III. It gives fuitable rules and laws to the fuperior and inferior members of focieties, whereby they may walk in mutual, agreeable duty towards one another. Societies are either civil or ecclefiaftical. Civil focieties are either publick or private. I. There are civil, publick focieties; fuch as the empires, kingdoms, principalities and feveral ftates of the world. Chriftianity does not impose one form of civil government on all nations. It leaves that to be adjufted by the genius, convenience and wellfare of each people. It takes care of the fafety, peace and honour of the government, when it is fettled. And fo, I. Governors are directed to be just and faithful in their offices, as thofe that are to do good by their authority and to act for God. For rulers are not (in their place and office) a terror to good works, but to the evil.--- For he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil. They are God's minifters, attending continually on this very thing. Then, II. Subjects are taught to yield due fubjection, obedience, honour and Support to their Governors. Wherefore ye must needs be fubject not only for wrath (for fear of the fword and of punishment), but for confcience fake (for confcience towards God; Religion must command loyalty). Render therefore to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour, and this fubjection must be yielded both to the foveraign, and to those that are commiffion'd by him. And because christianity arose under a monarchy, express charge is given to pay all homage to the monarch or foveraign prince. Render to Cæfar, the things that are Cæfar's. Submit your felves to every ordinance of man (or human conftitution in government) for the Lord's fake; whether it be to the king (emperor, or king or other monarchical potentate) as fupreme, or unto governors (as deputies, viceroys, commilfioners, lieutenants, and prefidents of provinces and others) that are fent N by by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise (and encou ragement) of them that do well. II. There are civil focieties, that are private; ufually contain'd within the walls of an houfe; and thefe are families or housholds. These nature immediatly ordaineth; and they are rudiments or feminaries of larger focieties. In these there are ufually divers relations. And they have all fuitable duty prescribed them. I. There is the great, prime relation of the conjugated pair; of hufband and wife. This was inftituted in the state of innocency; and is fupported and dignified by the chriftian inftitution. The venerable founder thereof, though he would not enter into that relation himself, would yet grace a nuptial folemnity with his own prefence, and rather than admit a deficience in the entertainment, would make a miraculous provision of extraordinary wine. Now here in this relation, 1. The husband is ordered to treat the wife with all care, tenderness, compaffion and endearing affection. To this end, the highest example of love is here proposed to imitation; even that of the mediator himself towards his redeemed fpoufe. Husbands love your wives, even as Chrift also loved the church, and gave himself for it. So ought men to love their wives, as their own bodies (for they two are one flesh); and no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth, and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church. II. The wife is injoined all suitable deference, regard and affection to the husband. He being the fuperior relative, the duty to him is denoted by the name of reverence. And the wife fee, that she reverence her bufband. Neither his tenderness towards her, nor her affection to him must impair the honour and cftcem. II. In thefe domeftick focieties, there is naturally and ufually the relation of parents and children. This is a primary reason of the foregoing relation. And here, 1. Parents I. Parents are required to be prudently affectionate to their children, and to train them up in religion and for God. And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; educate them in such knowledge and discipline, as will fubject them to the Lord Christ. II. Children are taught honour and obedience to their parents, as duty to God, and beneficial to themselves. Children, obey your parents in the Lord (and for the Lord); for this is right (a piece of natural equity); Honour thy father and thy mother, (which is the first commandment with promife) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayeft live long on the earth. III. In these natural focieties, there is ufually the relation of masters and fervants. And these also have their respective duties allotted them. As, I. Mafters are obliged to be just, compassionate, and good to their fervants. And ye mafters, do the fame things (the fame equitable, good things) unto them (to the fervants), forbearing threatning (injurious, intemperate threatning); knowing that your master alfo is in heaven (who is indulgent now, and will, in time, call you to account) neither is there respect of persons with him. (In his judgment, mafters will not be ref pected more than fervants. The law must be the rule to both). II. Servants are charged to be faithful and diligent in all their busi nefs, as thofe that must expect a judgment to come. Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh (in this fecular relation; though they may not yet be of your religion) with fear and trembling (with humility and ready obey fance) in fingleness of your heart, as unto Chrift (who commands the obedience); not with eye fervice, as men-pleafers (not as thofe that intend to please men only) but as the fervants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. With good will doing fervice as to the Lord, and not to men. N 2 Then, II There II. There are ecclefiaftical focieties; fuch as are appointed by the inftitution it felf; in which the worship of God and of the Lord Chrift is to be perform'd and preferved, profelites to be further instructed, and built up in the exercise of their holy religion, and made meet for the kingdom of heaven. The philofophers had their schools; the jews had and have their fynagogues; Mahomet has his mofques. It is meet the Lord Chrift fhould have his feminaries and affemblies, who has higher things to teach, and far more evidence to give, that he is of God and with God. These focieties are called churches, and more particularly the churches of Chrift (as being called and gathered unto the Lord Chrift) and the churches of God (as being defigned and devoted to the name and honour of God, and owned by him). In thefe churches, there is the fuperior and fubordinate. part. The fuperior part is to lead in worship, to teach, guide and govern the fubordinate part, according to the mind of the Lord Christ, and the dictates of his inftitution. Both parts have their respective duties prefcri bed and inforced. As, 1. The fuperior part. The pastors, bishops, overfeers and minifters are not to domineer and tyrannize; but to be humble and compaffionate to fouls, diligent in teaching them, affectionately concern'd for their spiritual good, guiding them in wisdom and love, by holy word and example, in the way to eternal life. Take heed to your felves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghoft hath made you overfeers (inspectors or intendants) to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. (A most pathetick motive.) The elders, which are among you, I exhort, who also am an elder, and a witness (an eye-witnels) of the fufferings of Chrift, and also a partaker of the glory, that Shall be revealed (when our Lord fhall come again), feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the overfight (the careful infpection) thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre (and as those that study this world), but of a ready mind (as for the Lord Chrift); neither as being lords over God's heritage (it is not yours, but God's), but being enfamples to the flock. And then, when the chief Shepherd delineated. Shall appear (who is Lord of you and of the flock too), ye shall receive a crown of glory, that fadeth not away. Then, II. The fubordinate part, the flock (as it is called) and the members of the flock, are obliged to honour and fupport their infpectors, and follow the inftructions and conduct of their faithful guides. And we befeech you, brethren, to know them (to acknowledge and respect them) that labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you, and to efteem them highly in love for their works fake. Obey them that have the rule over you, and fubmit your felves; for they watch for your fouls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you. The members of the facred flocks have alfo their duties in reference to each other; duties of love and peace, of mutual prayer, affiftance, encouragement and contribution. So that the chriftian religion fupports and fortifies natural and neceffary focieties; and, were it faithfully practifed,. would appear the great blefling of the world, The Christian Inftitution as it comes with Authority, fo it gives us the moft lively Examples of its own purity and holiness. I T comes with the authority of heaven, in the atteftation it brought a long with it. And they went forth and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with figns following (or attending) it. (a) With authority in the speaker; in his perfon; the Lord from heaven. In his way of speaking. Te have beard, that it was faid by them of old, Thou shalt not kill; and whoso (a) Mark. Chap, ult. ever |