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New-York for electioneering purposes. That vigilant and excellent officer, Captain ISRAEL PELLEW, took two American ships; but they were taken at more than twenty leagues distance from any harbour in the world; and that he had good reasons for the capture was proved by the subsequent condemnation of the vessels captured. As to Mr. LISTON's return to England, we know, that, long before the above capture was made, he applied for leave of absence, on account of ill health, and not on account of any dissatisfaction with regard to " the part he had to sustain."


The hireling print, which we have quoted, next proceeds to an attack on the conduct of our cruisers in general, on the American station. It adopts BONAPARTE'S system of intimidation; first it attempts to overawe us with the danger of giving umbrage to America, then it tells us how this may be avoided. Power, at so great a distance, is "very apt to be carried to an extreme of rudeness "and severity ;-it is the duty of Government to "pay the utmost attention to prevent our cruisers "from exercising an unnecessary rigour in regard " to neutral vessels, particularly the American;"the conduct of our cruisers will demand revision "and control;-petty flaws and trifling deviations " from strict rule ought not to be made a ground' for "condemnation; --the interest of individual cap"tors," (that is, of our gallant sailors) " ought not " to be considered;"-we ought to treat the Amecans " in the most liberal manner with the most "liberal good faith, with superior candour."

That all this has proceeded from some American pen we have no doubt, and if The Morning Chro nucle will tell us candidly how much it received for the several insertions, we shall excuse it as a matter merely in the way of trade. We can allow, too, that the price for wear and tear of conscience ought

ought to be pretty high. But this is a thing to be left to the contracting parties: our business is to defeat the purpose of the falsehood, let it come from what source it will. The purpose is simply this; they terrify the people of England with the great danger of a rupture with America, to persuade them that such rupture may possibly take place in consequence of the rigorous proceedings of our cruisers, and to make them believe that this fatal consequence is to be avoided only by " controling" our cruisers, and by treating the American vessels with "liberality, and superior candour," or, in other words, by abandoning our rights; by sacrificing the honour of the nation, and the interests of its gallant defenders.

That we have nothing to fear from the unprovoked anger or hostility of America (or rather the American Whigs), we have asserted in our first number, and we are always ready to prove this assertion. As to the conduct of our cruisers, it has, in no one instance, been insolent or unjust; but, on the contrary, has been marked with a degree of " candour" and "liberality" bordering on meekness and neglect. The American neutrals have been in the constant habit of covering the property of our enemies, and of giving them every other aid in their power. In doing this, they have been guilty of meanness the most despicable, and of crimes the most foul. That we do not, like our adversaries, make assertions without proof, the following letter will fully evince.

" Halifax (Nova Scotia), November 7, 1800, "As the newspapers throughout the United States of America generally contain lists of what the people there (in the decent language of liberty and equality) stile British spoliations, and as I



owe some left-handed compliments to those enlightened citizens, I thought I could not better discharge that part of my debt than by communicating to them, through the channel of your newspaper, some observations on the case of the ship Polly and cargo, lately condemned in the Court of Vice-Admiralty here. As I know those virtuous lovers of liberty delight in mischief, it will be very pleasing to them to add this case to their catalogue, as it will furnish what, in the republican dialect, will be called another glaring instance of British piracy. Besides, it will be peculiarly grateful to them, as it will furnish a strong proof that Jacobin morality gains ground fast in the United States, and will afford a favourable prospect, that the erroneous opinions our foolish ancestors entertained of the sacred obligations of an oath, give way fast to the admirable philosophy of modern republicans; it will also help to keep up the spirits of the fraternity, during the present deranged state of affairs; for it will be considered a great point gained, when they can destroy the credit which is due to public papers; for those gentry love established governments, as the devil in old times was said to love holy water. ship Polly was laden with cocoa, indigo, cotton, coffee, and sugar; and, by her papers, both vessel and cargo appeared to be wholly owned by Messrs. MANN and FOLTZ, merchants at Charleston, South Carolina. The papers stated her voyage, when captured, to be from Charleston to Cadiz. She was brought into this port by his Majesty's ships of war the Hind and Termagant. Her papers, and the proofs of her neutrality, were prepared apparently with great care, and seemed full and complete. She had, first, a bill of health from the port of Charleston. Second, a bill of lading, signed by JOSEPH TAGGART the master,



and by MANN and ForTz as the shippers of the cargo, at Charleston, for their account and risk, consigned to JOHN WHITE, Esq. at Cadiz, no freight to be paid, being the owners' property. Third, a manifest and clearance for the whole cargo, under the seals and signature of the officers of the customs for the port of Charleston, by which it appeared that the whole of this cargo was shipped in August last at Charleston, and was cleared out for Cadiz. Fourth, an affidavit made by Mr. FOLTZ in the strongest terms, who swears that the whole of this cargo actually belonged to him and Mr. MANN, his partner, merchants and citizens of the United States, and that no other person whatsoever had any interest therein, directly or indirectly. This affidavit is made before a notary public at Charleston, of the name of JOHN MITCHELL, who certifies the same under his seal, with the usual formality, and also certifies the respectability and citizenship of MANN and FOLTZ; and for fear there should be any doubt of the authenticity of this paper, certificates from the British and Spanish Consuls are annexed, to establish the official situation of Mr. MITCHELL, (which leads me to express a strong wish that his Majesty's Consuls will be, in future, a little more cautious how they affix the arms of Great Britain to such trumpery). Fifth, a roll of equipage. Sixth, letters patent, under the great seal of the United States, signed by the President, and countersigned by the secretary of state, recommending this vessel to the protection of all the nations on earth, she being wholly owned by the subjects of the United States of America; to which is annexed an affidavit made by TAGGART the master, who swears, that no subject of the belligerent powers has any interest in this vessel, directly or indirectly. Seventh, a letter of instructions to the master, signed signed MANN and FOLTZ, who order him to deliver his cargo to WHITE, at Cadiz, who had orders to remit the proceeds to London; and they direct him, either to return with freight or a cargo of salt to Charleston. Lastly, an invoice and letter from MANN and FOLTZ to WHITE, advising him of their having shipped this cargo to his address, and request him to remit the proceeds for their account, to Mr. JOHN SHOULERED, of London.

"This vessel sailed from Cadiz last December, as an American vessel, commanded by one HowLAND. NOILI, who was on board, passed as a passenger, and brought in her to Charleston a cargo of wine, brandy, vinegar, fruit, and dry goods: on his arrival there he discharged HowLAND, and appointed TAGGART, who had been the mate, to be master; and appointed his brother mate. Without discharging this cargo at Charleston, which was registered in the custom-house at Cadiz (as appears by the papers found on board), as the property of Spaniards, to be delivered at Laguira, they procured American papers to shew that the cargo, being the property of American citizens, was shipped at Laguira for Charleston, on board the American ship Polly, both vessel and cargo the property of American citizens, dwelling at Charleston. Under cover of these papers they arrived at Laguira, where NOILI disposed of the cargo agreeably to its original destination, and loaded the present cargo principally for the account of the house of BEINE, at Cadiz. At Laguira, he and TAGGART formed a set of papers, to shew that TAGGART had purchased this cargo, with the proceeds of the outward cargo, owned by MANN and Foltz, and that he had shipped it for their account and risk, to be delivered to them at Charleston. With these papers the vessel sailed for Laguira, actually bound to Cadiz, but to touch


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