0 PRACTICAL DISCOURSES UPON THE Lord's Prayer. PREACH'D before the HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN's-INN. By THOMAS MANGEY, LL. D. Publish'd by the special Order of the Bench. The THiRD EDITION. 9: 1: LONDON: Printed for WILLIAM and JOHN INNYs at 1. b. 181. THE Masters of the Bench OF THЕ Honourable SOCIETY OF Lincoln's-Inn, THESE DISCOURSES And by their order Publishd, By their most Obedient Servant, T. MANGEY..... The PREFACE. HE fubject of the following difcourses requires very little apology; one reason that induced me to the choice of it was, that the Lord's Prayer being of frequent use becomes through inadvertency too much a matter of course; so that it is too often faid without fruit, because without feriousness and attention. I therefore hop'd it would be of some service to Religion to remind men, both of that hope which they profess, and that obedience which they promise, as often as they use this Prayer. But I had likewise another reason for treating upon this subject ; because it gave me a fit opportunity of discourfing upon some forgotten principles of Chriftianity, which are so far from |