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1896 amounted to 229,072,774 francs, and expenditure to 180,324,215 francs. The number of letters, &c., carried in France and Algeria in 1896 was :

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The total length of the telegraphic lines on January 1, 1897, was 64,422 miles, with 208,828 miles of wire. There were 11,769 telegraph offices, and in 1896 there were despatched 45,708, 298 telegrams, of which 36,968,805 were internal, 5,944,217 international, 1,410,297 in transit, and 1,384,979 were official. There are 237 miles of pneumatic tubes in Paris.

Money and Credit.

The total value of the coin minted in France from the commencement of the existing mints has been: Gold (1803-1897), 9,334, 161,500 francs; silver, 5-franc pieces (1795-1878), 5,060, 606, 240 francs; fractional silver (1803-1897), 486,112,885 francs; bronze (1852-1897), 68,278,522 francs. Total, 14,949,159,147 francs. No 5-franc pieces have been coined since 1878. The nominal value of the money coined in France during five years has been:

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From the results of an inquiry carried out on September 15, 1897, it is estimated that the existing stock of money in France amounted to 6,375,000,000 francs, made up as follows :

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The statistics of private banking are too unsatisfactory to be given. The private savings-banks numbered 545 (with 2,132 branch offices) in January, 1896; and on December 31, 1895, the number of depositors was 6,633,447, to the value of 3,382,355,533 francs, thus giving an average of 509-9 francs for each account. The postal savings-banks, introduced in 1881, had December 31, 1896, 2,682,908 accounts, to the value of 784,950,207 franes, thus showing an average of 292-6 francs per account.

The Bank of France, founded in 1806, has the monopoly of emitting bank notes. Its capital is estimated at 182,500,000 francs.

The situation of the bank on December 1. 1898, was:

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Money, Weights, and Measures.

The Franc of 100 centimes is of the value of 94d. or 25·225 francs to the pound sterling.

Gold coins in common use are 20 and 10 franc pieces. The 20 frane gold piece weighs 6:4516 grammes 900 fine, and thus contains 5.80645 grammes of fine gold. Silver coins are 5, 2, 1, and half franc pieces and 20centime pieces. The 5-franc silver piece weighs 25 grammes 900 fine, and thus contains 22.5 grammes of fine silver. The franc piece weighs 5 grammes 835 fine, and contains 4:175 grammes of fine silver. Bronze coins are 10 and 5 centime pieces.

There is a double standard of value, gold and silver, the ratio being theoretically 15 to 1. Of silver coins, however, only 5-franc pieces are legal tender, and of these the free coinage has been suspended since 1876.

The present monetary convention between France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, and Greece is tacitly continued from year to year, but may be denounced by any of the contracting States, and, if denounced, will expire at the end of the year, which commences on January 1, following the denunciation. According to its terms, the five contracting States have their gold and silver coins respectively of the same fineness, weight, diameter, and current value, and the allowance for wear and tear in each case is the same. The coinage of 5-franc pieces, both gold and silver, is temporarily suspended, and the issue of subsidiary silver is, with certain exceptions for special reasons, limited to 7 francs per head of the population of each State (but 6 francs for Greece). Each Government, in its public offices, accepts payments in the silver 5-franc pieces of each of the others, and in subsidiary silver to the amount of 100 francs for each payment. Each State engages to exchange the excess of its issues over its receipts of subsidiary silver for gold or 5-franc silver pieces, and at the termination of the convention each is bound to resume also its 5-franc silver pieces, and to pay in gold a sum equal to the nominal value of the coin resumed. [But see also under Italy.] The following are the total issues of the five States, authorised by the convention of 1897 :-France,

394 millions of francs; Italy, 232-4; Belgium, 468; Switzerland, 28; Greece, 15.

The monetary system of the Union has been adopted, either wholly or partially, in Spain, Rumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Russia, Finland, and many of the South American States.

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Diplomatic Representatives.


Ambassador.-M. Paul Cambon.

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There are French Consuls at-London (C.G.), Cardiff, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester (V.C.), Newcastle, Southampton (V.C.), and other places.


Ambassador.-Right Hon. Sir. E. J. Monson, Bart., G. C. B., G. C. M.G.
Secretary.-Hon. M. Herbert, C. B.

Military Attaché.-Colonel Douglas F. R. Dawson.
Naval Attaché.-Captain A. W. Paget, R. N.
Commercial Attaché.-H. Austin Lee, C. B.

There are British Consuls at Paris, Ajaccio, Bordeaux, Brest, Calais, Cherbourg, Dunkirk, Havre (C.G.), La Rochelle, Marseilles, Nice, Rouen.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning France.


Agriculture:-Statistique agricole annuelle. Bulletin de statistique du Ministère de l'Agriculture. Statistique des Forêts soumises au régime forestier. Statistique agricole décennale. Compte des dépenses du Ministère de l'Agriculture. Rapport sur l'enseignement agricole. Report by L. S. Sackville on the Tenure of Land in France. Fol. London, 1870.

Army:-Handbook of the French Army, prepared in the Intelligence Division of the War Office, by Captain A. K. Wisely. London, 1891. Budget général de la France. [Current issues contain estimates of the numbers of men, horses, &c., in the Army.] Paris. (Annual).

Bibliographie générale de l'histoire de la France. Published by the Directors of the National Library. Paris. Commerce-Tableau général du commerce de la France. (Annual.) Paris. Commerce de la France. (Monthly.) Moniteur officiel du commerce. Foreign Office Reports. (Annual series.) London. Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdoin with Foreign Countries, &c. London

Finance-Comptes généraux de l'administration des Finances. Bulletin de statistique et de legislation comparée. (Monthly.) Paris. La situation financière des communes. Budget général de la France. (Annual.) Paris.

Foreign Office List. (Annual.) London.

Industries, Mining, &c. :-Album de statistique graphique du Ministère des Travaux publics. Paris. Almanack de la co-operation française.-Bulletin de l'office du travail. (Monthly.) La petite industrie. 2 vols. Paris, 1896. Statistique des grèves et des recours à la conciliation, &c., pendant, 1895. Repartition des salaires du personal ouvrier dans les manufactures de l'etat et des compagnies de chemin de fer, 1896. Salaires et durée du travail dans l'industrie française. 3 vols. Bulletin officiel du Ministère de l'intérieur. Rapports des inspecteurs divisionnaires du travail. Statistique de l'industrie minerale et des appareils à vapeur. (Annual.)

Instruction, Religion, &c. :-Bulletin de l'instruction publique. (Weekly.) Annuaire de la Presse. Statistique de l'enseignement primaire. (Annual.) Rapport sur le budget des cultes.

Justice and Crime :-Compte de la justice criminelle. (Annual.) Compte de la justice civile et commerciale. (Annual.) Gazette des tribunaux. Statistique penitentiaire.

Money and Credit:-Comptes rendus sur les opérations du credit fouçier de France. Rapports sur les opérations de la Caisse nationale d'Epargue. Rapports sur les opérations des Caisses d'Epargue privées. Rapports du Gouverneur et des Censeurs de la Banque de France. Rapports sur l'administration des monnaies et medailles.

Navy-Annuaire de la Marine et des Colonies. (See also the Annual Budget Général.) Pauperisin-Rapport par la Commission superieure de la Caisse des retraits pour la vieillesse. Etablissements généraux de bienfaisance.

Population-Resultats statistique du dénomlevement de 1891. Paris, 1894. [For 1896 see Bulletin de statistique et de legislatuer comparée for January and for July, 1897.]

Railways, Posts, &c. :-Album de statistique graphique au ministère des travaux publics. Statistique des chemius de fer frauçais. (Annual.) Relevé du tonnage des merchandises transportées sur les fleuves, canaux, et rivières. 2 vols. (Annual.) Statistique de la navigation intérieure. 2 vols. (Annual.)

Shipping:-Tableau général du commerce de la France. Part II. Tableau général des mouvements du cabotage. (Annual.)

Statistics (General):-Almanach national. Paris. Journal officiel. Annuaire statistique de la France (1898). Annuaire statistique de la ville de Paris. Revue générale de l'administration. Nancy. Statistical abstract for foreign countries. (Annual.) London. Statistique générale de la France, 1898.


Adams (G. B.), The Growth of the French Nation. London, 1897.
Allen (Grant), Paris. [Guide Book.] London, 1896.

Paris, 1898.

Baedeker's Guide-Books: Paris, 12th edition 1896; Northern France, 1894; SouthEastern France, 2nd ed., 1895; South-Western France, 2nd ed., 1895. Leipsic and London. Barker (E. H.), Wayfaring in France. 8. London, 1890. Baudrillart (H. J. L.), Les Populations agricoles de la France. 3 séries. 8. Paris, 1885-93. Block (Maurice), Dictionnaire de l'Administration française New ed. Bodley (J. E. C.), France since the Revolution. London, 1898. Bon (André le), Modern France. [In Story of the Nations Series.] S. Bourde (P.), En Corse. 3rd edition. Paris, 1887. Boutmy (E. G.), Etudes de Droit Constitutionnel.

tion by E. M. Dicey. 8. London, 1891.

18. Paris, 1885.

London, 1896.

English Transla

Cheruel (P. A.), Dictionnaire historique des Institutions, moeurs et coutumes de la France. 2 vols. 12. Paris, 1855.

Chevallier (E.), La Mounaie de Paris en 1897. Paris, 1897.

Coubertin (P. de), L'Evolution Française sous la Troisième République. Paris, 1896. [Eng. Trans. London, 1898.]

Currier (C. F. A.), Constitutional and Organic Laws of France, 1875-89. Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia.



Dally (F. J. M. A.), La France militaire illustrée. 2 édition. S. Paris, 1893. Davaine (E.), Annuaire du protestantisme français. 8. Paris, annual since 1893. Debidour (A.), Histoire des Rapports de l'Eglise et de l'Etat, 1789-1870. Paris, 1898. Delarbre (J.), La marine militaire de la France. 8. Paris, 1881.

Demolins (Edmond), Les Français d'Aujourdhui. Paris, 1898.

Deschamps (L.). Histoire de la Question Coloniale en France. Paris, 1891.

Dupont (P.), Annuaire de la marine pour 1896. S. Paris, 1896.

Duruy (Victor), Histoire de France. 4. Paris, 1892.

Edwards (M. Betham), France To-day. 2 vols. 8. London, 1892-4

Forbes (A.), Life of Napoleon III. London, 1897.

Foville (A. de), La France actuelle. Paris, 1889.

Franceschi (G.), Manue! municipal: Commentaire pratique de la Loi du 5 Avril 1884, S. Paris, 1892.

Fustel de Coulanges (N. D.), Histoire des Institutions politiques de 1 Ancienne France. 6 vols. S. Paris, 1888-92.

Glasson (E.), Histoire du Droit et des Institutions de la France. Vol. VII. Paris, 1896. Gorce (P. de la), Histoire du Seconde Empire. Tomes I.-III. Paris, 1894-96.

Guides Joanne [for Paris and the various districts of France, 20 vols.]. Paris, 1887-96. Guizot (F. P. G.), Histoire de France jusqu'en 1789. 5 vols. 4. Paris, 1870-76. Histoire de France depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1848. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1879. English Translation of Guizot's Histories by R. Black. 8 vols. 8. London, 1870-81.

Hahn (L.), Histoire de la communanté israelite de Paris. 12. Paris, 1894.-Les Juifs de Paris pendant la Revolution. Paris, 1898.

Hare (A. J. C.). North-Western France, 1895. Paris, 1887. Days near Paris, 1887. NorthEastern France, 1890. South-Eastern France, 1890. South-Western France 1890, London. Hillebrand (Karl), France and the French in the second half of the Nineteenth Century. [Translated from the German]. 8. London, 1881.

Joanne (Paul), Editor, Dictionnaire Géographique et Administratif de la France, &c. 4. Paris, 1888, &c.

Lanessan (J. L. de), La republique démocratique, la politique intérieure, extérieure, et coloniale de la France. Paris, 1897. 4me éd. 18. Paris, 1878.

Lavergne (Léonce de), Economie rurale de la France.
Lebon (A.) and Pelet (P.), France as it is.

London, 1888.

Lebon (A.), Modern France, 1789-1895. In 'Story of the Nations' series. London, 1897.

Loisne (C. de), Histoire politique de France. Paris, 1886.

Levasseur (E.), La France et ses colonies. 3 vols. Paris, 1890-91. La population française. 3 vols. Paris, 1889. La Production Brute Agricole de la France. Paris, 1891. Leverdays (E.), Nouvelle organisation de la République, &c. 12. Paris, 1892. MacCarthy (J. H.), The French Revolution. 4 vols. London, 1897. Molard (J.), Puissance Militaire des Etats de l'Europe. Paris, 1893. Monteil (Edgar), L'Administration de la République. 12. Paris, 1893. Mossé (B.), La revolution française et le Rabbinat. Avignon, 1890.

Murray's Handbook for Travellers in France. 18th edition. London, 1892.

Ollivier (E.), L'Empire Libéral. 3 vols. Paris, 1898.

Reclus (Elisée), La France. Vol. II. of 'Nouvelle géographie universelle.' 8. Paris, 1877. Remy (V. H. A.), Traité de la Comptabilité publique. 8. Paris, 1894.

Renard (L.), Carnet de l'officier de marine. 16. Paris. (Annual.)

Say (L.), Les Finances de la France sous la Troisième République. Vol. I., 1871-75. Paris, 1898.

Schoene (L.), Histoire de la Population française. 12. Paris, 1893.

Shaw (A.), Municipal Government in Continental Europe. London, 1896.
Sloane (W. M.), Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 vols. London, 1897.

Smith (R. T.), The Church in France. 8. London, 1894.

Taine (H. A.), Journeys through France. London, 1897.

Tripier (L.), Les Codes français. 42 édition. 8. Paris, 1892.

Vandam (A. D.), French Men and French Manners. London, 1895.

the Second Empire. London, 1897.

Undercurrents of

Vigneron (H.), La France militaire et maritime du XIXme siècle. Paris, 1890, &c.
Vignon (L.), L'Expansion de la France. Paris, 1891.

Vührer (M. A.), Histoire de la dette publique en France. Paris, 1886.

Villeneuve (M. de la Bigne de), Elements de Droit constitutionel français. 8. Paris, 1892. Viollet (P.), Histoire des Institutions Politiques et Administrative de la France. 2 vols. Paris, 1898.

Wenzel (John), Comparative view of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Governments of the United States, France, England, and Germany. 8. Boston, 1891. Worms (Emile), Essai de Législation financière: le budget de France dans le passé et dans le présent. 8. Paris, 1893.

Zevort (E)., Histoire de la Troisième Republique: Presidence de Jules Grévy. Paris,


The following statistical serials are published in Paris :-Annuaire de l'économie

politique. Revue d'économic politique. (Monthly.) Economiste français. (Weekly.) Journal des économistes. (Monthly.) Monde économique. (Weekly.) Annales de l'Ecole libre des sciences politiques. (Monthly.) Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences morales et politiques. Journal de la société de statistique de Paris, (Monthly.) Circulaires du musée social. Réforme sociale.

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