Anthems are

appointed; and except also,

when it is used in the course of the Psalms, on the nineteenth day of the month.

everlasting life, through Je- Venite, exultemus Domino. O COME, let us sing unto

sus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Minister shall the Lord, let us heartily kneel, and say the Lord's rejoice in the strength of our Prayer; the People still salvation.

knecling, and repeating it Let us come before his prewith him, both here, and sence with thanksgiving, and wheresoever else it is used in show ourselves glad in him Divine Service.

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with psalms.

UR Father, who art in For the Lord is a great
Heaven, Hallowed be thy God; and a great King a-

Name; Thy Kingdom come; bove all gods.
Thy Will be done on Earth. In his hand are all the cor-
as it is in Heaven; Give us ners of the earth; and the
this day our daily bread; And strength of the hills is his
forgive us our trespasses, as also.

we forgive those who trespass The sea is his, and he against us; And lead us not made it; and his hands preinto temptation; But deliver pared the dry land.

ns from evil: For thine is the O come let us worship and Kingdom, and the Power, fall down; and kneel before and the Glory, for ever and the Lord, our Maker.

ever. Amen.

For he is the Lord our Then likewise he shall say, God; and we are the people O Lord, open thou our lips; of his pasture, and the sheep Ans. And our mouth shall of his hand.

show forth thy praise. O worship the Lord in the Here, all standing up, the beauty of holiness; let the whole earth stand in awe of

Minister shall say,

Glory be to the Father, and him. to the Son, and to the Holy For he cometh, for he comGhost; eth to judge the earth; and Ans. As it was in the be-with righteousness to judge ginning, is now, and ever the world, and the people shall be, world without end. with his truth.

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