THE Contents of this little book are designed to en-
large man's views concerning the political and ecclesi-
astical condition of our country, and to point out, or at
least to suggest, the paths of reform which the true
Harmonial Man should tread. We stand at the opposite
extreme of Catholicism; regarding all intervening or-
ganizations as pillars supporting the arched bridge con-
necting the Old with the New World.
A large proportion of this book is devoted to a con-
sideration of scientific themes which concern man's so-
cial and personal happiness, and to a class of sugges-
tions whereby certain meteoric laws may be made to
subserve the physical development of the race. It is
earnestly hoped that in these considerations, and the
pages succeeding, the reader may find food for Thought,
and feel henceforth strengthened, and inwardly dis-
posed to become, as nearly as possible, a Harmonial