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as chastened, and not killed; God, and him only shalt thou as sorrowful, yet always rejoic-serve. Then the devil leaveth ing; as poor, yet making many him, and behold, angels came rich; as having nothing, and and ministered unto him.

yet possessing all things.

The Gospel. St. Mat. iv. 1.

HEN was Jesus led up


The Second Sunday in Lent.

The Collect.

The the wilde ALMIGHTY God, who seest

ness, to be tempted of the devi1 that we have no power of And when he had fasted forty ourselves to help ourselves; days and forty nights, he was keep us both outwardly in our afterward an hungered. And bodies, and inwardly in our when the tempter came to him, souls; that we may be defended he said, If thou be the Son of from all adversities which may God, command that these happen to the body, and from stones be made bread. But he all evil thoughts which may answered and said, It is writ-assault and hurt the soul, ten, Man shall not live by bread through Jesus Christ our Lord. alone, but by every word that Amen.

The Epistle. 1 Thess. iv. 1. E beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the


proceedeth out of the mouth of
God. Then the devil taketh
him up into the holy city, and
setteth him on a pinnacle of the
temple, and saith unto him, If Lord Jesus, that as ye have
thou be the son of God, cast received of us how ye ought to
thyself down; for it is written, walk, and to please God, so
He shall give his angels charge ye would abound more and
concerning thee; and in their more. For ye know what
hands they shall bear thee up, commandments we gave you
lest at any time thou dash thy by the Lord Jesus. For this
foot against a stone. Jesus is the will of God, even your
said unto him, It is written sanctification, that ye should
again, Thou shalt not tempt abstain from fornication; that
the Lord thy God. Again the every one of you should know
devil taketh him up into an how to possess his vessel in
exceeding high mountain, and sanctification and honour; not
showeth him all the kingdoms in the lust of concupiscence,
of the world, and the glory of even as the Gentiles which
them; and saith unto him, all know not God: that no man
these things will I give thee, go beyond and defraud his
if thou wilt fall down and wor brother in any matter; because
ship me. Then saith Jesus that the Lord is the avenger
unto him, Get thee hence, Sa- of all such, as we also have
tan; for its written, Thou forewarned you and testified.
shalt worship the Lord thy For God hath not called us unto

unclearness, but unto holiness. hand of thy Majesty, to be our He therefore that despiseth, defence against all our enedespiseth not man, but God.mies, through Jesus Christ our who hath also given unto us Lord. Amen

his Holy spirit.

Christ also

The Epistle. Ephes. v. 1. The Gospel. St. Matt. xv. 21. therefore followers BE ye ESUS went thence, and de- of God, as dear children; J parted into the coasts of and walk in love, as Tyre and Sidon. And behold, hath loved us, and hath given a woman of Canaan came out himself for us, an offering and of the same coasts, and criedja sacrifice to God, for a sweet unto him, saying, Have mercy smelling savour. But fornicaon me, O Lord, thou Son of tion and all uncleannesss, or David: my daughter is griev-covetousness, let it not be once ously vexed with a devil. named amongst you, as beBut he answered her not a cometh saints; neither filthiword. And his disciples came ness, no foolish talking, nor and besought him, saying, Send jesting, which are not conveher away; for she crieth after nient; but rather giving of us. But he answered and said, thanks. For this ye know, I am not sent but unto the lost that no whoremonger, nor unsheep of the house of Israel. clean person, nor covetous Then came she and worship-man, who is an idolater, hath ped him, saying, Lord, help any inheritance in the kingdom me. But he answered and of Christ, and of God. Let said, It is not meet to take the no man deceive you with vain children's bread, and to cast it words: for because of these to dogs. And she said, Truth, things cometh the wrath of Lord; yet the dogs eat of the God upon the children of discrumbs which fall from their obedience. Be not ye theremaster's table. Then Jesus fore partakers with them; for answered and said unto her, ye were sometimes darkness, O woman, great is thy faith: but now are ye light in the be it unto thee even as thou Lord: walk as children of light; wilt. And her daughter was (For the fruit of the Spirit is made whole from that very in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth) proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. The Third Sunday in Lent. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. a shame even to speak


The Collect.

WE beseech thee, Almighty For it



God, look upon the hearty of those thinks which desires of thy humble servants. done of them in secret.and stretch forth the right. But all things that are re

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Published by D. Longworth NYork.

Then saith Visus unto him, get thee hence, Satan. – Then the devil leaveth him, and bechold: Angels

came and ministered unto him.


proved, are made manifest me, scattereth. When the unby the light; for whatsoever clean spirit is gone out of a doth make manifest, is light. man, he walketh through dry Wherefore he saith, Awake, places, seeking rest; and findthou that sleepest, and arise ing none, he saith, I will return from the dead, and Christ unto my house whence I came shall give thee light. out. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garThe Gospel. St. Luke xi. 14. nished. Then goeth he, and JESUS was casting out a

de-taketh to him seven other

and it was dumb. And spirits more wicked than himit came to pass, when the de-self, and they enter in, and vil was gone out, the dumb dwell there; and the last state spake; and the people won-of that man is worse than the dered. But some of them said, first. And it came to pass, he casteth out devils through as he spake these things, a Beelzebub, the chief of the de- certain woman of the company vils. And others tempting lift up her voice, and said unto him, sought of him a sign from him, Blessed is the womb that heaven. But he knowing their bare thee, and the paps which thoughts, said unto them, Every thou hast sucked. But he said, kingdom divided against itself, Yea, rather blessed are they is brought to desolation; and that hear the word of God, a house divided against a house, and keep it.

falleth. If Satan also be di

vided against himself, how The Fourth Sunday in Lent. shall his kingdom stand? be

cause ye say that I cast out

The Collect.

devils through Beelzebub. And GRANT, we beseech thee, if I by Beelzebub cast out de- Almighty God, that we, vils, by whom do your sons who for our evil deeds do worcast them out? therefore shall thily deserve to be punished, they be your judges. But if I by the comfort of thy grace with the finger of God cast out may mercifully be relieved, devils, no doubt the kingdom through our Lord and Saviour of God is come upon you. Jesus Christ. Amen.



The Epistle. Gal. iv. 21.

When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace; but when ELL me, ye that desire stronger than he shall come to be under the law, do upon him and overcome him, ye not hear the law? For it is he taketh from him all his ar- written that Abraham had two mour wherein he trusted, and sons, the one by a bond-maid, divideth his spoils. He that is the other by a free-woman. not with me, is against me; But he who was of the bondand he that gathereth not with woman was born after the


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