DEVOTIONS. SECOND PART. The Four GOSPELS in One, LESSONS. With RESPONSORIES: To be used with the OFFICES. Printed Anno Domini. DCLXXV. 特儿 1- 138. g. 4311 おおのののかのののめめめめののの Advertisement. He Author, before experience bad suggested new thoughts, defign'd to comprize his De votions in one Book. But, Seeing great variety was requifite, to avoid that dryness with which often repetition uses to dull our Prayers; and finding one Volume uncapable of great variety, unless of a bulk too big, character too little for convence: He refolu'd to divide by an in the Whole into Three Parts; whereof himself liv'd to set out the First, and finish the Second in the manner you fee; the Third, consisting of Prayers for all occasions, fram'd timate Friend according to his riend according directions, and overlookt by him. Self, waits yet an opportunity of coming forth. Mean time you have here the Second part, containing the Life of our B. SAVIOUR in the words of the Evangelists themselves, and digested out of all Four into on continued History; that th whole feries may be clearlye difcern'd, and no emphatical e preffion or circumstance in 1 of the Sacred Historians loft : following herein the much approv'd example of fome of our own, as well as our Neighbour Divines; of a late one, of whom, at Paris, this seems a Translation. He meant it for Leffons to his Offices: whence, to render it more clear to the underStanding, and more affective to the will, breaking the Context into fit periods, He fuited every one with Responsories; which, being entirely his own work, are Printed in a different Letter, that who so pleases may readthe facred Story without interrupti The Genealogies we find mitted, and fome part of the |