Magnify the LordXulon Press, 2007 - 296 sider Magnify the Lord Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee: and let such as love Thy salvation say continually, "Let God be magnified." (Psalm 70:4) Would you be able to answer the following questions about Jesus with clarity and confidence? Could you support your answers Biblically? Do you desire to know and effectually communicate God's eternal plan and purpose in using Jesus Christ to rescue the perishing? Magnify the Lord was written with YOU in mind. 1. How has your gospel made you a disciple-maker? 2. How could Jesus live a sinless life? 3. How is His birth any different than ours? 4. What three things did Jesus come to defer? 5. What did Jesus come to identify? 6. What did He come to establish and settle? 7. What did Jesus come to disrupt and disturb? 8. What two specific things did He come to annihilate? 9. What four things does He deliver His people from? 10. What does He deliver them to? 11. Is there a difference between a disciple and a Christian? Are you Sure? 12. Is your faith in a Deliverer that you follow or a past decision you made? 13. What are you personally doing to rescue the perishing? Magnify the Lord will help you discover, declare, and defend ten reasons why God sent His Son, our Deliverer. Nick Holden is a former pastor (7 years) who answered God's call into evangelism in June 2006. Nick's family ministry, Truth Impacts Ministries, is dedicated and determined to teach God's people how to discern truth for themselves in the midst of a Biblically illiterate church culture. His aim is to be used by Jesus to raise up Champions for God's Kingdom who are dangerously strong for His Truth on the earth. Nick and his wife Stephanie have been married for nineteen years and have three daughters. |
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Acknowledgments | vii |
Introduction | xi |
Hes Come to Defer | 13 |
Hes Come to Define | 39 |
Hes Come to Declare | 61 |
Hes Come to Demonstrate | 85 |
Hes Come to Destroy | 115 |
Hes Come to Deliver | 139 |
Hes Come to Disciple | 171 |
Hes Come to Divide | 203 |
Hes Come to Defend | 223 |
Hes Come to Deploy | 251 |
About the Author | 289 |
Truth Impacts Ministries | 291 |
Almindelige termer og sætninger
anointed ashamed believe blessed blood born brethren called Christ Jesus church Corinthians covenant darkness David dead death declare defend deliverance delivered devil disciple of Jesus disciples earth enemy Ephesians eternal eternal grace evil eyes faith fear flesh follow give glorify God the Father God the Son God's glory God's Word godly sorrow going gospel hate hath hear heart heaven heavenly Father Hebrews Holy Spirit Israel Jeroboam Jesus Christ John King kingdom knew Lamb of God lifestyle lives living sacrifice Lord Jesus Christ Luke Magnify the Lord Matthew mercy obedience ourselves Paul praise preach the gospel Principal Law promises prophets Proverbs Psalm redemption repentance rescue revealed righteousness Romans saith salvation Satan saved servant sheep Shepherd sinners sins someone soul speak supernatural taught teach thee Thessalonians things thought told treasure trust truth unto walk Whosoever wicked wisdom witness