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Many of the naval actions of the Revolution, and especially the cruisings of Paul Jones, and the desperate fight between the Bon-Homme Richard and the Serapis, have all the richness of romance, with the method and accuracy of strict history."-American Traveller. "The History of the Navy of the United States from the earliest period of its existence, in the dawn of the Revolution, through all its discouragements, reverses, trials, and glory, was a task worthy of the author, who had established a reputation, as a describer of nautical events, superior to that of any other living writer. The task has been so performed as to leave nothing to desire. No work of higher interest has been published in the United States for many years. The glories of American victories are fully portrayed, whilst, at the same time, care is taken, in every case, to exhibit a fair and impartial estimate of the strength and appointments of antagonists' vessels or fleets. 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