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Song: "If I had thought

thou could'st have died"... C. Wolfe............ 94
To Mary in Heaven......R. Burns.............95
A Farewell........
..M. E. Cook .........95
The Three Fishers................C. Kingsley... .....97
Sonnet: "What doth it serve

to see sun's burning".........W. Drummond.....97
The Sack of Baltimore....T. Davis............ 97
The Dead Mariner......
.. G. D. Prentice.....98
The Picket Guard..
.E. L. Meers.........99
My Child....

Selections from "In Memo-

...J. Pierpont...... ..100

..A. Tennyson......101

"Softly woo away her

...B. W. Procter. ..103


Parting and Death...............H. W. Longfel-

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Sighs on".....

John Alden and Priscilla......H. W. Longfel-

Stanzas: "As when a lady,

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