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Of Infinity.

1. Infinity in its original intentions attributed to space, duration, and number.

2. The idea of finite easily got.

3. How we come by the idea of infinity.

4. Our idea of space boundless.

5. And so of duration. 6. Why other ideas are not

capable of infinity.

7. Difference between infi. nity of space and space infinite.

8. We have no idea of in

finite space.

9. Number affords us the


clearest idea of infinity.
Our different conception
of the infinity of num
ber, duration, and ex-

12. Infinite divisibility.
13, 14. No positive idea of infi-

15-19. What is positive, what negative, in our idea of infinite.

16, 17. We have no positive idea of infinite duration.

18. No positive idea of infi.

nite space. 20. Some think they have a positive idea of eternity, and not of infinite space. 21. Supposed positive idea of infinity, cause of mistakes.

22. All these ideas from sensatlon and reflection.


Of other simple modes.


1, 2. Modes of motion.
3 Modes of sounds.

4. Modes of colours.

5. Modes of tastes and smells.

6. Some simple modes have

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Of modes of pleasure and pain.

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1. This idea how got.
2. Power active and passive.
3. Power includes relation.
4. The clearest idea of
active power had from

5. Will and understanding,

two powers.
6. Faculties.

7. Whence the ideas of li
berty and necessity.

8. Liberty, what

9. Supposes understanding
and will.

10. Belongs not to volition.
11. Voluntary opposed to
involuntary, not to ne-
1. Liberty, what.

13. Necessity, what. 14-20. Liberty belongs not to the will.

21. But to the agent or man. 22-24. In respect of willing, a man is not free.

25, 26, 27. The will determined by something without it, 28. Volition, what,

29, What determines the will.

so. Will and desire must not be confounded.

31. Uneasiness determines
the will.

32. Desire is uneasiness.
33, The uneasiness of desire
determines the will.

34. This is the spring of

35. The greatest positive good determines not the will, but uneasiness,

36. Because the removal of uneasiness is the first step to happiness.

37. Because uneasiness alone is present.

38. Because all, who allow the joys of heaven possible, pursue them not. But a great uneasiness is never neglected.

39. Desire accompanies all uneasiness.

40. The most pressing uneasiness naturally determines the will.

41 All desire happiness. 42. Happiness, what. 43. What good is desired,

what not.

44. Why the greatest good is
not always desired.

45. Why, not being desired,
it moves not the will.
46. Due consideration raises

47. The power to suspend the
prosecution of any desire,
makes way for consider-

48. To be determined by our own judgment, is no restraint to liberty.

49. The freest agents are so

50. A constant determination
to a pursuit of happiness,
no abridgement of liber-
51, The necessity of pursuing
true happiness, the foun-
dation of all liberty.

52, The reason of it.
53, Government of our pas-
sions, the right improve-
ment of liberty,

54, 55. How men come to pursue different courses,

56, How men come to ehuse


57. First, from bodily pains,

Secondly, from wrong de

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