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Galloway. Winch. add.

LAMIUM intermedium. Near Sandhead.
PINGUICULA lusitanica.
STATICE spathulata. Near the Mull of Galloway. J. H. Balfour,
sp. Near the Point of Mull, on the W. side. G. Macnab,


ATRIPLEX portulacoides. Mull of Galloway J. H. Balfour, sp.
South shore of Galloway, abundant.

POLYGONUM maritimum.



EUPHORBIA portlandica. Mull of Galloway. J. H. Balfour and G. Macnab, sps..

SALIX cotinifolia. Road-side between Newtown-Stewart and Glenluce. Fl. Scot.

ALISMA natans.

Black Loch, six miles from Stranraer.

Br. Fl.

ORCHIS pyramidalis. E. side of the Mull of Galloway; near Port

patrick. Excurs.

HABENARIA chlorantha. Galloway. Excurs.

LISTERA cordata. Wigtonshire. Boué, Inaugural, Dissertation.
MALAXIS paludosa. Mull of Galloway. Fl. Seot.

JUNCUS maritimus. West Tarbet, Galloway.

Many places on the coast. Excurs.

J. H. Balfour, sp.

SCIRPUS Savii. East Tarbet, Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp. Near Drummore, and other places on the south coast.


? CLADIUM Mariscus. Galloway. Br. Fl. Doubtful. Excurs. CAREX extensa. Mull of Galloway, pretty abundant; at West Tarbet. G. Macnab, sp. Damp spots in the steep bank overhanging the coast on the W. side of the Mull of Galloway. Excurs.

BROMUS velutinus. Near Sandhead.

TRITICUM loliaceum.



South shore of Galloway, from Drummore, Excurs.


As both the present and preceding counties were included, in part at least, under the district of Galloway, I have been rather at a loss, in a few instances, to which county certain plants should be referred when "Galloway" has been indicated for them, without any more precise localisation.

THALICTRUM majus. Į Banks of the Dee, Kirkcudbrightshire. G. N.
Lloyd, mss.
Coast of Balmae and Ross-hill. G. N. Lloyd,

minus. CRAMBE maritima.


DROSERA anglica. Kirkconnel Moss, six miles from Dumfries. Fl.



Macnab, sp.

Ditches on the road-side near Loch-Crie. G.

ALTHEA officinalis. Near Arbigland, on the Solway Firth. Fl. Scot.

ULEX nanus. Galloway. G. N. Lloyd, sp.

* LATHYRUS latifolius. Woods near Kirkcudbright. Fl. Scot. Abundantly in the woods at St. Mary's Isle, introduced. Excurs.

RUBUS saxatilis. On rocks in the bed of the Dee, near Tongueland. Bridge. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

SANGUISORBA officinalis. Banks of the Nith at Kirkconnel*, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Fl. Scot.

ERYNGIUM maritimum. Brig-house Bay, Ross-hill.


G. N. Lloyd, CRITHMUM maritimum. On rocks along the coast, from Balmae to Balcarry; also at Ross-hill. G. N. Lloyd, mss. CARUM verticillatum. Marshy ground, Ross-hill.

G. N. Lloyd,


mss. Between Gatehouse and Kirkcudbright. MEUM athamanticum. Carsphairn. G. Gordon, mss. HELOSCIADIUM repens. Watery places, coast of Balmae. G. N. Lloyd,


ENANTHE peucedanifolia? Coast of Balmae, and marshy ground at Ross-hill. G. N. Lloyd, mss. (See the remarks to this and the preceding species, under WIGTONSHIRE.) pimpinelloides. Kirkcudbrightshire. G. Gordon, mss. GALIUM boreale. On rocks in the bed of the Dee, near the Fisherman's house. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

[blocks in formation]

G. Gordon, mss.

ARTEMISIA maritima. On the coast of Galloway, at St. Mary's Isle, with A. gallica. Fl. Scot. Near Cragleton Castle; and in various places eastward of Burrow Head. Excurs.

LIMBARDA crithmoides. Arbigland, in the county of Galloway. Fl.


SENECIO viscosus.


G. Gordon, mss.

saracenicus. Between Castle-Douglas and near New Galloway. Fl. Scot.

? ANTHEMIS maritima. Coast of Balmae, and St. Mary's Isle. G. N. Lloyd, mss. (I fear this may prove to be only Pyrethrum maritimum. H. W.)

Brig-house Bay, Galloway. Fl. Scot. Between Parton and Crossmichael. G. Gordon,

PYRETHRUM maritimum.


LOBELIA Dortmanna.


ANDROMEDA polifolia.
CUSCUTA Epithymum.

Loch N. W. from New-Abbey. G. Gordon,

Kirkconnel Moss.* Fl. Scot.

On furze-bushes, near Mollance. Fl. Scot.

There are two places named Kirkconnel, on the river Nith, one near the mouth of the river, in Kirkcudbrightshire, the other near its head, in Dumfrieshire. I presume the former to have been intended, in the Flora Scotica.

MELAMPYRUM Sylvaticum. Banks of the Dee, near Queen Mary's Cave. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

STACHYS ambigua. Field, near the Balmae shore. G. N. Lloyd,


STATICE Limonium. Coast of Galloway, near Kirkcudbright, common. Fl. Scot. St. Mary's Isle. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

RUPPIA maritima.

In a pond at Balmae. G. N. Lloyd, mss.
Kirkcudbright Loch. G. N. Lloyd, mss.
Marshy ground on Ross-bill, and on the coast of
Balmae. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

JUNCUS obtusiflorus.

BLYSMUS rufus. Solway Firth, Kirkcudbrightshire.


RHYNCOSPORA alba. Kirkconnel Moss.

G. Gordon

G. N. Lloyd, mss.

FESTUCA rubra. At Arbigland, in Galloway. Eng. Fl.
ROTTBOLLIA incurvata. Arbigland, in Galloway. Fl. Scot.


RANUNCULUS Flammula (var. reptans). By the edge of Castle Loch, Lochmaben. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

CORYDALIS claviculata. Ruthwell, G. Gordon, mss.

NASTURTIUM Sylvestre. On the side of the Water of Ea, below Kirk

michael House. Fl. Scot.

BRASSICA monensis. Shores of the Solway Firth, abundant. Fl.


DROSERA anglica. Locher Moss. G. N. Lloyd, mss.
RHAMNUS catharticus. About Dumfries.

OROBUS Sylvaticus. Sanquhar. Fl. Scot.

Fl. Scot.

SANGUISORBA officinalis. Dumfriesshire. W. Brand, sp. Low moist meadows, near Dumfries. Fl. Scot.

RUBUS suberectus. Locher Moss.

G. N. Lloyd, mss.

macrophyllus. About Dumfries, and on Sir William Jardine's estates. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

EPILOBIUM alsinifolium. Side of a rivulet on Hart-fell. Fl. Scot. CARUM verticillatum. Nithsdale and Galloway, and in Annandale, particularly between the farm-house of Stark, in Ruthwell, and the bathing-place on the shore. Fl. Scot. Sanquhar. Winch. add. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

CICUTA virosa.


Castle Loch and Lochmaben.

HIERACIUM cerinthoides. Dumfriesshire. Boué, Inaugural Dissert

paludosum. Near Moffat. Eng. Fl.

umbellatum. Dumfriesshire. G. Gordon, mss.

SAUSSUREA alpina. Near Moffat; and in a deep gulley, at the foot of White Coom Edge, Annandale. Fl. Scot.

DORONICUM Pardalianches. About Hoddam Castle, in Annandale. Fl. Scot.

ANDROMEDA polifolia, Abundant on the Solway Moss. Fl. Scot. Locher Moss; and on Sir William Jardine's property. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

CUSCUTA europaa.

On flax about Dumfries. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

+ SCROPHULARIA vernalis. Hoddam Castle, Annandale. Fl. Scot. Banks of Moffat Water, below Carrifrew.

MENTHA gentilis.


GALEOPSIS versicolor.

Gretna Green. Eng. Fl.


UTRICULARIA minor. Turf pits, east side of Black Loch, Kirkmichael.

Fl. Scot.

SALIX purpurea. pentandra.


Banks of the Esk, near Netherby. Fl. Scot.
About Moffat. Eng. Fl.

Banks of the river Nith, towards Sanquhar. Fl.

Scot. angustifolia. Near Dumfries. Br. Fl. Banks of the Nith, twenty miles above Dumfries. Fl. Scot. (The latter locality is given for S. arbuscula; but whether the species so named in Flora Scotica be identical with S. angustifolia of the British Flora, I know not. It would appear to be so, from the opinion expressed by Sir William Hooker.)

vacciniifolia. Foot of Hart-fell, near Moffat. Fl. Scot. CONVALLARIA multiflora. About Jibber Castle, near Drumlanrig,

in Nithsdale.

Fl. Scot.

RHYNCOSPORA alba. Solway Moss. Winch. add. Locher Moss. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

SCIRPUS maritimus. Locher. G. Gordon, mss.

ELEOCHARIS acicularis. On the edge of Castle Loch, Lochmaben. G. N. Lloyd, mss.

CAREX lævigata.

Near Moffat.

Winch, sp.


THALICTRUM majus. Near Fenwickland. Br. Fl.

+HELLEBORUS viridis. Woods near Ayr. (Herbarium of the late Mr. James Wilson.) A. D. Maclagan, sp. By the Doune, Br. Fl.

CAKILE maritima.

* CAMELINA sativa.

Ayrshire. Jos. Hooker, sp.

Flax-fields. J. Wilson, sp.

TEESDALIA nudicaulis. Links near Ayr. Fl. Scot.

CARDAMINE impatiens.

DENTARIA bulbifera.

[blocks in formation]

BRASSICA monensis. Sea shore, Ayr and Galloway. J. H. Balfour, sp.

Coast near the town of Ayr.

G. Macnab, mss. Mouth of

the Clyde, about Largs, and on the coast thence to Ayr; also opposite the shores of Bute and Arran. Fl. Scot. RAPHANUS maritimus. Various parts of the coast of Ayrshire. Fl.


SAGINA maritima. Ayrshire. Jos. Hooker, sp.
RADIOLA millegrana. Prestwick Moor, near Ayr.
G. Macnab. sp.
RHAMNUS Frangula. Cullum-wood, near Auchincruive. Fl. Scot.
ONONIS spinosa. About three miles S. E. of Ayr. (Mr. Goldie.)
James Macnab, sp.

HIPPOCREPIS comosa. Dundonald Castle, near Ayr, upon ground of a chalky nature. Fl. Scot. (Is there any chalk near Ayr?)

TRIFOLIUM ornithopodioides. Low Green, Ayr. J. H. Balfour, sp. Coast about two miles from Ayr. G. Macnab, sp.

VICIA angustifolia. All along the coast. Br. Fl.

lathyroides. Coast between Ayr and Culzean. G. Macnab, sp. Along the coast about Largs. Fl. Scot.

lutea. Rocks, Dunure Castle, abundant. Br. Fl. *Rosa cinnamomea.


At Birkhill, Galston, apparently wild.


DRYAS octopetala. Ayrshire. Boué, Inaugural Dissertation. COTYLEDON Umbilicus. Common on rocks and old walls along the coast from Kelly to Largs. Fl. Scot. Coast between Dunure and Culzean. G. Macnab, mss.

[blocks in formation]

CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. Sandy hills between Troone and Irvine ; near Ayr. Fl. Scot. Coast of Ayrshire. W. Twynam, sp. LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. On the coast. G. Macnab, sp.

LINARIA repens.

Rocks facing the sea, near Culzean, in the parish of
Kirkoswald; also about four miles from that place.


MELAMPYRUM sylvaticum. Auchindraine woods, on the Doune; Craigs of Ness; &c. Br. Fl.

+ SCROPHULARIA vernalis. Between Holmston and the river Ayr, Br. Fl.

VERONICA hirsuta. Dry heathy places in Carrick. Br. Fl.
SCUTELLARIA minor. Beith. Fl. Scot.

PINGUICULA lusitanica. Ayrshire. Boué, Inaugural Dissertation.
CENTUNCULUS minimus. Prestwick Moor, near Ayr. G. Macnab, sp.
PLANTAGO maritima (var. major). On the island of Cumrae, among
rocks. Br. Fl.

CHENOPODIUM maritimum. Ayrshire. Boué, Inaugural Dissertation. ATRIPLEX laciniata. Sea-shore of Ayrshire. J. H. Balfour, sp. POLYGONUM aviculare (var. maritimum). Ayrshire. (Mr. S. Murray.) J. Hooker, sp.

RUMEX aquaticus. Moist places near Ayr. Br. Fl.

* EUPHORBIA Lathyris. Crawfurdland, near Kilmarnock. Br. Fl.

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