America's Case Against Germany, by Lindsay Rogers (S. L. Ware). 380 rose J. Moses (Oral Sumner Coad). American History, New, by Albert Bushnell Hart (F. S. H.) Bird Study Book, The, by T. Gilbert Pearson. Book of Free Men, The, by Julius F. Seebach (J. B. T.)...... Budget System, The National, by Charles Wallace Collins (H. H. Christmas Night in the Quarters, by Irwin Russell, introduction by Joel Chandler Harris and historical sketch by Maurice Gar- 377 124 Civil War, History of the, by James Ford Rhodes (F. S. H.). Claiborne, Official Letter Books of W. C. C., edited by Dunbar Grimm's Fairy Tales, illustrated by Louis Rhead.. God and Mr. Wells, by William Archer (T. P. B.)... 504 God of Vengeance, The, by Sholom Ash (George Herbert Clarke).. Immortality and the Future, by H. R. Mckintosh (T. P. B.) James, The Method of Henry, by Joseph Warren Beach (T. P. B.).. Jesus of History, The, by T. R. Glover (T. P. B. ) ....... Jesus, Records of the Life of, by Henry Burton Sharman (T. P. B.). Jesus, The Survival of, by John Huntley Skrine (T. P. Bailey).... Jewish Philosophy, A History of Medieval, by Isaac Husik (T. P. 500 Lee, Life of Robert E., for Boys and Girls, by J. G. de Roulhac 119 127 Mental Adjustments, by Frederic Lyman Wells (T. P. B.)................. son (J. B. T.). . . . . . . . National Progress, by Frederic Austin Ogg (Lindsay Rogers)... Oertel, Life Story of Reverend J. A., by J. F. Oertel (A. H. Noll).. ........ 501 251 128 250 507 Peace, Carnegie Endowment for International (S. L. Ware) . Platonism, by Paul Elmer More (T. P. B.)..... Poe, The Complete Works of Edgar Allan, edited by J. H. Whitty... 244 241 Religion: Its Prophets and False Prophets, by J. B. Thomas (J. Howard Melish). ....... 497 Russian Revolution, A Diary of the, by James L. Houghteling, Jr.. 255 Social Gospel, A Theology for the, by Walter Rauschenbusch (J. B. T.) Southey, Robert, The Early Life of, by William Haller...... Syntax of the Lindisfarne Gospels, Studies in the, by Morgan Cal- Teaching, The Science and Art of, by Daniel W. La Rue.. Tennyson's Use of the Bible, by Edna Moore Robinson.. Voyages on the Yukon and Its Tributaries, by Hudson Stuck..... United States, A History of the, Since the Civil War, by Ellis Pax- United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education, ..... Wilson, The Foreign Policy of Woodrow, by Edgar E. Robinson and 113 112 Forthcoming Numbers of The Review will contain papers on a wide variety of topics by writers in many different sections of the country. For subsequent issues the following are some of the Contributors: George R. Mac Minn, University of California; A. Marinoni, University of Arkansas; Caroline F. Richardson, Sophie Newcomb College; Warwick James Price, Philadelphia; Thomas P. Bailey, University of the South; Esther B. Hammand, Des Moines, Iowa; John McClure, University of Oklahoma; May Tomlinson, Plainfield, New Jersey; Albert Jay Nock, New York City; Clarence Stratton, St. Louis; C. E. Andrews, Ohio State University; Elizabeth Nitchie, Westfield, New Jersey; Virginia Bullock-Willis, Alexandria, Virginia; Summerfield Baldwin, Cambridge, Mass.; H. Merian Allen, Philadelphia. The Articles to appear in subsequent issues are: "Pains and Palliatives in Teach-. ing English Composition"; "The Poe and the Peace Congress"; "To Monsieur Bienville, Debtor"; "Father Franz"; "Nietzsche as a Tonic in War-Time"; "The Tree of Knowledge"; "Essays in Fantasy"; "Dodsons and Tullivers"; "Advertising and Liberal Literature"; "On Rereading Meredith"; "The Rhythm of Prose and Free Verse"; "The Longer Narrative Poems of America"; "Shrines of the Mighty from Athens to Corinth"; "The Esthetic Theory of Poe"; "Louis Botha Boer and Briton." Teachers of English will find The Review a valuable adjunct in supplementing the work of the classroom. Address THE SEWANEE REVIEW, Quarterly SEWANEE, TENNESSEE |