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sub+miss+ión, trans+miss+ion, pre+sid(e), pro+posit +ion, trans+posit +ion, ex+tempor+ize, sus – ten+ance, tribut+ary, verb+ose, verb+os(=ose) +ity.

To the Teacher and the Pupil.-Some forty of the roots in the Syllabus of the Regents of the University of New York have already received attention. The remainder, along with some others, are taken up alphabetically below, under the three heads of Latin Roots, Anglo-Saxon Roots, and Greek Roots.

We do not give phrases or sentences illustrating these roots in combination with prefixes and suffixes, for such illustrations are no longer needed.

And so of the

If more than one prefix unites with the root, these prefixes stand before the root unconnected with each other by the sign. The suffix immediately following the root is to be united with every combination which this root makes with these prefixes. If other suffixes follow, and the same thing is to be done with these singly or in groups, these suffixes stand with or between them-the or in Roman type. The suffix, or the group taken as one, between the first or and the second are to . enter into the same combinations as did the first suffix. suffix or group between the second or and the third, etc., and of those that follow the last or. For instance, under jungere, we have con, dis+ junction or ive or ive+ly. This means that the pupil is to do as directed with con+junct+ion, dis+junct+ion, con+junct + ive, dis+junctive, con+junctive+ly, dis+junct+ive + ly; or, dropping the signs, with conjunction, disjunction, conjunctive, disjunctive, conjunctively, disjunctively.

If the word containing the root is a verb, we give the verb in its present infinitive form; and immediately after, its definition. The roots which follow in parenthesis are usually that of the infinitive, the past participle root in at or it, occasionally the future participle root in ur, and that of some verb or noun derived from the primitive. Not unfrequently, some of these roots have been much changed in their long sojourn in the French tongue.

It is easy to ascertain the meaning of the root in the infinitive given, and also that of the words in English derived from it; not so easy to get at that of the roots which follow, and that of the English words

coming from them. The etymological meaning often has faded out; and the words, if metaphorical, hardly suggest the likeness on which the metaphor is based. The pupil will sometimes need a hint from the teacher, sometimes he may profitably consult the dictionary. Where it could be done prudently, we have thrown in a suggestion in parenthesis. But where the pupil can seize upon the root idea, and, combining it with those of the modifying prefixes and suffixes, can give the significance of the compound, he should be allowed to do it. As well do his physical exercise for him as relieve him of the intellectual labor which he can do alone. The main worth of this work consists in the exercise of the pupil's judgment which it compels.

Direction.-Study carefully again the Directions at the head of this chapter, and do as there required. The Reference Lists for Prefixes and Suffixes you will find on the pages which follow these, and end the book.

XL. Latin Roots (continued).-Altus, high, lofty (alt). alt+ar; alt(i)+tude; ex+alt; ex+alt+at+ion.

Aperire, to open (aper, apertur). aper+(i)ent; apertur(e).

Aptare, to fit, to make suitable (apt, aptat, ept). apt; aptly or ness; apt+(i)+tude; ad+apt; ad+aptat+ ion or able or ability; ad+ept.

Ars, artis, skill, method (art, ert). art; artist or ful or less or less+ness or less +ly; art(i)+fic+(i)al or (e); artist or ist +ic or ist +ic+al; in+ert; in+ert+ness.

Audire, to hear (aud, audit, ed, ey). aud+ible or (i)ence or ibl+y; audit+or or ory or or + ship; dis+ob, ob+ed +(i)ent or (i)ence (one may not comply with what was heard); ob+ey; dis+ob+ey.

Aurum, gold (aur). aur+(e)ate; aur+ic; aur(i)+ fer+ous.

Base, low, humble (bas, bass). bas(e); a, de+bas(e); a, de +bas(e)ment; bas(e)ment; bass.

Batere, batuere, to beat (bat). bat(e); a, de, re+bat(e) ;

a, re+bat(e)+ment; com+bat+ant or ive or ive+ness; bat+(t)le or (t)er.

Brevis, short (brev,brief). brev +et or ity; ab+brev(i) +ate or at +ion; brev(i)+ary; brief; brief+ly.

Cadere, to cut, to kill (cid, cis). de+cid(e); con, ex, pre+cis(e); con, pre+cis(e)ly or ness; de, in +de, ex, pre+ cis+ion; de, in+de, con, in+cis+ive or ive+ly or ive+ ness; in+cis+or. Add cid(e) to some form of homo (man), rex, regis (king), mater (mother), pater (father), frater (brother), and tell what the compounds mean.

Canere, to sing (can, cant, chant, cent, cantat). can+ or+ous; cant (whining and hypocritical); cant(i)+clè ; des, re+cant ; en+chant +er or ment or r(=re) +ess (there may be songs of sorcery); ac+cent; ac+cent (u) + at (e) or at+ion; pre+cent+or ; in, re+cantation (the charm may be reversed, or sung back).

carn+al or age;

Caro, carnis, flesh (carn, charn). carn(i)+val; in+carn+at+ion or (e); carn(i)+vor (eat)+ous; charn(el)+ house.

Celerare, to hasten (celer, celerat). celer+ity; ac+ celeration or (e).

Centum, hundred (cent). cent+age or ur+y or ur + ion or enn +ary or enn + (i)al; cent(i)+ped(e) or grad(e). Cernere, to distinguish, judge, separate (cern, cre, cret, cert). con, de, dis+cern; dis+cern+er or ible or ment; de+cre(e); se+cre+cy; in+dis, dis+cre(e)t; ex, se+ cret+ion or ive or (e); dis+cret + ion or ion+al or ion+al+ ly or ive or ive+ly or (e); se+cret+ (e) or ly or ive or ary or ness; certain or ain+ly; cert(i)+fy or fic+at+ion.

Cingere, to gird, surround, enclose (cing, cinct). cing +le; sur+cing+le; cinct+ure; pre, suc+cinct; suc+ cinctly or ness.

Clinere, to bend, slope, lean (clin, cliv, clen, clinat). de, in, re+clin(e); clinic or ic+al or ic+s (patients recline); ac, de, pro+clivity; de+clen+sion; de, in + clination.

(Commod.) See moderari. (Commun.) See munus.

Cor, cordis, the heart (cor, cord, cour). cor(e); cord(i) +al or al+ity; ac, con, dis, re+cord; ac, con, dis+cord +ant or ance; cour+age; dis, en + cour+age or age+ment.

Coronare, to crown (coron, corol, coronat, crown). coron+al or et or er (officer appointed by the king, or crown); corol+7 (diminutive) +ary or (a); coronat+ion;


Corpus, corporis, body (corpor, corpu, cors, corps, corpus). corpor+al or (e)al or ate or at +ion; corpu+lent or lence; cors(e); cors+et or let; corps(e); corpus+cle.

Curare, to care, care for, heal (cur, ur, curat). cur(e); pro, se, sine+cur(e); in+se, se+cur+ity or (e); cur+able ; in+ac, ac+cur+acy; cur(i)+ous or os+ity or ous+ly; s(=se)+ur(e); as, in+s+ur+ance or (e); curat(e); in +ac, ac+curat(e).

Dare, to give (d, dat, dit, don, donat). ad÷d; ren(=re) +d+er; dat(e); dat + ive; ad+dit + ion or ion +al or ion + al+ly; e+dit+ion or or or or+(i)al; tra+dit+ion or ion+al or ion+al+ly; Lat. (tra+dit+or)=Fr. (tra+it +eur)=Eng. (tra+it+or); con, per+dit+ion; don+or or ee; par(=per) + don+er or able or abl+y; donat+ion. Dens, dentis, tooth (dent). dental or ist or it+ion; in+dent; in+dent+ure or at+ion; dan(=dent)+de+ lion; trident.

Dies, day (di). di+al or et or ary or urn+al; meri (=medi)+di+an; quoti+di+an.

Dominare, to rule (domin, dominat). domin+ion or ant or eer or ic+al ; pre + domin+ant or ance; dominat+ ion or ive; pre+dominat(e).

Facies, a face or surface (fac, fic). de, ef, sur+fac(e); fac+(i)al or et; super+fic+(i)al.

Fari, to speak (f,fa, fat). in+f+ant or ancy or ant + ile or ant+ine; af+fa+ble or bil+ity; multi, ne+fa(r) +(i)ous; pre+fa+ce; in+ef+fa+ble; fat(e) (spoken, hence unalterable); fat+al or al+ity or al +ism or al+ist ; pre+fat+ory.

Fateri, to acknowledge (fess). con, pro+fess; confess +ion or ion+al or or; pro+fess+ion, or ion+al or or or or + (i)al.

Fidere, to trust (fid, fy, fi). fid+el+ity (Fr. fealty); con +fid+ant or ent or ence or ent + (i)al or (e) ; dif+fid+ent or ence; in+fid+el or el+ity; per +fid+y; de+fy; af, de +fi+ant or ance.

Finire, to end (fin, finit). fin(e) (a sum paid ends a matter); fin(e), adj. (what is well finished is fine); fin+ish or al or ance or anc+(i)al; con, de, re+fin+(e) or (e)+ ment; inde, de + fin+able; finit(e); in+finitive or ude or ity or (e); de+finit+ive or ion or (e).

Flectere, to bend, turn (flect, flex). de, in, re+flect; de, in, re+flect+ion; re+flect+ive or or; flex+ible or ile or ibility or or or ure; circum, re+flex; in +flex+ible or ibility.

Fortis, strong (fort, forc). fort; comfort+able or ably or er or less; fort(i)+tude or fy or fic+at+ion ; ef +fort; forc+ible or (e)less or (e)ful or (e); re+en, en+ forc(e); re+en, en+forc(e)+ment.

(Gener.) See gignere.

Gerere, to bear (ger, gest, gestur, gesticulat (diminu

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