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At the peace of Breda, in 1667, between England and the United Netherlands, Surinam was assured to the Netherlands in exchange for the colony New Netherlands in North America, and this was confirmed by the treaty of Westminster of February, 1674. Since then Surinam has been twice in the power of England, 1799 till 1802, when it was restored at the peace of Amiens, and in 1804 to 1816, when it was returned according to the Convention of London of August 13, 1814, confirmed at the peace of Paris of November 20, 1815, with the other Dutch colonies, except Berbice, Demerara, Essequibo, and the Cape of Good Hope.

The superior administration and executive authority of Surinam is in the hands of a governor, assisted by a council consisting of the governor as president, the attorney-general as vice-president, and three members, all nominated by the King. The Colonial States form the representative body of the colony. Four members are chosen every year by the governor ; the others by electors in proportion of one in 200 electors.

Dutch Guiana is divided into sixteen districts and numerous communes. The area of Dutch Guiana is 46,060 English square miles. At the end of 1896 the population was about 64,372, exclusive of the negroes living in the forests. The capital is Paramaribo, with about 30,000 inhabitants.

According to the terms of the regulation for the government of Dutch Guiana, entire liberty is granted to the members of all religious confessions. At the end of 1896 there were: Reformed and Lutheran, 8,974; Moravian Brethren, 25, 421; Roman Catholic, 11,773; Jews, 1,250; Mohammedans, 2,681; Hindus, 9,698, etc.

There were, in 1896, 19 public schools with 2,283 pupils, and 35 private schools with 4,847 pupils. Besides these elementary schools, there are a normal school and a central school of the Moravian Brethren for training teachers and of the Roman Catholics.

There is a court of justice, whose president, members, and recorder are nominated by the Sovereign. Further, there are three cantonal courts and two circuit courts.

The relations of Government to pauperism are limited to subventions to orphan-houses and other religious or philanthropical institutions.

The local revenue is derived from import, export, and excise duties, taxes on houses and estates, personal imposts, and some indirect taxes. A subvention from the mother-country is necessary. The revenue and expenditure in the last four years, in guilders, were :

[blocks in formation]

In 1896 the militia ('Schutterij ') consisted of 26 officers and 417 men, the civic guard of 64 officers and 1,438 men, and the garrison of 22 officers and 372

men. navy.

The navy consists of a few guard ships, with some vessels of the royal

Sugar was produced on 9 plantations of 1,705 hectares to the amount of 10,390,747 kilogrammes in 1896; 10,283,800 kilogrammes in 1895; cacao on about 97 plantations and 1,032 small properties of 12,243 hectares to the amount of 3,088,194 kilogrammes in 1896; 3,922,709 kilogrammes in 1895.

The other productions in 1897 were bananas, 562,949 bunches; coffee, 280,875 kilogrammes; rice, 134, 223 kilogrammes; maize, 359,922 kilogrammes; rum, 1,000,747 litres; and molasses, 1,370,110 litres.

For gold mining were granted, at the end of 1896, 287 concessions, comprising 413,919 hectares. In that year the export of gold was 874,897 grammes, valued at 1,198,600 guilders. This export was: to the Netherlands, 698,478 grammes; to Great Britain, 42,890 grammes. The declared value since the beginning of the gold industry (1876) to the end of 1896 is 20,694,380 guilders. In 1896 the gold production amounted to 846,366 The working for gold has hitherto been carried on chiefly by alluvial washings, but several companies are now erecting plant for crushing operations.


In 1897 there entered 248 vessels of 107,153 tons, and cleared 253 ships of 108,988 tons. The following table shows the value of the imports and exports

during the years 1893-97 :

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In 1897 the imports into the United Kingdom from the Dutch West Indies, including Curaçao, were valued at 12,4767.; and exports from the United Kingdom of British produce or manufacture to the Dutch West Indies, 58,9217.

The colonial savings-bank had, at the end of 1895, a balance of 544,148 guilders.

The communication between several districts of the colony is carried on by vessels and small steamers.

British Consul at Paramaribo.-J. R. W. Pigott.


The colony of Curaçao consists of the islands Curaçao, Bonaire, Aruba, St. Martin (as far as it belongs to the Netherlands), St. Eustache, and Saba, lying north from the coast of Venezuela.

[blocks in formation]

1 Only the southern part belongs to the Netherlands, the northern to France.

The colony is governed by a Governor, assisted by a Council composed of the Attorney-General and three members, all nominated by the Sovereign.

There is also a Colonial Council consisting of the members of the Council and eight members nominated by the Sovereign. The different islands of the colony, except Curaçao, are placed under chiefs called 'gezaghebbers,' nominated by the Sovereign.

At the end of 1896 there were 41,235 Roman Catholics, 7,730 Protestants, 831 Jews. The number of schools was about 28 with about 5,538 pupils.

The revenue is derived from import, export, and excise duties, taxes on land, and some indirect taxes. In the Budget for 1898 the revenue is estimated at 638,000 guilders, and the expenditure at 700,000 guilders; the difference is supplied by the mother-country.

A vessel

The militia (Schutterij) of the Isle of Curaçao consisted at the end of 1896 of 27 officers and 354 men; the garrison of 7 officers and 197 men. of the royal navy is always cruising and visiting the different islands.

The imports of the island of Curaçao in 1896 were valued at 2,962,668 guilders; the exports of the other islands-Curaçao has no export dutiesat 364,669 guilders. The chief produce are maize, beans, pulse, cattle, salt, and lime.

There entered the different islands in 1896, 2,569 vessels of 526,148 English tons.

British Consul at Curaçao.-J. Jesurun.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning the Netherlands and its Colonies.


(1) The Netherlands.

Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Imp. 4. London, 1895.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.

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Jaarcijfers over 1897 door de Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek.

Onderzoek naar de geschiedenis en Werkzaamheid der Vakvereenigingen, uitgegeven door de Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek, 1896.

Report by Mr. Sydney Locock, Secretary of Legation, on land laws and landed property, dated The Hague, December 20, 1869; in 'Reports from H.M.'s Representatives respecting the Tenure of Land in the several Countries of Europe.' Part I. Fol. London, 1870. Statistiek van het Gevangeniswezen. 1897.

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Verslag der Nederlandsche Bank.


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Verslag van den Staat der Nederlandsche Zeevisscherijen over 1897. 's Gravenhage.

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Verslag der Maatschappy tol Expl. van Staatsspoorwegen over 1897.

Verzameling van Consulaire en andere Berigten en Verslagen over Nijverheid, Handel en Scheepvaart. Uitgegeven door het Ministerie van Buitenlandsche Zaken. Jaargang 1897. 4. 's Gravenhage.

(2 Colonies.

Algemeen vijfjarig verslag van het inlandsch onderwijs in N.I. over 1873-1877 (Batavia, 1880), en over 1878-1882 (Batavia, 1885).

Begrooting van Ned. Indie voor 1899.

Holland. East Indies. Colonial Possessions. Admiralty, Naval Intelligence Department. London, 1888.

Jaarcijfers voor 1896 door de Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek.

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1898. Batavia.

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(1) The Netherlands.

Uitgegeven door de Vereeniging voor de Statistiek

Algemeene Statistiek van Nederland.

in Nederland. 8. Leiden, 1869-82.

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(2) Colonics.

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