F.Hayman inv. & del. C.Grignion sculp Ah! fly, incautious Youth, the flattering Snare, And dire DISEASE, and keen REMORSE await: These Fiends shall drive thee from her dazzling Shrine, And swift to INRAMY's dread Cave consign. PRECEPTOR: CONTAINING A General Course of EDUCATION. WHEREIN THE FIRST PRINCIPLES O F POLITE LEARNING ARE LAID DOWN In a Way most suitable for trying the GENIUS, Inftruction of YOUTH. IN TWELVE PARTS. Illuftrated with MAPS and useful CUTS. VIZ. 1. On READING, SPEAK- 11. On ARITHMETIC, CHITECTURE. III. On GEOGRAPHY and ASTRONOMY. IV. On CHRONOLOGY V. On RHETORIC and VI. On DRAWING. VII. On LOGIC. VIII. On NATURAL HIS- TORY. IX. On ETHICS, or Mo- RALITY. X. On TRADE and COM- MERCE. XI. On LAWS and Go- VERNMENT. XII. On HUMAN LIFE THE EIGHTH ED,ÍTION. IN TWO VOLUMES. THE SECOND VOLUM E. LONDON: Printed for J. DO DSLEY, in Pall-Mall. M,DCC.XCIII. |