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Nowadays when several dozen social gospels are to be seen stalking about in dismayed bafflement before the general indifference of the society they offer to save; when eager and gratuitous guides to every sort of glittering goal have become abounding bores,- it behooves the intending spokesman of any new propaganda to find himself some justification of speaking out in the present face of things or feel himself peremptorily excused from spokesmanship. In fact, unless this latest gospel is considerably more than merely splendid prospectus of an earthly paradise, unless it has intrinsic drawing or driving power, its prophet may well spare himself and us both speech and gesture.

For this same power to pull or push men into performance is just what, it must strike the meditative observer, the great majority of the aforesaid gospels do in very large degree lack; in consequence of which their gilded goals are for all probabilities of general journeying afloat far out And not only that. For meanwhile the talk keeps up about them: seas of cant encompass them; the depths of platitude slop over on all their original brightness; they are dimmed and almost

at sea.


sullied to our sight.

One might name a number of noble ideals-Brotherhood for comprehensive example at whose mention one must stifle a first feeling of disgust.

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But the talking must keep up till what is commonplace to the fit though few becomes such to the multitude, and may not be left to the most gifted only; and if anyone believes that he can offer a new approach to any of the numberless desirable ends he may feel morally bidden to go about it.

This cheerful belief the present pamphleteer confesses not through persuasion of his own originality, but because it has happened to him to stumble in the course of certain explorations of our racial past on a whole scheme of life which was once found both admirable and workable, and which, as it has never been canted about or slopped upon, may be found acceptable by these times in the hearing at least. No, reader; this attempt is not a piece of dilettante antiquarianism or modern showmanism of any sort: though its message is scarcely of panacean promise is doubtless of limited appeal, it is certainly worth delivering to "the right parties.' Of whom if but one the rest is somewhat musty.

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The making of this volume will not, however, mark the first time that some aspects of the sim

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