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6 But let not their precious and said, Thou art my hope, balms break my head; yea, and my portion in the land of will pray yet against their the living.


7 Consider my complaint;

7 Let their judges be over-for I am brought very low. thrown in the stony places, 8 O deliver me from my that they may hear my words; persecutors, for they are toe for they are sweet.

strong for me.

8 Our bones lie scattered 9 Bring my soul out of pribefore the pit, like as when son, that I may give thanks breaketh and heweth unto thy Name; which thing wood upon the earth. if thou wilt grant me, then



9 But mine eyes look unto shall the righteous resort unthee, O Lord God; in thee is to my company. my trust; O cast not out my Psalm cxliii. Domine, exaudi. 10 Keep me from the spare H EAR my prayer, O Lord; that they have laid for me, and consider my desire; and from the traps of the hearken unto me for thy truth wicked doers.

*11 Let the ungodly fall into their own nets together, let me ever escape them.


Psalm cxlii.

and righteousness' sake.

2 And enter not into judgand ment with thy servant; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified.

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3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath laid me in

I CRIED unto the Lord the darkness, as the men that with my voice; yea, even have been long dead. unto the Lord did I make my 4 Therefore is my spirit supplication. vexed within me, and my

2 I poured out my com-heart within me is desolate. plaints before him, and show- 5 Yet do I remember the ed him of my trouble. tíme past; I muse upon all

3 When my spirit was in thy works; yea, I exercise heaviness, thou knowest my myself in the works of thy path; in the way wherein I hands. walked, have they privily laid 6 I stretch forth my hands unto thee; my soul gaspeth

a snare for me.

4 I looked also upon my unto thee as a thirsty land. right hand, and saw there was 7 Hear me, O Lord, and no man that would know me. that soon; for my spirit wax5 I had no place to flee unto, eth faint: hide not thy face from and no man cared for my soul. me, lest I be like unto them 6 I cried unto thee, O Lord, that go down into the pip.

8 O let me hear thy loving- mountains, and they shall kindness betimes in the morn-smoke. ing; for in thee is my trust : 6 Cast forth thy lightning, show thou me the way that I and tear them; shoot out thine should walk in; for I lift up arrows, and consume them. my soul unto thee. 7 Send down thine hand

9 Deliver me, O Lord, from from above; deliver me, and mine enemies; for I flee unto take me out of the great wathee to hide me. ters, from the hand of strange

10 Teach me to do the thing children; that pleaseth thee; for thou 8 Whose mouth talketh of art my God: let thy loving vanity, and their right hand Spirit lead me forth into the is a right hand of wickedness. land of righteousness. 9 I will sing a new song

11 Quicken me, O Lord, unto thee, O God; and sing for thy Name's sake; and for praises unto thee upon a tenthy righteousness' sake bring stringed lute.

my soul out of trouble.

10 Thou hast given victory

12 And of thy goodness slay unto kings, and hast delivered mine enemies, and destroy all David, thy servant, from the them that wex my soul; for I peril of the sword.

am thy servant.

The Thirtieth Day.

Psalm cxliv. Benedictus


11 Save me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth talketh of vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of iniquity;

12 That our sons may grow up as the young plants, and

LESSED be the Lord, that our daughters may be as my strength, who teach-the polished corners of the eth my hands to war, and my temple; fingers to fight.

13 That our garners may

2 My hope and my fortress, be full and plenteous with all my castle and deliverer, my manner of store; that our defender, in whom I trust; sheep may bring forth thouwho subdueth my people that sands, and ten thousands in is under me.

our streets;

3 Lord, what is man, that 14 That our oxen may be thou hast such respect unto strong to labour; that there him? or the son of man, that be no decay, no leading into thou so regardest him? captivity, and no complaining

4 Man is like a thing of in our streets. nought; his time passeth away like a shadow.

15 Happy are the people that are in such a case; yea, 5 Bow thy heavens, O Lord, blessed are the people who and come down; touch the have the Lord for their God.


Psalm cxlv. Exaltabo te, lasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages. 14 The Lord upholdeth all and I will such as fall, and lifteth up all praise thy Name for ever and those that are down.

I lygi

WILL magnify thee, O


15 The eyes of all wait upon

2 Every day will I give thee, O Lord; and thou givthanks unto thee, and praise est them their meat in due thy Name for ever and ever. season.

3 Great is the Lord, and 16 Thou openest thine hand, marvellous, worthy to be prais-and fillest all things living with ed; there is no end of his plenteousness.


17 The Lord is righteous

4 One generation shall praise in all his ways, and holy in all thy works unto another, and his works.

declare thy power.

18 The Lord is nigh unto

5 As for me, I will be talk-all them that call upon him; ing of thy worship, thy glory, yea, all such as call upon him thy praise, and wondrous faithfully.


19 He will fulfil the desire

6 So that men shall speak of them that fear him; he of the might of thy marvel-also will hear their cry, and lous acts; and I will also tell will help them.

of thy greatness.

20 The Lord preserveth all

7 The memorial of thine them that love him; but scatabundant kindness shall bestereth abroad all the ungodly. showed; and men shall sing 21 My mouth shall speak of thy righteousness. the praise of the Lord; and

8 The Lord is gracious and let all flesh give thanks unte merciful; long-suffering, and his holy Name for ever and of great goodness.


9 The Lord is loving unto Psalm cxlvi. Lauda, anima

every man, and his mercy is over all his works.

10 All thy works praise P


RAISE the lord, O my

thee, O Lord; and thy saints soul: while I live, will I give thanks unto thee. praise the Lord; yea, as long

11 They show the glory of as I have any being, I will sing thy kingdom, and talk of thy praises unto my God. power:

2 O put not your trust in

12 That thy power, thy princes, nor in any child of glory, and mightiness of thy man; for there is no help in kingdom, might be known them. 3 For when the breath of 13 Thy kingdom is an ever-man goeth forth, he shall turn

unto men.

again to his earth, and then 5 Great is our Lord, and all his thoughts perish. great is his power; yea, and

4 Blessed is he that hath his wisdom is infinite. the God of Jacob for his help; 6 The Lord setteth up the and whose hope is in the Lord meek, and bringeth the unhis God; godly down to the ground.

5 Who made heaven and 7 O sing unto the Lord with earth, the sea, and all that thanksgiving; sing praises therein is; who keepeth his upon the harp unto our God; promise for ever; 8 Who covereth the hea

6 Who helpeth them tolven with clouds, and preparright that suffer wrong; who eth rain for the earth; and feedeth the hungry. maketh the grass to grow upon

7 The Lord looseth men out the mountains, and herb for of prison; the Lord giveth the use of men.

sight to the blind.

9 Who giveth fodder unto

8 The Lord helpeth them the cattle, and feedeth the that are fallen; the Lord car-young ravens that call upon eth for the righteous. him.

9 The Lord careth for the 10 He hath no pleasure in stranger; he defendeth the fa- the strength of an horse; neitherless and widow: as for ther delighteth he in any the way of the ungodly, he man's legs.

turneth it upside down.

11 But the Lord's delight

10 The Lord thy God, O is in them that fear him, and Sion, shall be King for ever-put their trust in his mercy. more; and throughout all ge- 12 Praise the Lord, O Jenerations. rusalem; praise thy God, O



13 For he hath made fast

Psalm cxlvii. Laudate Do- the bars of thy gates, and hath


blessed thy children within

PRAISE the Lord; for thee.

it is a good thing to sing 14 He maketh peace in thy praises unto our God; yea, a borders, and filleth thee with joyful and pleasant thing it is flour of wheat. to be thankful.

15 He sendeth forth his

2 The Lord doth build up commandment upon earth, Jerusalem, and gather togeth- and his word runneth very er the outcasts of Israel.


3 He healeth those that are 16 He giveth snow like broken in heart, and giveth me- wool, and scattereth the hoar dicine to heal their sickness. frost like ashes.

4 He telleth the number of 17 He casteth forth his ice the stars, and calleth them like morsels; who is able to all by their names.

abide his frost ?

18 He sendeth out his word all people; princes and all and melteth them; he blow-judges of the world; eth with his wind, and the 12 Young men and maidwaters flow. ens, old men and children,

19 He showeth his word praise the Name of the Lord; unto Jacob, his statutes and for his Name only is excelordinances unto Israel. lent, and his praise above hea20 He hath not dealt so ven and earth.

with any nation: neither have 13 He shall exalt the horn the heathen knowledge of his of his people: all his saints


Psalm cxlviii. Laudate Do


shall praise him; even the children of Israel, even the people that serveth him.

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SING unto the Lord a new song; let the congregation of saints praise him. 2 Let Israel rejoice in him

3 Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all ye stars that made him, and let the and light. children of Sion be joyful in 4 Praise him, all ye hea- their King. vens, and ye waters that are 3 Let them praise his above the heavens. Name in the dance; let them

5 Let them praise the sing praises unto him with Name of the Lord; for he tabret and harp. spake the word, and they 4 For the Lord hath pleawere made; he commanded, sure in his people, and helpand they were created. eth the meek-hearted.

6 He hath made them fast 5 Let the saints be joyful for ever and ever; he hath with glory; let them rejoice given them a law, which shall in their beds.

not be broken.

6 Let the praises of God

7 Praise the Lord upon be in their mouth, and a twoearth, ye dragons, and all edged sword in their hands. deeps; 7 To be avenged of the hea

8 Fire and hail, snow and then, and to rebuke the peovapours, wind and storm, ful-ple; filling his word;

8 To bind their kings in

9 Mountains and all hills; chains, and their nobles with fruitful trees and all cedars; links of iron.

10 Beasts and all cattle; 9 That they may be avengworms and feathered fowls; ed of them; as it is written, 11 Kings of the earth and Such honour have allhis saints.

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