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upon the growing extent and value of its labors. After the reading of Mr. Jay's paper, the following resolution was adopted, which we conceive to be of great importance :

"Resolved, That, in the opinion of the Society, the increasing magnitude of the Agricultural inte est in the United States, renders it a matter of national importance that the Agricul

tural schedules for the census of 1860, should

be made as complete as possible, with the view of marking accurately its progress, it capabilities, and the profits of agricultural labor; and with the further view of di covering where, and to what extent, the arable soil of the country is deteriorating in fertility under existing modes of cultivation."

The report of the Committee on Federal Relations of the Senate of the State of Louisiana, is a bold and able document from the pen of Edward Delony, who, it will be remembered, furnished us a paper upon the slave trade some months since, which was much It discusses the read and referred to. constitutionality and propriety of an act submitted to the committee, in the words, to wit:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana, in General Assembly convened, That any citizens or association of citizens of this State, be and they are hereby authorized to purchase negro

bring the said slaves so purchased into this state, and to hold the same in full right and title for their own proper use, benefit and behoof: Provided, said slaves, so purchased and imported into this State, shall be subject to the same regulations and tariff of duties as other species of foreign property or imports."

We quote the closing words of the Report:

In our last number we copied, in ex-laves from Cuba, Brazil and Africa, and to tenso, the address of the Bishop of the Episcopal Church, setting forth the objects and purposes of the proposed Southern University, and took occasion to say how deeply we were interested in the success of this truly patriotic and noble movement. More recently the Commissioners for Louisiana and Georgia have issued a special address in pamphlet "The Acts of Congress prohibiting the imform, and laid a copy of it upon our portation of negro slaves, and making such table. The address truly and beauti-importation a pirary, constitute a deliberate, fully exposes the details of the system, and invokes with eloquence appropriate private aid It will be a part of our duty to give the address entire to the readers of the Review, but at present we can only give its closing words, in the hope that they will be brought home to every heart:

palpable, and dangerous exercise of powers not Louisiana has the right, and is in DUTY BOUND, granted by the Constitution, and the State of to interpose, and in solemn vindication of her sovereignty and the reserved rights of her people, to arrest the further progress or execution on "We claim. then, that the General Assemher own citizens of these unconstitu ional Acts. bly of this State has the unque tionable right to pass this bill, and reinvest her citizens with the authorities and right which the Federal "Take this pamphlet home with you Government has unconstitutionally wrested read it in your domestic circle; weigh from them; that this State has the full and in the balance against money the worth clear right to authorize its citizens to import of good principles and high education neg o slaves from Cuba or Africa, under such regulations as it may deem proj er to make, for your children; summon before you and that any interference by the Federal Govthe isolation in which the world is at-ernment or its authorities to coerce or enforce tempting to place you and your institutions, recall all you have ever said that breathed of love for the South, that savored of indignation against those that were warring against her; bring to your remembrance your many resolutions for benefiting your homes, your many reproaches because your section would not vindicate herself; above all, recollect that your wealth is a trust from God, for which you must account to him as well as to society; and determine in the face of all these considerations and memories, whether you will turn your back upon this most promising conception, or come up like whole-hearted Southern and Christian men, and found a University for the South, that shall be worthy of our fathers, worthy of our children."

the said unconstitutional Act of Congress again-t any citizen or citizens of Louisiana, who are or may be exercising the rights autho ized by this bill, would constitute an act of tyranny and injustice, not less bold and oppres ive than any example to be found in modern times, and which may speedily lead to a cential usurpation and con olidation of powers by the Federal Government more odious than a monarchy, and utterly destructive of the liberties of the people."

We are indebted to the Hon. Elijah Ward, of New-York, for a copy of his elaborate remarks, made recently in Congress, on the importance of the Atrato Canal to the commerce of the United States, and shall extract from them in our next. Our readers will remember that several years ago we published an article upon the subject accompanied by a map, recommending

it as the most feasible inter-oceanic receive attention in another number of communication. the REVIEW.

the Catalogue of the Officers and Cadets We also acknowledge the receipt of of the Kentucky Military Institute, which Frankfort, Kentucky, and is advertised is in very successful operation, near ber of students is very large, and the in our pages. At present the num terms moderate.

The editor of the REVIEW proposes to sell, and is open to offers from those acquainted with the property, a tract of land situated in Bexar district, Texas, the description of which is as follows:

In the last number of the Farmer and Planter, published in Columbia, S. C., is an article on the application to the cotton crop of Rhodes's Super-Phosphate and Peruvian Guano, the advertisement of which appears in our pages. In this article it is highly recommended. We are told it has received commendations from the Press all over the United States, in England, and the Island of Cuba, where the Marquis Concha, Captain-General, directed during last season an experiment on cotton-a crop which the Cubans are anxious of introducing into the Island. Three contiguous lots, of equal size, quality of Surveys No. 371 and 374 in section soil, and exposure, were respectively No. 74, on the south bank of the south manured, each with a different fertili- fork of the Llano, about 55 miles zer, viz. Peruvian, and South Keys northwest of Fredericksburg, 1,490 Cuban Guano, and Rhodes's Super- acres in all. Grant to Edwin Quinby, Phosphate. The result proved so marked in favor of the latter that his Excellency sent an official relation of it to Spain. Their experiments on tobacco were equally satisfactory.

Edmund Ivens, Esq., of New-Orleans, sends us the extended pamphlet account of Rahm's Machine Works of Richmond, Virginia, which are advertised in our columns. Mr. Rahm says in his preface:

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now in name of J. D. B. De Bow.

FOR the following numbers of the REVIEW we will give the subscription price, or make exchanges :



January to May, inclusive, July, and September, October, and November. January, March, May, June, and July. August.



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January, February, and June.

1858 January of each.

THE following estate, beautifully situated "To support the interests and institutions of the South, patronize those that are identi- upon the Potomac, is offered for sale by the fied with her interests, and especially when it Editor of the REVIEW. It furnishes one of the best gentleman's country-seats." It concan be done pecuniarily to an advantage to the Southern purchaser. In the continuation tains 156 acres of land for wheat, grass, or gar of my business, I beg leave to say that I will dening, and is situated in the county of Alexnot sell one single machine, steam engine or andria, Va., three miles from the city of Washmill that I cannot fairly represent or fully ington, and about the same distance from the guarantee-and in the event of its failing to city of Alexandria, possessing a large and comcomply with my representation, in all cases. Imodious shipping port. The Washington and will allow the purchaser the privilege of re- Alexandria turnpike, a railroad, and canal, turning the machinery at my expense pass through the premises, and afford it the shall continue to furnish the most modern easiest communication with the two cities, and approved construction of machinery, and and all other parts of the Union. The dwellmake it of the very best materials and work-ing-house is a new frame house, containing twelve commodious rooms and a kitchen. The man-hip of the present day. I shall also continue to send my own mechanics to erect my out-buildings are all new and frame, and con machinery, and learn the parties purchasing it sit of two store-rooms and a summer-kitchen, to work it. My prices shall in all cases comwith a large cellar under them-a barn. a pare favorably with those of other manufac- stable, carriage-house, ice-house, etc. There turers for the same class and size machine, are on the premises several excellent springs, The tract With this as my mode of doing busine-s. I ask and near the house a brass pump. for a continuation of the patronage and sup. bordering on the Potomac river, has a fine port so liberally bestowed upon me hercto-fishing shore, and a splendid view on the river,


Major Beanegard will receive our thanks for the copies he has furnished us of his Report on the Proposed Drain age System of New-Orleans, which will

with the purest air. 126 acres of it are under cultivation, and the rest is woodland: oak. walnut, and hickory. The place has also a strong water-power, sufficient for a large mill or factory. Terms: one third of the consider ation cash down; the balance to be paid in of the purchaser, to be secured on the premsuch instalments as may suit the convenience ises.



Phospho-Peruvian Guano."



PEEBLES & WHITE, Petersburg, Va.
WM. A. MILLER, Lynchburg, Va.
EDWARD F. SIMPSON, Wash'ton, D. C.
KNOX & BROTHER, Alexandria, Va.
BUTLER & BEE, Charleston, S. C.
LEE & CARTER, Montgomery, Ala.

E. T. WINSTON, Richmond, Va.
J. G. WATERS, Georgetown, D. C.
DE ROSSET & BROWN, Wilmingt'n N. S.
W. L. J. REID. Cheraw, S. C.
HABERSHAM & SONS, Savannah, Gɛ
GUNBY & CO., Columbus, Ga.
77 South-Street, Baltimore, Md.



The truth of the theory upon which the "Manipulated, or Phospho-Peruvian Guano" was first prepared and introduced by John S. Reese, in 1856, has been amply tested and proved by the use of the article since that period. There is now no question, as to its entire equality in immediate effect, to Peruvian Guano alone; and as to permanent improvement of the soil, it is just fifty per cent. superior; because it communicates to the soil nearly or quite double the quantity of bone Phosphate of lime that is furnished in an equal weight of Peruvian Guano alone. Hence this is self-evident. To maintain and increase the fertility of the soil is of the highest importance to the owners of estates and their descendants. Had the former planters and farmers of the old States appreciated this to a greater extent, they would have bequeathed to their descendants rich and fertile plantations, instead of wornout and exhausted estates. We say, this Guano has been used during the past three years, on Cotton. Corn and Tobacco, from Delaware to Georgia, and its effects are found equal and superior to Peruvian alone. In confirmation of our statement, we will give the best kind of evidence that can be given in such We will exhibit the orders of some of the largest and most accomplished planters and farmers, for lots of from five to thirty tons, for two and three successive years. We will exhibit the unsolicited manuscript letters of some of the first men in the country, confirming our assertion. We will show that the increased demand for this Guano cannot be accounted for upon any other hypothesis than its real value.

a case.

But this Guano, (as originally introduced by J. S Reese, and now prepared by the present firm of John S. Reese & Co.,) is not only equal to Peruvian alone, and superior in permanent effect, but it is far more economical, being from $3 to $10 per ton less cost; hence the consumer of ten, twenty or thirty tons, saves from $100 to $200, and gets more real value. The secret is, that in buying Peruvian Guano, the consumer pays for a useless quantity of ammonia, (the most costly element,) and gets an inadequate supply of the less expensive, but not less valuable element of Phosphate of Lime.

It is quite probable, from the fact that the value of this Guano depends so much upon the fidelity of its production, that some to whom we are unknown, are deterred from its use by apprehension that it will be made inferior. To all such we beg respectfully to say, that the matter is of sufficient importance to justify an inquiry, and we will cheerfully furnish any inquirer with such reference as will be satisfactory on this point.

A small pamphlet, explaining the theory and principles upon which this Guano is based, will be mailed free to any address.


Although the introduction of our Guano was bitterly opposed by the trade, and various means resorted to in order to break down our enterprise, yet, since its success has become so great, some of our bitterest opponents have become our imitators, and by their praises of what they so lately denounced. show how some men's opinions are controlled by what they conceive to be their interest. It is to be hoped there are but few of this class. These imitators not only appropriate the name we gave our Guano, but with a degree of temerity rarely attained, have the modesty to say. (') None other genuine." Not only so, they, with the same freedom, resort to our publication to supply themselves with matter to recommend their imitations. Now we deem it important for the protection of the public and ourselves, to caution them against these imitations. First, because the name Manipulated Guano" may be applied to anything. Secondly, because the facility for producing, and the difficulty o discovering an inferior combination are so great, that the desire to make trade, by selling at reduced prices, will certainly lead to that re-ult. Such is the disposition al-o of many to buy cheap," that they often unwittingly encourage the very frauds they deprecate and bitterly complain of. A compensating price must be paid for a reliable and good article. Competition, it is said, is the life of trade, and so it is; but in this particular branch. it is easy to see how it may be the death of both the trade and trader. Hence, we caution those who wish to use our Guano, to specify in their orders "Reese's," and obtain it from our agents, and observe that our name is branded on the bags.




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Terms, $5 Per Annum, in Advance. Postage Two Cents a Number, if Prepaid Quarterly. Complete sets, or any Numbers or Volumes supplied.


Alabam1-January, 1839 -R. W. Carter, $10; B. H Ridgeway, $25; S. S. Taylor, $15; Ma). J. Bafo d, Col. G. J. 5. Walker, $30; Wyatt & Moore, 10; Biker, Lawler & Co., W. P. Gold. $3); Gov. A. B. More, #:5. January, 185)-A. R. Manning, 16, W. F. Combarland, J. E. Dunklin, V. H. Gardner, T. C. Lanier, McClure & Thomas, Teague & Owens, D. J. S. Mara, T. J. Winston, Dr. J. M. Lee, A. J. Hinshaw, $35; A. C. Gordon, $10; A. Parker, $15; V. H. Gardner, $25; Perryman & Sam, Ele; D. W. Gardner, 810; W. W. Allen, $10; J. R. Gates, 10; Slough, Dent & Co., $10; W. G. Little, J. A. Biling, J. E. Prestom, J. B. Sherrod. May, 1959-A. L. Harriso, July, 1863-3. 9. Noble. March, 1839-W. Broughton, Capt. James T. May, F. David, R. C. Adams, A. W. Lampkin, $10, 1959; W. Cannon, $10, all to March: A. Knapp, Barnewell & Tilton & 14 December, 1838-Campbell & Co. January, 1853-C. E. Thomas, G. Goldsby, $25. July, 1858-George Snegog, 25. July, 1859-B. Mckernion, #33; J Reid, Jr., Rivers, Battle & Co., Geo. E. Redwood, W. McMorris, $19; B. B. Lewis, J. Elter, R. G. Huston, Prison Williams, $12 1-2; J. E. Saunders, H. O Brewer & Co., James J. Deas, #15; J. Magee, $10: Dr. Lee Farin. J. Grant, 25, all 14 July, 1859; C. Crommeline, $25; J. B. Dickey. May, 1850-G. W. Welch. December, 1853-A. Brown, D. E. Watrons, #36 May, 1859-J. C. Dubove.

Arkansas.-Juls, 1859-G. Brodie, 20. January, 1860-W. H. Govan, L. E. Dawson, $15. March, 1859-J. M. Prewett,
Dist ict of Columbia.-July 1853-Carrol Spence, $30; Hon. C. C. Clay, Jr.. $10. December, 1858-Hoa. B. Craig, 15. Janne
ary, 1860-Hon. Miles Taylor, W. H. Woodley, January, 1859-Hon. J. S. Phelps, $10.

Georgia.-January, 1860-J. T. Hanson, Cherokee Baptist College, W. I. Sas ett, $2); Bowdoin College, Franklin College,
March, 1830--C. A. L. Lamar, November, 1859-T. Wells. January, 1857-L. J. Gartrell, $20.
Illinois.-January, 1859-L. Patee, $15.

Kenturk.-January, 1860-T. H. Wadill, Military Institute, $5; Hart Gibson.

Louisiana.-January, 1860-W. W. Waddill, $10; M. Ross, Wm. S. Mount, N. O. Jackson & Gt. No. R. R., 15, N. R. Jos-
nings, Lapice Bros., Juan Y. De Egora, 810; John Pemberton, $10, A. & M. Hine, $10; Carrollton R. R. Co., $10; J. M. Chitum,
810; J. U. Lavillebenore $10; Southern Bank, Canal Bank, Henry Rodewald & Co., Geo. A. Freret, Boston Clab, Gustavus Crussi,
Patton, Smith & Patman, Eigene Rosseau, Crescent Cry Bank, Robert M. Davis, Bank of America, McComb Bros, & Co. D
P. Logan, Arthur Danis. $15; Gordon & Foster, 810; La & T-hantepec R. R., J H Stanffer, E. Margnez, W. H Letchford,
H. D. Kent & Co., Cornelius Fellows, D. James Syme, A. T. Lonsdale, S. O Nelson, Bartlet, Johnson & Co., Byrne, Vance & Că,
J. D. Dnegre, Maj. James H. Brighamn, Told & Brigham. Dr. George D. Shadburne, Harney House, C. A. Bruslu, HI s. Howry
Gray, Gen. F. A. F. Harper, Co'. E. W. Robertson, Col. Thomas O. Moore, Dr. E. D. Long, 810; B. Haralson, B. F. Dyetis,
$10: James A. M Hatton, $15, E. C. Robinett. H. Von Phril, Tobias Gibson 10; Maj. W. Beard, J. W. Taylor, A. W. Esiri, G.
M. Pierce, A. Bradford, Felix R. Brunett, W. C. Martin, Genl. H. Philips, $25; La. Mutual Insurance Co., J. McCarty, C. A.
Iloper, A Lyon. C 1. B. Bragg, Meredeth Calhoun, $15; Jos. Noland, Enele Proudhonie, July, 1860--A. Floursy, Jr., 155.
July, 1859--E C. Winchester, $15; C. Marcos, $15; Orleans Club, II. K. Carter & Co. W. & J. Moutgomery, $10; W. Preks &
Co, J. 1. Eimer, C. Lesseps, E. J. Forstall, Peet, Sims & Co., C. C. Gaines, G. W. Danbar, V. Aime, A. Carriere, A. D. Greff à
Co., T. B. Blanchard, P. A. Giraud, Darby & Tremolet, J. W. Za harie, Puig, Mair & Co., J. Tayes. Hewitt, Norton & Co., J. P.
Whitney & Co., Campbell & Rearby, #10; Cockrans & Hall, L. H. Abey, #10; C. J. Marson, Ruli & Co., Charles Cooks, & M.
Pinkard & Co, Marens Patton, $10; S. L. & E. L. Levy. *10; J. & 0, Woodruff, Wilson, Pomeroy, & Co., $10; F. Dugan, $3,
George Urquhart, Julge P. A. Rust, $15; D. R. Godwin, $:5; F. W. Tilton, $10; D. W. A. Mercer, $10; Dr. F. H. Kimpp, J.
E. Reylle, L. Costera, $15; T. Gims, $1; W. A. Elmore, E. Smith & Co., G. I., Do.840, R. C. Cammack. $15; Fufs & Hobant,
John Taylor, $15, Leads & Co., J. Kon, $19; Brander Habbard & C., C. Roselius, E. Lebranch, $10, V. Choppin, $15; J. M.
Bach, $15; Peret & Brothers, $20; School Libary, $15; State Engineer, Han, W. F. Grifin, $50; Col. L. Caldwell, $15, Hos.
B. B. Sims, $15, D. P. Chew. $10; J. Berand, $15; F. D. Richardson, $.0: Hon J. P. Benjamin, January, 19-Spencer
Feld. $10; Wm, Mare, O. O. Woodman, D. H. Himes, $; E. P. Nob e, Judge J. N. Lea, T. O. Stark, $10, James M. Putzen,
Wm. E. Starke, E. Brosseau, J. B. Slawson, Sin, W. A. Violett & Co., Franklin Lyceuro. May, 1839-W. G. Bellerton D. EA-
wards, $10. November, 1859-Pelican Clab, $15. March, 1959-Dr. F. C. Baker, Newton Richarda. November, 1-D, F. M
Bonzano, July, 1857-Jedre T. W. Callens, February, 1857-W. E. Thompson, July, 1838-Dr. J. L. Rdiell, $:0. March,
1859-Col. W. L. Datto, J. D M Citcheon, $15; A. R. Hanes, $10 on acco int. March, 1855-John Lyall, $10.

Mississippi.-January, 1860-H. M. Vick, $10, W. C. Cook, $21; J. H. Graves, Dr. E. Bellany, E. S. Fultz, F. E. Shannon, E.
B. Whitaker, James Parken, Dr. II. C. Orr, Thomas Alexander, Amos Alexander, $10. James F. Rosch, $49; Dr. II. Atebaum, $aj
W. S. Beltour, $49; Dr. Isas: Hull, Isaac Hadson, #11 30; E. K. McAlpine, G. W. Rabb, Dr. A. J. Gible, A. M. McAfee, Cal. 8.
L. Hisse, P. Lane, F. R. Turley & Co., 19; Vicksburg & Ja ks1 R. R., Gov. W. McWillie, $25; Wirt Adams, $15; Cal. C. K.
Hooker, $20; State Library, Col, W. F. Battley, $15; Dr. E O. Grigsby, Dr. Cyprian Crosa. J. Winchester, Felton Andwisin, Dr.
M. W. Boyd, John G. Patrick, Judge Dan el McLaurin, J. A. Fergus m, D-, J. H. Bloxan, T. Jeff Stoker. January, 188-HD.
Cuffield, $15. April, 1859-J. P. Walworth, $10; W. A. Blanchard, $61-4. December, 1559-J. Boyd, $19; G. L. Potter, $15;
E. Moody, 821. July, 1859--D. P. Jackson, $19. July, 1859-D. N. Moody, Ha. C. S. Tarpley, $20; Dr. H. H. Parker, $18.
September, 1859 -Cipt. J. D. Hirt, $15; W. C. Love, $.5. Dicember, 1859-J. S. Reid. January, 1859 –Z. A. Phillips, 4 «
Jane, 1860-R. Shotwell, $10.

Michigan.-January, 180-University of Michigan.

Missouri-January, 1859-J. J. Phelps, $10; Locas, Thompson & Co. January, 1860-W. McCorkle, #19; Col. W. W. Austin, Rhode Island.-Jauuary, 1859-Franklin Lyceum, Dr. Geo. Snider, L. B. Everman, Thom s Murrell, A. J. M-Clanahan, T. B. Rains.

South Carolina.-July, 1859 -J. Mobley, C. R. Brewater, Cobia & Co., Eason & Bro., Mercantile Library, E. C. Grogg. JTY, 1560-R. C. Ferguson, Dr. T. Ware, H. D. Lessegure, H. C. King, G. W. Williams & Co., Rev. J. H. Eibott, May, 185)--Jahr Bonnell. April, 1859-James Marsh, July, 1553-J. L. Thompson, $10.

Southern States.-James Cormick, Fred. Tate, J. R. Moaly, J. Boyd, V. H. Gardner, Genl, H. Phillips, Isaac Hadson, Cai, C. E. Hooker, Meredeth Calhoun, R. Shotwell, Hon. C. S. Tarpley, Dr. H. H. Parker, C. A. Brush, $5.

Tezas-January, 1859-R. L. Ask-n, C. K. Re-se, $7 50; E. A. Palmer, T. B. J. Hadley, B. A. Shepherd, T. W. House, F. A. Rice, Vance & Bro., Jacob Walder, 810; A. Superville, T. G. Gardner, J. C. French, T. J. Davine, 15. January, 1850-A. T. Wan, W. O. Campbell, John Rugley, Capt. T. Green, Lemuel Stove, Thomas Lacy, E. H. Paxton, W. L. Milone. December, 199 -Dr. W. Sykes. March, 1960-E. George. July, 1859-J. H. Day, $10; F. R. Lubback. $15: J. Stumps. July, 1859-Frt. Tate, Allen & Falton, P. Seranton, J. A. Paschal, T. Jones, H. C. Fountain. October, 18 8 -S. J. Whitworth, 81 1-4; Dr. Astibel Smith, $15. Ostober, 1859-Cannon Bro. July, 1861-1. Harwood, $10. June, 1860-Hon. B. C. Neblett, $10. April, 1809–8. C. Neblett.

Tennessee.-July, 1859-J. H. Brinkley, R. B. Hays. January, 1960-Hon. F. K. Zollicoffer, $10; Phil. Mu. Society, D. J. MeComb, $15. November, 1859-S. A. Taylor. June, 1860-T. Wilkinson, $15. Mareb, 186-Wood, Thacker & Co. December, 1859-Lownes, Orgell, & Co., S. M. Gates, $10; John Smith, care Johus in, $10; G. L. Holmes, 810. January, 1839-F. H. Clarke, $25. December, 1953-J. C. Gr flog, J. R. M s'ev, $10. June, 1859-W. D. Steele, J. H. Edmanson, J. L. Pullan, Ker & Hai loway, $10; W. B. Dorteb, H. E. De Graffenreed, $15. July, 1855-Dr. J. Pritchard, $10.

Virginia.-July, 1859-James Cormick. January, 1853-J. A. R. Imbodin, $10. October, 1857-W. A. Maddox, $7.
Bound Vols.-Col. R. D. James, $13; Maj. James H. Brigham, $87 50; State Library of M ss., $16 50.
Advertisements.-Military Institute, $10.


The undersigned has returned to the practice of his profession, at New-Orleans.

Business at Washington in the Supreme Court, Court of Claims, or in any of the Bureaus or Depart ments of the Government-Land, Pension and Patent Offices-will be attended to by his correspondents. Business for New-Orleans will receive the attention of himself in person.

J. D. B. DE BOW, 50 Camp-Street.

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