Rosa Sabini (Doniana). Isla, Morvern, and elsewhere in the Highlands. Br. Fl. (The Rev. Dr. Walker gives these localities for R. involuta, but according to Sir W. J. Hooker, the present species was probably intended. PYRUS pinnatifida. In rocky situations on Cairn-na-Callich, and other mountains at the north end of Arran. Eng. Fl. CIRCEA alpina. Argyleshire. J. Hooker, sp. Road-side by LochLeven, near Ballahulish. H. W. COTYLEDON Umbelicus. Near Rothesay. J. H. Balfour, sp. Drummadoon, west side of Arran; Craig of Ailsa; ruins of Icolmkill. Fl. Scot. SEDUM anglicum. Argyleshire; probably from the head of Loch Long. H. W. sp. RHODIOLA rosea. Glencoe. H. W. G. Gordon, mss. Locheil Moors. RIBES nigrum. Wood on the bank of the Sound of Islay, with R. rubrum. Fl. Scot. rubrum. Islay, among brushwood on the banks of the Sound. Fl. Scot. SAXIFRAGA stellaris. Goat-fell, in Arran. Fl. Scot. Glencoe. G. PEUCEDANUM Ostruthium. Near Mountstewart, Isle of Bute. Fl. Scot. ENANTHE pimpinelloides. Arran. Eng. Fl. TORILIS infesta. Isle of Lismore, near Upper Lorn. Fl. Scot. ERYNGIUM maritimum. Mackrianish Bay, in Cantire; Iona; Bute, near Mountstewart. Fl. Scot. Arran. Boué, Inaug. Diss. GALIUM boreale. Banks of the Clyde, and in Arran. Fl. Scot. ? RUBIA peregrina. "Surely Dr. Mitchell must be mistaken in saying that this is 'plentiful all over the sandy islands of the west of Scotland."" Br. Fl. (Some species of Galium may have been mistaken for it.) HIERACIUM alpinum. Near the summits of Highland mountains, as in Glencoe; on Ben Arthur, opposite Arroquhar. Fl. Scot. Locheil Moors. H. W. Lawsoni. Foot of Ben Cruachan; rock in Corrie Cruachan. Fl. Scot. sylvaticum. (pictum). Fall of the Aray, two miles above Inverary. Fl. Scot. SAUSSUREA alpina. Glenurchay; Ben Arthur, by Arroquhar. Fl. Scot. CNICUS eriophorus. Appin. Fl. Scot. heterophyllus. By the stream, on the south side of the Caledonian Canal, a little above the lochs called Neptune's Staircase.' H. W. ? CNICUS pratensis. "Moist pastures in Loch-na-daal, Isla. Dr. Walker. I think Mr. Murray brought an indifferent specimen of it from Arran." Fl. Scot. (These localities require more direct confirmation. It is not a northern plant.) APARGIA Taraxaci. Cona Water, in Glencoe. G. Gordon, mss. GNAPHALIUM dioicum. Argyleshire. J. Hooker, sp. Near Neptune's Staircase. H. W. supinum. Locheil Moors. H.W. ASTER Tripolium. Argyleshire. Boué, Inaug. Diss. Anderson's Guide. and west side of Cantire, between Mackrianish and Barr; CAMPANULA latifolia. Glengarnoch. J. Montgomery, mss. LOBELIA Dortmanna. VACCINIUM Vitis-Idea. H. W. Hills about Loch Eil, Loch Fine, &c. uliginosum. Locheil Moors; on the hill to the north of Dunaquoich, by Inverary. H. W. sp. ARBUTUS alpina. Locheil Moors. H. W. Uva-Ursi. Locheil Moors. H. W. In the Isle of Mull, at the end next Icolmkill, for the space of several miles. Eng. Fl. AZALEA procumbens. Locheil Moors. H. W. Scot. Ben Cruachan. Fl. PYROLA media. By the stream, on the contrary side of the Caledonian Canal, from the Neptune Inn, and nearly opposite to the Inn. H. W. sp. G. Gordon, sp. Near Tobermory, in the Isle of Mull. minor. Near Tobermory. G. Gordon, sp. secunda. Between Ballahulish and Appin House in Upper Lorn. Fl. Scot. ERYTHREA latifolia. Isle of Staffa. Br. Fl. CONVOLVULUS Soldanella. West coast of Cantire, between Mackrianish and Barr; Isle of Oronsay, plentifully. Fl. Scot. ANCHUSA Sempervirens. At Inverary. Eng. Fl. LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. Argyleshire. J. Hooker, sp. Bute, Arran, &c. Fl. Scot. ATROPA Belladonna. Ruins of Iona. Anderson's Guide. BARTSIA viscosa. About Loch Goyle, near Loch Long. Fl. Scot. ? VERONICA fruticulosa. "Mr. Don supposes Mr. Walker gathered it on Ben Cruachan." Fl. Scot. LYCOPUS europaus. Upper end of Loch Goyle, and by the north side of Loch Eil. H. W. sp. Bute; Arran. Fl. Scot. MENTHA gentilis. Bank of a rivulet running into Loch Ransa, in Arran. Fl. Scot. AJUGA pyramidalis. Appin. Fl. Scot. GALEOPSIS versicolor. Locheil. G. Gordon, mss. STACHYS ambigua. Banks of Loch Duble, near Inverary; and woods at Inverary. Fl. Scot. LATHREA squamaria. Morvern, in the Sound of Mull. Fl. Scot. OROBANCHE rubra. Staffa. H. W. sp. PINGUICULA lusitanica. Argyleshire. J. Hooker, sp. Mull. Fl. Scot. UTRICULARIA intermedia. Near Bunawe. TRIENTALIS europæa. Bute; Arran ; Winch, add. Loch Ransa, Arran. Fl. Scot. PLANTAGO maritima. Argyleshire. J. Montgomery, mss. of Caledonian Canal. H. W. GLAUX maritima. Arran. Boué, Inaug. Diss. CHENOPODIUM maritimum. West end North side of Loch Eil. H. W. POLYGONUM aviculare (var. maritimum.) Arran. Br. Fl. EMPETRUM nigrum. Locheil Moors; near King's House; Inveroran, &c. H. W. ? SALIX myrsinites. Mountains of Glencoe. Fl. Scot. procumbens. Glencoe. Br. Fl. (It would appear from the British Flora, that this species was intended in the station given for the preceding, in Flora Scotica.) herbacea. Locheil Moors and Ben Buich. H. W. sp. ORCHIS pyramidalis. In dry pastures, very rare, as near Kiloran, in the island of Colonsay. Lightfoot's Fl. Scot. (In two or three periodicals, this has been lately noticed as a species new to Scotland. Hooker has the locality "Thiloran.") HABENARIA albida. Glencoe. G. Gordon, mss. Appin. Fl. Scot. LISTERA cordata. Plentiful on the north-east side of Barrone Hill, Bute. Fl. Scot. ? EPIPACTIS ensifolia. Arran. Anderson's Guide. (Is not the following species intended ?) · grandiflora. At Loch Ransa, in Arran; Appin. Fl. Scot. NARCISSUS Pseudo-narcissus. Wood at Dunoon. Fl. Scot. SCILLA verna. Iona and Staffa, abundantly. Fl. Scot. ALLIUM Schoenoprasum. Nether Lorn. Fl. Scot. * ORNITHOGALUM umbellatum. Argyleshire. J. Hooker, sp. SPARGANIUM natans. In a pond on the north side of the Caledonian Canal, immediately north-eastward of Neptune's Staircase. H. W. sp. ZOSTERA marina. Shore at Inverary. Winch, add. Ben Buich. H. W. LUZULA spicata. Ben Cruachan. Winch, add. ERIOPHORUM vaginatum. Appin. Fl. Scot. Fl. Scot. SCHOENUS nigricans. Bute. J. Hooker, sp. Locheil Moors, at about 400 yards above Loch Eil; the highest station in which I have observed it. H. W. CAREX pauciflora. Argyleshire. J. Hooker, sp. Bogs half way up Goat Fell, in Arran, in the ascent from Brodrick Castle. Fl. Scot. arenaria. Argyleshire. J. Hooker, sp. pulla. Ben Buich, near the head of Loch Fine. Pseudo- Cyperus. Islay. Fl. Scot.' H. W. Br. Fl. rigida. Locheil Moors; Ben Buich. AMMOPHILA arundinacea. Cantire. Fl. Scot. AIRA alpina. Viviparous on Ben Cruachan. CALAMAGROSTIS Epigejos" of British Flora." woods, near Tobermory. G. Gordon, mss. MELICA nutans. H. W. sp. Mac Lean of Coll's Lord Breadalbane's woods, Armaddy, in Nether Lorn. Fl. Scot. AVENA planiculmis. Glen Sannox, on the ascent of Goat Fell from Loch Rannoch, Isle of Arran. Br. Fl. ELYMUS arenarius. Locheil. G. Gordon, mss. Isle of Bute. Eng. Fl. TRITICUM junceum. Bute; west coast of Cantire; Oransay; Icolmkill. Fl. Scot. TROLLIUS europaus. South side of Loch Tay, between Cloichern and Finglen. H. W. sp. CORYDALIS claviculata. Tops of cottages, entrance of Glen Lyon. W. Brands, sp. DRABA verna (B). On rocks near the lake upon Ben Lawers. Hooker, sp. Craig incana. Rocks near the lake and near the summit of Ben rupestris. Rocks almost at the summit of Ben Lawers. H. W. sp. *There are several heads or summits of the mass of mountains, on the north side of Loch Tay, between Ben Lawers and Killin, to which I am unable to assign their individual names, as Craig-Chailleach, Mael Greadha, Mael Duncrosk, &c.; and hence they are here called Killin Mountains." TEESDALIA nudicaulis. Auchterarder. Fl. Scot. COCHLEARIA officinalis? Ben Lawers and Killin Mountains; but SUBULARIA aquatica. Loch of Lubnaig, at the foot of Ben Ledi. W. Brands, sp. Loch Tay; Loch of Clunie. Fl. Scot. DENTARIA bulbifera. Near Dupplin. Br. Fl. VIOLA lutea. Fields by the Dochart, near Killin, and on the mountains about Loch Tay. H. W. DIANTHUS Armeria. Carse of Gowrie. W. Brands, sp. Leetown in the Carse of Gowrie. H. W. sp. LYCHNIS Viscaria. Br. Fl. Ben Lawers and adjacent mountains, in plenty. Den of Balthayock. Fl. Scot. Near Callander. J. Macnab, sp. Loch Ruisky, near Callander. Br. Fl. CHERLERIA sedoides. In some plenty on Ben Lawers and Killin in Breadalbane; Mael-grea and Malnantarmonach, between SPURGULA saginoides. Ben Lawers, and Killin Mountains. H. W. sp. Mael Chyrdy. Fl. Scot. Craig Calliach, &c. not uncommon. Bot. Misc. subulata Craig Rossie, one of the Ochils, plentiful. Fl. Scot. STELLARIA scapigera. Hills to the north of Dunkeld. Fl. Scot. cerastoides. Mountains above Killin. Fl. Scot. ARENARIA rubella. Killin Mountains, in two places, probably one of them on Craig-Chailleach; as the Dryas grew within a few yards. H. W. sp. Near the summit of Ben Lawers. Eng. Fl. Mael Greadha, very sparingly; rather plentiful on the east side of Craig Calliach; at a considerable distance below the summit of Ben Lawers, towards the south-west. Bot. Misc. verna. Mael Dun-crosk, a very small distance from Craig Calliach; where, at nearly the same elevation, A. rubella occurs, but not A. verna. Bot. Misc. CERASTIUM alpinum. Ben Lawers; Ben More; Killin Mountains. H. W. sp. latifolium. Ben Lawers, above the lake. Ben Voirlich. RADIOLA millegrana. Fl. Scot. H. W. sp. Fl. Scot. W. Brands, sp. Clunie. Br. Fl. *TILIA grandifolia. Blair in Athol. GERANIUM sylvaticum. In many places about Loch Tay, and the va |