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14. His appeal to the public for means to extend the work. 15. His letters on the subject of rural education of poor children.

16. Account, after four years in the work, of each child in the establishment.

17. Causes of the abandonment of the enterprise in 1780,: after six years of persistent effort.

18. Material distress of Pestalozzi, and the relief afforded by the benevolent services of Elizabeth Naef.

Pages 73 to 124.


19. His own statement of the motive prompting his efforts. The circumstances connected with the production of his first notable book on education.


21. Passages from his Evening Hour of a Hermit, setting forth the necessity for a study of man's nature and the

conforming of educational processes to that nature. 22. Circumstances of his production of the Leonard and Gertrude.

23. His minor writings during the period in which the Leonard and Gertrude was written.

24. The purpose and method of his Swiss news.

25. Letters revealing his habit of thought during the ten years of his seclusion at Neuhof.

26. Specimens of Pestalozzi's "Fables."

27. His Inquiry into the Course of Nature in the Development of the Human Race.

28. Characteristics of Pestalozzi's doctrine before 1798.

Pages 125 to 172.

29. His change from an opponent to a supporter of French intervention in the political affairs of Switzerland.

30. Acceptance by the Government of his plan for a national poor-school, and the change of plan brought about by the devastation of the Canton of Unterwalden.

31. Opening of the Government orphanage at Stanz. 32. Prosperity of the undertaking in spite of many obstacles.

33. His work at Stanz brought to a close by the necessity for using the orphanage buildings as a military hospital.

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34. Pestalozzi's own detailed account of his work at Stanz.

35. Summary of principles developed in the Stanz experi


Pages 173 to 250.

36. Pestalozzi's desire to become a schoolmaster at the age of fifty.

37. The many objections raised against his acceptance as a schoolmaster.

38. The single advantage that overbalanced all the deficiencies.

39. His attempt to teach in the school with the shoemaker


40. His successes and his failures in the second school at


41. Fortunate association with Hermann Krüsi.

42. Krüsi's introduction to the work of teaching.

43. Organization of the Institute in Burgdorf Castle, and its influence in attracting favorable attention to Pestalozzi's valuable ideas.

44. Provision for the normal instruction of teachers at


45. Transfer of the Institute to Yverdun.

46. Publication of the work, How Gertrude Teaches her


47. The pedagogical principles of this work as set forth by Morf.

48. Other publications of Pestalozzi while at Burgdorf.

Pages 251 to 274.

49. Characteristics of Pestalozzi's helpers at the opening of the Yverdun school.

50. Characteristics of the Yverdun school in its earlier days.

51. Recognition by the Prussian Government of the value of Pestalozzi's educational ideas.

52. Pestalozzi as the inspirer and initiator in the institute, but incapable of carrying out his own ideas in practical instruction.

53. Ritter's obligation to the influence of Pestalozzi. 54. Influence of the Yverdun school carried abroad by visiting students of its spirit and method.

55. Routine of the day at the Yverdun school.

56. Educational publications from the Yverdun press. 57. The attention devoted to manual work and to physical training.

58. The observance of festivals and holidays.

Pages 275 to 320.

59. Pestalozzi's New-Year's address of 1808 expressive of sad discouragement.

60. Dissimilarity of age and of earlier influences on the part of pupils one cause of the failure at Yverdun.

61. Lack of the authoritative discipline necessary to so large an aggregation of children another cause.

62. Discord between the chief assistants a third cause of the failure.

63. Adverse report of the examining commission appointed by the Swiss Government.

64. Influence upon the school of prominent teachers who came at various times into its corps.

65. Incidental experiment by Pestalozzi in the teaching of Latin.

66. Pestalozzi's interviews with the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia.

67. Schmidt's supremacy in the administration of affairs and its consequences.

Pages 321 to 358.

68. Seven years in which Yverdun was entirely under the control of Schmidt.

69. Withdrawal of Pestalozzi's most helpful associates. 70. Pestalozzi's discourse in 1818 upon his seventy-second birthday.

71. The opening of the poor school near Yverdun.

72. Schmidt's action in brining about the transfer of the poor-school work to the Yverdun institution.

73. Conflict between Pestalozzi and the municipality of Yverdun brought on by Schmidt.

74. Conflicts between Schmidt and the earlier co-workers in Pestalozzi's enterprises.

75. Agreement entered into by the various persons concerned in these conflicts.

76. Expulsion of Schmidt from the Canton of Yverdun and the closing of the institute.

Pages 359 to 398.

77. Pestalozzi's return to Neuhof, the scene of his earliest

and now of his latest labors.

78. His writings during this last period of his life.

79. The attack upon Pestalozzi made by Biber, of Würtemberg.

80. Death of Pestalozzi while striving to reply to Biber's attack.

81. Characteristic extracts from Pestalozzi's Song of the


82. Unjust self-accusations and condemnations of his own labors in the Experiences.

83. His discussion in the Discourse before the Helvetian Society, his latest preserved writing, of social questions that are even to-day prominent.

84. Personal recollections of Pestalozzi by Roger De Guimps, the author of our book.

Pages 399 to 432.

85. Pestalozzi not a religious man until subjected to severe adversity.

86. His Christianity shown in his spirit and acts rather than in profession.

87. His acceptance of Christian truths more and more definite and complete in his later years.

88. Pestalozzi's philosophy consisting in a new conception of man's nature and powers.

89. In his view, man innately possessing all moral, physical, and intellectual powers in germ, to be developed by natural means.

90. This law of natural development by the action of inward forces determining all the work of education.

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