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Ac-celer-ate (L. celerare, to hasten), a-melior-ate (L. melior, better), e-radic-ate (L. radix, a root), re-act-ion, inter-nation-al, con-sign-ment, op-press-ive-ly, ir-re-press-ible, pre-occupat-ion, de-gener-ate (L. genus, race, kind), com-petit-ive (L. petere, to seek).

To the Teacher.—The exercises may very profitably be continued by selecting derivatives for the pupils to analyze.



XXXIX. Latin Roots.-The Latin verb has various roots -those following the first formed from those which precede them. From each root, words in English may be derived. A few Latin verbs contain, each, roots entirely distinct. This is paralleled in English by our am, was, and been -all forms of our one substantive verb. A knowledge of these facts is all that is needed by one ignorant of Latin, in order to understand the work which follows.

To the Pupil.—A change in the application of the words of our language is constantly going on, and in this, as we have seen, the metaphor plays an important part.

You can see how the word polite, which originally meant polished, came to have its present use. We should not now think of speaking of polite metal, but we may use polished literally, and say polished metal, or metaphorically, and say polished manners.

Many interesting facts will come to light in following up the line which connects the present, or current, meaning of a word with the original, and those fond of exploration and discovery will find these exercises a diversion rather than a task.

Direction. The prefixes and suffixes below are printed in Italic and the roots in black letters. Search these parts out from the Reference Lists, pp. 162-168 combine them, give the literal meaning of each word, and trace its relation to the current meaning, as here illustrated. Give and explain as many other uses as possible. You are not to look up the letters inclosed within marks of parenthesis.

Model.-Capital from caput, the head, and al, pertaining to, means literally pertaining to the head. The head being the chief or uppermost part of the body and the source of intellectual power, we say "capital city," "capital speech,” “ capital letter," political capital," "capital in trade," etc.

Capital city; to pre+cipit +ate (to throw head-first, to hasten) the conflict; pre+cipit+ant (headlong) flight; steep, but not precipit+ous. To make the main points clearer I will re+capitulat(e). The enemy offered to capitulat(e) (to draw up little heads, to surrender on terms); re+animat(e) disheartened troops; spoke with animation; the true animus of this affair; to whose continued bene+fic +ence; the bene+fic+ent fruits of Christianity; a welldirected bene+fact+ion; cas(u)+al remark; an unhappy cas(u)+al+ty; to obscurity and de+cad+ence; ac+cid +ent+al meeting ; in+cid+ent+al remark; de+cid(u)+ ous trees (leaves falling in autumn); the remarkable co+ in +cid+ence of the death of both Adams and Jefferson on the 4th of July, 1826. Party spirit engenders anim+ os (ose)+ity.* The assembly was un(unus, one)+anim+ Secure un(unus) + anim+ity.


Direction.-Combine the parts, give the literal meaning, and find your own illustrations.

De+capitat(e), animat(e), in+animat(e), animat+ ed, fact, facile, de+fect, de+fic(i)+ent, effect, per +fection, bene-+fact+or, bene+fic+(i)al, bene+dict +ion, contra+dict+ion, in+dict+ment, cad+ence, t cas(e), de+cad+ence, oc+cid+ent, oc+cas+ion, in+ cid+ent, co+in+cid(e).


Literally, state of being full of life or spirit; but this word has been restricted to a special application, and now denotes violent hatred. + Cadence, like animosity, has been restricted in application, and now means a falling of the voice.

Direction.-With these words, and all grouped like these, do as required in the first Direction.

Enforcing justice and equity; an equitable distribution; no ad + equ+ate champion; the in+ad + equ+acy of the alleged causes; his ag+ile heels; the ag+il(=ile) +ity of a monkey; en+act wise laws; legislative en + act+ments; good counter+act+ing ill; to alienat(e) from; alienation of the affections; in + alien + able rights; "Ann+al+s of a Quiet Neighborhood "; a life annu+ity; con+clus+ive evidence; ex+clus+ive privilege; from the third to the ninth in+clus+ive; pre+ clud(e) all possibility. The peony is a per+enn(i)+al.

Direction. With these words, and all grouped like these, do as required in the second Direction.

In+ad+equate, in+iqu+ity, in+iqu(it) +ous, ag+ ent, inactiv(=ive)+ity, trans+act, trans+act+ion, re+act, ex+act+ness, alien, annu+al, bi+enn(i)+ al, semi+annu+al, con+clud(e), con+clus+ion, ex+ clud(e), ex+clus+ion, in+con+clus+ive, in+clud(e), se+clus+ion, se+clud+ed, clos(e), clos+et.


Cap+able engineer; capt+iv+at+ing loveliness; capt+ (i)ous disposition; con+ceiv(e) the idea; finds no ac+cept +ance; the common ac+cept +(at)ion of the term; form con+cept+ion of the Deity; un+ex+cept+ion+able language; opposed it from its very in+cept+ion; children are more sus+cept+ible; anti(=ante)+cipat(e) pleasures; e+mancipat(e) a slave; emancipate one from error; in+cip(i)+ent stage of the disease; the re+cip(i) +ent of many favors; choice and felic(it) +ous English.

In+capable, capt+or, capt+iv(=ive)+ity, captur(e), except, de +ceiv(e), per+ceiv(e), re+ceiv(e), ac+

cept, acceptable, pre+cept, pre+cept+or, re+cept + ion, particip+le, participat(e), parti+cip+ant, felicity, in +felic+ity, parti+cle, parti+al, a+part.

To ac+ced(e) to a request; inquire into his ante+ced+ ent +8; to ced(e) territory; con+ced(e) the point in question; no pre + ced+ent (prěc'e dent) for such a ruling; an un +pre+ced+ent+ed (un prěc'e dent ed) course; will claim pre+ced+ence (pre cēd'ence); the cess+ion of territory; a cessation of hostilities; easy of access; ac+cess+ion of wealth; de+fect+ion from a cause or a party; possible, but not feasible; dis+af+fect + ion among the soldiers; pro+fic(i) +ent in mathematics.

Pre+ced(e), re+ced(e), se+ced(e), inter+ced(e), ex+ ceed, pro+ceed, suc+ceed, abs+cess, ex+cess, ex + cess + ive, se+cess+ion, in+cess+ant, fact+or, fact+ory, de +fective, per+fect.

Rightful claimant to the estate; crowds ac+claim him king; re+claim a vicious child; voted by ac+clamat +ion; the Apostles' Cre(e)d; to produce his credent +(i)al+8; to take advantage of his cred+ul+ity; to dis+ credit the report ; a dis+credit+able performance ; an in+ credible story; the ground of cred+ence; to dictat(e) a letter; invested with the authority of a dictat+or; a dictat +or+(i)al tone; faultless dict+ion; addicted to vice.

De+claim, dis+ claim, ex+claim, pro+claim, ir+re +claim+able, de+clamation, ex+clamat+ion, pro+ clamation, cred+ible, credit, credit+able, contra+dict, predict, pre+dict+ion, val(e) (farewell)+dict+ory, in +dict, inter+dict+ion, dict+ion+ary.

A current report; a specie curr+ency; a curs+ory view of the subject; a con+curr+ence of opinions; in+ cur displeasure; the in+curs+ion+s of the Goths; pre+

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