FRIENDLY VISITOR. EDITED BY THE REV. C. CARUS-WILSON, VICAR OF EASTRY, KENT. VOL. V.-NEW SERIES. LONDON: SEELEY, JACKSON, AND HALLIDAY, 54, FLEET-STREET. 1855. INDEX. Best test of a parent's love, 66 Better to work than to beg, 107 Bible in a Belgian shop, the, 189 Bible questions, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 236 Cromwell's Soldier's Bible, 111 Crowded beach and empty church, Creed of St. Patrick, the, 133 Early Impressions, 134 Estrapade, the, 167 Fearful dream, a, 25 Faith's power over the future, 161 Good Cook, a, 191 page 207 Infant Christian, memoir of an, 29 I have none but God left now, 226 Interesting extracts, 12, 32, 52, 72, |