ONOPORDUM Acanthium. Sea-shore beyond Preston-pans; near Cockenzie; Links at Port Seaton, Edin. ARTEMISIA maritima. By Guillon Loch; Luffness Mill; banks of the Peffer Burn, near Aberlady, with A. gallica. Edin. (I know not to what county is to be assigned the locality of "St. Mary's Isle," for A. gallica.) H. W. ASTER Tripolium. Aberlady Bay. Edin. CAMPANULA glomerata. Links near Gosford. Edin. hybrida. Sparingly in a field at Dirleton; abundantly in Excurs. a neglected field at Luffness. ERYTHREA littoralis. Guillon Links. Edin. (The same locality is given for E. pulchella, but it is suggested that E. littoralis has been mistaken for that species.) *ANCHUSA Sempervirens. Den of Dunglass. Fl. Scot. † ASPERUGO procumbens. Ruins of the old castle at Dunbar. R. Maughan, sp. Guillon Links. Edin. Near Luffness, in a neglected field. Excurs. VERBASCUM nigrum. Near Bogle Hill, east of Cockenzie; Links between Seaton and Gosford. Edin. LIMOSELLA aquatica. Pool near Guillon Links. G. Macnab, sp. ACINOS vulgaris. Dirleton Common. J. H. Balfour, sp. Near Aberlady. Excurs. LITTORELLA lacustris. Pool on Guillon Links. Edin. GLAUX maritima. Guillon Links and Aberlady Bay. Edin. SALICOMIA herbacea. Morrison's Haven, near Preston-pans; Aberlady Bay and Links, abundantly. Edin. CHENOPODIUM maritimum. Morrison's Haven; Aberlady Bay. Edin. ATRIPLEX littoralis. Guillon Links. W. Twynam, sp. BETA maritima. Opposite Gosford Gate. Edin. Bass Island. Fl. Scot. HIPPOPHAE rhamnoides. Sea-shore near Gosford; road-side near Hales, abundantly. Edin. EUPHORBIA Esula. Near Gladsmuir Kirk, in a lane leading from the Haddington road to Elvingston. Edin. TRIGLOCHIN maritimum. Guillon and Aberlady Links. * NARCISSUS biflorus. Bass Rock, introduced. Edin. W. Brands, sp. ? ASPARAGUS officinalis Links near Gosford. Edin. RUPPIA maritima. Salt-water pools on Guillon Links; Aberlady Bay. Edin. ZOSTERA marina. Aberlady Bay. G. Macnab, sp. JUNCUS obtusiflorus. On the shore, a mile east from Dunbar. W. H. Campbell, mss. SCIRPUS maritimus. Stream-side near Luffness. Edin. BLYSMUS rufus. Guillon Loch; Aberlady Bay; Dunbar. ? CAREX Davalliana. Side of Guillon Loch. Edin. arenaria. Links eastward of Cockenzie. Edin. Edin. extensa. On the shore a mile east from Dunbar. W. H. Campbell, mss. ALOPECURUS agrestis. Sandy field near Gosford. Excurs. PHLEUM arenarium. Near Preston-pans. Edin. Poa maritima. Forming nearly the whole pasture in the salt marshes at Aberlady Bay. Edin. ROTTBOLLIA incurvata (filiformis). Edin. Salt marshes near Aberlady. LXV. EDINBURGHSHIRE. No part of Britain appears to have been more scoured over by botanists, than have the coasts of the Firth of Forth, in the vicinity of the city of Edinburgh. Greville's Flora Edinensis describes most of the species found within ten or a dozen miles of Edinburgh, but Woodford's Catalogue, being of rather later date, has a few additions to the species and localities; and it is, on such account, referred to instead of the proper Flora of the tract. Several new additions, however, have been recently made to the botanical productions of this, as well as of other, parts of Scotland, either by the present Prossessor of the Science in the University of Edinburgh, or by his pupils. The Botanical Society of Edinburgh has lately published a Catalogue of all the reputedly British phænogamic plants and ferns, distinguishing such as are found within thirty miles of the city, and noting their rarity or frequency in its vicinity. Since this Catalogue must embrace several counties, and the plants of each not being distinguished, I am unable to make any reference to it here; but the cost of the Catalogue itself is so very trifling that any person can procure it who may feel an interest in knowing what plants have been found in this part of Britain. It gives, at the same time, the most complete list yet published of all the species said to have been found in the British Islands. AUTHORITY. A Catalogue of the indigenous Phenogamic Plants growing in the Neighbourhood of Edinburgh. James Woodforde, 1824. * CLEMATIS Vitalba. By the bridge near to the Palace in Dalkeith Park; Colinton Woods. Edin. THALICTRUM minus. Sandy shore of the Forth, near Caroline Park. TROLLIUS europaus. By the Water of Leith, opposite the mill above Toll; near Midcalder. HELLEBORUS viridis. ADONIS autumnalis. Borthwick Castle; Lugton Woods; woods at Wall-top near Lasswade. Edin. Near Edinburgh. J. Graves, sp. * DELPHINIUM Consolida. Shore near Edinburgh. J. Graves, sp. * MECONOPSIS cambrica. Pasture ground near Woodhall, introduced. W. Brands, sp. Banks of the Water of Leith, near Woodhall; Braid Woods. Edin. GLAUCIUM luteum. Gravelly bed of the Water of Leith, beyond Coltbridge. Edin. ? EPIMEDIUM alpinum. Hunter's Tryste. Edin. (No longer found there, and, in all probability, an introduced plant originally.) CORYDALIS claviculata. Ravelston Quarry. Edin. FUMARIA parviflora. Calton Hill, and on all sides of Edinburgh. W. Brands, sp. Near Musselburgh. G. Macnab, sp. At Hill-side, north of the Calton Hill, and (the variety leucantha) at Mr. Waddel's grounds at Hermitage. Br. Fl. CAKILE maritima. Shore near Caroline Park. H. W. sp. Leith Sands; between Newhaven and Caroline Park. Edin. LEPIDIUM Smithii. Woods near Rosslyn; in a corn-field at Bell's Mills. Edin. COCHLEARIA officinalis. Inchkeith; Cramond Island; sea-shore between Granton Wood and Cramond; Fisherrow and Musselburgh Links. Edin. (I think to have observed the plants about Granton and Cramond frequently presenting the elliptical pouch of E. anglica, and have specimens in my herbarium, gathered near the latter place, which I should refer to C. anglica.) danica. H. W. sp. Firth of Forth, probably from Cramond Island. ? DRABA muralis. Field behind the old Botanic Garden; near Bellevue. Edin. + CAMELINA sativa. Banks of the Esk, above Inveresk. R. Maughan, sp. Field, Lochend, near Edinburgh. G. Macnab, sp. Calton Hill. Edin. ? DENTARIA bulbifera. Banks of the Esk, below Dalkeith. Br. Fl. (Not admitted by the Botanical Society.) CARDAMINE amara. Water of Leith, above Currie. H. W. sp. Marsh about a mile west from Lasswade; Water of Leith In the bed of the Water of Leith, near St. + BARBAREA præcox. Bernard's Well. NASTURTIUM sylvestre. By the Water of Leith. W. Brands, sp. * HESPERIS matronalis. Fields near the Hunter's Tryste. W. Christy, sp. Debris of Salisbury Craigs; banks of Glencorse Burn; Colinton and Auchindenny Woods; banks below Arthur's Seat; banks of the Water of Leith. Edin. + BRASSICA oleracea. Inchkeith. campestris. By the side of the road leading from Leith to Queensferry, near Bangholm. Edin. RESEDA lutea. VIOLA lutea. Debris of Salisbury Craigs. Edin. Woods near Ravelrig Toll, and observed on Dalmahoy, VIOLA flavicornis. Several stations near Edinburgh. Excurs. DIANTHUS deltoides. Blackford Hill, and above the railway on Arthur's Seat, as well as on the northern side of the latter hill. H. W. sp. Banks of Lochend; Pentland Hills. Edin. barbatus. Rosslyn Wood; banks of the Water of Leith, between Coltbridge and Saughton-hall; Colinton Woods; near Maleny. Edin. LYCHNIS Viscaria. Blackford Hill. W. Brands, sp. On the rocks, called the "Basaltic Columns," above the railway under Arthur's Seat. H. W. sp. Rocks by Braid Hermitage; Dundas Hill [Linlithgowshire ?]. Edin. SILENE maritima. Cramond Island; Inchkeith; rocks near Caroline SAGINA maritima. Cramond Island. islands and shores of the Firth of Forth. SPERGULA subulata. Dalmahoy Hill. W. H. Campbell, sp. Cors torphine Hill; and on a little bank by the road-side shortly before reaching Ravelrig Toll, from Edinburgh. H. W. sp. On a wall near Ravelrig Toll. Edin. STELLARIA nemorum. Rosslyn Woods. H. W. Arniston and Newbattle Woods. Edin. ARENARIA peploides. Between Newhaven and Cramond, in various parts of the shore of the Forth. H. W. sp. Fisherrow and Musselburgh Links. Edin. Leith Sands; verna. Plentiful on Salisbury Craigs and Arthur's Seat, and occasionally on the Pentland Hills. ford Hill. Edin. H. W. sp. Black tenuifolia. Cramond Island. Edin. (I much suspect that Sagina maritima is the plant to which this name has been applied. H. W.) CERASTIUM tetrandrum. Frequent on Arthur's Seat, and on walls and banks about Edinburgh. H. W. sp. Fisherrow Links; Braid Hill; Calton Hill; Inchkeith. GERANIUM sanguineum. Rocks on Arthur's Seat, above the railway. H. W. sp. Salisbury Craigs. Edin. sylvaticum. Rosslyn and Auchindinny Woods. Colinton and Arniston Woods. Edin. H. W. Edin. phæum. Colinton and Granton Woods. pyrenaicum. By the road under Salisbury Craigs, at the end towards Duddingston. H. W. sp. Near Craigmillar Castle; near Bell's Mills; in a lane leading from the southeast part of Edinburgh to the King's Park, abundantly. Edin. *STAPHYLEA pinnata. Colinton Woods, evidently introduced. W. sp. H. ? ULEX nanus. Pentland Hills. Edin. (Not recognised as an Edinburgh plant, by the Botanical Society, and a BraidHill specimen, which I have seen under this name, is merely U. europæus.) ONONIS spinosa? Fisherrow Links. Edin. OROBUS sylvaticus. Sparingly at the end of Braid Hills towards the high-road leading thence to the Pentlands. H. W. sp. Woods near Currie. Edin. + LATHYRUS Sylvestris. Debris of Salisbury Craigs, on the north side. Edin. sp. Aphaca. In a wheat field near Edinburgh. J. Graves, VICIA angustifolia. Arthur's Seat. W. Brands, sp. Near Duddingston Loch, on the sloping bank above the Railway; Dalmahoy Hill, on the side towards Ravelrig Bog; Cramond Isle. H. W. sp. lathyroides. Side of Arthur's Seat above the Railway; and isles ASTRAGALUS hypoglottis. Slope of Arthur's Seat, above the Railway, and on the shore of the Forth between Newhaven and Cramond. H. W. sp. glycyphyllus. Coryton Woods; banks of the Water of Leith, between Coltbridge and Saughton-hall. Edin. MELILOTUS leucantha. In a deserted quarry on the banks of the Union Canal, near Edinburgh. Excurs. TRIFOLIUM ornithopodioides. Musselburgh Links. G. Macnab, sp. In a field near Maitland Bridge, between Edinburgh and Musselburgh; Fisherrow Links; Figget Whins. Edin. scabrum. Near Edinburgh. G. Lloyd, sp. King's Park; dry soils by the sea-shore near Edinburgh. Lorus tenuis. Edinburgh. G. Lloyd, sp. * MEDICAGO sativa. Figget Whins. Edin. Edin. PRUNUS Padus. Colinton Woods. H. W. sp. Rosslyn Woods; Banks of Bevelaw Burn; Auchindinny and Arniston Woods. Edin. * domestica. Craigmillar Castle; Colinton Woods. Edin. SPIREA salicifolia. Arniston Woods; Cragie-hall and Cramond Bridge. Edin. PYRUS Aria. Rocks in the King's Park, near the Powder Magazine; wood on the Dalkeith road; wood near Craiglochart. Edin. Edin. Rosa spinosissima. Newbattle Marsh. H. W. sp. Arthur's Seat; road-sides between Duddington and Musselburgh. Sabini (Doniana). Banks of the Water of Leith near Colinton. Edin. tomentosa. Banks of the Water of Leith, at Bog's Mill, near Slateford. R. Maughan, sp. Sea-side between Caroline Park and Cramond; between Ravelston Wood and Edinburgh (R. mollis). Edin. inodora. Near Edinburgh. Edin. RUBUS saxatilis. Auchindinny Woods. Pentland Hills, near Colinton. Chamamorus. Top of the Eastern Pentlands. Edin. H. W. Rosslyn Woods; Cairn Hill, one of the |