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at Charleston, for the express purpose of procuring American papers, as fully appeared by the papers found concealed. NOILI staid at Laguira, and he mentions in one of his letters, his fear that if the English found him on board, it might condemn the whole. The vessel arrived safe at Charleston, the master having, with his false paper, deceived the officers of a British frigate, by whom he was examined during his passage. At Charleston he shipped a new crew, and having procured American papers of all kinds, without landing the cargo, he sailed for Cadiz.

"The master, and his brother the mate, whose name is SAMUEL TAGGART, were examined on oath; they call themselves citizens of RhodeIsland, and confirmed the account given of this vessel and cargo by her papers, and declared that no papers of any kind whatever had been destroyed or concealed in any shape. The crew having been shipped at Charleston, after this ship was ready for sea, could give no account about her. The cook, unfortunately for the concerned, had not been converted from the Christian to the Jacobin religion, and was foolish enough to believe that he was bound to tell the truth when examined en oath; and the stupid silly fellow told how SAMUEL TAGGART, the mate, after the vessel. was brought to by the ships of war, ordered him to burn a quantity of papers, which from the appearance he supposed to be the log-book; that he burned the whole in the mate's presence. The Inaster claimed this vessel and cargo for MANN and ForTz, and after the cause had been consi derably investigated, several letters and papers were found concealed between the lining of the cabin and the stern-post of the ship, which gave the complete history of the ship and cargo, and fully proved, that the whole of the papers and affidavits affidavits before mentioned were a composition of shameful falsehoods, fabricated by persons calling themselves American citizens, for the purpose of deceiving the British nation, and prevent its making prize of the property of its enemies. What they were to receive for their services is best known to themselves; though I believe, from the best information I can obtain, that the market was overstocked with the consciences of American neutrals, and that in the present enlightened century they sell for a very low rate. It was fully ascertained by these letters and papers, that this vessel and cargo belonged to, and were under the sole management of a Spaniard, named GUILLAUME NIOLI; that the whole of the cargo was put on board this vessel, at Laguira, under his sole direction and management; the register from the Spanish custom-house clearly showed the whole to be the property of Spanish merchants; and from it, and other papers, it fully appeared that MANN and FOLTZ did not own one shilling's worth of the property, unless they could pretend to own some cocoa and indigo, to the value of four thousand dollars, which NOILI directs his correspondent to deliver to their order at Cadiz, free of freight or commission, as he hoped they would charge no commission for the services at Charleston.

"After this statement, it is scarcely necessary that I should say the unjust judge (as this virtuous race of neutrals are pleased to stile the judge of the British Court of Admiralty) condemned both vessel and cargo; and I need not tell you how glad I am that the neat proceeds will, in a few days, be distributed among some of those brave men who are the defenders of the civilized world. But I cannot conclude without observing, that if this case should come to the knowledge of the American government, and it neglect to procure those papers

papers, and decorate the pillory with them, and the ears of the good citizens who fabricate them, I feel little doubt, in my opinion, that that feeble, philosophic government will soon pass away like an empty shadow; and it will remain with the people who profess the Christian religion, to unite in forming a strong and energetic government, sufficiently powerful to erase from the face of the earth a set of vile miscreants who deny the existence of God, and comfort their doubting converts with the hope, that, even if they should find death to be other than eternal sleep, yet that it would require only one grand revolutionary movement to republicanize the infernal regions, and establish a democracy in hell."

Such is republican morality! Such is the morality of a people, who have taken for their motto, "Virtue, Liberty, and Independence!" This letter was sent from Halifax to New-York, in April last; it was published in all the American papers not devoted to France, and the facts it states are incontrovertible; it being written by a gentleman who was in possession of all the papers named and alluded to. This document should be read by every man, woman, and child in Great Britain.


After a specimen like this of neutral good " faith," will even the Morning Chronicle have the impudence to censure the vigilance and " rigour" of his Majesty's naval commanders and Courts of Vice-Admiralty ?-Yes, it will. But we shall not fail again to drag it forth, and again expose it to public execration. If its perseverance surpasses ours, it is highly gifted in that respect. We know that its sins are innumerable; but we have long had rods in soak for its chastisement.





The progress and result of this election cannot be more correctly narrated, than in the extracts, which I here take from THE PORCUPINE, published in London.

"Richmond, 16th Sept. 1800.

" Mr. JEFFERSON's election appears to be ascer"tained without the shadow of doubt. He will " have a majority of at least six votes, and we hope "that that majority will be by twelve votes. The


people of Virginia have long known his merits, " and we are happy to find, that those merits are, at last, become known to the rest of the Union. "ADAMS's aristocratical notions are universally ex

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ploded, and that admirer of the British Consti"tution will ere long be at perfect liberty to go " and enjoy the benefits of what he so much ad

" mires.

"Our commissioners to the French Republic are, it is confidently reported, to become the " mediators between the powers of Europe! If this " should prove true, of which we have no doubt, "the numerous phalanx of Tories must be con" founded to see that country, which their haughty "Britain despised, chosen as the arbiter of her "fate. But we sincerely hope that American "commissioners will never be found base enough " to sacrifice the rights of other nations to the gra"tification of the pride of that overbearing power. "We have her now at our mercy, and though we

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may, and ought to suffer her to exist, we ought "not to forget her past conduct. We may spare

" her

" her life, but her power of doing mischief ought

"to be taken from her."

"Our readers will observe, that this foolish, vain, and insolent paragraph is of Virginian production. This is not the language of the majority of the American people, properly so called, any more than the lies and impudence of the Morning Chronicle and the Times is the language of the people of Great Britain. We have little doubt, indeed, of the success of JEFFERSON'S election; but we are far from believing that he will have a majority of twelve votes; and we can assure our readers, that England has nothing to dread from any election that may take place in that country. JEFFERSON hates Great Britain for several reasons; 1st, because she is the great bulwark against the horde of atheists and anarchists, of whom he is an avowed advocate; 2nd, because he, like a base coward as he is, fled at the approach of her armies; 3d, because he committed the sin of rebellion against her; and 4th, (which is, perhaps, the strongest reason of all) because he owes her merchants a large sum of money. But, deficient as the American Constitution is, it has provided a check, which, in any of his projects of hostility against England, even this malignant philosopher will find very troublesome. Though backed with a French majority in the lower House of Congress, he will find a Senate that will not easily yield to his measures. This Senate has a concurrent voice in all his promotions; and he can make no treaty without their advice and consent. To this Senate America hitherto owes its salvation. Had it not been for it, America would have been at war with England in the year 1795. This humble imitation of the British House of Peers, has, on

numerous occasions, damped the fury of the lower house,


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