house, and checked the plague that threatened its country with destruction. " It is possible, indeed, that before JEFFERSON'S presidency expires, the Senate may be so altered, by subsequent elections, as to render a majority of that body totally devoted to France. But, supposing this to be the case, and even supposing a war with England to be the consequence, still we have nothing to fear. Such a war would be but of short duration; and, short as it would be, it would either produce a national bankruptcy and a separation of the States, or it would end in such concessions on the part of America as would lay the foundation of lasting harmony. Having experienced the miseries of a war with us, the people would compel their rulers to suffer them to live in peace. Morning Chronicle and others, who attempt to scare us with the prospect of a war with America, are totally ignorant of the embarrassments of that country, of the decrepitude of its Government, of its want of resources, and of its natural incapacity for war, particularly a war with Great Britain. Our readers may rely with confidence on our former assertion, that if the United States are foolish and wicked enough to attempt to join their arms to those of our enemies, a breaking up of the Union, a national bankruptcy, and new revolution will be the almost immediate consequences." The By the Earl of Leicester Packet, which arrived at Falmouth (from New-York) on Thursday last, we have received our regular files of papers down to the 17th of September. "We are sorry to perceive, that the Yellow Fever still rages with great violence in Baltimore and Norfolk, and that Providence (in Rhode Island) has been added to the list of infected places. People were still flying from those places on the 15th of Sep September: Philadelphia and New-York had prohibited all communication with them; and so great was the dread of infection at Philadelphia, that guards had been stationed to prevent persons arriving from Baltimore, from entering the former city. The political pestilence, however, seems to have raged with still greater violence, and to have excited greater alarm amongst all the thinking part of the nation. The newspapers are filled with the recriminations of the opposite parties. ADAMS and JEFFERSON are the candidates for the Presidency; PINCKNEY and BURR for the Vice-Presidency. Each party affects to be confident of success: but it is certain that one must fail; and our opinion is, that JEFFERSON will succeed. All that these "virtuous republicans" say of their respective candidates, and of each other, we have not room to insert. Let our readers take the following as a specimen. The partisans of JEFFERSON Say, "ADAMS " wishes for monarchy; he has filled all the offices " with his relations and his creatures. In the be"ginning of last month he declared, that the peo 66 ple of the United States would never have liberty " and happiness, until their chief magistrate was " hereditary. Mr. TRACEY, his partisan, said, "that the Constitution was not worth a farthing, " and that we must have a permanent and heredi 66 tary Executive and Senate." The partisans of ADAMS accuse JEFFERSON of every crime, political and irreligious, that can be conceived. One of the papers contains this pithy appeal: "People of "America, will you continue allegiance to GOD " AND A RELIGIOUS PRESIDENT; or im 66 piously declare for JEFFERSON AND NO "GOD?" The fact is, that as far as religion is concerned, the choice of the poor Sovereign People lies between a Socinian and a Deist! t 1 Pri According to the laudable custom of these " virtuous" and decent republicans, every principle of honour and honesty has, in this contest, been totally laid aside. Mutual hatred, mutual calumny and reproach, have distinguished the canvass. vate vices and foibles have been exposed and exaggerated; private conversations have been repeated and published; nor has this remorseless rancour spared even private letters, written in the hours of confidence and friendship! In short, the contending ambition of two insignificant individuals has convulsed the whole country; it has, to borrow a phrase from Rush (the famous American Sangrado), " shaken the gall-bladder" of the community, and ejected from its lungs a vomit a thousand times blacker than that of the Yellow Fever. In the words of our Prospectus, a country, once the " seat of peace and good neighbourhood, is torn. "to pieces by faction: plunged, by intriguing 66 demagogues, into never-ceasing hatred and " strife; expiating the crime of rebellion against monarchy by enduring the tormenting, the de grading curse of republicanism." We have too high an opinion of the loyalty and good sense of Britons to suppose, that they stand in need of such an example as this to deter them from listening to those projects, of which the Morning Chronicle and other prints of the same stamp, are continually urging the adoption." "Stick to the Crown, though you should find it hanging on a bush," was the precept of an old Loyalist to his children, at a time when loyalty was at a very low ebb in this island. The old man was right. He had a correct notion of the nature of Republican Government; and that our readers may have a notion of it equally correct, we shall lay before them a list of " a few" (such are the words of our autho authority) of the blessings of the Republican Government of America. The following extract is taken from an address to the people of Newcastle country, in the State of Delaware; which address was signed by JAMES TILTON, JOHN VAUGHAN, and JAMES WILSON, and was published in a paper, called the Wilmington Mirror, on the 12th of September, 1800.- We make no doubt that, notwithstanding this explicit reference to our authority; notwithstanding we only repeat the words of Americans; we make no doubt, that, notwithstanding this superabundant precaution, we shall be charged with illnature, harshness, virulence, and scurrility. Be it so: we deny the charge, and heartily despise the lukewarm candid cowards, by whom it is preferred. This species of animals (for we cannot with propriety call them men) are willing, gentle souls! to make every allowance for the "severity" (that's the term) of the partisans of Republican Government; they not only submit to the chastisement, but kiss the rod of republicanism. They do well. They merit all they receive; but we are not prepared to participate in their humiliation, and while we find only ten persons to join us, we shall continue to retaliate. One correspondent, who says he is our well-wisher, is afraid we shall "“ pro" duce a war between this country and America, " by publishing extracts from the American papers!" Superlative cowardice! We want no such "wellwishers." We trust that such remonstrances never come from British pens; could we suppose the contrary, we should be ready to forswear our coun try. Thus much by way of preface, "Among the more prominent acts of the present " administration, we may enumerate our connexions, by expensive agencies, &c. with foreign " courts. K 4 " Unde. "Undefined hostilities with the French Republic, "We are paying an enormous tribute to the petty tyrant of Algiers. "We have an alien, and still have a sedition "law; by which many citizens have been disfran"chised; and native Americans consigned to loathsome dungeons for exercising the constitutional privilege of public inquiry, 66 "We are struggling under a direct tax, with heavy imposts:-raising money on loan at 8 per cent; and our expenditures are increasing, while " our national debt is accumulating. "We have supported an army in time of peace, " while our militia is neglected. 'The latter, " said our departed Washington, ' is the natural "defence of a country.' "We have an expensive, an ineffectual navy, to support the interests of foreign merchants at "the sacrifice of naval, agricultural, and mechani"cal interests. 66 We have a variety of stock-jobbing acts which " have given birth to a system of speculation, fraud, and bankruptcy. 66 "We have witnessed the fatal effects of a presi"dential patronage. "We have seen the balance of power between "the executive and judiciary departments destroyed -our legislators have become jurors and judges, 66 as well as law makers. One of our district judges " has traversed the country in search of culprits, " has himself arraigned, ordered the jury to indict, " and has previously pronounced condemnation." "To this last subject of complaint, we beg leave to request the particular attention of our readers; and, if the complaint be well-founded, we beg them to compare the conduct of republican legislators and judges, with that of the legislators and judges |