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rection to him; endue his soul with thy mercy and salvation, with patience under his afflic-convince them of the miserable tion, and with resignation to condition they are in, by their thy blessed will; comfort him sins and wickedness; and let with a sense of thy goodness, thy powerful grace produce in lift up thy countenance upon them such a godly sorrow, and him, and give him peace, thro' sincere repentance, as thou Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. wilt be pleased to accept. Give them a strong and lively faith

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For Malefactors, after Con-; in thy Son our blessed Saviour, demnation. Or else the pray- and make it effectual in the er in the Visitation of Pri- salvation of their souls. O soners, beginning, " O Father Lord, in judgment remember of mercies," &c. may be used. mercy; and whatever sufferMOST gracious and mer-ings they are to endure in this ciful God, we earnestly world, yet deliver them, O God, beseech thee to have pity an from the bitter pains of etercompassion upon those persons nal death. Pardon their sins, recommended to our prayers. and save their souls, for the who now lie under the sentence sake and merits of thy dear of the law, and are appointed Son, our blessed Savicur, and to die. Visit them, O Lord. Redeemer. Amen.


The Thanksgiving of Women will in this life present, and alafter Child-Birth; to be said so may be partaker of everwhen any Woman, being pre-lasting glory in the life to sent in Church, shall have desired to return Thanks to Al come, through Jesus Christ mighty God for her safe De our Lord. Amen.



For Rain.

ALMIGHTY God, we our heavenly Fafor that thou hast been gra- ther, who by thy graciciously pleased to preserve ous providence dost cause the through the great pain and former and the latter rain to peril of Child-Birth, this wo-descend upon the earth, that it man, thy servant, who desires may bring forth fruit for the now to offer her praises use of man; we givethee humand thanksgivings unto thee ole thanks that it hath pleased Grant we beseech thee, most thee, in our great necessity, merciful Father, that she, thro o send us at the last, a joyful thy help, may both faithfully rain upon thine inheritance, live and walk according to thy and to refresh it when it was dry, to the great comfort ofjit thy goodness that we were us thy unworthy servants, and not delivered over as a prey to the glory of thy holy Name, unto them; beseeching thee through thy mercies in Jesus still to continue such thy merChrist our I ord. Amen. cies towards us, that all the For Fair Weather. world may know that thou art LORD God, who hast our Saviour and mighty De

justly humbled us by thy liverer, through Jesus Christ

late visitation of us with im-our Lord. Amen. moderate rain and waters, and For restoring Public Peace

in thy mercy hast relieved and

comforted our souls by this his O

For Plenty.

at Home.

ETERNAL GOD, our heavenly Father, who

seasonable and blessed change of weather; we praise and alone makest men to be of one glorify thy holy name, for mind in a house, and stillest this thy mercy, and will al- the outrage of a violent and ways declare thy loving kind-unruly people; we bless thy ness from generation to gene-holy Name, that it hath pleasration, through Jesus Christed thee to appease the sediour Lord. Amen. tious tumults which have been lately raised up amongst us; 0 MOST merciful Father, most humbly beseeching thee who of thy gracious good-to grant to all of us grace, ness hast heard the devout that we may henceforth obediprayers of thy Church, and ently walk in thy holy comturned our dearth and scarcity mandments; and, leading a into plenty; we give thee hum- quiet and peaceable life in all ble thanks for this thy special godliness and honesty, may bounty; beseeching thee to continually offer unto thee our continue thy loving kindness sacrifice of praise and thanksunto us, that our land may giving for these thy mercies yield us her fruits of increase. towards us, through Jesus to thy glory and our comfort. Christ our Lord. Amen. through Jesus Christour Lord.



For Deliverance from great
Sickness and Mortality.
LORD God, who hast

wounded us for our sins,

For Peace, and Deliverance from our Enemies. ALMIGHTY God, who and consumed us for our transart a strong tower of de-gressions, by thy late heavy fence unto thy servants against and dreadful visitation; and the face of their enemies; we now, in the midst of judgment yield thee praise and thank-remembering mercy, hast regiving, for our deliverance deemedoursouls from the jaws from those great and apparent of death; we offer unto thy dangers wherewith we were fatherly goodness ourselves, compassed; we acknowledgelour souls and bodies, which


thou hast delivered, to be a vote the residue of his days to living sacrifice unto thee; al-an humble, holy, and obedient ways praising and magnifying walking before thee, through thy mercies in the midst of thy Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Church, through Jesus Christ For a safe Return from Sea. our Lord. Amen.

MOST gracious Lord,

For a Recovery from Sickness. whose mercy is over all GOD, who art the giver thy works; we praise thy holy

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of life, of health, and of Name, that thou hast been safety; we bless thy Name, pleased to conduct in safety, that thou hast been pleased to through the perils of the great deliver from his bodily sick-deep, this thy servant, who ness this thy servant, who now now desireth to return his desireth to return thanks unto thanks unto thee, in thy holy thee, in the presence of all Church: May he be duly senthy people. Gracious art thou, sible of thy merciful proviO Lord, and full of compas-dence towards him, and ever sion to the children of men. express his thankfulness by a May his heart be duly impress-holy trust in thee, and obedied with a sense of thy merci-ence tothy laws, through Jesus ful goodness; and may he de- Christ our Lord. Amen.




The first Sunday in Advent.liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and Amen.

The Collect.

ALMIGHTY God, give us


This Collect is to be repeated
every Day with the other
Collects in Advent, until
Christmas Day.

The Epistle. Rom. xiii. 8.

grace that we may cast away the works of darkness and put upon us the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the Ο last day when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty for he that loveth another hath to judge both the quick and fulfilled the law. For this, dead, we may rise to the life Thou shalt not commit adulimmortal, through him whostry, Thou shalt not kill, Thou

WE no man any thing, but to love one another;

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