Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and Writer: Notes by William Michael Rossetti, Including a Prose Paraphrase of The House of LifeCassell, 1889 - 302 sider |
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artist Astarte Syriaca Ballads and Sonnets Beata Beatrix Beatrice Beauty Beloved Blessed Damozel brother Cassell's Christina Christina Rossetti cloth colour commissioned composition Crayon Dante Gabriel Rossetti Dante's Dream death drawing early Edition Ellis eyes face finished flower Ford Madox Brown Gaetano Polidori Graham hair hand head heart hour House Howell Illustrated Italian kiss Lady Leathart letter Leyland Lilith LIST OF ROSSETTI'S Llandaff Cathedral Love Love's lovers Madox Brown Mary McCracken Morris named oil-picture Owner painter painting Pen and Ink Pencil picture poem poet Polidori portrait predella Proserpine published purchaser reader replica Ruskin shadow Sibylla Palmifera Simon the Pharisee sketch song Sonnet 61 soul Spring sweet TABULAR LIST thee thine thing thou thought tion triptych Valpy Venus Verticordia verses Vita Nova Vols volume W. M. Rossetti watercolour William Willow-wood wings woman written wrote youth