1 Cit. Very well and could be content to give him good report for't, but that he pays himself with being proud. All. Nay, but fpeak not maliciously.. 1 Cit. I fay unto you, what he hath done famoufly, he did it to that end; though foft-confcienc'd men can be content to fay it was for his country, he did it to please his mother, and partly to be proud, which he is, even to the altitude of his virtue. 2 Cit. What he cannot help in his nature, you account a vice in him: you must in no way fay he is covetous. 1 Cit. If I muft not, I need not be barren of accufations; he hath faults, with furplus, to tire in repetition. [Shouts within.] What fhouts are thofe ? the other fide o'th' city is rifen; why ftay we prating here? to th' Capitol all. Come, come. I Cit. Soft who comes here? SCENE II. Enter Menenius Agrippa. 2 Cit. Worthy Menenius Agrippa; one that hath always lov'd the people. 1 Cit. He's one honeft enough; would all the reft were fo! Men. What work's my countrymen, in hand? where go you with your bats and clubs? the matter-fpeak, I pray you. 2 Cit. Our bufinefs is not unknown to the fenate; they have had inkling, this fortnight, what we intend to do, which now we'll fhew 'em in deeds: they fay, poor fuitors have ftrong breaths; they fhall know we have ftrong arms too. Men. Why, mafters, my good friends, mine honeft neighbours, will you undo your felves? 2 Cit. We cannot, Sir, we are undone already. You 1 You are transported by calamity Thither, where more attends you; and you flander 2 Cit. Care for us? Confefs your felves wond'rous malicious, 2 Cit. Well, We'll hear it, Sir, but yet you must not think But, an't please you, deliver. Men. There was a time when all the body's members That only like a gulf it did remain I' th' midft o'th' body, idle and unactive, Still cupboarding the viand, never bearing Like labour with the reft; where th' other inftruments Unto the appetite, and affection common 2 Cit. Well, Sir, what anfwer made the belly? To the difcontented members, the mutinous parts As you malign our fenators, for that They are not fuch as you G 2 2 Cite what? 2 Cit. Your belly's answer In this our fabrick, if that they Men. What then? What then? what then? for me this fellow speaks. 2 Cit. Should by the cormorant belly be restrain'd, Who is the fink o'th' body Men. Well, what then? 2 Cit. The former agents, if they did complain, What could the belly answer ? Men. I will tell you. If you'll beftow a fmall (of what you have little) Patience, a while; you'll hear the belly's answer. 2 Cit. Y'are long about it. Men. Note me this, good friend; Not rafh, like his accufers, and thus answer'd ; The strongest nerves, and fmall inferior veins Men. Though all at once cannot See what I do deliver out to each, Yet I can make my audit up, that all From me do back receive the flow'r of all, And leave me but the bran. What fay you to't? 2 Cit. It was an answer -how apply you this? Men. The fenators of Rome are this good belly, And And you the mutinous members; for examine But it proceeds or comes from them to you, And no way from your felves. What do you think? 2 Cit. I the great toe! why the great toe Men. For that being one o'th' loweft, bafeft, poorest Lead'ft first to win fome vantage. But make you ready your ftiff bats and clubs, SCENE III. Hail, noble Martius! Enter Caius Martius. Mar. Thanks. What's the matter, you diffentious rogues, That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion, Make your felves fcabs ? 2 Cit. We have ever your good word. Mar. He that will give good words to thee, will flatter Beneath abhorring. What would you have, ye curs, That like not peace, nor war? The one affrights you, The other makes you proud. He that trufts to you, Where he should find you lions, finds you hares ; Where foxes, geefe you are: no furer, no, Than is the coal of fire upon the ice, Or hailstone in the fun, Your virtue is, To make him worthy, whofe offence fubdues him, A fick man's appetite, who defires most that Which would encreafe his evil. He that depends And hews down oaks with rufhes. Hang yetruft ye! Him vile that was your garland. What's the matter, G 3 You You cry against the noble Senate, who (Under the Gods) keep you in awe, which elfe Would feed on one another? What's their feeking? Men. For corn at their own rates, whereof, they say, The city is well stor❜d. Mar. Hang 'em: they fay! They'll fit by th' fire, and prefume to know Their ruth, and let me ufe my fword, I'd make Men. Nay, these Are almoft thoroughly perfuaded: for What fays the other troop? Mar. They are diffolv'd; They faid they were an hungry, Corn for the rich men only. I beseech you, figh'd forth proverbs; that dogs muft eat. that the Gods fent not With these shreds They vented their complainings; which being answer'd, And a petition granted them, a strange one, To break the heart of generofity, And make bold power look pale; they threw their caps Men. What is granted? Mar. Five tribunes to defend their vulgar wisdoms, Of their own choice. One of them's Junius Brutus, Sicinius Velutus, and I know not s'death! The rabble fhould have first unroof'd the city Men. |