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International Education Series




12mo, cloth, uniform binding.

THE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SERIES was projected for the purpose of bringing together in orderly arrangement the best writings, new and old, upon educational subjects, and presenting a complete course of reading and training for teachers generally. It is edited by WILLIAM T. HARRIS, LL. D., United States Commissioner of Education, who has contributed for the different volumes in the way of introduction, analysis, and commentary.

t. The Philosophy of Education. By JOHANN K. F. ROSENKRANZ, Doctor of Theology and Professor of Philosophy, University of Königsberg. Translated by ANNA C. BRACKETT. Second edition, revised, with Commentary and complete Analysis. $1.50.

2. A History of Education. By F. V. N. PAINTER, A. M., Professor of Modern Languages and Literature, Roanoke College, Va. $1.50.

3. The Rise and Early Constitution of Universities. WITH A SURVEY OF MEDIEVAL EDUCATION. By S. S. LAURIE, LL. D., Professor of the Institutes and History of Education, University of Edinburgh. $1.50. 4. The Ventilation and Warming of School Buildings. By GILBERT B. MORRISON, Teacher of Physics and Chemistry, Kansas City High School. $1.00.

5. The Education of Man. By FRIEDRICH FROEBEL.

Translated and an

notated by W. N. HAILMANN, A. M., Superintendent of Public Schools, La Porte, Ind. $1.50.


Elementary Psychology and Education.


A. M., LL. D., author of The Art of School Management." $1.50. 7. The Senses and the Will. (Part I of "THE MIND OF THE CHILD.") By W. PREYER, Professor of Physiology in Jena. Translated by H. W. BROWN, Teacher in the State Normal School at Worcester, Mass. $1.50.

8. Memory: What it is and How to Improve it. By DAVID KAY, F. R. G. S., author of "Education and Educators," etc. $1.50.

9. The Development of the Intellect. (Part II of "THE MIND OF THE CHILD.") By W. PREYER, Professor of Physiology in Jena. Translated by H. W. BROWN. $1.50.

10. How to Study Geography.

A Practical Exposition of Methods and

Devices in Teaching Geography which apply the Principles and Plans of Ritter and Guyot. By FRANCIS W. PARKER, Principal of the Cook County (Illinois) Normal School. $1.50.

11. Education in the United States: Its History from the Earliest Settlements. By RICHARD G. BOONE, A. M., Professor of Pedagogy, Indiana University. $1.50.

12. European Schools; CR, WHAT I SAW IN THE SCHOOLS OF GERMANY, FRANCE, AUSTRIA, AND SWITZERLAND. By L. R. KLEMM, Ph. D., Principal of the Cincinnati Technical School. Fully illustrated. $2.00.

13. Practical Hints for the Teachers of Public Schools. By GEORGE HOWLAND, Superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools. $1.00. V14. Pestalozzi: His Life and Work. By ROGER DE GUIMPS.


Translation from the second French edition, by J. RUSSELL, B. A. With an
Introduction by Rev. R. H. QUICK, M. A. $1.50.

15. School Supervision. By J. L. PICKARD, LL. D. $1.00.

16. Higher Education of Women in Europe. By HELENE LANGE, Berlin. Translated and accompanied by comparative statistics by L. R. KLEMM. $1.00. 17. Essays on Educational Reformers. By ROBERT HERBERT QUICK, M. A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Only authorized edition of the work as rewritten in 1890. $1.50.

18. A Text-Book in Psychology. By JOHANN FRIEDRICH HERBART. Translated by MARGARET K. SMITH. $1.00.

19. Psychology Applied to the Art of Teaching. By JOSEPH BALDWIN, A. M., LL. D. $1.50.

20. Rousseau's Emile; OR, TREATISE ON EDUCATION. Translated and annotated by W. H. PAYNE, Ph. D., LL. D. $1.50.

21. The Moral Instruction of Children. By FELIX ADLER. $1.50. 22. English Education in the Elementary and Secondary Schools. By ISAAC SHARPLESS, LL. D., President of Haverford College. $1.00. 23. Education from a National Standpoint. By ALFRED FOUILLÉE. $1.50. 24. Mental Development of the Child. By W. PREYER, Professor of Physiology in Jena. Translated by H. W. BROWN. $1.00.

25. How to Study and Teach History. By B. A. HINSDALE, Ph. D., LL. D., University of Michigan. $1.50.

26. Symbolic Education. A COMMENTARY ON FROEBEL'S "MOTHER-PLAY." By SUSAN E. BLOW. $1.50.

27. Systematic Science Teaching. By EDWARD GARDNIER HOWE. $1.50. 28. The Education of the Greek People. By THOMAS DAVIDSON. $1.50. 29. The Evolution of the Massachusetts Public-School System. By G. H. MARTIN, A. M. $1.50.

30. Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. By FRIEDRICH FROEBEL. $1.50. 31. The Mottoes and Commentaries of Friedrich Froebel's MotherPlay. By SUSAN E. BLOW and HENRIETTA R. ELIOT. $1.50.

32. The Songs and Music of Froebel's Mother-Play. By SUSAN E. BLOW. $1.50.

33. The Psychology of Number. By JAMES A. MCLELLAN, A. M., and JOHN DEWEY, Ph. D. $1.50.

34. Teaching the Language-Arts. By B. A. HINSDALE, LL. D. $1.00. 85. The Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child. PART I. By GABRIEL COMPAYRÉ. Translated by MARY E. WILSON. $1.50. 36. Herbart's A B C of Sense-Perception, and Introductory Works. By WILLIAM J. ECKOFF, Pd. D., Ph. D. $1.50.

37. Psychologic Foundations of Education. By WILLIAM T. HARRIS, A. M., LL. D. $1.50.

38. The School System of Ontario. By the Hon. GEORGE W. Ross, LL. D., Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario. $1.00.

39. Principles and Practice of Teaching. By JAMES JOHONNOT. $1.50. 40. School Management and Methods. By JOSEPH BAldwin. $1.50. 41. Froebel's Educational Laws for all Teachers. HUGHES, Inspector of Schools, Toronto. $1.50.


42. Bibliography of Education. By WILL S. MONROE, A. B. $2.00. 43. The Study of the Child. By A. R. TAYLOR, Ph. D. $1.50.

44. Education by Development. By FRIEDRICH FROEBEL. Translated by JOSEPHINE JARVIS. $1.50.

45. Letters to a Mother. By SUSAN E. BLOW. $1.50.

46. Montaigne's The Education of Children. Translated by L. E. RECTOR, Ph. D. $1.00.

47. The Secondary School System of Germany. By FREDERICK E. BOLTON. $1.50.

48. Advanced Elementary Science. By EDWARD G. HOWE. $1.50. 19. Dickens as an Educator. By JAMES L. HUGHES. $1.50.

50. Principles of Education Practically Applied. By JAMES M. GREENWOOD. Revised. $1.00.

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