Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior ChangeSol Louis Garfield, Allen E. Bergin Wiley, 1986 - 886 sider This updated new edition of the first major work on the subject, is widely recognized as the standard reference and text. Authoritative and comprehensive, it covers the field in a scholarly, evaluative, and eclectic manner. Thoroughly revised, this edition includes significant new material on behavioural medicine and health psychology. |
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... Forms of feeling : The heart of psychotherapy . New York : Tavistock Publications . Holdroyd , K. A. , & Andrasik , F. ( 1982 ) . Do the effects of cognitive therapy endure ? A two - year follow - up of tension headache sufferers ...
... Forms of feeling : The heart of psychotherapy . New York : Tavistock Publications . Holdroyd , K. A. , & Andrasik , F. ( 1982 ) . Do the effects of cognitive therapy endure ? A two - year follow - up of tension headache sufferers ...
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Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change Sol Louis Garfield,Allen E. Bergin Uddragsvisning - 1986 |
Almindelige termer og sætninger
Abnormal Psychology adolescent analogue analysis anxiety assessment attribution theory attributions behavior change behavior therapy Bergin Beutler characteristics chology chotherapy client Clinical Psychology clinicians cognitive therapy Consulting and Clinical correlated Counseling Psychology criteria depression developmental disorders dropouts effect size effect sizes evaluation example expectations experimental factors follow-up Garfield Handbook improvement individual interaction internal interventions interview investigation issues Journal of Abnormal Journal of Consulting Journal of Counseling Journal of Personality Lambert learned helplessness Luborsky measures ment mental health meta-analysis MMPI negative nosological outpatient percent Personality and Social placebo positive predict problems procedures Psychiatry psycho psychodynamic psychopathology psychother psychotherapy and behavior psychotherapy outcome psychotherapy research ratings relationship reported role sample scales schizophrenia self-handicapping Shapiro social class Social Psychology social support specific strategies Strupp subjects suggest symptoms syndromes techniques theory thera therapeutic change tion tive treat variables Wiley York