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My information about the flora of this island, is derived chiefly from a list of species observed there by Mr. James Macnab, and a catalogue of the Manx flora politely sent to me by Mr. Edward Forbes. the latter indicates also the comparative frequency of the species, and the soil or substratum on which they are found, this catalogue is referred to, in preference to Mr. Macnab's list. A small botanico-geologic chart, by Mr. Forbes, accompanied the list; and the island is thus described; "The Isle of Man is thirty miles long, by about twelve at its broadest part. The greater portion of the island is composed of clay-slate which at the sea coast is overlapped by greywacke and transition slate. At the north of the island is a large tract, almost flat, of sandy marl, the central part of which is covered by peat bogs. Sandstone appears at Peel, and the peninsula of Langness is partly composed of sand. At Castletown the coast is formed of a bed of transition limestone, the only instance of that rock in the island. Beds of peat are interspersed amongst the clay-slate, presenting the same botanical characters with those on the sand. The greatest elevation to which the slate rises is Snaefell, which is 2007 feet above the level of the sea. The mountainous district generally presents elevations of from 1000 to 1600 feet, but is unproductive in botanical treasures. As my residence in the island, since I engaged in botanical pursuits, has been only in the months of September and October, and once in May, during the first two weeks, I have not been able to examine its productions in the way of grasses, carices, orchidea and willows, and expect to find many rare summer plants there; yet I believe the list will present a tolerably correct idea of the distribution of the other phænogamous tribes in the island. There are several species, which are very common in most places, but which, as far as I can ascertain, we want altogether, such as Lamium album, Galium cruciatum, Veronica hederifolia, Alchemilla vulgaris, Geum urbanum, Linaria vulgaris, &c.'

Forbes, cat.

Macnab, cat.


Mr. Forbes's Catalogue above mentioned.
Mr. Macnab's List above mentioned.

Winch's Contributions to the Flora of Cumberland. 1833.

[blocks in formation]

On the greywacke, rare.

Forbes, cat.

Forbes, cat.

(The locality is marked on the W, side of the island, almost opposite the S. Berule, on the map accompanying the catalogue.)

LEPIDIUM Smithii. Isle of Man. E. Forbes, sp. (This is not marked in the catalogues of Mr. Forbes or Mr. Macnab, while L. campestre occurs in both of them. The specimen of this, as the specimens of other Manx plants mentioned to have been received from Mr. Forbes, came without any name attached. Hence, I cannot say whether this species, called L. Smithii by myself, is what that gentleman has considered L. campestre. Mr. Forbes' catalogue indicates the latter as growing on the sand or sandstone and clay-slate, very commonly. H. W.)

COCHLEARIA officinalis. On the greywacke and sand, common. Forbes, cat.


On the greywacke, scarce. Forbes, cat. (I have a specimen of this genus, from Mr. Forbes, to which the name C. danica appears applicable, but I speak hesitatingly. H. W.)

On the sand, rare.

Forbes, cat.



+ ERYSIMUM cheiranthoides. BRASSICA monensis. On the sand, scarce. Forbes, cat. and sp. tween the landing-place at Ramsey and the town, plentifully. Eng. Fl. Near Peel and the point of Ayr. glass (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp.


RESEDA fruticulosa. On she sand, scarce; on old walls, abundant. Forbes, cat. and sp. (On the map, localities are marked to the eastward of Castletown, and two-thirds of the distance from Peel towards Surly Point.)

VIOLA lutea.

Isle of Man. Macnab, cat. SAGINA maritima. On the sand, rare.

Forbes, cat.

SPERGULA subulata. Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. On the greywacke, rare.

ARENARIA peploides.

Forbes, cat.

On the sand, common. Forbes, cat. marina. On the greywacke and limestone, very common. Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.)

Forbes, cat. CERASTIUM tetrandrum.

[blocks in formation]

On the sand, scarce..
On the sand, very rare.

G. Howitt, sp.
Forbes, cat.

Forbes, cat. and sp.

On the greywacke, very rare. Forbes, cat.

On the clay-slate and peat, common.

LAVATERA arborea. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat.


HYPERICUM Androsæmum. On the greywacke, clay-slate, and sand, common. Forbes, cat. Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. elodes. On the clay-slate and greywacke, common. Forbes, cat. and sp.

ERODIUM maritimum. On the greywacke and limestone, scarce.

Forbes, cat. and sp.

ONONIS spinosa. Borders of peat, very rare. Forbes, cat.

VICIA angustifolia. On the sand, scarce.

lathyroides. On the sand, scarce.

MELILOTUS leucantha.

*PRUNUS domestica.

Forbes, cat. and sp.
Forbes, cat.

On the clay-slate, very rare. Forbes, cat.
On the clay-slate, very rare, but apparently

quite wild, though rarely flowering. Forbes, cat.

Rosa spinosissima. On the sand, clay-slate and greywacke, very com

mon. tomentosa. cat.

Forbes, cat.

On the sand and clay-slate, very common. Forbes,

RUBUS carpinifolius. On the clay-slate, very rare. Forbes, cat.
On the clay-slate and sand, very common.



On the clay-slate, very rare. Forbes, cat.


COMARUM palustre. On the peat and clay-slate, common. Forbes, cat.
SEDUM anglicum. Very common.
COTYLEDON Umbilicus.

Forbes, cat,

On the clay-slate, very common. Forbes,

cat. Isle of Man.

[blocks in formation]

W. Brand, sp. (probably received from

Macnab, cat.

SAXIFRAGA aizoides. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat.

* CARUM Carui, Isle of Man, but not observed by myself. Forbes, cat.

verticillatum. Near Ramsey. Contr.

Forbes, cat. Forbes, cat.

ENANTHE pimpinelloides. On the limestone, very rare.
CRITHMUM maritimum. On the greywacke, scarce.
Isle of Man. (Mr. Forbes.) W. Brand, sp.
+ FENICULUM vulgare. On the sand, rare and doubtfully indigenous.

Forbes, cat.

+ MYRRHIS odorata. On the clay-slate, scarce. ONOPORDUM Acanthium. On the sand, very rare. ARTEMISIA maritima. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat.

Forbes, cat.

Forbes, cat.

GNAPHALIUM margaritaceum. On the sand, very rare and apparently wild. Forbes, cat. and sp. (On the map the locality is marked about midway between Ramsey and the Point of


PYRETHRUM maritimum?

Forbes, cat.

On the greywacke and limestone, common.

CAMPANULA hederacea. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp. CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. On the sand, very rare. Forbes, cat. and sp. (In the map, the locality is marked at a spot about two-thirds of the distance from Peel towards Surly Point.),

MYOSOTIS cæspitosa. Very common.

collina. On the sand, scarce.

[blocks in formation]

STACHYS ambigua. On the sand, scarce.
CALAMINTHA Nepeta. On the sand, very rare.
SCUTELLARIA minor. On the greywacke, rare.
(Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp.
PINGUICULA lusitanica. Isle of Man. (Mr. Forbes.) W. Brand, sp.
CENTUNCULUS minimus. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp.
STATICE Armeria. On the greywacke and limestone, very common.

Forbes, cat. PLANTAGO maritima.

Forbes, cat.

On the greywacke and limestone, common.

On the sand and limestone, scarce.

Forbes, cat.

GLAUX maritima.
SALSOLA Kali. On the sand, common. Forbes, cat.
CHENOPODIUM murale. On the sand, common. Forbes, cat.
BETA maritima. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp.
EUPHORBIA Paralias. On the greywacke, very rare. Forbes, cat.
-portlandica. Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp.
EMPETRUM nigrum. On the clay-slate, common. Forbes, cat.
SALIX pentandra. On the clay-slate, rare. Forbes, cat.
TRIGLOCHIN maritimum. Isle of Man. Macnab, cat.
LISTERA cordata. On Snafield. Contr.

SCILLA verna. On the greywacke, sand and limestone, common.
Forbes, cat. and sp.


autumnalis. (This is mentioned as a Manx plant, in my Outlines of the Geographical Distribution of British Plants, on the authority of Mr. Macnab's Catalogue. The species intended, however, was S. verna, the mark being accidentally attached to the wrong name, in checking off a list. ) SCIRPUS Savii. Isle of Man. Forbes, sp. ELEOCHARIS acicularis. On the

BLYSMUS rufus.

Isle of Man.

CAREX arenaria.


On the sand,

clay-slate, common.
Winch, mss.

scarce. Forbes, cat.

Forbes, cat.

Isle of Man. (Mr. T. Jowett.) G. Howitt, sp.
On the clay-slate, common. Forbes, cat.

Ederi. stricta?

Isle of Man.


Brand, sp.

[blocks in formation]

Forbes, sp.

TRITICUM loliaceum. Isle of Man.

Forbes, sp.

[blocks in formation]

CRAMBE maritima.
BRASSICA monensis.


At West Tarbet. G. Macnab, mss.
Sea shore, Ayr and Galloway. J. H. Balfour,

RAPHANUS maritimus. Near Kirkmaiden, Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Mull of Galloway, abundant. G. Macnab, sp. Beach, three miles from the Mull of Galloway. Eng. Fl. HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Near Portpatrick. J. H. Balfour, sp.


Near Port Logan. J. H. Balfour, sp.


by the road-side between Newtown-Stewart and Glenluce, about six miles from Glenluce. Fl. Scot.

ERODIUM maritimum. Northward of Port William.

ULEX nanus. Loch Galdenock. J. H. Balfour, sp.


ONONIS reclinata. Near West Tarbet, Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Among the debris at the foot of the cliffs overhanging the rocky shore on the W. side of the Mull of Galloway, undoubtedly wild. Excurs.

OXYTROPIS uralensis. Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. At West Tarbet. G. Macnab, mss.

SEDUM rupestre.

Loch-Naw, Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Banks

of Loch-Naw. Excurs.

CRITHMUM maritimum. Near the Point of Mull, on the W. side. G. Macnab, mss. Kirkmaiden; between Mull and Kirkpatrick. Fl. Scot.

APIUM graveolens. Near the Mull of Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. CARUM verticillatum. Near Wigton.


HELOSCIADIUM repens? Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. refer Dr. Balfour's specimen to H. nodiflorum.

(I should H. W.)

ENANTHE peucedanifolia ? Mull of Galloway. G. Macnab, sp.

Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. At West Tarbet. G.
Macnab, mss. (Probably these localities, though differ-
ently worded, may all be one and the same. The specimens,
both from Dr. Balfour and Dr. Gilbert Macnab, I should
have referred to E. pimpinelloides, on account of the many-
leaved involucrum. The same remark will apply to a speci-
men, received from Mr. G. N. Lloyd as E. peucedanifolia,
and which was gathered in the south of Scotland, probably
in Kirkcudbrightshire. With three authorities against me,
I have not ventured to change the name, though marking
the species as doubtful.
H. W.)

FEDIA dentata. Galloway. Excurs.

LIMBARDA crithmoides. At West Tarbet, and near the Point of Mull, on the W. side. G. Macnab, sp.

Galloway, with Inula dysenterica. Fl. Scot.

Mull-Head of

ARTEMISIA maritima. In various places Eastward of Burrow Head, particularly near Cragleton Castle and at St. Mary's Isle. Excurs.

PYRETHRUM maritimum. Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp.

ANDROMEDA polifolia. Wigtonshire. Boué, Inaugural Dissertation. CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. Sea-shore, Galloway, J. H. Balfour, sp. E. side of the Mull of Galloway. G. Macnab, mss. SOLANUM nigrum. Neighbourhood of Sandhead, and northward of Port William. Excurs.

LYCOPUS europæus.


BARTSIA viscosa. Between Port William and Glasserton.
Loch-Naw. J. H. Balfour, sp. Along the
J. H. Balfour,

shores southward and eastward of Glenluce. STACHYS ambigua. Near Stranraer and Portpatrick.


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