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The mighty Eglon was dethroned
By Ehud's strength and power,
And death and carnage hovered round
Each battlement and tower.

Elimelech-the life and light
Of poor Naomi's eye-
And Chilion, beautiful and brave,
Within the cold grave lie!

Their all was lost, their vast estates

Passed into stranger hands,

Their lands, their jewels, and their wealth, A prey to ruffian bands.

Mahlon, of all their house, was left

The females to maintain,

And well his noble nature strove

His duties to sustain.

At length the fatal summons came,

And Mahlon too must die!

Oh! where in this extremity

Shall poor Naomi fly?

For him the palace walls were hung
With dark and sad array;

For him ascends the funeral wail,
O'er this his lifeless clay!

And Ruth, the lovely, suffering Ruth!
Oh! whither shall she turn?

Cold is that bosom, still that heart;
She must forever mourn!

Naomi's lofty spirit rose

As high the billows roll,

The Rock of Ages stayed her feet,
Sustained her sinking soul.

Poor Ruth! with face and lip as pale
As Mahlon's lifeless clay,
Upon his tender mother's lap
Almost as lifeless lay.

"Arise, my sweet, my gentle Ruth,"

The fond Naomi cried,

"Arise, my fair, my widow'd love, My Mahlon's faithful bride!

"I cannot bear to see thee thus,
My bright and peerless one;
Live to support this aged frame
Till my sad race is run!"

Feebly she raised her drooping head,

To hear the fond appeal

Of the dear mother of her lord,

Then at her feet did kneel;

"Mother of Mahlon! hear my vow, In this sad presence made

To thee I'll cling through weal and woe, Till by his side I'm laid!

"With every mem'ry of the past

Thy image is replete,

And all the happy hours I've spent

In our once loved retreat:

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"Oh! never will those days return, For, sealed in cheerless night Are the familiar forms I loved,

And banished from my sight;

"With thee I've wept in cold despair,

Over his silent bier;

My life to thee I now devote

Thy future days to cheer!"

Fair Orpah marked with wondering eyes
Naomi's bearing high,

And marvelled what Almighty power
Suppress'd the heaving sigh.

This high-soul'd woman stood erect
Amid the raging storm,
While sorrow rankled in a heart
With generous feelings warm:

Like some tall tree she firmly stands,
Nor bowed beneath the blast;
'Twas hers to prop that falling house
Which now was sinking fast.

The honours of their ancient name
Must be revived in Ruth;
Elimelech, her lord, was dead,
And both her sons in youth:

Their lineage now became extinct,

Their house without a name:

In Judah, Ruth again might wed,

And thus revive their fame.

She sat beside the silent bier
Of her last, cherished one,
Her bosom torn with anguish keen,
Her thoughts revealed to none:

The images of other days

Came rushing on her brain,
Her former joys, her happy home
And all her infant train:

In fancy then she view'd each form,
And heard each dear loved voice:
"I will return to Judah's land,
The Lord directs my choice!

"And when the last sad rites are paid
To my beloved son,

I'll set my face tow'rd Bethlehem;
Great God! thy will be done!"

The dust to the cold earth consigned,
A mournful train is found,
Three loaded camels ready stand
To Bethlehem-Judah bound.

How felt the damsels as they pass'd

That noble palace gate?

That palace, where the Princess Ruth Once sat in all her state?

And Orpah's charms unconscious shone 'Mid countless damsels fair,

A host of nobles in her train

Contend her smiles to share.

Around a hillock's grassy side
The travellers wound their way;
The last rays of the setting sun
Shone on departing day.

The mournful cavalcade drew up

Beneath a friendly shade,

While they prepared their simple meal
And parching thirst allayed.

The scene was desolate and grand!
The Dead Sea lay before

All sternly dark, and motionless
It seemed from shore to shore.

The weeping sisters on the scene
In silent sadness gazed!
Naomi, with a mournful smile
Her speaking features raised:

"My daughters-lo! observe yon sea

Now stretched before your eye;

Far, far beyond, the distant hills

Of my loved Judah lie:

"My home! my own, my dear loved home

Do I behold once more!

Again descry her distant hills

And view old Jordan's shore?

"Lord, thou hast heard my fervent prayer, I thank thee, oh my God!

Though smarting still beneath the stroke
Of thy chastising rod."

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