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" When common words were less pleasing to the ear, or less distinct in their signification, I have familiarized the terms of philosophy, by applying them to popular ideas, but have rarely admitted any word not authorized by former writers... "
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Side 291
af John Hawkins - 1787 - 605 sider
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Bind 22

1907 - 702 sider
...their fignincation, I have familiarized the terms of philofophy, by applying them to known obDjects and popular ideas, but have rarely admitted' any word, not authorized by former write» ; for, I believe, that whoever knuw.; the Enghjb tongue in its prefent jxtent, will be able...
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Harrison's British Classicks, Bind 1

1785 - 596 sider
...ear, or lefs dillincl in their fignitica;ion, I have familiarized the ttrms of philolophy by applying them to popular ideas, but have rarely admitted any word not authorized by former writers ; for I believe that whoever knows the Engliili tonpif in it's prêtent extent, will be able to expreis...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 642 sider
...cadence. When common words were lefs pleafmg * to the ear, or lefs diftincT: in their fignification, I ' have familiarized the terms of philofophy by apply'...their ftudy ; and it may go far towards the ftamping a lading character of purity, elegance, and ftrength on the ftyle of Johnfon, to fay, that fome of the...
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The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

John Hawkins - 1787 - 636 sider
...cadence. When common words were lefs plcafing ' to the ear, or lefs diftinct in their fignification, I ' have familiarized the terms of philofophy by apply'...thofe who have made eloquence their ftudy ; and it may go-far towards the (lamping a lafting character of purity, elegance, and ftrength on the ftyle of Johnfon,...
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The life of Dr. Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 640 sider
...cadence. When common words were lefs pleafmg * to the ear, or lefs diftinct in their fignifkation, I c have familiarized the terms of philofophy by apply'...beft known to thofe who have made eloquence their fludy ; and it may go far towards the ftamping a lafting character of purity, elegance, and ftrength...
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The Rambler

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 416 sider
...or lefs diftinct in their fignification, I have familiari fed the terms of philofophy, by applying them to popular ideas, but have rarely admitted any word not authorized by former writers ; for I believe that whoever knows the Engli/b tongue in its prefent extent, will be able to exprefs...
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The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics ..., Bind 9

1789 - 602 sider
...(ignifiration, " I have familiarized the terms of " phiiofophy by applying them to " known objefts and popular ideas ; •• but have rarely admitted any word " not authorized by former writer-; : *' for I believe that whoever knows *' the Englifh tongue in its prefcnt M extent, will...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson.LL.D..: The rambler

Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 444 sider
...ear, or lefs diftinct in their fignification, I have familiarifed the terms of philofophy, by applying them to popular ideas, but have rarely admitted any word not authorized by former writers ; for I believe that whoever knows the Engli/h tongue in its prefent extent, will be able to exprefs...
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Tracts on Political and Other Subjects, Bind 3

Joseph Towers - 1796 - 464 sider
...fignification, I have fa-* '* miliarized the terms of philofophy by " applying them to known objefts and *' popular ideas ; but have rarely admitted " any word not authorized by former " writers." He confidered himfelf as having contributed to the improvement of the Englifh language. He fays in...
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Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical Illustrative of the ..., Bind 1

Nathan Drake - 1809 - 520 sider
...their signification, I have familiarized the terms of philosophy, by applying them to known objects and popular ideas ; but have rarely admitted any word not authorized by former writers."* " Difference of thoughts," he observes in another place, " will produce difference of language : he...
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