every Man á LAMB, according to the House of their Fathers, a LAMB for an House. 4 And if the Houshold be too little for the Lamb, let him and his Neighbour next unto his House, take it according to the Number of the Souls; every Man according to his Eating, shall make your Count for the Lamb. 5 Your LAMB shall be without BLEMISH, a Male of the first Year: ye shall take it out from the Sheep, or from the Goats. 6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth Day of the fame Month: and the whole Affembly of the Congregation of Ifrael shall kill it in the Evening. 7 And they shall take of the BLOOD, and strike it on the two SIDE-POSTs, and on the upper DOOR-POST of the Houses, wherein they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the Flesh in that Night; roast with FIRE, and UNLEAVENED BREAD, and with BITTER HERBS they shall eat it. 9 Eat not of it raw, nor fodden at all with Water, but roast with Fire: his Head with his Legs, and with the Purtenance thereof. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the Morn ing: and that which remaineth of it until the Morning, ye shall burn with Fire. 11 And thus shall ye eat it; with your Loyns girded, with your Shoes on your Feet, and your Staff in your Hand: and ye shall eat it in HASTE; it is the LORD'S PASSOVER. 12 For I will PASS through the Land of Egypt this Night, and will SMITE all the FIRST-BORN in the Land of Egypt, both MAN and BEAST: and against all the GopS of Egypt I will execute JUDGMENT; I AM the LORD. 13 And the BLOOD shall be to you for a TOKEN upon the Houses where you are: and when I SEE the BLOOD, I will PASS OVER you, and the PLAGUE shall not be upon you to DESTROY you, when I SMITE the Land of Egypt. 14 And this Day shall be unto you for a MEMORIAL; and you shall keep it a FEAST to the Lord throughout your Generations: you shall keep it a FEAST by an ORDINANCE for ever. 15 Seven Days shall ye eat UNLEAVENED Bread, even the first Day ye shall put away Leaven out of your Houses : for whofoever eateth leavened Bread, from the first Day until the feventh Day, that Soul shall be cut off from Ifrael. 17 And ye shall observe the Feast of unleavened Bread; for in this felf-fame Day have I BROUGHT your ARMIES out of the Land of Egypt: therefore shall ye OBSERVE this DAY in your Generations, by an Ordinance for ever. 18 In the first Month, on the fourteenth Day of the Month at Even, ye shall eat unleavened Bread, until the one and twentieth Day of the Month at Even. 21 Then Mofes called for all the Elders of Ifrael, and faid unto them, Draw out and take you a LAMB, according to your Families, and KILL the PASSOVER. 22 And ye shall take a Bunch of Hyssop, and dip it in the BLOOD that is in the Bason, and strike the LINTEL and the two SIDE-Posts with the BLOOD that is in the Bason: and none of you shall go out at the Door of his House until the Morning. 23 For the LORD will pass through to SMITE the Egyptians, and when he SEETH the Brood upon the Lintel, and on the two Side-posts, the LORD will PASS OVER the Door, and will not fuffer the DESTROYER to come in unto your Houses to SMITE you. 24 And ye shall observe this Thing for an Ordinance to thee, and to thy Sons for ever. 25 And it shall come to pass, when ye be come to the Land, which the LORD will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this Service. 26 And it shall come to pass, when your CHILDREN shall say unto you, What mean you by this Service? 27 That ye shall say, It is the SACRIFICE of the LORD'S PASSOVER, who PASSED OVER the Houses of the Children of Ifrael in Egypt, when he sMOTE the Egyptians, and DELIVERED our Houses. And the People bowed the Head, and WORSHIPPED. 28 And the Children of Ifrael went away, and did as the LORD had commanded Mofes and Aaron, so did they. 29 And it came to pass, that at MIDNIGHT the LORD SMOTE all the FIRST-BORN in the Land of Egypt, from the FIRST-BORN of Pharaoh, that fat on his Throne, unto the First-born of the Captive that was in the Dungeon; and all the First-born of Cattle. 30 And Pharaoh Rose up in the Night, he and all his Servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great Cry In Egypt: for there was not a HOUSE where there was not one DEAD. 31 And he called for Mofes and Aaron by NIGHT, and faid, Rife up, and GET you forth from amongst my People, both you and the Children of Ifrael: and go ferve the LORD, as ye have faid. 32 Also take your Flocks, and your Herds, as ye have faid, and be gone: and bless me also. 33 And the Egyptians were URGENT upon the People, that they might send them out of the Land in haste: for they faid, We be all DEAD ΜΕΝ. 34 And the People took their Dough before it was leavened, their Kneading-troughs being bound up in their Cloaths upon their Shoulders. 35 And the Children of Ifrael did according to the Word of Mofes: and they borrowed of the Egyptians Jewels of Silver, and Jewels of Gold, and Raiment. 36 And the Lord gave the People Favour in the Sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such Things as they required: and they spoiled the Egyptians. 37 And the Children of Ifrael journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about fix hundred thousand on Foot that were Men, befides Children. 38 And a mixed Multitude went up also with them; and Flocks, and Herds, even very much Cattle. 39 And they baked unleavened Cakes of the Dough, which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened: because they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for themselves any Victual. 40 Now the sojourning of the Children of Ifrael, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty Years. 41 And it came to pass at the End of the Four HunDRED and THIRTY Years, even the SELF-SAME DAY it came to pass, that all the Host of the LORD went out from the Land of Egypt. 42 It is a NIGHT to be much observed unto the LORD, for bringing them out from the Land of Egypt : this is that NIGHT of the LORD to be OBSERVED of all the Children of Ifrael in their Generations. * Heb. xi. 28 Through FAITH he kept the PASSOVER, and the SPRINK LING OF BLOOD, lest he that DESTROY- 1 Cor. v. 7 Purge out the old Leaven, that ye may be a new Lump, as ye are unleavened, For even CHRIST QUI PASSOVER is SACRIFICED for us. 43 And 43 And the LORD faid unto Mofes and Aaron, This is the Ordinance of the PASSOVER: there shall no Stranger or uncircumcifed Person eat thereof. 47 All the Congregation of Ifrael shall keep it. 50 Thus did all the Children of Ifrael; as the LORD commanded Mofes and Aaron, fo did they. 51 And it came to pass the SELF-SAME DAY, that the LORD did BRING the Children of Ifrael out of the Land of Egypt, by their Armies. 8 Therefore let us keep the FEAST not with OLD Leaven, neither with the LEAVEN of MALICE and WICKEDNESS, but with the UNLEAVENED Bread of SINCERITY and TRUTH. 1 Per. i. 2 Elect according to the Foreknowledge of God the FATHER through SANCTIFICATION of the SPIRIT unto Obedience, and SPRINKLING of the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST: Grace unto you, and Peace be multiplied. 18 Forafmuch as ye know that ye were not REDEEMED with corruptible Things, as SILVER and GOLD, from your VAIN CONVERSATION received by Tradition from your Fathers. 19 But with the PRECIOUS BLOOD of CHRIST, as of a LAMB without BLEMISH and without SPOT. 20 Who verily was FORE-ORDAINED before the FOUNDATION of the WORLD, but was manifest in these last Times for you; 21 Who by him do BELIEVE in God that RAISED him up from the DEAD, and gave him GLORY, that your FAITH and HOPE might be in Gon. John i. 29 John teeth Jesus coming unto him, and faith, Behold, the LAMB of God, which taketh away the SIN of the World. 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and faith unto him, we have found him of whom Moses in the Law and the PROPHETS did write, JESUS of NAZARETH. Luke xxii. 7 Then came the Day of UNLEAVENED BREAD, when the PassoVER must be KILLED. 14 And when the Hour was come, he fat down, and the twelve Apostles with him. Is And he said unto them, With Defire I have desired to eat this PASSOVER with you before I SUFFER. 16 For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the KINGDOM of God. Rev. v. 8 When he had taken the Book, the four Beasts, and four and twenty Elders fell down before the LAMB, having every one of them Harps, and golden Vials full of ODOURS, which are the PRAYERS of SAINTS. 9 And they sung a New Song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the Book, and to open the Seals thereof: for thou wast SLAIN, and haft REDEEMED US to GOD by thy Blood, out of every Kindred, and Tongue, and People, and Nation. 10 And haft made us unto our God, KINGS and PRIESTS. II And I beheld, and I heard the Voice of many Angels round about the THRONE, and the Beasts, and the Elders: and the Number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; 12 Saying with a loud Voice, Worthy is the LAMB that was SLAIN, to receive Power, and RICHES, and WISDOM, and STRENGTH, and Honour, and GLORY, and BLESSING. 13 And every CREATURE which is in Heaven, and on the EARTH, and under the Earth, and such as are in the SEA, and all that are in them, heard I, faying, BLESSING, and Honour, and GLORY, and Power, be unto him that fitteth upon the THRONE, and unto the LAMB for ever and ever. Rev, xiii. 8 The LAMB SLAIN from the FOUNDATION of the WORLD. The ? The Fourth Period: From the Deliverance of the Ifraelites from Egypt, to the building of the Temple at Jerufalem by Solomon, containing about the Space of 430 Years. 1 The First-born fanctified to GOD. 3 The Memorial of the Paffover. 17 The Ifraelites go out of Egypt: 21 GOD guideth them by a Pillar of a Cloud, and Fire. Ver.1 A ND the Lord spake unto Mofes, faying, 3 And Mofes faid unto the People, Remember this DAY in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the House of BONDAGE; for by STRENGTH of Hand the LORD brought you out from this Place: there shall no leavened Bread be eaten. 4 This Day came ye out, in the Month Abib. 5 And it shall be when the LORD shall bring thee into the Land which he sware unto thy Fathers, that thou shalt keep this SERVICE in this MONTH. 7 Unleavened Bread shall be eaten seven Days: and there shall no leavened Bread be seen with thee, neither shall there be Leaven seen with thee in all thy Quarters. 8. And thou shalt shew thy Son in that Day, saying, This is done because of that which the LORD did unto me, when I came forth out of Egypt. 9 And it shall be for a SIGN unto thee upon thine us. 4 We will not hide them from Hand, |